** SOME OF THE STUFF BSPHERE SAID WAS LIES TO TRY TO TRICK THIS LAMAH, SO IF SOME FACTS ARE INCORRECT (LIKE WHEN HE SAID HE OWNED STH, PL, ETC..). DONT TAKE LITERALLY ** <`911> i fucked oasis.intelliworks.net though <`911> which i thought was ls ahhhh <`911> me and eless hacked it, then cracked out more shells, and leeched everything off of it. and how did you do that <`911> with secret talent :] recently <`911> yeah <`911> a couple days ago <`911> 3 maybe heheheh :") im talking with him as another 'ls wannabe hacker' hehe its him an elessdee ¯ [msg(`911)] are you here ? [`911(~911@bst1.gwcom.com)] yes [`911(~911@bst1.gwcom.com)] i am here [`911(~911@bst1.gwcom.com)] and who are you? ¯ [msg(`911)] i heard you tried to hack to ls ¯ [msg(`911)] im another one who tried [`911(~911@bst1.gwcom.com)] no ¯ [msg(`911)] did u hack it ? ¯ [msg(`911)] im another one who tried [`911(~911@bst1.gwcom.com)] no ¯ [msg(`911)] did u hack it ? [`911(~911@bst1.gwcom.com)] i did in a way [`911(~911@bst1.gwcom.com)] yeah ¯ [msg(`911)] hmm....i need their daemon [`911(~911@bst1.gwcom.com)] well LS was on oasis.intelliworks.net for a while, i thought it still was, so i hacked it. [`911(~911@bst1.gwcom.com)] then i found not LS, but some other site on there, so i cracked more shells, and fuckin am rooting it, and leeched the contents. [`911(~911@bst1.gwcom.com)] through telnet [`911(~911@bst1.gwcom.com)] heh [`911(~911@bst1.gwcom.com)] you are such a lyar ‘‘‘ BitchX: Starting conversation with `911 ¯ [msg(`911)] and you are such an idiot [`911(~911@bst1.gwcom.com)] you tried hacking a site, you are prolly a site-op on ¯ [msg(`911)] there's a reason we are using bouncers [`911(~911@bst1.gwcom.com)] how so? [`911(~911@bst1.gwcom.com)] bounces [`911(~911@bst1.gwcom.com)] not bouncers ¯ [msg(`911)] bouncers are you logging this ? yup * Logging bsphere to 'bsphere.log' [`911(~911@bst1.gwcom.com)] diff. ips that you route through = bounces ¯ [msg(`911)] no, we use bouncers [`911(~911@bst1.gwcom.com)] wtf is a bouncer [`911(~911@bst1.gwcom.com)] heh ¯ [msg(`911)] anyway, why the fuck do you wanna hack into LS ? [`911(~911@bst1.gwcom.com)] i don't [`911(~911@bst1.gwcom.com)] my friend actually started it, i just cracked out more accounts, and leeched the shit, and am trying to root intelliworks.net ¯ [msg(`911)] and how did u fuck it exacly ? [`911(~911@bst1.gwcom.com)] how did i fuck it? [`911(~911@bst1.gwcom.com)] i don't fuck sites. [`911(~911@bst1.gwcom.com)] it is down anyway, and i got what i want, there is no point. ¯ [msg(`911)] how did u make it go down ? [`911(~911@bst1.gwcom.com)] i didn't [`911(~911@bst1.gwcom.com)] oasis took it down [`911(~911@bst1.gwcom.com)] he owns the fuckin site [`911(~911@bst1.gwcom.com)] oasis.intelliworks.net ¯ [msg(`911)] tell me something [`911(~911@bst1.gwcom.com)] he prolly saw some wacko shit going on in the logs [`911(~911@bst1.gwcom.com)] ? ¯ [msg(`911)] why did u try to hack it when you thought it was LS ? [`911(~911@bst1.gwcom.com)] i didn't try to hack into LS, i don't care about a shitty site that is #46 on cws [`911(~911@bst1.gwcom.com)] I hacked DemonStar and b2b, that was more worth it. ¯ [msg(`911)] are you in any groups ? THIS IS GOING TO BACID'S APGE :") [`911(~911@bst1.gwcom.com)] i used to be [`911(~911@bst1.gwcom.com)] I was in Arise, Force, AF, Synapse, Cliq, cci, straylight ¯ [msg(`911)] and do you think its funny to hack into sites ? [`911(~911@bst1.gwcom.com)] no ¯ [msg(`911)] so why do you do it ? [`911(~911@bst1.gwcom.com)] i like to prove to people that they need to up their security [`911(~911@bst1.gwcom.com)] i get no shells or anything out of it, its not like i am being greedy [`911(~911@bst1.gwcom.com)] except i got win98 and some other progs i wanted. ¯ [msg(`911)] so you'll try to hack more sites ? [`911(~911@bst1.gwcom.com)] well [`911(~911@bst1.gwcom.com)] why not? [`911(~911@bst1.gwcom.com)] i can get mad leech accounts, and pump friends' sites with 0-day rels ¯ [msg(`911)] if i ever see you trying to hack to any of my sites you're dead N> BAN [#lostshrine]: (*!*911@*.gwcom.com) placed by bsphere. [`911(~911@bst1.gwcom.com)] heh [`911(~911@bst1.gwcom.com)] ok [`911(~911@bst1.gwcom.com)] which are your sites? ‘‘‘ [mode/#lostshrine(-+b *!*911@*.gwcom.com)] by bsphere ‘‘‘ `911 was kicked off #LostShrine by LSLord (banned) ‘‘‘ `911 #lostshrine They aren't on that channel `911 was the 56 th person to get kicked from #LostShrine ¯ [msg(`911)] ls, hades, firesite, sth, pl, uc HAHAHAHAHA...LET'S SEE HIM HACKING PL [`911(~911@bst1.gwcom.com)] only heard of ls [`911(~911@bst1.gwcom.com)] ls isn't yours, LS is site-oped by like 897 people ¯ [msg(`911)] and if you only heard of ls from this list, you are lamer than i thought [`911(~911@bst1.gwcom.com)] o [`911(~911@bst1.gwcom.com)] heh [`911(~911@bst1.gwcom.com)] well your site used to kick ass. [`911(~911@bst1.gwcom.com)] i used to upload from it for evil ¯ [msg(`911)] that's your prob, now fuck off