M8 Profiles


Nick: Dogan

Name: Mike

Age: 24

Location: Nova Scotia CANADA

Profession: Nurse, Karate instructor.

How where you introduced into the scene:  How got into warez Well like evryone else i got into warez by BBS's , first as a msg board then i found out there was a warez section. That soon blossomed into a PCBOARD with a few nodes called RiVENDeLL. I helped to admin and run it for some time. I guess io started when i was about 16 so about 8 years ago. I got into many groups as a new inet guy, under about 3 different nicks (which i won't mention here) i was in RiSC, MOTiV8, UCU, TRPS, VERSUS, PDM, SYNTHESiS, RSS. not exactly in that order of course, andi apologise for leaving any out.

ShoutOuts To: There are a couple people who really helped me along the way, most notably MASON (PDM/MOTiV8), WINNIE_t (MOTiV8, RSS), HiGHLANDR (MOTiV8,TRPS), BEOWULF (Razor).


















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