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[ http://www.pixelie.fr ........................ ] ..::[ DESCRIPTION ]::.. [ [ FRENCH ] ] [ ] [ Euro-Moondial est un logiciel qui permet de ] [ suivre ludiquement et facilement ] [ ] [ les coupes de football suivantes : ] [ - la coupe du monde (le Mondial) ] [ - le championnat d'Europe (Euro) ] , [ - les éliminatoires du championnat d'Europe ] , ** [ - la Ligue des Champions (coupe d'Europe) [en ] *+ +* [ cours : 2006-2007] ] +* ++ [ ] +* ++ [ - les éliminatoires de l'Euro 2008 [en cours] ] +* ,*,, ,,+* ,+*, ,+* +++*++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++***,, ,*++++++++++++++++++++++++++**++*+++++++++++++++++++++++++++**, *+*, ,,+++, *, , ,++*, ,,**+, ++*, *+**, ,***+*++ ,+++++,, ,+++* ,,,,,****+*,,,++ ,*+++++++,,, ,*+**,+*+++*,,, ,*+, ,++ ,*++++* ,***+++ , ,*+, ,*+, ,+++++*,,, * ,,+, ++ ,,*++++*,, *, ,++ ,,**++**,, ,, +* ,*+, , ,*+*++,,, , , , ,,** ++ ,,++++++, ,,,***+++++++* ++, ,*+++++++++++++****, ,+*, ,, +++**,,,, ,*+, *+, ,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,++,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, **+++++++++++++++*+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++* *+*,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,*+* +* ,, ,,,*+ +, ..::[ RELEASE INFO ]::.. *+ +, , *+, +, [ AUTHOR: ................................. FleN ] ++, +, [ RLS DATE: ......................... 2006.12.25 ] ++, +, [ OS: ................................... WinALL ] ++, +, [ PROTECTION: ...................... keyfile+UPX ] ++, ,+, ++, +, *+ ..::[ CRACK TYPE ]::.. [ .. [ ] Patch .......... [ ] Serial ......... ] [ .. [ ] Registry Patch . [X] Key File ....... ] [ .. [ ] Universal Patch [ ] Registry File .. ] [ .. [ ] Cracked File ... [ ] Key Generator .. ] ..::[ INSTRUCTIONS ]::.. [ STEP 1: Read GEAR.NFO ] [ STEP 2: Install the program ] [ STEP 3: Copy key file to install bin ] [ directory ] *, [ STEP 4: Try to execute the key file ] ** +, [ STEP 5: If you cannot execute it ] ++ +, [ STEP 6: then load the key file into the ] ++ +, [ installed program ] ++ +, [ STEP 7: Enjoy the full version ;) ] *+ ++, ,++ ,++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++*+, ,++++++++++++++++++**+***+++++*+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++*, , ,+++++, ,,*++++++, ,*+++++* ,,*+**+++, ,*+++++* ,++++++**+*****++,,,,,,,, ,,********++++++++++++++++++++++*+***++*,,,,,,,, *+++++****++++++++++++++++++++* ,+++++++++++++++*++++, ,****+++++++**++++++++++*, ,**++++**+++**+++++++***++, *+++++++++*,,, ,*+++++*+*,, ,+++++++**, ,*++++*+**,, ,*++++++++, , ,+*++++++*,,,, ,*+++++++*, ,****++*+*, ,,*++++* ,*++++*++, ,,+++++** ,++++++**, ,,,,,++++++++,,, ,,,**+++++++++++++++*++*+,, ,**+++++*++,,,,,,,,,,,,,+++++++** , , +*+*+** **+*+**,, ,+*++* *+++*, ,*+++ ,++*+,, ,+++* ..::[ TEAM NEWS ]::.. *+++, ,*++ +**, ,*+* Beginning of 2006 the cracker of GEAR *++, ,++ decide to take part in the business of releasing *+,, ,++ cracks. We know and admire many old school release ++, ++ teams and respect their activities in the past and ++, , today. The philosophy to fight and learn is almost , the same like other groups and individuals. We are looking for talented cracker, coder, crack-tuner (tracker, composer), gfx'er (designer) and helper. You know the basics and be prepared to learn hard? You are welcome! If you want support or join us then dare to contact us. The GEAR Reversing Team had got new full members. We welcome FleN & fLiToX as our newest team crackers. It is a pleasure to work with you. Greets to the helper/friends Bugs.At.Afterinfo, Cogo, Cyrone, FU86, Gumbo, Redox, Slyver and other friendz. ;) [Last change: November-05-2006] ..::[ CONTACT ]::.. Visit us for new information and more releases. http://gear.astalavista.ms/ http://gear.crack.to/ http://gear.6x.to/ ..::[ GREETS / COMMENTARY ]::.. copiez le fichier "Moondial.cle" dans le meme repertoire d'i tallation de Moondial Cette rlz est dediee aux dead teams : DBC et ICI ;) ..::[ GROUP GREETINGS ]::.. ACME - ARTEAM - Bladez - CIP - C0S - DAMN Desperate - FFF - gRn - ICU - iNF - KpTeam - Master Power Newhel - Orion - Revenge Crew - SCTEAM - SECTiON-8 +*, ** g ++, SND - SSG - TFT - TNP - TRSI - TSRH - ZWT ++ +*, ++ f++, GULLI - ASTALAVISTA.MS - ZOR ,++ *+*, ,*++ c *+*,, OtheR wH0 sUpP0rT(3d) the ScEne ,+** x ++*+, **+* +*++, ,+++* 0 *+++*, ,#+++* b *+*+***, ,**+++** y ++++++++** 2o06 *+*+++++* D *+++++++++++++++++++** R e