[18:16] *** Joins: jessworky (jess@godcomplex.*.net) [18:16] *** Joins: msaint (~mrsaint@quake2.xForce.NET) [18:17] <[sitez]> and XF too [18:17] <[sitez]> they ul at same time [18:17] <[sitez]> that aint fair [18:17] <[SNap]> I WANNA GIVE OTHERS A CHANGE TOO! [18:17] that never happened before that i remember.. [18:17] <[sitez]> and while we at it [18:17] <[sitez]> lets ban [18:17] what ? [18:18] we always pre to all xf sites all at same time :) [18:18] lets ban people who have awesome oc3 shells in sweden [18:18] its not fair to us traders [18:18] <[sitez]> ya [18:18] <[sitez]> msaint [18:18] <[sitez]> that aint fair :) [18:18] <[sitez]> it aint fair to do that [18:18] <[sitez]> hehe [18:18] <[sitez]> im makin a pont > saint that's not true > bizzy pres to some other sites that arent xf > :) [18:18] jessworky: u wanna bet ?He has permission to pre to vdr thats all :) [18:18] if I dont say go MP aswell :) > vdr isnt xf site [18:19] <[SNap]> MP isn't xf site [18:19] yeah I know.. :) thats why I said He has permission to pre to vdr thats all :) [18:19] if I dont say go MP aswell :) [18:19] if I dont say go MP he wont go MP :) > he also pred to fh on many occasions when it was online [18:19] <[SNap]> yeah [18:19] <[SNap]> so .. [18:20] <[SNap]> yep [18:20] <[SNap]> he pre's to all the sites he's on [18:20] <[SNap]> that's the fact.. [18:20] <[SNap]> or at least all the sites he thinks it's worth to move to... :) [18:20] no he isnt.. if u say he is give me PROVES that he isnt using proxy.. as everyone else.. [18:20] <[SNap]> hehe > saint, xf lost sth because he didnt pre there [18:20] <[SNap]> msaint.. [18:20] <[SNap]> he was ready on VDR [18:21] <[SNap]> when you were on 1 megz with same disk on E [18:21] <[SNap]> 5 megz disk [18:21] <[SNap]> fxp ? [18:21] jessworky: we didnt loose sth.. sth gave up.. we always kept sth when it was down and all they just quit.. no our problem.. [18:21] didnt see it as any lost either.. > nope not ur prob > but now it's alot better of a site in my opinion because of the prm affil [18:22] *** rebysP is now known as Psyber [18:22] yeah but PRM sucks and gives out free webwarez.. and if its quality a siteop wants instead of a lot of crap releases they would stay xf.. :) > uh huh [18:22] as our sites are too :) staying.. > ur opinion :) > im not even in prm and i like them [18:22] many siteops opinion [18:23] yeah two reasons [18:23] prm has many quality releases [18:23] vgn gets it pre [18:23] and sth gets it first [18:23] yeah but most of the crap prm releases is either free from webs or carded for about 50bucks. we do quality expencive HARD to get CRACKs :) > Grade, prm pres only to prm sites > msaint, what's wrong with webwarez? many releases that you guys release can be found on web sites > like symantec.com ? [18:23] dont care if they pre to sth first.. :) they probably do what they did before did it to all shit [18:23] Grade: prm pre's to all their sites at the same time > mrsaint: and alot of these "crap" releases you are talking bout, alot of people use [18:24] its to easy to crack thats all would take us a few seconds to start same thing.. just push out warez. but its no use as its crap :) > crap is in the eyes of the beholder [18:24] yeah but I bet alot of ppl using LIGHTWAVE and SOFTIMAGE and MAX and alot of others we did > as enigmas rule list so rightfully puts it > btw i remember prm racing xf on some release and losing > and even though xf lost it still put out the release [18:25] yeah well we probably gave up as its shit.. > i guess xf is releasing lots of "crap" too [18:25] ooooooooooh yeah [18:25] when we have requests for fan-club :) > sure > and wither it's crap or not, it takes alot of work to put out as many releases as they have [18:26] but its still crap :) [18:26] well its not hard to crack easy things and ask someone to pack it :) > it's not easy to put out 200 releases in a month [18:26] yes it is.. > i've never seen xf do it [18:27] no coz we do cracks that takes days to crack not things that takes hours.. [18:27] what I know of its more then 200 hours in 30 days.. :) > msaint, if i were to go do a site dupe on xf im sure i would see lots of releases that no one would dl > ur calling expensive releases quality while the ones that are 20 or 30 dollars as "crap > that's wrong [18:27] <[SNap]> CRT RULEZ [18:27] could be but lots of what prm is releasing is crap.. :) [18:28] <[SNap]> and that's done by CORE :) [18:28] xf puts out quality prm puts out quantity [18:28] the majority of prm rels are crap > msaint, u need to get off ur delusional crack rock [18:28] ya right [18:28] they do get some decent stuff from time to time [18:28] yeah but we try to keep us to quality and not quantity of crap [18:28] :) [18:28] xf does crap rels [18:28] saintas, mabye XF puts out a lot of quality but i know myself ive never downloaded a XF rel..do i go bustin yo ass nig? > Grade, i do remember lots of people saying the same thing bout class, how they put out quantity before quality [18:28] because i know SOMEWHERE someone is using it > but class has put out many good game releases and is deemed by many to be #1 games group [18:29] same with prm rels, u may not use it but plenty of others are [18:29] in games you release what you can get [18:29] slider;: u treathing me ? [18:29] in utils you go after what you want > Grade, ur opinion means jack, u think whatever group ur in at the time is the best > u thought prm was best at one time, then siege, now rise > so really ur as biased as they come [18:29] i never thought prm was the best [18:29] lol > liar [18:30] siege yes [18:30] rise no [18:30] msaint, i aint doin shit..im just tellin you just because u think prm releases crap doesnt mean anyone else does [18:30] prm is the best currently [18:30] grade owns [18:30] heh [18:30] i knew something was wrong when prm was putting out Secrets.to.a.Happy.Car [18:30] slider: i bet there is alot that thinks most of prm is shit :) trust me > here comes mrsaint's backup [18:30] Grade: AGREE! [18:30] like i said, i've never downloaded a XF rel, but i know fucking people do use it..so i dont publicly bitch saying "XF RELEASES CRAP NO ONE USES" [18:31] jess: im not the backup of anyone [18:31] slider: well maybe ure not into gfx :) as most of our fan-club is :) [18:31] haha [18:31] fanclub? hahah > fanclub :) [18:33] not that only prm stinks there is more groups :) [18:33] Cc: Wanna3d@aol.com [18:33] togh: leaders@xforce.net [18:33] Subject: You guys kick ass [18:33] Hey thanks to xforce (siege sucks big time). By the way are guys releasing a [18:33] non crashable 3dsmax2, i recieved siege's version and it suck badly [18:33] there :) [18:34] fan-club [18:34] msant, wow a aolamer likes your rels..XF owns now! [18:34] mad respect niggy [18:34] slider: gets about 200 mails a day :) [18:34] let's talk about all the nonworking xf releases [18:34] dragon dictate? [18:34] duh > hehe :) [18:34] are you sure those 200 arent for ChinaBlue? [18:34] they dont admit mistakes they just release updates > Grade, ya or re-release the whole thing over again > and callt he last one fake, or mistake :) [18:35] jess: tell me any mistake or fake [18:35] Dragon Dictate > bull go look on sr nukelist, oops it's down [18:36] and??, anyone else? [18:36] you forgot a file in the release and it wouldn't work > or ask wintrhwk if you want im sure she'll remember bizzy moving a pre and nuking it [18:36] 970629 Dragon.Dictate.Naturally.Speaking.v1.0-XFORCE 47664KB [18:36] 970706 DRAGON.DICTATE.NATURALLY.SPEAKING.UPDATE-XFORCE 17KB [18:36] boom [18:36] grade: anything else?? [18:36] we might call it update when its fix :) [18:36] hold lemm dupe check xf [18:36] better call it that then fix :) > saint why? > so you can say 'the company fucked up not us' [18:37] jessworky: coz its an update to better then last :) > bottom line is, u groups are afraid of competition and prm is kicking ur asses and u say they suck because they're not releasing stuff as your "standard" [18:37] 970727 DIGITAL_FUSION_V1.16-XFORCE 3838KB [18:37] doesn't work right [18:38] <[dee]> flash2 is elite [18:38] donno.. all we release is always tested.. [18:38] jess: then u standard is really slow > now ur standards are thousand dollar programs [18:38] and useful > ill bet you more people downloaded win98 beta, then ur 150 meg universal translator [18:39] well win98 beta aint fun releasing either :) [18:39] but Ive gotta run now anyhow cant take shit .. > it's fun to use [18:39] *** Parts: msaint (~mrsaint@quake2.xForce.NET) > wimp [18:39] jess: u can get win98 betas from free, at least here [18:39] <[dee]> im running win98 1708 > bull the point is, you call it crap but people want it [18:40] uhh i'd say 80% of prm rels are never even unzipped [18:40] there is actually a market for the rels from the better groups > im sure my account on xf sites will be gone within 24 hours btw :) > good thing i dont trade no more [18:42] <[dee]> haha [18:42] hehe [18:42] GO JESS! [18:42] <[sitez]> what did u doo jess > voiced my opinion [18:42] <[sitez]> oh yeh [18:42] <[sitez]> that can get u banned on xf sites =) > sitez, like i care > the only xf site i care about is dl, which im siteop on [18:43] <[sitez]> ya [18:45] PRM kills X-Force , and most of PRM releases are Quality too , Call us the Only Quality and Quantity Group [18:45] <[sitez]> prm ownz :) Session End: Fri Mar 13 18:46:32 1998