-=[DCW]=- Application Fill out this simple questionairre. Send the completed form to: dcw@thgp.blandest.com Handle: Area Code: Real Name: Other Aliases: E-Mail Address: Do you run a bbs? If so, what is it called? Would you like your bbs to be a distro site? How many megs of classic warez do you have? Are you willing to share it? What is the oldest ware you have? What is the best classic ware you have? How many licks does it take to get to the tootsie roll center of a tootsie roll tootsie pop? Are you a phed, or are you related to one, or someone in law enforcement? If yes, explain: What can you do? (we need people for just about everything) Are you in any groups right now? Which ones? Have you been in any groups before? Which ones? Okay, thanks for filling this app out.. Be sure to send it in asap....