. . : :_____. | | __/\__ | | ________ ____ /\_______ /- - | |___/\_/ __ \ _/___/__/ __ \ | | \ |/ / \¯ ¯ \ |/ \ .____..___/\ ........| __ _ /___/__| _ / __/ | || \ .. .... . : |/ : ¯ ¯ _ : \ \ | || \ | / | ._____. : | \ \_| || / ·\___/ /\| |_ /\_____/\_____\ //\___||___ / / / |_____| \/ ¯\___// / ·· \/ /______/ ©d· ____. /\_____ _______ \//\__ _____ ¯ _/ | _/ ___ \_/ \_/ \/ \ /\___.._____.\ | \ | / \ \ \ / || || |___| |/ _ _ \_/ | / || |: ¯ _ / : : : | : \ || || : : | / | | | ...... \ ___||_____|·\________/ | /| \______|_____/· ` : :: :.. | | / | | · . ·.. ..·|:'''''. | | ¯¯¯ | : | ·| ·' ·\_______/·\_____ /· : . | : ....... \/ . `.. ..'___._ ¡½·_. ___ ___ ___ _ ____ ¤ ' ' ¡ .¼½¼½) -__(-( )_ /___ ..)¼(. ` ° _ ½¾½¾½¾½¾ | ©Mt!.·¼½¼½¼½¼, (_ __ (/ _.¾¾½¾¾¼½¾¼. _:_· ,---.)\ .½¼½¼½¼½¼½½/_______\¼½¼½¼½¼½¼! ( / ) _./ (¼¾½¾½½¼¾½¾½._ _) /_ ( .____)¼¼½¼½¼½¼½¼½_/// )_) ¼¼¼(_V)¼¼ (( \ _)/____ ¼¼½¼½½¼¼½½¾½`-' / )- _\_! \\_ ¼½½½¾' ¼½\\_./ (_`¼( ¬¬\( _ \\ )_) (_//_) /¼¼' `¼½¼½½ _ (__ \_ )__-))_¼½¼' ! /¾'_). \ _ \_./_)_ _(-__/__ \._/-/- `¾\\ `¼¼'(Y_)_(__/ \___\¡__)___`-.¬'\ /_____( \_ _) ! _\ _/. !.-`¬.-'\ /¬¬ )_/__ _ (___!__) \(__| _ / )\ \¡ \( __!_____·), ( )\._/ \_//____\_\_______\__/ / /_______\_\___!_______\\ \______//_____//_______.// . tHE aBOVE HEiRLOOM AGENTS PROViDE yOU tHiS FLOPPy DiSC oF LoVE _:/\__ . -\: /.... `--. _ __/\._ _ : `: ' .-----------. :\ / : : : .--' `----' : . : | : . ____._ date : 2009-05-02 : | `--' / _¡_ title : GarageBand Private Lesson : Sting Roxanne : | | __ ( company : Apple Computer Inc. : | j / ) / protection : Cold Hard Cash.... : | \_( \\( _ type : Audio : | _ _`-\_.) /_)__ url : www.apple.com : | ( \ )~¬¯ ( ( ` ) iso : [ X ] : | / \__\\(_ )\/,---' 0day : [ ] : | \__(_/'/_ _(\_/ intel : [ x ] ppc [ x ] Universal Binary [ X ] | `---( _! # of discs : : | \ \ \ rating : [ *******--- ] 7/10 : | ©Mt| \ \_ notes : Install the mwand image/app in GarageBand : | !_____\(/ and enjoy! : | /_______\ .. : | `-------' .·· ··. Tested on Hackintosh and straight OSX : .··. ...... : : ... ..... ¼½¼½¼½¼ : .····. :''' : ©cbn :. ·..· : ¼½¼½¼½¼½¼¼½_ ··.:' : :·| : :: :.. : ¼½¼½¼½¼½¼½¼½¼ : : : . ·.. ..·|:''''. `............. ¼¼¼½¼½¼½¼½¼¼½ ..· |. .··. | ·| ·' : .' ½¼½'. .`¼½¼ . | : : . | : : .:· ·· ¼¼__.__¼½ : . |..· o `....·| : ' : : | | || . .··. ·....· ©mt : o | .| : : : |: : · o ·..·. ..· | ·.. ..· G R O U P N E W S ! ! || ·· · |··| .··. |· .··. : | : : o : : : ' |·..· Lots has happend over the past few months.... ·..·| . | | Also a note to the NUKE of Freeway. This was | . : | · quick and dirty and the serial was the first | _:___ : banned in the program. The only thing we can : / `-. : say is if the proof is real that we did the : !_____ `. : same thing. We don't believe it was stolen : j\ \ l : but, since it was a persons trial run you will : \_!! )___/_ : not see anything more from them from us..... : _\.__/_ _ : : / ,`/( : We think these GarageBand releases are kinda : (_ _)/ \ : cool. Thus we have a few to bring you .. : _ / / ·/ : Hope you enjoy this fine .·· ··. : \\/______( // : HEiRLOOM! : : ..: _( \/\_) `.....................................: :. · \\ · \/ ©mt . : :: : \. \ \_ | ·.. ..·|:''''. _) \ \ | HEiRLOOM SAYS: DON'T BELIEVE THE HYPE! | ·| ·' _/ _/ \_ | Here is the list of shitty badly done mac . | : \___( ( | releases since our last nfo! o `....· `----\________\ | .______.' || `--------' | : .| . `._____________ ____________________.' o : \/ : ¡______ : / \ : ( .---!-.! : | _____!/. ____ _ _ . j / /l _\ _ \\\\\_ _ . . ,_\_( !!_/ ///(_)__ \\() . \. \_./ ) _\ /_)____\ : / X K\__) \_/__/ . | |\ ©Mt!\__\_ )__\ : | | __ ! ` `---' . `+! )/ _'_ !// \ . · . ·/ \ · .--· --- -----------. _/____ \_ · | · | _:_ / \_____/ · . · | __ _) /_ \ \.---' | | _\`-' / )- `--------' : .___. ( _ _ (__ _____ | | \(Y_)_(__/ ©Mt .___\ |_______________| |_ __/¬¬ )_/__ _ | _ | _ | ©sK| |/ ) \._/ __`-/_ __ | \ | \ | _ | | __ \__ \/_//(_ (//|_______|_______|___/___|___|\\) ___/_(__ /_ /\ . . (____/_ /___/// · | .___: | (_____\ __ .____ | | | __ | `--' - -- -' | /___________| |_(/._______ _______________ . | _ | _ /| | | _ /| \ | _ /| . __ | / | / | | | / | | / | __ : (//|_______|_______|___|___|_______|\______|_______|\\) : . . : | | : .____ | _____ | : .___| /___. : | /___. : . | | |_______ | |_______________________ . | |_ | | _ /| | | | \ | _ | _ /| __ | |/ | | / | | | | \ | / | / | __ (//|___|___|___|_______| |___|___|____ | ____|_______|\\) . /____|___\ | . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .' `. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Date Release Name Reason We Have been too busy to check everyone's stuff as of late. We will get back on duty soon enough! Watch out for stolen stuff from OSX and others though. People are dirty out there. We do not approve of anything like this and we do not release anything we find on the WEB or P2P. If its already done in any fashion unless its done badly we will release it. If we believe in this we would of released FLATOUT2 w/o an update. This is why we are telling you the NUKE does not make sense. Our reputation so far has proven this..... ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Are you sick of being in a group that is based on computer dorks being "EVIL" or some other stupid gimick. Join a group that does things differently treats their members w/ respect and is based on learning together and having a good time. We don't do this for money we do it for the academia aspects and the sister and brother-hood of being in a *fun* group. We're secret motherfuckers but, ask around! You'll find us if you try. We're looking for *experienced*, *old-school*, crackers. If you get some enjoyment knowing your actually passing your trade down to some smart girls and guys, we could use your help. We won't put you in a cracking sweat-shop, we just want to learn. We're also looking for new-school crackers who have the ability to learn and are respectful of the past and present. **Contact US!** If you are a supplier of *ANY* type of software, *Contact us!* We could even teach you something as well if you want to learn. If you are an artist but are interested in maybe getting to know your mac better, *Contact us!* If you are a c, obj-c, ruby or ASM coder, we have a bunch of fun projects already started, but maybe you'd like to do learn how to do a hires or how to crack ? *Contact us!* If you noticed we said girls.. We are most likely the only group to be made up over half by girls. Girls you finally have a home if you want to show and proove! With out being hit on by dorks. WE ARE NOT LIKE THE OTHERS "LITTLE PEOPLE W/ BIG EGOS TRYING TO BE EVIL" FROM THE RED STAR IN WINTER ORBIT WE GIVE YOU ANOTHER HEiRLOOM! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . RESPECTS TO THE FRiENDS WHO HAVE BEEN EATEN AND THOSE WHO STiLL ARE FRESH! DEVINE STYLERS! - UP ROUGH! - oDDiTY - bAD kARMA - PWA - DCS - SHELTER AEROHOLICS - CRO - FAiTH - HELLFIRE - EDGE - bASS - GREiD - TRSI TARKUS TEAM - PURPLE TURTLE - G^STYLE - TDT - THG - SCUM - LEGEND - CORE LAXiTY - HiGH SOCiETY - LOWPROFiLE - PSYCZ - GEM - VISION FACTORY CRUCIAL - DEFUSED - CRITICAL - DETAILS - DRUM - HUSHHUSH - DISC0LJUS AND ANYONE WE FORGOT FROM PAST OR PRESENT XOXOXO! -- - -- -- --------------| |--------------------- - - : : ©cbn | '.····.··. ........: | : : : : `------------.··. : ·..· : µ¸ :..... g_ JØF A N D . P L E A S E : : 0#¸ dØ# : ]@#___ØM# D O N ' T . E A T . Y O U R : J@¶Q¯"¶WØ_ : __aw*mwa__ a@" ¶K ¬¶w_ _____ F R I E N D S ! : æ*^*w æ@" "¶*w__Ø " * q4M°"""ZW#ww_ . ¬#M¶¶Ø~ ¬¶#_ Ø_-Þ-Þ]Þ qP" ÆF sT^dS! °#__ ¢µ_ ¬°Þwµm° ¼½¼½¼½¼ Ø _Æ@m__ JØ*mm*¶" ¼½¼½¼½¼½¼¼½_ .··. ¬ÑÆ_a_ µ _mµmP "¶P^¶" ¼½¼½¼½¼½¼½¼½¼ : : ÆK"¶#WwaaaaawÆ#¶°"#, .... ¼¼¼½¼½¼½¼½¼¼½ ·..· ¶ ¶~ J# ¶P .·· ··. .··. ½¼½'. .`¼½¼ | : : : : ¼¼__.__¼½ | : : .·..····.. . · .··. : .· ·. : : : : .····. Mt sK 2o! : .....' ·..·. ..| : : cBN DMG : | |···· | : : .. | | | ·....· .·· ··. · | o |: : : | ||·. : : . o| ··......: : . | | ·.. ..· . | ··| | | | · | . | o