- United Couriers Application - If you would like to be a part of one of the oldest and most respected groups in the PC and CONSOLE world then fill out this application and return it to one of the numbers listed below. =============================================================================== HANDLE: __________________________ REAL NAME: _______________________ VOICE PHOME NUMBER: (XXX)-XXX-XXXX WHEN IS THE BEST TIME TO CONTACT YOU: ______ PAST/PRESENT GROUP AFFILIATIONS: _______________ TYPE/SPEED OF MODEM: ______________________ YEARS PIRATING: _____ 3 BEST BOARDS YOU ARE ON: __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ 3 PEOPLE THAT CAN VOUCH FOR YOU: __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ DO YOU RUN A BBS: ___ NAME: ________________________ NUMBER: (XXX)-XXX-XXXX NUMBER OF NODES: ___ NUP: ______________ GROUPS AFFILIATED WITH: _____________________ =============================================================================== Please rename this application [HANDLE].APP and return it either to (818) 799-2129 under the account APPLICATION: password UNITED COURIER or (704) 543-4165 and leave feedback at the matrix. You can also contact any member of UC on any of the HQ/Member boards. After returning the application you will be contacted by one of the members within 48 hours. - DeathStalker