@database "=Laserdance= - AN ELITE DREAM COMES TRUE!" @Node MAIN "=Laserdance=" /\ //\\ // \\ __________________// \\_________________________________________________ \ _______ ________/ \________ ______________________________________ / \\ \\ // // \\ \\ // NOT JUST ANOTHER BBS AROUND // \\ \\ @{"LASER" link "guild"} // // \\ \\ '@{" " link "guild"} // PLEASE SELECT MENUS TO GET A // // // @{" DANCE " link "guild"} \\ \\ // // \\ GOOD OVERVIEW OF THE SYSTEM \\ // // \\ \\ //______//_______ _______\\_____________________________________\\ /________ _______\ /_______ _______________________________________\ || \\ // || || \\ // || @{" Why should I call this BBS? " link "menu"} ||_____/\ \\// /\_____|| @{" What about The Dudes There? " link "menu2"} |______/\\ \/ //\______| @{" What about The Software ? " link "menu3"} \\ // @{" What about The Equipment ? " link "menu4"} \\ // @{" What about The Numbers ? " link "menu5"} \\// \/ @endnode @node "guild" "Laserdance - (c) Magnetic Scrolls '88" @toc "guild" =LASERDANCE= (C)opyrighted by MagneticScrolls Adventure/Rainbird 1988 A Beautiful Adventure of ver high quality parser and Grafix. This BBS abover has got nothing to do with the Game the same name. .Certainly. Signing off .. JorDan/Arclite [DISCLAIMER] @{" BACK TO MAIN MENU? " link "MAIN"} @endnode @node "menu" "Laserdance - A Dream come true ! Why ?" @toc "menu" =Laserdance= We KNOW - You're Sad of Bad ratios & Fakes We KNOW - You're fed up with Bad Ansis & Doors & Stylings We KNOW - You're sick of BBS which are often Offline coz of Gurus We KNOW - You're pissed of by Arrogant "Elites" kicking everone's ass! We Got UNarrogant 5th Dynasty / Afl / Arclite / Concept / Delight Staff which certainly WILL help you anyway they can!!! -See for Yourself- There is just one tiny little drawback for you: Question: "How do I get the @{"number" link "menu5"}?" @{" BACK TO MAIN MENU? " link "MAIN"} @endnode @node "menu2" "Laserdance - The Users" @toc "menu" =Laserdance= As already Told: UNarrogant Arclite/Logic/Faith/AlphaFlight Staff .:The Lurks ThemSelves:. REAL foreigners (not calling very often :( ) REAL Elite Dudes supporting the BBS Superb Ansi/AScii ArtiSts producing for YOU! Sysops are EXPERIENCED with /X Installation / Amiga Models / Msdos Models / Snes Units Ascii & Ansi Drawing / HP Performing I'm Honest : We haven't got Only Elites - But we got a LOT!REALLY @{" BACK TO MAIN MENU? " link "MAIN"} @endnode @node "menu3" "Laserdance - The Software supported" @toc "menu3" ...:WE HAVE GOT *NOTHING* VERY SPECIAL:... /\MIG/\ MS DOSE SUPERNINTENDO ASCII/ANSIS AMIEXPRESS HELP HP PORNS & STAGS @{" BACK TO MAIN MENU? " link "MAIN"} @endnode @node "menu4" "Laserdance - The Hardware Equipment" @toc "menu4" It's only a quite simple System /\2ooo D Model 2 x Usr Hst Dual Standard 14.4 Modem 1 x Zyxel 192oo Bps 5 Megs of FastRam / 1 Meg of Chpram 525 Megs Of Harddisk space Soon(!) there will 2 Supporting ISDN Nodes- About Xmas! @{" BACK TO MAIN MENU? " link "MAIN"} @endnode @node "menu5" "Laserdance - The Numbers" @toc "menu5" Maximum Security rules There were a lot of Busts around the last time! (btw:My harddisks are 1ooPercent Protected Anyway!) If you are interested in Joining our (304 Users) System Ask People around in Nrw/Germany / or ... Jordan -(Blackline/TotalKaos/Mcs!/LosEndos/Riverside/BloodyDecision) Blue - (LastResort/Riverside/Trials of God/etc) Ceterus/Lgc - (Trials of God/ALL ELITE BBS) Dr.Dream/Fth- (All ELite & Isdn Boards) +-------------------+ | +49-(o)21o4/eLITE | +-------------------+ @{" BACK TO MAIN MENU? " link "MAIN"} @endnode