Monday, the 6th August 1990. 5:00pm. Advanced Eastern Time. Corsarios By Operasoft. Yo! This is Terminator of PUBLIC ENEMY... Okay, this game, was a Boot Disk. It took me 1 night of work to get all those CGA files and Pack them together. Another night of work, to Rip all those EGA files that were in sector, to put them in files. 81 Overall in EGA. About 40 files in CGA/Hercules. But I was able to pack the CGA to 4 files. It was impossible to do with EGA. Since the programs were 163 Kbyte. My loader, is only able to handle 64k Less Files. Well, Boot Disk are Easy to do. I tought it was long, but nope. Boot disk by Operasoft, could be done, with my Loader/Saver. in a hour. But because, of the relocation of the Boot Disk, segment is 0000. And most of us, have TSR, and have our Segment, started at 1800h. So I had to relocate the program. And change all those Buffer area of the Loader and the game. And with a Special Loader that I have made, Boot Disk are easier than ever to do , after each time a block of Sector was loaded. My Own loader/saver. Was saving the file, in the Ax=0201 Int 13 Format. It saved the CX,DX registers. So that I was able to make a special loader to get them back into memory in files. Not by loading sectors! Anyway, you dont have that trouble anymore. Everything is done, the only thing missing is the Trainer. Anyway, have fun with the Software. Personnal Greets to: JB - And those other guys that I know from the States. Greets to those Groups: INC - NYC... L8r! The Terminator/[PE].