| 04. kalpoon Gatineau, qc 23,150,962 33 | | 05. Dendybar [X] GîNîSIS ú UC [X] 20,830,055 29 | | 06. The Silent Assasin DONATE I WANT V.34 !! 20,193,942 24 | | 07. Captain Willy RAZOR 1911 15,116,120 19 | | 08. Si ú 12,334,174 15 | | 09. Celestial Wizard - RAZOR 1911 - 10,567,195 4 | | 10. The Terminator >>> Amiga Co-Sysop <<< 10,275,823 25 | `---------------------------------------------------------------------------' Msg. Options: A,D,R,Q,?, ( 541 ) >: Date : 11-27-94 23:24:59 Number: 571 To : toast (ALL) Recv'd: No From : The Silent Assasin Status: Public Message Subject: Drunk Fuck i love beig drunk and ut is snoeing outside and all that cool shiut.. anyomne like the snow here ? Anyone like beig drnku like me and stipid silly pissed ouut of the trree? Msg. Options: A,D,R,Q,?, ( 571 ) >: