ÚÄÄ ßßßßßßßßßßßÛÛÜ ßßßßßÛ²Ü ²ÛßßßÛ²Ü ÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³°°°°°° ²ÛÛ² ° Û²Û Û °° ßßß ²Û ° ßßß °°°°°°³ ³°°°°° ÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÛÛß Û °°°°° Û²Û °°°°°°°°°°°°³ ³°°°°° ÜÜÜÜ ÜÛÛ ° ÜÜÜÜ ²Û ° ÜÜÜ °°°°°°³ ³°°°°°° ²ÛÛ² °°° Û²Û ° ßÛ²Û ²Û ° Û²Û °°°°°°³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄ ²ÛÛ² ÄÄÄ ßÛÛÜÜÜÜÛ²ß ²ÛÜÜÜÛ²ß ÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ pirates ²ß gone crazy proudly presents....... Bullet Proof FTP v1.09 WORKING NON-CARDED REG (c) Team PGC --------------------------------------------------------------(10/12/98)-- release date: [ ú 08-31-98 úúúú ] cracker...: [ úú TEAM PGC úúú ] supplier....: [ ú Team PGC úúúú ] packager..: [ úú TEAM PGC úúú ] protection..: [ ú registrationú ] publisher.: [ ú andrew connell] program type: [ ú ftp clientúúú ] # of files: [ úú xx/01 úúúúúú ] system type.: [ úú Win9x/NT úúú ] rating....: [ ú YOU DECIDE! ú ] ------------------------------------------------------------(crack info)-- direct crack [ ] patch [ ] key generator [ ] none: [ ] serial [ ] other: [x] [ .reg file ] ----------------------------------------------------------(requirements)-- [ requirements: [ Win9x/nt, 1mb HD space, 8mb ram. bullet proof ftp ] [ v1.09 (get it at www.bpftp.com or get the manifest rls with the ] [ carded reg ;P ] ---------------------------------------------------------(release notes)-- [bullet proof ftp is the best ftp client there is. it supports d/l ] [ resuming, reconnecting to sites when u get disconnected, etc. ] [ manifests reg was carded, i tried it and this is who it is regged ] [ to. This copy is registered to John Patterson, anvil123@netcom.ca ] [ - Single user license. ] [ this reg will die when too many users use it cuz its carded and ] [ our reg is an unlimited user license :P ] ---------------------------------------------------------(install notes)-- [ úúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúú ] [ Unzip, double click bpftp.reg to register bpftp to a NON-CARDED, ] [ UNLIMITED USER LICENSE! :) ] [ enjoy! - TEAM PGC ] [ úúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúú ] -----------------------------------------------------------(PGC members)-- [ Lithium2 ................................................ fOuNDeR ] [ Lithium2 ................................................. LEADEr ] [ raze .................................................... cOUNCiL ] [ slice ................................................... cOUNCiL ] [ tactic .................................................. cOUNCiL ] [ t00nie .................................................. cOUNCiL ] [ neophyte ................................................. Senior ] [ oriole ................................................... Senior ] [ khameleon ................................................ Senior ] [ freakshow ....................................... ftp coordinator ] [ krs-one ......................................... ftp coordinator ] [ elociN` ................................................. cRACKER ] [ buj ..................................................... cRACKER ] [ dacracker ............................................... cRACKER ] [ ere_ .................................................... cRACKER ] [ illumitie ............................................... cRACKER ] [ maximizer ............................................... cRACKER ] [ obiwan .................................................. cRACKER ] [ tricorder ............................................... cRACKER ] [ zip ..................................................... cRACKER ] [ amiR .................................................... cRACKER ] [ pist0ls ................................................ Supplier ] [ radfaraf ............................................... Supplier ] [ TC^-VQi ................................................ Supplier ] [ Magical ................................................ GRAPHiCS ] [ Aboul ................................................... cOURIER ] [ lepricon ................................................. Member ] [ menace ................................................... Member ] [ Juanda ................................................... Member ] [ votos .................................................... Member ] [ trent .................................................... Member ] ---------------------------------------------------------(PGC greetings)-- groups: [ vengeance, razor 1911, x-force, rise, class, paradigm ] people: [ prozac, acpizer, tgk, bob226, stingray, mandrake ] --------------------------------------------------------(contacting PGC)-- irc....: [ feel free to join #PGC on efnet and speak to members ] credits: [ logo, headers, and layout done by SsaVa on 4/13/98 ] [ last updated on 08/02/98 by oriole ]