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Release number 25 also includes a rebuttal by Lord Blix over his number of releases.
  • Text / NFO file or scene release
  • Lord Blix, writer credits
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*********************************************************************** Crack #25 - " Paperboy " EXTRA EXTRA Read all about it! Crime on the rampage! Violence erupts in the streets! Through rain, snow, dark of night and a few other things, Paperboy will complete his appointed rounds. To load this game, type "PAPERBOY" from the dos prompt. Then select your monitor type by pressing 1, 2, or 3. Last 5 Releases... Bedlam * Contra * LA Crackdown * Willow * Uridium And MANY MANY more... - - - Editorial from Lord Blix - - - // || \\ Well, I see from some lamer's text file that he doesn't approve of groups numbering their cracks. I really don't care how many cracks other groups have out. In fact, I feel that any group who can make a contribution to the software world should do so. And anyone who looks for titchy points in order to try to insult other groups is obviously so insecure about himself, that he can do nothing else but brag about how much he's cracked. Sure, anyone with a good, solid knowledge of assembly can crack software. But they don't. Most people simply don't have the interest to sit down and do it. And those that do, want easy answers to everything. This loser will find it out when he grows up. After 12 years experience, I'm really not impressed with his self- righteous attitude and really don't care what this peon has to say. I mean, whoopee, 70 cracks. If we were going to resort to unprotecting games from 1982 and then start boasting about how k-k00l and 3lit3 we are, then I'd just as soon get out of the business. Also, If I were going to count all of the cracks I've done in my lifetime, if would be a hell of alot more than his puny 70. Someday this little shit's knowledge may equal his ego. But I doubt it. When he starts ragging on people like Sam Brown, SPI,the people from BCC and many other people who do a much better job than he does, then he's not only depriving himself of learning something from them, but he's also proving what a true asshole he is. We'll continue to bring the public all of the best programs that we can get our hands on. And not because we're glory-seekers who feel that if we've been cracking for three years, we have a right to look down on other people who have starting cracking on the IBM recently. O.K., enough of this rhetoric. I'm sure that this person knows who I'm talking about. And talking about cracks that don't work, well, let's also talk about the pots calling kettles black... \\ // - - - ////////////\\\\\\\\\\\\ - - - The Celestial Woodlands [713] 580-8213 Sysop: The Ranger 1200/2400 {BSP Headquarters} The Forbidden Passage [713] 774-0449 Sysop: Mr. X 1200/2400 {BSPN Operations} Bounty Reef BBS [303] 699-7738 Sysop: Gunship 1200/2400 {BSP Distribution} Life After Death [416] ASK-JACK Sysop: Jack Daniels 1200/2400 {BSP Distribution} **********************************************************************
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