*--* 09-12-93 - 20:16:46 *--* Date : Sun Sep 12 09:17:03 1993 Number: 165 To : janno (ALL) Recv'd: No From : BIG BOSS Status: Public Message Subject: private node remember all of you that Mirage has a 6th node. The number is still 503-590-4905. Not all can logon it, and it's for uploads only. If you have a want/need to upload leave me a message and i'll make sure and add your name to the list .... Msg. Options: A,D,R,Q,?, ( 165 ) >: Continuing New Mail Scan....No more mail! Scanning Conference: > RAZOR 1911 WHQ-PC <.......No mail today! Scanning Conference: > RAZOR PRIVATE <...Found mail! Would you like to read it now (Y/n)?