[21:54] *** imo (imo2ooo@xxxxxxxxxxx) has joined #origin [21:54] *** _ScullY_ sets mode: +v imo [21:54] mooooooo [21:55] * imo drunks [21:55] yeah, I found it.. 9-30-98 by CALiso [21:55] sup boy [21:55] s [22:00] <][cE> bye tango [22:00] <][cE> you wanna rag on me [22:00] <][cE> dont sit in my fucking channel [22:01] *** r0sc0 sets mode: -o+b tango_man *!*tango@*.ac.uk [22:01] *** tango_man was kicked by r0sc0 (later fuck face) [22:01] *** r0sc0 sets mode: -b *!*tango@*.ac.uk [22:01] it takes TWO to tango [22:01] heheh [22:01] *** r0sc0 sets mode: -o marbitoz [22:01] * r0sc0 licks marbitoz [22:02] lol. [22:02] * r0sc0 points at marbitoz' leg [22:02] * r0sc0 starts humping it [22:02] hi marbz & r0cc0 [22:03] sup e-moe [22:03] wtf you doing [22:03] jackarse [22:03] you want some [22:03] come get some)#* [22:18] yessiur [22:18] r0sc0 [22:18] for like 3 minutes [22:19] you got good mp3 arc? [22:19] arc? [22:19] i need Tennesee Stud by nitty GHritty dirt band [22:19] not really [22:19] heh [22:19] not a chance hick boy ;) [22:19] d [22:19] oh [22:19] Tennessee Stud by Johnny Cash [22:19] is much better [22:19] its on the Jack Brown soundtrack [22:20] yeah [22:20] but i need the nity version [22:20] want me to sing it? [22:20] it has the better guitar parts [22:20] i got a wav of johhny ash ver [22:20] back about 18 and 25 [22:20] i left tennesee very much alive [22:21] ok sorry..i'm a horrid singer [22:21] my uncle just tought me that song [22:21] its ok marbz [22:21] i cant even sing it [22:21] MY LEG [22:21] yet [22:21] your just a young buck [22:21] I CANT FEEL MY LEG [22:21] I ONLY HAVE 1 LEG !½!!!!!!!!!!!! [22:21] <[semaj]> sup marbz ? [22:21] JESUS CHRIST [22:21] im owhy [22:21] I AM HANDICAPED [22:21] hey semaj [22:21] imo why [22:21] "/&%"#/&&&&&&& [22:21] imo..shut the fuckup [22:22] *** elec2 has quit IRC (Leaving) [22:22] im o is a wierd [22:22] samhian i cant feel my other leg [22:22] a wierd swede a contradiction of terms [22:22] moo [22:22] im a fuckling irc-nerd [22:22] haha [22:22] you are OK [22:22] dont suicide [22:22] its christmas be happy [22:22] i'm drunk as a pig, it's 4.30 am, i just got homr and im irc.ing [22:22] :) [22:23] dont worry [22:23] be happy [22:23] merry christmass to all ppl who clebrate it [22:23] Kwonza and Chanuakh too [22:23] ¨moo [22:23] cowz celebrate christmas donät they [22:24] Kwonza is for Kowz [22:24] im shakin [22:24] * MrPuMPkiN is back!! [22:24] g [22:24] ompooo [22:25] my cat's saying weird stuff [22:25] he's like "why the fuck are you irc:ing" [22:25] and i'm like "im a fucking junkie" [22:25] <[semaj]> hehe [22:26] *** _ScullY_ sets mode: +v D-X-MAN [22:26] hehe NT4? [22:26] who needs is [22:26] t [22:26] r0sc0 needs it [22:26] Jesus [22:26] iso ver [22:26] my cat's taling to me [22:26] ! [22:26] !!!! [22:26] hehe...i have it somewhere [22:26] he's yelling at me [22:26] DXMAN!?$? [22:26] SHUT THE HELL UP KNEEGR0WCAT [22:26] I need it BAD@! [22:26] r0cc0 [22:27] r0sc0 i ave the cd right here [22:27] imo: are you drunk or are you tripping? [22:27] ]4.0 server [22:27] loner drunk [22:27] w/ cdkey of coz [22:27] as a cow [22:27] but im on a 2.6 4 modem [22:27] i always tend to irc when im drunk [22:27] imo: did you go out in the cow pasture and eat some of them there little mushrooms again [22:27] i feel childish [22:27] yeah [22:27] i hate it when i dot that [22:27] do [22:27] my leg hurts too [22:28] my leg is on fire [22:28] somenoe ATE MY LEG you want some camel milk to ease of that leg? [22:28] samhain ate my leg [22:28] i need cow seed [22:28] im shaking [22:29] i told people some weird shit tonight [22:29] sam, get on a t3 and ISO it up! [22:30] imdrinkingwater [22:30] moooo [22:32] *** r0sc0 changes topic to 'Enemy Infestation v1.195 [x/1] Welcome Just to Origin! ;) NT 4 ISO needed.' [22:33] my leg hurts [22:34] hha [22:34] i DID nort [22:34] imo you LIE [22:34] moooo [22:34] no i dont [22:34] my aunt is laughing at you [22:34] i have 1 leg [22:35] she is ? [22:35] she says youre drunk [22:35] im umbarrased [22:35] tell her Jesus loves her [22:35] Jesus loves #origin [22:35] !kick imo Jesus loves you too. [22:35] <_ScullY_> Do i smell a lamer? [22:35] *** imo was kicked by _ScullY_ (Jesus loves you too. ) [22:35] *** imo (imo2ooo@xxxxxxxxxx) has joined #origin [22:35] *** _ScullY_ sets mode: +v imo [22:35] :( [22:35] heheh [22:35] moo [22:35] sorry, couldn't resist [22:36] ok [22:36] that's ok [22:36] :) [22:36] * Kruzin is away, bbl [log:ON] [page:ON] [email:kruzin@risc98.org] [22:36] i'm A FUCKING cripple and you kick me [22:36] i have 1 leg [22:36] the other one's gone [22:36] <][cE> dogan [22:36] someone took it tonight [22:36] !kick imo yep, watch me kick you again u cripple u [22:36] <_ScullY_> Do i smell a lamer? [22:36] *** imo was kicked by _ScullY_ (yep, watch me kick you again u cripple u ) [22:36] *** imo (imo2ooo@xxxxxxxxxx) has joined #origin [22:36] *** _ScullY_ sets mode: +v imo [22:36] moo [22:36] i have autojoin [22:36] s'alright [22:37] my mIRC's elite configged [22:37] ur 31337 eh? [22:37] yep [22:37] i am [22:37] imo [22:37] samz [22:37] never ever say mIRC and elite in the same sentence aain [22:37] sunn of sam [22:37] ok [22:37] sorry [22:37] i'm on my win98 partition [22:37] are you linux? [22:37] i HAVE a linux partition w/ bX [22:38] <][cE> mirc is ELITE! [22:38] YES [22:38] and ircii [22:38] %&"%&"¨' [22:38] moo [22:38] ][ce sux [22:38] i feel sick [22:38] mirc sux [22:38] dan would you liek to eat a tier penis? [22:38] i do not feel well [22:38] <][cE> no [22:38] i hve some tried tiger penis for you [22:38] samhain i want penis [22:38] its been on the counter for some time [22:38] chewy [22:38] im shaiking [22:38] just like you like it [22:38] samhain God loves your aunt [22:39] moo [22:39] my mom's an ircop [22:39] sad [22:39] she trades warez [22:39] if my mom was n ircop i would own liek 999 channels reight now [22:39] you own [22:39] i own like 999 right now [22:39] nuthing [22:39] i do %&¤"# [22:40] everything looks weird [22:40] my walls won't sit stillö [22:40] you are on acid [22:40] or something [22:40] SROP SPINNING MOTHERFUCKERS [22:40] im shakig moo? [22:40] im fucking shaking [22:40] MOOOOOO [22:40] *** Tragik- has quit IRC (EOF From client) [22:41] my stomach's crazy [22:41] Jesus, you people should see me now [22:41] i should get a webcam [22:41] i should aso get some sleep [22:42] i have to drink a lot of water first [22:42] moo [22:42] im o is sick [22:42] fuck, my cat's dissing me haha [22:42] he says im gay i am gonna log this = ) [22:43] and im like sHUT tHE fuKF u PBEfOU i BLAST YO AsS [22:43] *** SiNs (sins@xxxxxxxxx) has joined #origin [22:43] imo [22:43] sins's a cow [22:43] call me on the telephone [22:44] sasmhainzz [22:44] ya [22:44] ok [22:44] :P [22:44] gimme your # imo: mind if i log this? [22:44] moo [22:44] no [22:44] log [22:44] logZ [22:44] moooooooooo! [22:44] logZ [22:44] logZ [22:44] MOOOOOOOOOO [22:44] haha [22:44] imo i'll take that as a yes [22:44] i kinda lafing at u [22:44] meeww [22:44] you should [22:44] yep [22:44] tat's ok, laugh at me [22:44] a man who has +v in a gorups channel thinks he all that [22:44] d00d [22:45] get real sins you are jealous [22:45] what [22:45] haha! [22:45] sins sucks! [22:45] hjahaha [22:45] i can care less :P [22:45] he gets kickbanned and cannot do SHIT [22:45] ya ya [22:45] i ain't jelous [22:45] grin grin [22:45] haha [22:45] im shaking [22:45] that +v looks so good [22:45] i SURE DOES EH [22:45] ? [22:45] ya [22:46] im0 owns sins [22:46] thats FOR SH0RE [22:46] my dick look good too? :D [22:46] hehe [22:46] haha [22:46] HAHA! [22:46] kokildo [22:46] happy chanukah [22:46] sammmmm haiiiinnn :D [22:46] nobodys gonna give me some kwanza? [22:46] i gave kwonza a few minutes ago [22:46] imo received it [22:46] oh [22:47] :P [22:47] he got a pile of clay and some oil [22:47] moo [22:47] hes going to make me a potery [22:47] haha [22:47] Hello! [22:47] rub my ass in oil [22:47] *** _ScullY_ sets mode: +v YAMANTAKA [22:47] anyone here's from origin? [22:47] i got a question to ask [22:47] <][cE> yes [22:47] anyone here from india? [22:47] <][cE> whats the question msg me it [22:47] Sebari: How may I help you sir. [22:47] *** |ns0mniac has quit IRC (Ping timeout) [22:47] i need to knwo sometin about indea [22:47] india [22:47] i got Cybermercs trainer [22:47] Sins I need to help this sir. [22:47] maid by origin [22:48] Sebari: No you didnt. [22:48] i can prove this. [22:48] <][cE> and? [22:48] well... [22:48] it says there [22:48] IT NO WORK! [22:48] haha [22:48] ok, anyway, [22:48] see ya l8r guys [22:48] Your ecto-containment system simply cannot handle it [22:48] HAHA!@ [22:48] HAHAHAHAHAH [22:48] I AM NOT YOUR MOTHER [22:48] wehn i try to use it, it doesn't work [22:48] no speak english? [22:48] <][cE> it does [22:49] <][cE> cause i tested it [22:49] <][cE> so your arguing with me now [22:49] <][cE> and i tested it fully [22:49] <][cE> and i tested it fully [22:49] maybe i'm misusing it? [22:49] ][ce do you want me to call you [22:49] guys, i doesn't work! [22:50] I run trainer, then go inside the game.. [22:51] *** _ScullY_ sets mode: +v marbitoz [22:51] OM#RI#%Y)=#/"Y [22:51] MOOMOOOOOOOOO [22:51] MOOOOM OOO OO O O OO OO b [22:51] OOOOO moo? [22:52] FUkcINERSSSSSSSSSSZZZZZZ [22:52] meeww [22:52] what's worng with you? [22:52] i am gay [22:52] umm... uhhh... ok.. [22:55] moo [22:56] your gay? [22:56] sweet! :) [22:56] i have no voice [22:56] and i have no legs [22:56] *** MrPuMPkiN has quit IRC (brb) [22:59] *** imo has quit IRC (den som läser detta är dum)