This is a database that will hopefully over time be the most comprehensive listing of PC games years 1982 to 1992. You may notice that there are many blank spaces. If you can fill in these blanks or if you notice any mistakes please email me. I must give special credit to Oldwolf who started the original database that this is based.

To search for a specific game in the database press Ctrl F (Find in Page..)

EXTRA INFORMATION (Non Scene Archive Pages)
MobyGames - A site simular to this page but it has more detailed information on the games they list

Timewarp to ..
1982, 1983, 1984, 1985, 1986, 1987, 1988, 1989, 1990, 1991, or 1992.

Database Acronyms
CGAColor Graphic Array (320*200 4 colours)
EGAEnhanced Graphic Array (320*200 16 colours)
VGAVideo Graphic Array (320*200 256 colours)
EVGAExtendedVGA (640*480 256 colours)
SVGASuperVGA (800*600 16 colours+)
BEEPPoor quality PC speaker
ADLIBUsers FM synthesis to create sfx & music
SNDBLASTRDAC for sfx/speech, FM for music
MIDIQuality varies on the sound card
ACT.Action, arcade or action/adventure game
ADV.An adventure type game
DRV.A driving game
PUZ.A puzzle orientated game
RPGA computer role playing game
SHOOTA shoot 'em up type game
SPORTA game based on a sport
STRAT.A stratagy game (generally turn based)