_-_-_-_-_-_-_- [ A HUMMERS RELEASE ] -_-_-_-_-_-_- __________________________ _________________ ³²Ū ŪŪŪ³²Ū Ū ŪŪŪ³²ŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪ³²ŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪ³²ŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪ ³²ŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪ³²ŪŪŪŪŪŪŪ ³²ŪŪŪŪŪŪ³²Ū ŪŪŪ³²Ū Ū Ū ŪŪŪ³²Ū Ū Ū ŪŪŪ³²Ū ŪŪŪ ³²Ū ŪŪŪ ³²ŪŪŪŪ Ū ²Ū ŪŪŪ ²ŪŪŪŪŪŪŪ ²Ū Ū ŪŪŪ ²Ū Ū ŪŪŪ ²ŪŪŪ ²Ū ŪŪŪŪŪ ²ŪŪŪŪ ³²Ū ŪŪŪ³²ŪŪŪŪŪŪŪ³²Ū ŪŪŪ³²Ū ŪŪŪ³²Ū ŪŪŪ ³²Ū ŪŪŪ ³²ŪŪŪŪŪŪŪ Ū ŪŪŪ ŪŪŪŪŪŪŪ Ū ŪŪŪ Ū ŪŪŪ ŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪ Ū ŪŪŪ ŪŪŪŪŪ ____________________________ [ pRESeNTs ] _______________________ ~ =- | Trespasser Movie Addon | -= ~ --------- (c) Dreamworks --------- ē Ć =Ń-ƒääääääääääääääääääääääääääääääääääääääääääääääääääääääääääääääääƒ-Ć= Š ą Requirements : Win9x, Pentium 166+, 32MB RAM, 70MB HD, DirectX 6 0-=äääääääääääääääääääääääääääääääääääääääää=-0 Supplier : GLooM : Released : October 18th, 1998 Stripper : HUMMERS : Game Type : 3D Adventure Shooter Packager : HUMMERS : # of Disks : 46 x 1.44M ü Ó - -ääääääääääääääääääääääääääääääääääääääääääääääääääääääääääääääää- - Ó ü [ A d d o n N o t e s ] „ ± ~~äääääääääääääääääääääääääää~~ ± „ Well, these are the 65MB of movies that were ripped out. Recommended to the people who like to have the movies in a game. [ G a m e N o t e s ] „ ± ~~äääääääääääääääääääääääääää~~ ± „ A year after the events of "The Lost World," the Site B Island lies in ruins. InGen's dream of reviving the dinosaurs is dead. John Hammond publishes a memoir, a history of the InGen Corporation, but no one is quite sure whether to believe it. The island is half news story, half urban legend. In a freak accident, your plane crashes in the waters near Costa Rica. You awaken on a beautiful sandy beach, on a tropical island. But you are beginning to realize this island is not what it seems - the accident that brought down InGen preserved the island. It holds danger, but it also holds secrets about the past. RIPPED: - 50MB of directx 6 - 320MB of levels - 135MB of music - 65MB of movies Due to the incredible size of this game, as most people know, only the first level of this game is included. The rest of the levels will be released as a level addon. We did this because a lot of people wanted to try the game but they are on slow connections and can not download the ISO or have insufficient disk space to even download the ISP or worse, don't even have a burner at all. So, we released the first level for those who want to preview the game and the addons was left for those who want the FULL thing and don't have a burner. When we played this game, we knew the public should try this game out because it is one of a kind. It is the most realistic 3D adventure game by far. (3dfx Voodoo 2 rox the house on this!) Please don't nuke this game for a lot of people want it. It is impossible to crack it down to the 75 disk limit and we did not just crack this game for a release. But decided to release this due to the public's demand. This release has been cracked and ripped to the best possible, although we did leave the Sound FX in cuz we did not want to rape it and it was compressed using MAX MAX compression (rar is better than ace cuz you can adjust the buffer size). The level addon is over the disk limit because it could not be helped. It would be pretty lame to split the level addon into two just for it not to be nuked. If it is nuked, too bad. People might not get the full game (although most people won't anyways since it takes forever to beat the first level and some people will be bored before that, but this doesn't mean the game sucks, it's just LENGTHY). That's all we have to say for now. Enjoy this great game! =) - HUMMERS P.S. To all u guys in CLASS and PDM that were so scared of releasing this game because of the size limit, GET REAL!!! its not the 80's anymore we are in a time where games are not the same size anymore.... and the modem speed is not the same anymore... if u guys think u can set the rules for the rest of the scene well.. think again!! We will continue to release quality games and if it has to be over the limit to get the best out of the game well.. we will make sure it is released, and im sure some lame ass person on some CLASS site or any others will continue to nuke our releases where some people cant get them.. but the truth is that the public is wanting our releases and most people dont care on the size of the release... you guys just need to sit down and think about this... u cant limit the disks to x75!!!! 75% of all games released now will not be able to meet that standard!! so if u think the warez scene will survive on a 75 disk limit you are out of your mind!!! GET REAL!!! -Nosfera2 ē Ć =Ń-ƒääääääääääääääääääääääääääääääääääääääääääääääääääääääääääääääääƒ-Ć= Š ą -] I n s t a l l a t i o n I n f o r m a t i o n [- „ ± ~~äääääääääääääääääääääääääää~~ ± „ Just unrar to your installed directory (ie. C:\TRESPASS) and overwrite all files. When you run the game, you will start seeing the awesome movies for this game. „ ± ~~äääääääääääääääääääääääääää~~ ± „ [h u M M E R s g R E E t S ] „ ± ~~äääääääääääääääääääääääääää~~ ± „ Greets to: CERTiSO, XPC, MACHINE, PDN, RAZOR1911 (they rule), and DSC Curses to: All who nuke this release....... if it is nuked. Oh ya, we forgot to mention thanx to LoZeR for making our NFO and DIZ =) Sorry 'bout that. If you have any questions about this release or are missing any disks, feel free to join #HUMMERS in EFNET and ask. Don't push your luck, we don't hand out FULL games.... just up to 10% of the release size. =) And if you're going there to complain, don't even bother. Remember, we're the nicest release group around!!!