[14:33] [15:35] err , sitez , mnm is dead , isnt it? [14:33] [15:35] <[sitez]> um [14:33] [15:35] <[sitez]> no [14:33] [15:35] <[sitez]> lester just said that in NWR [14:33] [15:35] <[sitez]> MnM is VERY ALIVE [14:33] [15:35] <[sitez]> 8 euro shell boxes [14:33] [15:35] <[sitez]> 2 euro sites [14:34] [15:35] shell boxes and sites dont make a group [14:34] [15:35] <[sitez]> um [14:34] [15:35] <[sitez]> and we got couriers/iso sites :) [14:34] [15:35] <[sitez]> our admins are happy [14:34] [15:35] <[sitez]> our sites are happy [14:34] [15:35] <[sitez]> our couriers are happy [14:34] [15:35] i also have a site .. but not a good group [14:34] [15:36] <[sitez]> we are one big happy family [14:34] [15:36] <[sitez]> in MnM [14:34] [15:36] <[sitez]> durpenis [14:35] [15:36] <[sitez]> what # am in on CWS zerotop [14:35] [15:36] u dont seem mcuh alive [14:35] [15:36] <[sitez]> right now? [14:35] [15:36] <[sitez]> um [14:35] [15:36] <[sitez]> we are siim [14:35] [15:36] ur #500 [14:35] [15:36] <[sitez]> we got better boxes than aod [14:35] [15:36] <[sitez]> wanna join ? [14:35] [15:36] <[sitez]> haha [14:35] [15:36] <[sitez]> bullshit [14:35] [15:36] <[sitez]> im top 30 fpr sure [14:35] [15:36] no [14:35] [15:36] u were #500 [14:35] [15:37] on the list [14:35] [15:37] <[sitez]> yah i am [14:35] [15:37] <[sitez]> BULLSHIT durange :P [14:35] [15:37] NO [14:35] [15:37] <[sitez]> I weektoped ff/e/mg/mns [14:35] [15:37] <[sitez]> :) [14:35] [15:37] U DONT BELIEVE ME ? [14:35] [15:37] <[sitez]> no [14:36] [15:37] ok. [14:36] [15:37] what # am i [14:36] [15:37] <[sitez]> hehe [14:36] [15:37] u are #5 jess [14:36] [15:37] err [14:36] [15:37] really? [14:36] [15:37] #501 [14:36] [15:37] <[sitez]> i cant be #500 with e/mg/ff/mns weektops [14:36] [15:37] i was about to say [14:36] [15:37] i didnt even trade last week [14:36] [15:38] that still is pretty good [14:36] [15:38] sitez traded last week [14:36] [15:38] <[sitez]> what # am i really [14:36] [15:38] and got 500 [14:36] [15:38] <[sitez]> i did trade :P [14:37] [15:38] <[sitez]> BULLSHIT durangd [14:37] [15:38] and u didnt even trade [14:37] [15:38] <[sitez]> i got top 30 for sure [14:37] [15:38] <[sitez]> :P: [14:37] [15:38] and got #501 [14:37] [15:38] and still got 501 [14:37] [15:38] :) [14:37] [15:38] i got #478 [14:38] [15:39] MDK NEW RELEASE 'Hook.Protect.v2.05.Win9x.NT-LSD' to be upped by redman (DiMENSiON) [14:38] [15:39] <[sitez]> invite mossyoak in here plz [14:38] [15:40] #mdk : 26 members (10 chops), 1 ban [14:39] [15:40] <[sitez]> wanna tell siim and all these niggers [14:39] [15:40] <[sitez]> how alive we are? [14:39] [15:40] haha [14:39] [15:40] hehe.. guys.. just because lame ass NWR hears a rumor MNM is dead and publishes it [14:39] [15:40] Action: Kruzmoo is gone, gotta go off campus [pager: on] [14:39] [15:41] doesn't mean its true [14:40] [15:41] <[sitez]> infact it usualy means its FALSE [14:40] [15:41] mossy: couriers look at nwr like its the bible. [14:40] [15:41] <[sitez]> no shit......nwr [14:40] [15:41] i know.. which actually it's a bunch of fucking trash [14:40] [15:41] those type couriers need to get a life [14:40] [15:41] <[sitez]> u know how they pick thier sites? they look to see wher I am weektop on..then they pick all sites but thouse :P [14:40] [15:42] laff [14:40] [15:42] <[sitez]> like [14:41] [15:42] <[sitez]> e/ff/mg are on it every week [14:41] [15:42] mnm's a good group and they're getting a lot of couriers lately they're not dead. [14:41] [15:42] <[sitez]> cept when im weektop on them :P [14:41] [15:42] <[sitez]> oh yah [14:41] [15:42] thank you insanity [14:41] [15:42] <[sitez]> not to mention our 9 euro no/fi/se boxes [14:41] [15:42] <[sitez]> :) [14:41] [15:42] 30-40 members strong.. i don't think we're dead [14:41] [15:42] <[sitez]> and our eleet frp porn sites :) [14:41] [15:42] <[sitez]> that ONLY we have [14:41] [15:42] <[sitez]> :P [14:41] [15:42] hehe [14:41] [15:43] *cough* give me a mnm shell *cough* [14:41] [15:43] infact.. i have been in MNM for 2 1/2 years.. and leader it 2 years.. and not once has it been brought up to close MNM down [14:41] [15:43] sites 20000 pics? [14:41] [15:43] <[sitez]> join MnM and tead ethen [14:41] [15:43] all sorted our right? [14:41] [15:43] shit 9 boxes? [14:41] [15:43] and as long as i am around.. MNM will always be here [14:41] [15:43] <[sitez]> yah [14:41] [15:43] out [14:41] [15:43] wow [14:41] [15:43] BECAUSE I DON'T LET IT DIE [14:42] [15:43] i've been in warez 9 years.. and don't plan to quit anytime soon.. so don't get your hopes up ppl [14:42] [15:43] and quit reading NWR for god sakes [14:42] [15:44] thanks [14:42] [15:44] MossyOak (mossyoak@pm4-91.ekx.infi.net) left #MDK. [14:42] [15:44] <[sitez]> hehe [14:42] [15:44] <[sitez]> yah [14:42] [15:44] <[sitez]> 9 boxes [14:42] [15:44] <[sitez]> well 8 right now [14:42] [15:44] <[sitez]> one is down for hw upgrade [14:43] [15:44] :p [14:43] [15:44] thats cool [14:43] [15:44] Mossyoak is a true warez leader [14:43] [15:44] hehe [14:43] [15:45] #mdk : 26 members (10 chops), 1 ban [14:43] [15:45] <[sitez]> our hut.fi is the one that is down for upgades right now [14:43] [15:45] nwr rox [14:43] [15:45] well [14:43] [15:45] bring it back uo [14:43] [15:45] and gib00r me one [14:44] [15:45] -durpenis (durpenis!rewt@ jess, nwr ownz mossyoak