[16:14] there? yes [16:15] can you readd me to wcr? which one are you? [16:15] is it possible to see how i would have done the last 2 weeks? the guy or the girl? [16:16] there is only a guy trading and only has been a guy trading but presented yourself as 2 people which poses a problem [16:16] no i didn't the other psyber insisted "she" was the trader [16:16] my wife used my account to irc now you say you are the trader well "she" insisted she was [16:17] she's a fucking moron 2 people trading on one account is not allowed [16:17] there was not 2 people trading on the account that is your version her version differs [16:18] ahha...oh well...don't put me on the fucking thing then [16:18] it was only me trading didn't say I wouldn't...just not sure how to handle this and I'm sure DMS is confused as well [16:18] naw [16:18] dms knows it was only me and they knew it all along? [16:18] my wife couldn't trade to save her life [16:18] gahn has so DMS always knew this? [16:18] master1's known for 2 years [16:19] as has all of #warez your wife...or whomever the hell was there...repsented himself/herself as one person [16:26] up to 4 days ago [16:26] she was here chatting and the female Psyber was the DMS member what was the point? [16:26] as was i at times [16:26] uhh no I really don't understand this at all [16:27] its pretty straight forward okay...then explain it...cuz I must be slow [16:28] ok, fuck it...forget your dumbassed emag...i'm sick of explaining myself [16:28] read the logs on blacid's page okay...will do maybe it will make sense to me then...cuz it sure doesn't now [16:31] ok here's the short version [16:31] 5 years ago my wife started ircing [16:31] i came on a little after her [16:32] we used the same accounts etc because we couldn't afford 2 accounts etc [16:32] we got to know people in all the channels we shared so it just made sence [16:32] cecilia has never traded software [16:33] i have always been the trader...she always chatted to people well "cecilia" misrepresented herself, then cuz she insisted she traded now you say she didn't you don't see how that poses a problem? [16:34] perhaps she did misrepresent herself [16:34] but she's an unstable neurotic maniacal bitch hehee [16:34] you think representation is the problem for the scene? someone who desperately wants love and approval, is how I saw here her [16:35] you should see what i've lived with for 5 years [16:35] yeah...nothing was ever good enough for her [16:35] she stole money from me really? [16:36] she withholds my son from me just to be a bitch [16:36] she cheated on me weekly [16:36] for the first year of my sons life she insisted he wasn't mine [16:36] neat stuff huh? yeesh [16:37] i stuck with her to protect me son and because i thought she'd change [16:37] she did change [16:38] she only got worse and more violent violent? toward you? [16:38] yeah [16:38] i've got scars where she's bitten me [16:38] scratched me geezuz krist [16:38] tried to punch me [16:38] ahahaha...you have noooo idea on what cybr_bich was really like [16:39] the nick was more than apt I have to talk this over with muggs regarding wcr take care...ttyl [16:49] ok thanks