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1996 June 6

Interview with Anti-Derivative the then leader of FATE.
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┌────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ │ ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── │ │ │ │ │ │ │ Interviewer(s) : Entropy & Trite │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ Interviewie(s) : Anti-Dirivative │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ Subject : Fate │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ Date Interviewed : June 6th, 1996 │ │ │ │ │ │ │ ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── │ └────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ ┌────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ │ ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── │ │ │ │ Defacto : Recently Fate Decided to change the name of the well │ │ known and EXTREMLY popular #Fatefiles to something new │ │ and something that did not even hint Fate in the name. │ │ Can you tell us some of the reasons behind this change? │ │ │ │ Anti-D : There are 2 reasons: │ │ 1) fATE needed to disassociate itself with it's humongus │ │ offer channel's name. We had everyone employed at │ │ the SPA in the channel just laughing it up and │ │ kicking our couriers. Sending emails to their root's │ │ and so on. Lots of attention we didn't need. │ │ 2) It was fun, it was neat, but it was time we released │ │ it from our control. We were spending way too much │ │ time constantly trying to regain control of #fatefiles │ │ from lame "irc takeover groups" that made #ff their │ │ #1 target. A sort of breaking into fort knox on irc. │ │ So it is now run by another group, we still have some │ │ policy decisions and bot access though. It's a huge │ │ stress release │ │ │ │ Defacto : People have rumored and gossiped about the different │ │ reasons that Fate has received such a bad name. The │ │ main reason that people associate this with is Fatefiles │ │ and Fates dedication to IRC couriering. Something that a │ │ lot of people think is a waste of time. How do you │ │ comment on that? │ │ │ │ Anti-D : hmm, I would hardly say we have a "dedication" to irc │ │ couriering. We've always once on the net had our sites │ │ at the core. Infact we did little if any irc courier at │ │ first. If of our couriers curry on irc, it was by their │ │ own choice. We don't really care either way about it as │ │ long as it doesn't interfere with their ftp assignments. │ │ As for our bad name, people just do it because they get │ │ into a habit. There are a lot of elitists in the scene. │ │ I don't know why people rag on us, and I don't really │ │ care. I, nor does the rest of my crew need to hear from │ │ anyone that our group sucks. We are very happy, and we │ │ know we are doing great and getting better. │ │ │ │ Defacto : So your saying #ff wasn't even a necessity of fate │ │ couriers, it was something that fate couriers did on │ │ their own ambition? │ │ │ │ Anti-D : Well, not exactly. #ff was started and operated by us, │ │ officially, from the council, not by the couriers, but it │ │ was not part of our jobs list. It was sort of a side thing │ │ and since we were the first to do it, it became huge. │ │ Eventually it manifested into a monster, as you know if │ │ you join the chan :) │ │ │ │ Defacto : Recently (2-3) months or so ago I guess.. Mikeysoft │ │ Joined Fate as a Senior. Can you tell us about the │ │ groups decision to invite him in and what exactly │ │ happened in the SHORT period of time he was with the │ │ group. │ │ │ │ Anti-D : We invited him in because he was qualified and had │ │ specifically lended us a hand in a very trying time for │ │ the group. Mikey is, no doubt, incredibly smart and │ │ seasoned for the scene, and in business in general. │ │ Mikey actually did not do a whole lot. He was coined │ │ Public Relations Manager, but with his various IRC │ │ adventures and millions of other jobs he was doing, he │ │ didn't have much time for fATE, which left him just │ │ hanging out a lot, but that was ok. He was there when we │ │ needed him, and when he came he always brought a lot to │ │ the table. │ │ │ │ Defacto : So why was he allowed membership in fate if he didn't do │ │ a lot? Was it because fate was insuring more channel │ │ security with him being an irc operator? │ │ │ │ Anti-D : Not at all. Mikey had always helped us with #ff a good bit │ │ before he was in the group, and he was always willing to │ │ help. His allowance into the group was not relevant to │ │ his o-lines. Infact he has saved #ff2 (I'll call it :) ) │ │ a couple times since out of fATE. He was allowed │ │ membership because of experience, contacts, maturity, │ │ wit, and common sense. Things found very rare on the net │ │ and in the scene in general. I leap at the chance to │ │ find a senior member with those qualities. Besides, like │ │ I said, Mikey was there when needed for the most part, we │ │ just sorta let it slide. Mikey was definitely a unique │ │ situation though. I don't want to give the impression │ │ that our seniors are allowed to slack because it is quite │ │ the opposite. │ │ │ │ Defacto : Fate is such a large group but really has not made a name │ │ for Itself on some of the bigger sites such as LA, BBX, │ │ CRC and some others. Is Fate not trying to become the │ │ best or are you as some people say "A Courierngr group │ │ for the masses"? │ │ │ │ Anti-D : Neither. I don't define the best by other peoples sites. │ │ We just started getting some presence on LA, BBX and CRC, │ │ btw- BBX, started as a fATE site and well, that's a whole │ │ other story. Anyway our sites are packed and fast. Our │ │ main site is comparable to CRC or LA. Maybe we may miss │ │ a release by 5-20 mins, what group doesn't. All groups │ │ get some things faster as you know, mostly dependent on │ │ their "official releasers". We are the best group for │ │ everyone in our group and always will be. fATE is a tight │ │ crowd and we've come a long long way, we haven't lived so │ │ long and watched others come and go by luck, without │ │ getting too "disneyish" there is a bit of a magic to fATE, │ │ a difference between it and other groups in the scene. │ │ That's what we pride ourselves on more then presence on │ │ LA. │ │ │ │ Defacto : Fate, to me, does not seem to be wanting to improve its │ │ image. A groups moral presence in itself, I agree, is a │ │ good thing to have higher than that of what other people │ │ think of you. But I have noticed almost anytime somebody │ │ from Fate enters a channel and starts talking about Fate │ │ they are blasted almost immediately for even mentioning │ │ the name. This is something to me that would atleast start │ │ to nerve me a bit. Do you feel that this is something that │ │ maybe the Seniors in fate should be working on improving │ │ (By getting better on LA, BBX, etc.) to improve your │ │ image to help your couriers out there in irc/Judgment. │ │ If not for their respect that they deserve? │ │ │ │ Anti-D : Well, not exactly, if you've been in the scene, you know │ │ that the majority of ppl in it are, well, childish. │ │ Anybody who says that fATE is lame is saying because │ │ they don't know us, because I've been in a lot of groups: │ │ TDU-JAM, RiSC for a short while, DoD, quite a few years. │ │ I know what lame is, and know what not if you call fATE │ │ lame, then you, yourself are a liar, because you don't │ │ know anything about fATE and I know this, and the seniors │ │ know this, but yes, it is very disheartening when a new │ │ courier might have to deal with this. It would be nice to │ │ be on more sites of the "big l33t sites", but we are just │ │ concerned about it fATE is on a different level (not │ │ higher or lower) but a different idea I assure you. │ │ Anyone on a fATE site has all the warez damn near as fast │ │ as LA or CRC or whatever. That's what matters. │ │ │ │ Defacto : Some other groups in the past have changed their name as │ │ a move to "start with a clean slate," has fate considered │ │ this to escape its reputation? │ │ │ │ Anti-D : Yes; And we have unanimously decide not to. We don't need │ │ to cower behind a new name. I have never been more proud │ │ in my life period, and I know many of the council / │ │ seniors / members feel the same. I wouldn't change the │ │ name if there was guarantee to be #1 by a landslide. │ │ Groups that are willing to change their name just to be │ │ popular with the other kids on the playground are the │ │ same groups that come and go. fATE/RiSC remain. │ │ │ │ Defacto : Okay well thank you for your time. Is there anything else │ │ you would like to say before we end? │ │ │ │ Anti-D : I see a LOT of new groups talk about in there nfo's, │ │ "If you want maturity and a solid professional group │ │ with no fooling around come to <insert group here>" all │ │ the time, and they talk about how they are so experienced │ │ and blah blah, and you find out it's a hyper 12 year old │ │ running the show screwing up the whole ordeal now, │ │ without sounds like a elitist, because I despise them. │ │ Their ripping fATE off. We made professional, we made │ │ like a business, we screened for age and only brought │ │ in mature members. fATE is the group that has the unique │ │ qualities of maturity, loyalty, experience, good │ │ infrastructure, and vision for the future not to say that │ │ other groups do not, but don't just copy our damn nfo │ │ speeches and lie. I don't expect many to understand what │ │ I'm saying it's a personal pet peeve and it just pisses │ │ me off. so there. blah. :) │ │ │ │ ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── │ └────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
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