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Check it out http://CCA.ML.ORG We are small and on the lookout for high end currys. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- d$$b d$$b Y$$$$b .$$$$$b "Y$$$b Y$$$$$$ z$$c .d$$$$b Y$$$$$ d$$$$b $$$$$$$b .ze. .ze. $$$$$ d$$$$$$b 4$$$$$$$$b e$$$$ d$$b. e$$$$ d$$b. $$$$$ eec "Y$$$$. $$$P"$$$$$b d$$$$$ d$$$$$c d$$$$$ d$$$$$c $$$$$ .$$$$L $$$$$ d$$P Y$$$$$b Y$$$$$d$$$$$$$b Y$$$$$d$$$$$$$b $$$$$ d$$$$$$r 4$$$P .$$P Y$$$$$b $$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$ "Y$$$$$$ $$$ $$$$$$$$Y$$$$$$b $$$$$ "$$$$$ $$$$$ "$$$$$ $$$$$ "Y$$$$$ 4$$$ J$$$$$$$$$Y$$$$$$b $$$$$ $$$$$ $$$$$ $$$$$ $$$$$ $$$$$bJ$$P .$$$P" $$$$$$$b $$$$$ $$$$$ $$$$$ $$$$$ $$$$$ "$$$$$$$$ .$$$$b "$$$$$$$ $$$$$ .$$$$P $$$$$ .$$$$P $$$$$b "$$$$$$" z$$$$$$c Y$$$$P" $$$$$b.d$$$$P $$$$$b.d$$$$P $$$$$P 4$$$$$ 4$$$$$$$$b. Y$$P $$$$$$$$$$$" $$$$$$$$$$$" 4$$$P $$$$$ "" $$$$$P" $$$$$P" """ d$$$$ $$$$$b $$$$$b $$$$$. $$$$$b $$$$$b $$$$$. $$$$$$b $$$$$$b application req's 4$$$$$$ "$$$$$P "$$$$$P "$$$$P" `""' `""' `""' **** Contacting Us > HTTP://CCA.ML.ORG or ya can email us @ cca@beer.com **** Group Greets Glow, Razor, PWA, and all those other groups out there releasing quality releases. **** Personal Greets Bass, PiusXXX, WildWendy, Superchic, Mindseye, Brex, Hacir, Trinidad : . ; , i , i . ,$SssS$$$"` .,sS$li .,sS$li . ; ,$$$$$$$$$ i i$s$$$$$$li. i i$s$$$$$$lii ,S$$$$$$$$Ss,. ,$, $$$$$$$$$$s ,$$$$$$$S$lii ,$$$$$$$$$lii'^`$s$'` `"$$s,$ , sS$$$s $$FLAME$$ 4$$$$$S"` 'iI 4$$$$$S"` 'i*$ss$'`` ;$$$$ .,s$$$$$$$$s, `$$$$$$$',$$$$$" ,. `,$$$$$" ,.,s.', '` ^ ""i$$$$$ . $$$$$$$$i i$$$$$',$$$$ , ^.s$`,$$$$ ^,si$$$i',` , '``^;$$$l"$,; $$$$$$$$.. s$$$"` l$$$" ,',s$$$' i$$$" ,.` ,Si$$$$$i;; ; `$$$; $i: $$$$$$$$, $$$ i ii$$, i$$$$$ i$$., iii$$$"$i ;;`| $$$$ $$i ``"$$$$$s $$$s `^$' ' i$$"`,`$' ,` iiii$$l ; ,;;; ; $$$$ $iii ii i$$$$$ `$$$$$ ' ` i $$# ',s ' ` i iiiii$$sss ,`\ ' $$$$ $ii ..,s$$$S" $$$$i , `,`$$Si$i . `,"iiiii$$$$$$s`|$m,. i$$$$ S$i i$$$$` $$$$i ,`$$$i ,.``...`"."$s`$$$$$$$$$$ `"' $$$$' $$$$$s.`,. . ,i$$$$$,`,. . `,,ss...s.s$$$Sss,`'"$$ $ss$$$ii $$$$$$$ssssS$$$$$$$$$$$Sssss$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$s$$s,`,$$$$iiii. .,ss$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$s,. . --- - - - - Come join us in #CCA on the EFNet!!