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╨╧◄αí▒→▀>♥■á ♠☺C►E☺■áááBáááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá∞Ñ┴7 ♦≡↕┐►♦‚0♫bjbjU▬U▬ ♦▬"H7|7|‚,áá☼áá☼áá☼l┌┌┌┌┌┌┌╢εŽ☼Ž☼Ž☼Ž☼♀š☼4ε▒º╢┌☼┌☼┌☼┌☼┌☼┌☼┌☼┌☼Tº☻VºVºVºVºVºVºg▬ ☻‡↑„Vºº┌┌☼┌☼┌☼┌☼┌☼Vº╩‼┌┌┌☼┌☼kº▬╩‼╩‼╩‼┌☼▐☺┌┌☼┌┌☼Tº╩‼┌☼Tº╩‼Š☺╩‼Tº┌┌Tº┌☼╬☼♀áó,�–s┐☺εá♫Ž☼╕◄║☺TºTº�º0▒ºTº♂↓r‼X♂↓Tº╩‼εε┌┌┌┌☻┘Shell Trading Tutorial #1♪♪♪The move from trading with FXP to trading off a shell can be a tough one. Most traders are too embarrassed to ask questions, and a lot of times get too much information when they do ask questions. So I've decided to write this tutorial to help you setup your shell and use it. I will try my best to explain things without confusing you or myself. I will try to keep everything simple and basic.♪♪Table of Contents♪♪I Connecting to your shell♪II Setting up your .cshrc file♪III Setting up your .netrc file♪IV Setting up your macros♪V Helpful Linux commands♪VI Site commands♪VII Tips and Tricks♪VIII Special Thanks♪♪♪♪I. Connecting to your shell♪ Assuming that you have the IP and Port of the box you want to connect too, the first thing you need to get is a Telnet program. I suggest using SecureCRT. You can find securecrt on most sites, and a lot of web pages. Once you have it downloaded and installed, open up CRT and hit Ctrl-C to bring up the connection popup. There are several ways you can connect to your shell. The two I suggest is using ssh or telnet. The only visible difference between the two is ssh allows you to store your password, but that is only if the boxop has the ssh protocol installed. ♪♪♪♪II. Setting up your .cshrc file♪ Your .cshrc file is where your site aliases are going to be located. You need to edit this file. So at your command prompt, type 'pico .cshrc'. Pico is a text editor for linux. Once you are in pico, you need to add your aliases to this file. In the following example, the initials 'si' represents site initials. You do not have to use site initials, but it is highly recommended. ♪♪For this example, we will use dummy site ip's names and ports. The following are the sites that you have.♪xa ip: 123.456.798.00 port:2928♪xb ip: 987.654.321.00 port:2828♪xc ip: 456.789.123.15 port:2873♪♪Use the following line setup. 'alias si ftp -i ip port' ... So if you were adding these three sites, your .cshrc file would look something like this♪♪alias xa ftp -i 123.456.789.00 2928♪alias xb ftp -i 987.654.321.00 2828♪alias xc ftp -i 456.789.123.15 2873♪♪Make sure there are no blank spaces between lines. And also after you are through adding your site aliases, hit enter a couple times to leave a few blank lines at the bottom of the file. You should also keep everything lowercase. Linux is case sensitive. Once your are done with editing your .cshrc, hit ctrl-x and type 'Y' then enter to save and exit this file.♪♪♪♪III. Setting up your .netrc♪ Your .netrc file is where your site macros go. At your command prompt, type 'pico .netrc'. This file issues commands to all of your sites, so that you don't have to do it manually. Again, when using examples, we will use dummy site names/ips/ports. The following are your sites.♪ba ip: port:111♪bb ip: port:222♪your login is blah and your password is blahblah♪When setting up the macros, use the following format.♪♪machine ip login yourlogin password yourpass♪♪macdef init♪custom commands♪♪If you notice, there is a space between the machine ip line and the macdef init line. This is very important, and I honestly can't explain why, but it is. When giving these examples, I will show you some of the most common commands. So when adding your sites, your .netrc file should look something like this. Everything that is in parenthesis is for your information only.♪♪machine login blah password blahblah♪♪macdef init♪cd today(You can use whatever directory you would like to start it whether it's 'today' or 'utils' or whatever)♪bin(this sets the transfer mode to binary)♪tick(this shows you the progression of your transfer)♪site idle 7200(that's right kids, we don't use anti-idle anymore.. now we just idle for hours at a time on sites)♪♪machine login blah password blahblah♪♪macdef init♪cd utils♪bin♪tick♪site idle 900(one more thing, some sites will not let you idle for 7200 seconds, so you have to check)♪♪One space between each site, and also a space between the machine and macdef init lines, after you finish adding your sites, hit enter a couple of times, then ctrl-x 'Y' enter to save and exit this file.♪♪♪IV. Setting up your macros♪ Once your back to the command prompt, it is time to setup your FKeys, but first, from the command prompt, type this command. ♪chmod 600 .netrc♪Once you have typed that, you are ready to start editing your fkeys. One of the beautiful things about SecureCRT is it comes with it's own Keymap. Every trader uses different macros to trade with. I will define certain commands, and then show you how I have my own setup, which is a very basic setup. The following commands you will need to learn.♪mkdir creates a directory♪cd changes directory♪\v pastes♪\n enter♪\r also enter or 'return'♪\001c creates a new screen♪\001n next screen♪\001p previous screen♪♪Those are the most common commands that you will need to utilize. Of course, some people go overboard with their macros, but I do not, and I would not recommend you doing it either. Below is how my fkeys are setup, After showing you the fkey setup, I will explain what everything does, and why I have it that way. You can make your own macros however you like them.♪♪F12♪This is the key that I use to login to my sites. I picked this key because of it's convenient location on my keyboard. Of course I cannot show you the site initials of this fkey, in place of my site initials, we will use x followed by a number for the example.♪♪screen -s /bin/csh \n x1 \n\001c x2 \n\001c x3 \n\001c x4 \n\001c x5 \n\001c x6 \n\001c x7 \n\001c x8 \n\001c x9 \n\001c x10 \n\001n♪♪Standard screen will only allow you to have ten screens. You can only connect to one site per screen. No matter how many sites you are connecting too, just remember for a new screen, use \001c, and once you are at the last site, use \001n to return to your first site.♪♪F5♪Some people start with F1, but I start with F5. This is the first key I use when I start trading a release, given the fact that I am on screen that I want to be on. ♪♪cd \v\n mget *.zip \n♪♪This command changes directory to the name that you have in your clipboard and then grabs all files that are in the directory.♪♪F6♪This is my next screen fkey. It's the key I use to switch between screens.♪♪\001n \n♪♪This is a very neccassary key, and you will use it a lot even when you are not trading.♪♪F7♪This key is used to make your directories on sites and upload the files that you have downloaded already to your shell.♪♪mkdir \v\n cd \v\n mput *.zip \n♪♪F9 and F10♪Sometimes you don't always get the files fast enough and need to go back through and either get the rest of the files, or upload more files, the F9 and F10 keys are what I use for this.♪♪F9♪mget *.zip \n♪F10♪mput *.zip \n♪♪These of course are just what I use, and there many ways that you can set your own fkeys up. But I would not recommend going overboard. This will get you in a lot of trouble, and you will end up cleaning up a lot of files on sites. Weektopping is not the most important thing in the world. So take it easy, and just keep everything simple.♪♪♪V. Helpful Linux Commands♪ There are several things that you need to know before venturing out into the shell trading world just yet. So you have traded your first release, and you are ready for your second release. And then it comes, but wait a second, why is your site also uploading the same file that was from the previous release. You have to manually delete the files from the shell before you can go on to the next release. After each release, type !rm *.zip at the command prompt. This will remove all disks from your directory. I know that most of you are thinking "Obviously your an idiot if you think that we didn't already know that", but you would be suprised how many people have approached me with that problem. Any time that you are at your ftp prompt and need to execute a command from your main command prompt, you can type '!' or '!andthecommand'. If you type ! to go back to the command prompt, you can type exit to return back to your ftp prompt. The following are some other command commands you can use on your shell.♪♪ps x shows processes on the shell.♪kill pid allows you to kill a certain process. of course, you need to actually use the pid number, and not pid :)♪who this command allows you to see who is on the shell at the time♪kill -9 -1 this will kill all processes you are using on the shell. This is how I exit my sites, another way to exit ♪ sites is to just manually type quit at the ftp prompt and exit at the command prompt for each site.♪ls lists directories/files♪cd .. returns to previous directory♪cd dirname changes directory♪♪Of course, there are a lot more commands, but these are the most basic ones.♪♪♪VI. Site Commands♪ There will be times when you need to issue commands to sites. The most common one that I use is 'site who' which tells me who is on the site. Different sites use different daemons. So you need to learn what sites have what commands, but here are some that you need to familiarize yourself with.♪cdup or cd .. This will return you to the previous directory♪ls lists directories/files♪site who shows all users on site♪site new shows newest uploads♪site free shows free space left on site♪♪There are ungodly amounts of commands that I could show here, but I'll leave that to you.♪♪♪VII. Tips and Tricks♪ Here are some useful tips and tricks when shell trading.♪1. Make sure that you do not use the mkdir key on the same site twice. This is the most common mistake made when Shell trading. A trader will be hitting his Fkeys like there is no tomorrow, and forget what screen he is on, and then go back over some of the sites he had already mkdir on.♪2. Be careful not to hit the Mkdir Fkey when you have an IP or something that you don't want shown to the world in your clipboard. This is the most deadly of all mistakes. Well, except for the infamous, 'I_AM_LAME_AND_USE_AN_UNREGISTERED_VERSION_OF_PFTP' directory.. I promise, you don't want to do that either :)♪3. You should setup your macros in the order of 'changing directory, and getting' then 'next screen' then 'make directory and upload'. That order will allow you to remember easily which fkey you should hit next. F5, F6, F7, F6, F7, F6, F7 ect. ect... ♪4. A lot of times, when you are new to shell trading, it will seem that everyone is faster than you are, and that is not neccassarily true, but this is how you get around that. Set your alarm clock to 3 am. And wake up then and trade. I promise, there aren't as many releases, but you have a better chance. It's what I do :)♪♪♪VIII. Special thanks♪ I would like to thank the following people for their help.♪Glen - Everyone usually has one person that helped them tremendously with learning how to shell trade, and Glen was that person for me. Thanks glen, for putting up with all the stupid fucking questions I asked back then.♪Rzarekta, WWIII, Duck - Thanks for reading my tutorial as I wrote it and offering such wonderful criticism.♪All the members of Vice and Judgement for their wonderful advice and love.♪Tech and Dopestar for actually talking me into writing this damn thing.♪And everyone who I forgot to mention.♪♪♪ bud♪ -[VICE / JGT]- ♪♦¼♣∙♣↓♠…♠☻.↨.�0‚0ⁿⁿⁿⁿ♠5◘�\◘�◘♦→♦←♦∟♦½♣¼♣╛♣┐♣┌♣∙♣↓♠3♠L♠]♠q♠…♠†♠‡♠ˆ♠º♠Σ◘σ◘╡◘τ◘ Ž � · ∟♂>♂▓√√√√√√√√▓√√√√√√√√▓√√√√▓√√√√√☺☺☺↔♦‚0■☻☺☺☺>♂`♂a♂≈♂░♂∟♀@♀d♀e♀╘♪╒♪╓♪╫♪⌠♪►☼.☼L☼}☼│☼┤☼▀☼Γ☼ε☼■☼á☼y◄z◄í◄½◄║◄▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓√▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓☺☺☺↔║◄*↕U↕‹↕▓↕■↕1‼2‼>‼G‼K‼P‼╖‼╕‼„╢…╢†╢ú╢#º4º”▬»▬┼▬╨▬┌▬⌡▬◄↨$↨;↨<↨▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓√▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓☺☺☺↔<↨í↑½↑▓↑╕↓╣↓>→?→N←O←R←·←√←◄∟↕∟‘∟’∟•∟▀∟Γ∟δ∟∞∟D↔E↔H↔└↔┴↔Γ↔π↔ε↔▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓☺↔ε↔¿▲⌐▲¼▲║▲╛▲╠▲═▲% & ' D E$i$▄$ %—%▓%↓&>&[&\&⌐&¬&½&┐&Ω''(C(d(▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓√▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓√▓▓▓▓☺☺☺↔d(‚(¬(½(♣)♠)•)↔)W)z*╖+╢,.☺.☻.↨.S.1/�/Φ/00V0W0X0c0‚0▓▓▓▓▓▓√▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓☺☺☺↓ 1�h☺▼░╨/ ░α=!░◘•"░◘•#�á♣$�á♣%░╢☼ ☺i☼♥8@▒á☻8♀♠Normal☻↑CJ↑_H☺♦aJ↑mH ♦sH ♦tH ♦2☺@☺☻2♀ Heading 1◘☺♠$☺@&♠5◘�\◘�<A@≥áí<♀▬Default Paragraph Font‚,♦Háááá→←∟½☺¼☺╛☺┐☺┌☺∙☺↓☻3☻L☻]☻q☻…☻†☻‡☻ˆ☻º☻Σ♦σ♦╡♦τ♦ ♣Ž♠�♠·♠∟•>•`•a•≈•░•∟◘@◘d◘e◘╘ ╒ ╓ ╫ ⌠ ►♂.♂L♂}♂│♂┤♂▀♂Γ♂ε♂■♂á♂y♪z♪í♪½♪║♪*♫U♫‹♫▓♫■♫1☼2☼>☼G☼K☼P☼╖☼╕☼„►…►†►ú►#◄4◄”↕»↕┼↕╨↕┌↕⌡↕◄‼$‼;‼<‼í╢½╢▓╢╕º╣º>▬?▬N↨O↨R↨·↨√↨◄↑↕↑‘↑’↑•↑▀↑Γ↑δ↑∞↑D↓E↓H↓└↓┴↓Γ↓π↓ε↓¿→⌐→¼→║→╛→╠→═→%∟&∟'∟D∟E i ▄ !—!▓!↓">"["\"⌐"¬"½"┐"Ω#'$C$d$‚$¬$½$♣%♠%•%↔%W%z&╖'╢(*☺*☻*↨*S*1+�+Φ+0,V,W,X,c,„,◘☺0€€˜0€˜0€˜0€˜0€˜0€˜0€˜0€˜0€◘☺0€€˜0€∙☺˜0€∙☺˜0€∙☺˜0€∙☺˜0€∙☺˜0€∙☺˜0€∙☺˜0€∙☺◘☺0€€˜0€ˆ☻˜0€ˆ☻˜0€ˆ☻˜0€ˆ☻◘☺0€€˜0€τ♦˜0€τ♦˜0€τ♦˜0€τ♦˜0€τ♦˜0€τ♦˜0€τ♦˜0€τ♦˜0€τ♦˜0€τ♦˜0€τ♦˜0€τ♦˜0€τ♦˜0€τ♦˜0€τ♦˜0€τ♦˜0€τ♦◘☺0€€˜0€╫ ˜0€╫ ˜0€╫ ˜0€╫ ˜0€╫ ˜0€╫ ˜0€╫ ˜0€╫ ˜0€╫ ˜0€╫ ˜0€╫ ˜0€╫ ˜0€╫ ˜0€╫ ˜0€╫ ˜0€╫ ˜0€╫ ˜0€╫ ˜0€╫ ˜0€╫ ˜0€╫ ˜0€╫ ˜0€╫ ˜0€╫ ˜0€╫ ˜0€╫ ˜0€╫ ˜0€╫ ˜0€╫ ˜0€╫ ˜0€╫ ˜0€╫ ◘☺0€€˜0€†►˜0€†►˜0€†►˜0€†►˜0€†►˜0€†►˜0€†►˜0€†►˜0€†►˜0€†►˜0€†►˜0€†►˜0€†►˜0€†►˜0€†►˜0€†►˜0€†►˜0€†►˜0€†►˜0€†►˜0€†►˜0€†►˜0€†►˜0€†►˜0€†►˜0€†►˜0€†►˜0€†►˜0€†►˜0€†►˜0€†►˜0€†►˜0€†►˜0€†►˜0€†►˜0€†►˜0€†►˜0€†►˜0€†►˜0€†►˜0€†►˜0€†►˜0€†►˜0€†►˜0€†►˜0€†►˜0€†►˜0€†►˜0€†►˜0€†►˜0€†►◘☺0€€˜0€'∟˜0€'∟˜0€'∟˜0€'∟˜0€'∟˜0€'∟˜0€'∟˜0€'∟˜0€'∟˜0€'∟˜0€'∟˜0€'∟˜0€'∟◘☺0€€˜0€½"˜0€½"˜0€½"˜0€½"˜0€½"˜0€½"˜0€½"˜0€½"˜0€½"˜0€½"◘☺0€€˜0€•%˜0€•%˜0€•%˜0€•%˜0€•%˜0€•%˜0€•%˜0€•%˜0€•%˜0€•%˜0€•%˜0€•%˜0€•%˜0€•%˜0€•%˜0€•%˜0€•%˜0€•%♦‚0∟♦>♂║◄<↨ε↔d(‚0↔▼ !"#♦‚0▲`ºdº╚º╦º√↨▓↨♥↑•↑¼↑░↑√↑♣↓┴↓╞↓╠↓╬↓╘↓╪↓¼→░→╛→┬→ ←%←╕←├←≈↔∙↔╚▲╨▲„▼‘▼E G n q ┴ ─ ╒ ╪ ▓!á!↓"←">"@"A"H"Ω#ε#≥#⌠#'$)$}%‚%≈%ⁿ%p&u&˜&�&ž&ó&s(w(⌐(¼(½(▒(0)<)1+9+╣+┬+▒+∙+„,•∟•∟•∟•∟•∟•∟•∟•∟•∟•∟•∟•∟•∟•∟•∟•∟•∟•∟•∟•∟•∟•∟•∟•∟•∟•∟•∟•∟•∟•∟•∟•∟•∟•∟•∟•∟•∟•∟•∟•º☻¿☻º♦º╣º┐ºR↨�↨√↨▓↨┴↓╞↓J→M→¼→░→╛→┬→÷→√→’∟Ÿ∟▒↔∙↔ƒ▼’▼œ▼ó▼ú▼Ñ▼E G i m ™ › ▄ ▀ !$!™!ž!▓!á!↓"←" "'">"@"Ω#ε#'$)$C$G$d$h$‚$†$…'‡'⌐(¼(½(▒(�+τ+0,U,_,b,„,•♥•3•3•3•3•3•3•3•3•3•3•3•3•3•3•3•3•3•3•3•3•3•3•3•3•3•3•3•3•3•3•3•3•3•3•3•|‡¿☻)♥x♥�♥$♦N♦=♠E♠╕♀╣♀�,„,♥♦♥♦♥♦♥♦♥♦♥♦♥•áá♠ Bud Weiser2C:\WINDOWS\Desktop\New Microsoft Word Document.doc Bud Weiser6C:\WINDOWS\Desktop\tutorial\Shell Trading Tutorial.doc Bud Weiser6C:\WINDOWS\Desktop\tutorial\Shell Trading Tutorial.docá@☻►‚,@◘@áá☺•Unknownáá☺◘áá☺áá☻áááá☻áá♥G▬�☺☻☻♠♥♣♦♣☻♥♦‡:áTimes New Roman5▬�☺☻♣♣☺☻☺•♠☻♣•►€Symbol3&�☺☻♂♠♦☻☻☻☻☻♦‡:áArial"♦q◘ˆ↑≡╨☻h☺aPB†�PB†♦ p♠│$☺↕♦♥►N☺☺☺!♥≡►◘•á♣┤┤��↕0►↓d↓◄-☻2ƒ◄≡►◘áá↕↓Shell Trading Tutorial #1 Bud Weiser Bud Weiser■á♦ ☻☺α…Ÿ≥∙Oh►½‘◘+'│┘0t☺►☺ˆ☻�♥┤♦└♣╘•α◘⌠ ◘☺↕╢☺ 0☺♀<☺♪H☺♫T☺☼\☺►d☺‼l☺☻Σ♦▲→Shell Trading Tutorial #10▲☺hel▲♂Bud Weisern▲☺ud ▲♂Normal.dotn▲♂Bud Weisern▲☻4d ▲‼Microsoft Word 9.0i@v▌A☺@╢╣¼�s┐☺@2├Š–s┐☺♥☺♥p♠♥│$♥■á♦ ☻☺☻╒═╒œ.←►“—◘+,∙½0☺♀☺h☼p♣|♠„◄Œ↨”♂œ►ñ‼¼▬┤♪╝♀Γ☻Σ♦▲☺ ♥N♥↕♥◄-♥á ♂♂♂♂▲►☺→Shell Trading Tutorial #1♀►☻▲♠Title♥☺☺☻♥♦♣♠•◘ ♂♀♪♫☼►◄↕‼╢º▬↨↑↓→←∟↔▲▼ !"#$■ááá&'()*+,-./01■ááá3456789■ááá;<=>?@A■ááá▓áááD■ááá■ááá■áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááRoot Entry▬♣☺áááááááá♥♠ ☻└F`╩5�–s┐☺F€1Table♫☻áááááááááááá%♂↓WordDocument→☻☺♣áááááááá"H♣SummaryInformation(☻☺☻♦áááá2►♣DocumentSummaryInformation8☻☺áááááááááááá:►☺CompObj↕☻☺☺♠áááájObjectPool▬☺áááááááááááá`╩5�–s┐☺`╩5�–s┐☺áááááááááááá☺■ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá☺■á♥ áááá♠ ☻└F↑Microsoft Word Document MSWordDoc►Word.Document.8⌠9▓q
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