- -- -------------------------------> ______ <------------------------- -- - _ __________ _______ ____ ____ / /_ ____ ________ _______ _ _ _______ \ / \ / |/ |/ _ \ / |/ _/ \ / ____ _ / _____/ / |/ |___/ | / |/ / _ ______/_\____ \ / / _ / | / / / | / / __ / | | / / / / / / / / / / / / / \_________/\_________/\____/_____/\__________/\____/\__________/\__________/ - -- --------------------> We scare you today with <------------------- -- - Title: Dungeon Company: - Date: 30/10/1994 Note: Text adventure like Zork 1,2,3.... - -- ------------------------------------------------------------------ -- - Zombies Boards Sysop Number Ezcape - Zombies WHQ Boldy +31-(0)70-396-Ehhh Golden Falls - Zombies EHQ Ice Breaker +31-(0)70-350-4362 High Speed - Zombies DHQ Devil's Eye +31-(0)70-319-1545 Your Board - Zombies Dist. You NOT-A-CHANCE!!! - -- ------------------------------------------------------------------ -- - If you enjoy this game, make sure you get the other Zombies releases for ultimate quality! - -- ------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -