[3:15] Letīs see. You are a little infant, living about 10.000 miles from europe. Why is it really, that feel you have to lecture the rest of us? [3:15] lecturin u all mighty one no one else [3:15] infant? [3:16] i forgot u are a god [3:16] do you smell that? [3:16] the love is in the air.. [3:16] What?! Sorry, I am affraid I do not understand your low level of "english"? Please use the queens language when communicating with me, and not that Aboriginal slang you have [3:16] Aboriginal? [3:17] Marboi, love is definatly in the air! ;) [3:17] hey yo fuck u, you dumb dane biiiiiitchhhh [3:17] can ya feel me? [3:17] "hey yo fuck u, you dumb dane biiiiiitchhhh" - very mature Principal. Tell you what, when you lose your virginity - come see me. [3:18] nah sorry bud [3:18] u are too much of a god [3:18] i fuckin worship u [3:18] common a big round of applause for Sun_dncr [3:18] Principal, in your age it only natural to look for rolemodels. [3:18] now now children..play nice :) [3:18] put ya hands together for the god of all gods [3:19] playin nice is shit [3:19] SUN_DNCR: can i have your autograph? [3:19] I am a god? Why because I find it easy to humiliate you? You donīt really need god-status to do that. [3:20] Principal, no, sorry. I donīt write in hand to small pathetic losers. [3:20] nup coz u are the best euro supplier out there [3:20] Principal, I am not a supplier - I am a graphician. [3:21] prinidink [3:21] :) [3:22] "enjoy the silence" - I better put on that ignore thingy again.. [3:22] sun lamer [3:22] hey sharp [3:23] !nfo [3:23] u are neither sun all u are is a biyatch [3:23] Principal, do you want to say something, or just show the world how stupid you are? [3:23] prin: u molesting somebody? [3:23] biyatch? What is that? [3:23] people in here know i aint stoopid [3:23] Principal, your own mother KNOWS you are stupid. [3:23] if they heard what came outta yo mouth the other day u would be stoopid [3:24] Stoopid? That proves it all I guess.. [3:24] why u gotta bring up the mother think? [3:24] hey u dumb fucker [3:24] "hey u dumb fucker" - are you writing an aboriginal rapsong? [3:24] sun_dncr u are like a mouse u are only good while the cat is away [3:25] Principal, trust me - I will keep haunting you forever. [3:25] u stupid dane [3:25] haunting? [3:25] oh i am so scared [3:25] i have a transvestite after me (actually i am scared) [3:25] Principal, please explain to me why you keep using the word "stupid". I mean, I am obviously better at your native language than you are.. [3:25] haunting me bout what? [3:26] sun_dncr i can spell properly if i really want too [3:26] but i cannot be bothered [3:26] so lick my ass [3:26] prin be nice [3:26] Principal, right. Forgot that. Ehmn... [3:26] . o O (zZzZzzZzzzZZzzzzz) [3:27] and tell ya g/f to act like my balls are full of oxygen and she is drowning [3:27] *ANIMADEI* * error: the word "pfft" is not in the dictionary [3:27] ok later peoples everyone take care [3:27] and sun oooooooo yea u a biiiiiiiiiiitttcccchhhhhhh! [3:27] Principal, grin. You donīt have have pubic hairs yet - but sure.. [3:27] uhhh yea ok [3:27] Principal, have a nice day. Loser. [3:28] hahaha [3:28] loser [3:28] bwuahahah [3:28] DOGGIE GUNNA WH00P YO ASS FOOL! [3:28] hahahahahahahaahah [3:28] illeterate fool. [3:28] oh yea good comeback [3:29] u little 3 dollar hoe [3:29] nice grp unity ;) <|ZiP|> haha ;) [3:29] Principal, because you earn your money on the street corner it doesnīt mean we are all cheap. [3:29] * Principal punches SUN_DNCR in the head [3:29] heh [3:29] * SUN_DNCR laughs. [3:30] Razor 1911 - the brotherhood. Grin. [3:30] sun_dncr u aint nuttin but a bitch a corny little hefer with no teeth who love to be suckin the sausage [3:30] BIIIIIIIIIITCH! [3:30] hah [3:30] I think I am having dejavu and amnesia at the same time. I might have forgotten how lame Principal is before. [3:31] yall take care [3:31] oh yea ban da hefer [3:31] Go spank your moneky. It is the only friend you have. [3:31] and SUN_DNCR can u feel me? [3:32] i got more friends than u [3:32] * The_Execu Locks Principal and Sun in a small padded room together [3:32] u group whore [3:32] No I cant. You are a nothing, thus I canīt feel you. [3:32] yea bitch go lick yo mummas crack [3:33] I thought you had already done that? [3:33] yea i have licked yo mumm [3:33] a [3:33] she got the nice twisime [3:33] comeon kids.. take it back to the schoolyard.. this is givin me a headache.. [3:33] Good. A dead woman and boy at 14. What a couple. [3:33] kill the hoe [3:33] later u fuckin homo [3:34] all yall real niggaz take care [3:34] bye bye! [3:34] peace out! [3:34] Please donīt leave yet. Wait a few minuttes, so I will have something to look forward to. [3:35] LATER HOE! [3:35] oh feet dont fail me now [3:35] *** The_Execu is now known as _Scotty_ [3:35] sun u knob suckin bitch [3:35] <_Scotty_> I'm given er all she's got Cap'n, but my Scroll back buffer just cant take anymore... She's ready to explode [3:35] catch u on the rebound [3:35] *** _Scotty_ is now known as The_Execu [3:35] Bye bye! [3:35] principa [3:35] Nice one Exe... [3:35] hiya mtd [3:36] sun when mtd talks tell the goofy cunt to shutup [3:36] i mean [3:36] mtd tell sun to shutup when he talks [3:36] When were you leaving boy? You have been going on and on and on about it for 15 mins now. [3:36] heh [3:36] coz i hate u muthafucka [3:36] FUCK U SUN BITCH [3:36] Principal, you are hurting me feelings now. [3:36] LATER DUDES TAKE CARE! [3:36] can u feel me? [3:37] Bye bye! Session Close: Sun Mar 01 03:55:58 1998