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    Download UNP-WAS.zip

    Size 943 B

  • This download is an executable MS-DOS program that will not run on a modern computer. It needs a DOS emulator such as DOSBox-X, Staging; or a virtualized MS-DOS or FreeDOS system.
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  • Last modified Jun 21, 2015 8:08:25 PM
     MD5 checksum f23d6d247ae34850c3aa4ef47120e403
        Mime type Zip archive data

1987 October 7

  • Zip - DOS / Guides and how-tos
3 items in the archive
[+] Configuration Copy text
Unprotect Broderdund's Ancient Art of War at Sea Place a copy of WAS.EXE in the same directory as UNP-WAS.BAT and UNP-WAS.IN. Put a copy of your MS-DOS DEBUG program in this directory, or make sure that it is available in your path. From MS-DOS, type UNP-WAS. You should see the following output: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- RENAME WAS.EXE WAS.BIN C>DEBUG WAS.BIN <UNP-WAS.IN -U 7BAE xxxx:7BAE E8F832 CALL AEA9 xxxx:7BB1 0BC0 OR AX,AX xxxx:7BB3 7507 JNZ 7BBC xxxx:7BB5 B80F27 MOV AX,270F xxxx:7BB8 8BE5 MOV SP,BP xxxx:7BBA 5D POP BP xxxx:7BBB C3 RET xxxx:7BBC 813E18080000 CMP WORD PTR [0818],0000 xxxx:7BC2 7506 JNZ 7BCA xxxx:7BC4 33C0 XOR AX,AX xxxx:7BC6 89066368 MOV [6863],AX xxxx:7BCA 8B06373F MOV AX,[3F37] -E 7BAE xxxx:7BAE E8.B8 F8.01 xxxx:7BB0 32.00 -W Writing 27A00 bytes -Q C>RENAME WAS.BIN WAS.EXE -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
UNP-WAS.TXT 80x35 Font