Saving Message #3969  Date: 07-12-95 (19:17) Number: 3913 of 3969 (Refer# 3912)  To: TOAST From: DR. INSANITY Subj: huh? Read: 07-15-95 (02:59) Status: RECEIVER ONLY Conf: IBM (2) Read Type: GENERAL HAS REPLIES  -> Hey there... -> -> are you putting the board down to trade?.. or... uhh.. WHAT?.. -> =) -> -> ToAsT - RAZOR 1911 (little bit -> of friendly rivalry)  I'm more or less leaving the scene .. TDU is down ... but in my free time I'm trading a bit on 2 nodes :)  -þþ- .ù Message Command ù. -þþ-__  [H]elp, (1000-3969), Message Read Command?