_ BLeH! _ |_| |_| | | /^^^\ | | _| |_ (| "o" |) _| |_ _| | | | _ (_---_) _ | | | |_ | | | | |' | _| |_ | `| | | | | | | / & \ | | \ BUSH / / /(. .)\ \ \ LADEN _/ \ / / / | . | \ \ \ / \ \/ / ||Y|| \ \/ / \__/ || || \__/ () () || || ooO Ooo eNDANGER HUMANITY presents ~><~~><~~><~~><~~><~~><~~><~~><~~><~~><~~><~~><~~><~~><~~><~~><~~><~~><~~><~~><~ Free Internet TV v3.5 ~><~~><~~><~~><~~><~~><~~><~~><~~><~~><~~><~~><~~><~~><~~><~~><~~><~~><~~><~~><~ http://www.holersoft.net/tv.htm ~><~~><~~><~~><~~><~~><~~><~~><~~><~~><~~><~~><~~><~~><~~><~~><~~><~~><~~><~~><~ Free Internet TV is an Internet television tuner program that allows you to view over 700 online TV stations from around the world(see channel list). There is no need for a PC TV card because the TV channels are streamed through your internet connection. Although 56K internet connection is adequate, a high speed internet connection will deliver superior audio and video quality. This software comes with free automatic TV station updates so it will never be out of date. ~><~~><~~><~~><~~><~~><~~><~~><~~><~~><~~><~~><~~><~~><~~><~~><~~><~~><~~><~~><~ 1) put key.reg into your registry (by doubleclicking on it, doh!) 2) replace InternetTV.exe by our cracked one 3) have phun couch potatoes around the world :p Special thanx to Syd & Q ~><~~><~~><~~><~~><~~><~~><~~><~~><~~><~~><~~><~~><~~><~~><~~><~~><~~><~~><~~><~ IN MEMORY OF 911 Please vote anybody but that criminal president who refused to see the threat from Saudi Arabia because his family was pocketting petrodollars from there >:( ~><~~><~~><~~><~~><~~><~~><~~><~~><~~><~~><~~><~~><~~><~~><~~><~~><~~><~~><~~><~ SHAME ON BUSH! We can't stand anymore witnessing the world being led into chaos and madness by 2 extremisms. We can't stand medieval people killing civilians in the name of an hypothetic warrior god. We can't stand immoral people waging an illegal war for personal and financial reasons. Because we all know that Bush family has big interests in oil control and war industries through the Carlyle group. Meet The Carlyle Group : http://www.hereinreality.com/carlyle.html Bush and Bin have both interests in this war they both desired... they both prosper on death and fear : Bush gets more and more federal credits for his Carlyle bank account and Bin gets more and more zealots to blow themselves up. We were among the millions of European and American antiwar demonstrators. We knew most lies of Bush administration BEFORE the start of this infamous Gulf War 2. We've been watching the downfall of the US nation since this time. 09/11 cataclysm didn't give the right to Bush & his acolytes to lie to the US citizens and the world, to violate fundamental freedoms, to cast opprobrium on the western democracy model. Democracies don't strike first and don't torture. SCENE PEOPLE AND SPECIALLY US PEOPLE YOU SHOULD REACT! DEMONSTRATE YOUR ANGER! PROVE TO THE WORLD THAT THE USA COULD BE A DEMOCRACY AGAIN WITH ACTIVE COSMO- POLITAN CITIZENS AND NOT BRAINWASHED COUCH POTATOES! JUST SAY NO TO BUSH & CO. And be aware that Osama has been at the very least localized and surrounded in tribal areas of Pakistan for a long time, so don't be fooled if Bush plays his "Osama captured!" trump card a few weeks or days before his re-election try... ~><~~><~~><~~><~~><~~><~~><~~><~~><~~><~~><~~><~~><~~><~~><~~><~~><~~><~~><~~><~ POLITICS AREN'T JUST A TV SHOW ~><~~><~~><~~><~~><~~><~~><~~><~~><~~><~~><~~><~~><~~><~~><~~><~~><~~><~~><~~><~