To: TOAST Subj: Guten Taag ;) Read: 04-04-95 (18:46) Status: RECEIVER ONLY Conf: IBM/PC WAREZ (11) Read Type: GENERAL (A) (+) HAS REPLIES Hi! I have seen you trading around a few bbs's and I'm quite impressed by the amount and quality of the warez that you trade, therefore I would like to officially invite you to join the #1 couriering grp, RiSC...if you would like to join up, we only have one requirement, and that is to tag the files you trade (add the nfo is manadatory, editing diz's is optional but recommended) ..Also, we require total loyalty as far as other grps go, we've been around a very long time and as you can see we are quite successful at what we do.. If you would like to take my invitation please email me back on here or on most other bbs's and let me know..if you don't want to join, I would very much appreciatte a brief description of why you don't want to join... Thanks a lot, Press [ENTER] ya punk! Enf RiSC Senior Staff [Unlisted on the nfo because I chose not to be listed] Also RiSC co-founder Thanks!