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Pardun (Editor) | | | | FORMAT: PDF PROTECTION: DRM EDITION: 2nd Edition | | | | URL: http://www.wiley.com/WileyCDA/WileyTitle/productCd-1118587626.html | | | | LANGUAGE: English ISBN: 978-1-118-58762-1 | : : : Now revised and updated to reflect the impact of emerging technologies, : : this new edition of Advertising and Society: Controversies and Consequences: : examines the evolution of advertising and its influence on society. : : : : Expanded with five new chapters covering the impact of emerging : : technologies, including the evolution of Direct to Consumer (DTC) : : pharmaceutical advertising; product placement in various media; and the : : growing intrusiveness of Internet marketing Explores a broad range of : : topics including alcohol, tobacco, and sex in advertising; the pros and : : cons of negative political adverts; advergrames; and the use of stereotypes: : Examines the impact of advertising through its distinctive : : ‘point/counterpoint’ format –designed to spark discussion and help students: : understand the complexities of the issues being presented Lends : : substantial clarity to the subject, uniquely balancing criticism and : : practice within one text Includes chapter-level overviews and summaries: : of the topic history and key issues, along with student-friendly features : : such as ideas for papers and questions for discussion : : : . : .: `: . :: :: : :: :. ...., .... .... ` .. .:: : :::' ' ...::::''' ``::::::...` ```::::: `: ::::. ....:::::::::.. ..:' `:'::::::::...``: `: `::::::...``:::::::::' `::'''''': .:::::::::::::::. :: ' ...```:::::::. `'''''''....::'.:. . ... ```````::::: :: . 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