" MiZ Crackme 2 "


This tutorial is coming from... 


ReFleXZ '99
Url: Http://ReFleXZ99.cjb.net
Email: [email protected]


About the essay...

Written by:

Date: 24th April 1999
Program name: MiZ Crackme 2
Program type: W32
Program location: Here
Program filename: N/A
Program size: n/c

Tools required:
Soft - ice 3.2x

Difficult level:
Easy (  )  Medium (   )  Hard (    )  Pro (    )


Hello !! time to learn again !! , so a long time ago , there ..... lol


About the protection...
Name / Serial protection ....


The Essay...

What are the protections ?

there are 2 protections in this crackme :

1)anti Smart check

1)how to defeat anti smart check protection ?

the anti smartcheck protection is placed at the start of the crackme
and when the crackme is ran, it check smart check with a timer !
After i see with soft-ice that the smart check protection was based
on the check of "NMSCWM50" string which is the ID of the SmartCheck
window i have looked at the Crackme with an hexeditor for this string
and i found them.but if you look at NMSCWM50 you will not found this
because it is a vb program so :
w.i.d.e. .c.h.a.r.a.c.t.e.r. .f.o.r.m.a.t
look at 4E004D00530043004D005700350030 in hex (who it is the string in hex
with the wide format.(00 between caracteres))
Cool! you find it ! overwritte all this by 0's for exemple and save.
Now the smart check protection eliminated !
we can run smartcheck on it !!

2)Find the serial !

Run smart check on the proggy , and enter a serial like 123456
and press check.now, click on exit.
you will go in the SC window , and you will see timer and after:

but there is nothing good here...
but when i have seen getvolumeinforamtionA i thought that the serial is
maybe PC dependant ! we will see that later ..

we will try to find it with Sice because there is nothing good with SC!
in vb proggy, the bpx __vbastrcomp is use often , so we will try it !
ctrl + D and type bpx __vbastrcomp. F5 to back at the proggy and type 123456
as serial.
click on check and we are in Sice cool !!!
you have to press F12 for go in the __vbastrcomp function !
you must see esp in color , it is good !
now type dd esp (to display memory at esp)
you will see : aaaaaaaa bbbbbbbb cccccccc dddddddd

try to do d aaaaaaaa , and you won't have interesting things in the
data window.
so , try d bbbbbbbb , and you will obtain for in data window: a phrase that
is not the serial , and you will see __vbar8str.
hey !! it is a break points ? lets try it !!
ctrl+D and type bc * for kill all bpx.
type __vbar8str and press F5.
enter 123456 as serial and press on check !
cool we are in softice !!!
now press WF for look at floating point stack window.
you see : ST0 empty ST4 empty
ST1 empty ST5 empty
ST2 empty ST6 empty
ST3 empty ST7 empty

start to trace with F12 for go in the __vbaR8str function !
we must see: ST0 123456 !!
cool , continue with F10 and ST0 become : 892935893 !!! <== what is this ?
lets try it !! bd * for disable all bpx and enter this number !
And the message box appears : Mail the solution to : ...
Cool crackme Cracked !!!

But wait , we see in smart check that it was maybe PC dependant with
getvolumeinforamtionA !!
Ok, i will try this number on my second computer and it doesn't work !!!
i was Ok !! the number depend of the machine !!
so this number will not work on yours , try to find it , it is a good way to see
if you understand all this !!!
Have fun and happy cracking !

I hope you understand all in this essay
iif you have a problem you can mail me at :
[email protected]

have fun and happy cracking !

ACiD BuRN [ReFleXZ'99] 



Final Notes...
Greetz To:

R!SC, ^Inferno^, AB4DS, Cyber Blade, Klefz, , Volatility, Torn@do, T4D, Jeff, [Virus], Jane , Appbusta , Duelist , tKC , BuLLeT , Lucifer48 , MiZ , DnNuke , Bjanes ...
---> 4 Being So Good Friends To Me.
Sorry if you are not here too many people to greetz !!!)

                                       ....And All Crackers !!! ....

U can Found me on IRC : At #ReFleXZ99, #Cracking4Newbies , #ECL on Efnet


This tutorial is written for EDUCATIONAL purposes only.
So if you want to use the program after its trial period ends please BUY IT!
Support shareware (and its authors), this is our learning tool!

ReFleXZ is not responsible for any damage caused with this essay or any of its parts.
So everything what you're doing and 'experimenting' is on your own responsibile!

Also, in this tutorial you'll not find any serial numbers, so try to search
elsewhere under Cracks and Warez.

Copyright © 1999-2000 By ReFleXZ '99
All Rights Reserved