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~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ USA/FLT United Software Association USA/FLT Fairlight PC Division USA-DoX Department Proudly Presents Complete Police Quest ]I[ Dox from Sierra ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Cadet Sonny Bonds June, 1976 Locker Combo 776 ------------------------------------------- Table Of Contnets RADIO CODES 3 VEHICLE CODE 4 PENAL CODE 4 STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES 5 Definitions 5 Military time 6 Traffic officer 7 Supervisor's responsibility 8 Booking prisoner 8 Booking evidence 8 Physical arrest procedure 8 lnvestigative procedure 9 Coroner 9 Taking of evidence 9 Evidence analysis 9 Criminal psychologist 10 Admonition of rights 10 Criteria for admonition of rights 10 Levels of force 11 Required equipment 11 SPECIAL OPERATING PROCEDURES 12 Computer 12 The breathalyser 12 Felony situations 12 Obtaining entry into private property 12 Forceful entry into dwellings 13 Courtroom procedure 13 MAP 14 GUIDE FOR NEW CADETS 16 FIRST DAY BRIEFING (Walk Thru) 17 OPERATING YOUR DEPARTMENTAL VEHICLE 18 NOTES 19 Page 2 RADIO CODES 10-1 Poor radio reception 10-2 Radio reception good 10-4 Received message 10-6 On the air -- not available for call 10-7 Off the air -- out of service 10-8 ln service 10-9 Repeat message 10-10 End of shift -- off duty 10-15 Prisoner in-custody 10-19 Return to office 10-20 Location 10-21 Telephone 10-23 Standby 10-27 Subject check 10-29 Check for wants 10-35 Backup requested 11-41 Ambulance 11-44 Fatality 11-48 Furnish transportation 11-79 Injury traffic collision with ambulance responding 11-80 Traffic collision with major injury 11-81 Traffic collision with minor injury 11-82 Traffic collision, property damage only 11-83 Traffic collision, no details 11-84 Traffic control 11-85 Tow truck 11-99 Emergency, officer needs assistance, respond code 3 Page 3 VEHICLE CODE 10851 Stolen vehicle 12951 Driver's license not in possession 14601 Driving with a suspended license 20002 Hit and run 21450 Failure to stop for a stop sign 21453 Failure to stop for a red light 21654 Driving too slow in the fast lane 21703 Following too close 22349 Exceeding the maximum speed limit 23103 Reckless driving 23152 Driving under the influence of intoxicants 28002 Evading arrest 05150 Not in full control of faculties PENAL CODES 148 Resisting arrest 187 Murder 664,187 Attempted murder 207 Kidnapping 211 Armed robbery 242 Assault and battery 245(d)(1) Assault and battery on a police officer 459 Burglary 11350 Possession of a controlled substance 11351 Possession of cocaine 12025 Possession of a concealed weapon Page 4 STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES I DEFlNlTlONS Arrest 1. The taking into custody or detaining in custody of a suspect by authority of law. Assault 1. A violent physical or verbal attack. Circumstantial Evidence 1. Evidence which does not conclusively prove that an event occurred, but which supports a reasonable inference that the event occurred by proving that surrounding events occurred or related circumstances did exist. Crime 1. An act or the commission of an act that is forbidden by a public law. 2. The omission of a duty that is commanded by a public law and that makes the offender liable to punishment by that law. Coroner 1. A public officer whose principal duty it is to inquire by an inquest into the cause of any death which there is reason to believe was not due to natural causes. Detective 1. One employed or engaged in detecting lawbreakers or in getting information that is not readily or publicly accessible. Evidence 1. Something that furnishes proof. Something legally submitted to a tribunal to ascertain the truth of a matter. 2. One who bears witness. Fact 1. A piece of information presented as having objective reality. Felony 1. A crime for which the punishment in federal law may be death or imprisonment for more than one year. Page 5 Infraction 1. The act or instance of violating, infringement. Misdemeanor 1. An offense of gravity less serious than a felony. Investigate 1. To make a systematic examination. 2. To conduct an official inquiry. Modus Operandi (MO) 1. Method of procedure or operation. 2. Repeating a particular pattern. Motive 1. Something that causes a person to act. Suspect 1. One suspected of a crime. Witness 1. Attestation of a fact or event. 2. One that gives evidence. II MILITARY TIME The proper way to designate the time of day on all official documents and radio communications is to use military time. Military time uses the 24-hour clock. 1:00 a.m. is "0100 hours" 2:00 a.m. is "0200 hours" and so on through 12 noon 12 noon is "1200 hours" After 12 noon, the hours continue to add on to the clock until 12 midnight, when the 24-hour cycle is complete. 1:00 p.m. is "1300 hours" 2:00 p.m. is "1400 hours" and so on through 12 midnight 12 midnight is "2400 hours" Page 6 III TRAFFIC OFFICER 1. Maintain high visibility while on routine traffic patrol. Clearly visible patrol cars are proven to reduce the instances of traffic collisions in their area of operation. 2. Pay special attention and take immediate action on the following accident-causing violations: a. Excessive speed. b. Driving under the influence. c. Reckless driving. d. Failure to stop for a red light. e. Failure to stop for a stop sign. f. Driving too slow in the fast lane. 3. For officer's safety, make right hand approaches on car stops. 4. Be professional. Remember that you are representing the department. Violators should be treated firmly but with courtesy. 5. Make sure that you have sufficient evidence for successful prosecution. 6. Search and handcuff all prisoners. 7. Collision scenes: a. Maintain traffic control. b. Preserve and protect scene with proper use of flare patterns. c. Summon support units necessary to resume the normal flow of traffic. 8. Patrol the freeway at 55mph and pay attention to the flow of traffic. 9. Extreme caution must be used while operating "code 3" (red light and siren). Negligence can result in liability against the officer. 10. Use the radio sparingly. 11. Notice to appear (ticket writing). To successfully obtain and deliver a notice to appear you will need to: a. Have the violator's driver's license. b. Enter violation code into car computer. c. Give the ticket to the violator, obtain a signature, and return the driver's license. Page 7 12. Refusal to sign a citation: a. Advise the violator that his or her signature is not an admission of guilt, only a promise to appear. b. If the violator still refuses to sign, transport the violator to jail. c. The violator will be required to post bond before being released. d. EXCEPTION: Pregnant women and the elderly. Advise the violator as above. lf the violator still refuses to sign the citation, call a supervisor to the scene. IV SUPERVISOR'S RESPONSIBILITY 1. Investigate personnel complaints. 2. When making decisions, consider one that reflects most favorably on the department. 3. Deal with those officers working under you in a professional manner. 4. Set a good example. 5. Give briefings and assign beats to junior officers. V BOOKING PRISONER 1. Never enter the booking facility with a weapon. 2. Remove all personal items from the prisoner's pockets and place them into the booking drawer. 3. Submit proper violation codes to booking officer. VI BOOKING EVIDENCE 1. A case number is required for booking or viewing evidence. VII PHYSlCAL ARREST PROCEDURE 1. Handcuffing a. All male suspects shall be cuffed with hands behind the back. b. All female suspects shall be cuffed. Cuffing with hands in front or rear is left to the discretion of the officer. However, due to the increase of assaults, the department recommends hands to the rear. Page 8 VIII INVESTIGATIVE PROCEDURE 1. Scene investigation. a. Scene assessment: (1). Use extreme caution during initial approach. (2). Watch out for possible life-threatening situations. (3). Remain alert and prepared to take appropriate action. (4). Make good use of your notebook. b. lnterviewing of witnesses: (1). ldentify yourself. (2). Listen attentively. (3). Follow up all possible leads. IX CORONER 1. The findings of the coroner are valuable to your investigation. 2. All personal property and effects belonging to any deceased victim will be the responsibility of the coroner, providing it is not needed for evidence. X TAKlNG OF EVIDENCE 1. Use caution in order not to contaminate or destroy vital evidence. 2. Use those tools available to you. 3. Be observant and use caution when walking around a crime scene. INADVERTENT DESTRUCTION OF EVIDENCE IS STILL DESTRUCTION OF EVIDENCE! XI EVIDENCE ANALYSIS 1. Submit evidence to the Evidence Officer for processing. 2. All reports, files, or other relevant materials received from outside agencies that are pertinent to an ongoing investigation will be routed to the investigating officer assigned to the case. Page 9 XII CRIMINAL PSYCHOLOGIST 1. The department's criminal psychologist will assist officers in the apprehension of suspects by providing psychological profiles of those suspects. 2. An officer seeking a psychological profile of a suspect must provide the criminal psychologist with sufficient information on which to base the profile. This information can include: a. Criminal records b. Civil service or military records c. Family background and history. d. Details of modus operandi. e. The testimony of witnesses to the suspect's behavior patterns. f. School records. g. Photographs or photo-reference material. h. Medical records, especially those relating to blood chemistry, family history, and mental or emotional problems. i. Employment history and personnel files from employers. Page 10 XIII LEVELS OF FORCE 1. Level One -- passive (verbal) resistance a. Usually occurs during the questioning of suspects and while on traffic stops. b. Firm, professional conduct will, in most cases, prevent the situation from escalating. 2. Level Two - threats indicating imminent physical attack (no weapons used) a. Call for backup if possible. b. Use department-approved hand-to-hand combat. c. Use PR-24. 3. Level Three -- deadly force a. The discharge of any firearm at any person will be done only in life-threatening situations. b. Use in your own self-defense, when assaulted with a deadly weapon. c. Use when in fear of your life, or the life of another. XIV REQUIRED EQUIPMENT FOR THE POLICE OFFICER 1. Suitable civilian attire (detectives only). 2. Departmental uniform maintained to reflect a clean, professional appearance. 3. Boot clip holster, belt clip holster, strap on shoulder holster or front-break high-rise holster. 4. Departmental issue "Peerless" double lock handcuffs. 5. Department-approved hand gun. 6. Investigative kit equipped with various tools used at crime scenes. 7. PR-24 (night stick). Page 11 SPECIAL OPERATING PROCEDURES I COMPUTER 1. The computer is an invaluable investigative aid. 2. An access card is required to access police computers. 3. The computer directories are: a. Homicide. b. Personnel. c. D.M.V. d. Tools. II THE BREATHALYSER 1. The breathalyser is used to measure blood alcohol content. III FELONY SITUATIONS. 1. Approach the situation with weapon loaded and drawn. 2. Your partner should be with you or in close proximity. 3. Call for additional support if the situation warrants it. 4. Avoid placing yourself in a vulnerable position. 5. Identify yourself as a police officer. 6. Verbally command the suspect. 7. Keep suspect's hands over head. 8. Handcuff and search the prisoner. IV OBTAINING ENTRY INTO PRIVATE PROPERTY 1. Private property includes any private dwelling, building, or any privately-owned vehicle. 2. PURSUIT If an officer is in hot pursuit and suspect enters private property to avoid apprehension, the officer may enter that property to effect the arrest. However, because of officer safety, it is not advisable to do so. Call for assistance and maintain surveillance. Page 12 3. Other Situations a. Requesting admission. An officer may present himself/ herself at a legitimate entrance to the private property and ask for admittance. The officer must identify himself and his purpose. b. Admission refused. lf admission is refused the officer can only gain entry by obtaining a search warrant. V FORCEFUL ENTRY INTO DWELLINGS 1. In the case of a locked or fortified building, specific departmental tools may be required to gain entry. Available tools include: a. Hand-held power ram. Sufficient for most non-reinforced entrances. b. Motorized converted military armored ram. Used to violate heavily-reinforced steel entrances. VI COURTROOM PROCEDURE 1. Be prompt 2. Be prepared and have proper paperwork available 3. Testify in a professional manner and cite only those facts surrounding the case Page 13 GUIDE FOR NEW CADETS You're in a new uniform. You're excited. You're nervous. You're ready to take on the Sicilian crime world and the Latin American drug traffikers and come out unscathed. You're a cop. Before you start your first day on the job, there are some things you should know about the road you've chosen. Someone once said that being a cop is ninety-five percent boredom. Routine is the foundation of police work - routine that can include anything from sitting under a bridge with a radar gun in your hand for sixteen hours to making a midnight trip to the emergency room with half a kid in the back of your car. lt may not seem glamorous to rookies like you, but men who have been in the force know that "a cop's gotta do what a cop's gotta do". What's the other five percent of being a cop? Try plunging down the steepest roller-coaster you can imagine at about a hundred and fifty miles per hour. At night. Except, there's nobody at the controls down below. You'ye got the controls. There's a lot of screaming people on the ride behind you, and you're the one steering. Now, the brakes go.... I know what you're thinking. You're thinking that ninety-five and five sound like pretty good percentages. You're thinking that you could manage being lucky five percent of the time. Trouble is, that's an average. On certain days, for certain cops, things can get MUCH worse. But, that's why you joined, isn't it? The force needs you. Lytton needs you. And you can steer real good. So what are you waiting for? Go out and DO IT. WARNING The next page is for "rookies" only. Experienced officers might want to avoid the first day briefing and strike out on their mission without undue assistance from headquarters. Page 16 I FIRST DAY BRIEFING (Walk-Thru) Watch the opening cartoon at least once to learn the story background. To skip the cartoon, press the ESC key. When the game opens, you'll be in the hallway at the Lytton Police Station. 1) Look at your surroundings. Click the "EYE" icon on: The floor The window The elevator The elevator button The door on the left side of the hall The door on the right side of the hall 2) Go into the Sergeant's office. Click the "HAND" icon on the door to the Sergeant's office. 3) Look around the office. Click the "EYE" icon on The desk against the wall The things on the desk 4) Check your in/out basket. Click the "HAND" icon on the in/out basket on your desk. You should get a message about a memo you just picked up. 5) Look at the memo in inventory. Click on the inventory icon on the icon bar. Click the "EYE" icon on the memo once the inventory screen is up. 6) Leave the Sergeant's office and "WALK" to the end of the hall, away from the elevator. ln the next section of hallway is an open door on the left. Click the "EYE" on the door to find out what room it is. "WALK" to the door and go inside the room. 7) In the briefing room, look at the other officers. Click the "EYE" icon on the officers. 8) Talk to Officer Morales. Click the "TALK" icon on Morales. 9) Take the clipboard from the podium. Click the "HAND" icon on the clipboard. 10) After the briefing, leave the room and go back to the Sergeant's office. Morales left the briefing room before you. She is in the room when you enter. Page 17 II OPERATING YOUR DEPARTMENTAL VEHICLE 1) Click the mouse on the road in front of your car to accelerate. 2) Click the mouse on the road behind your car to decelerate. 3) To turn onto a cross-street: Move the mouse cursor to the left side of the road (left turn) or the right side of the road (right turn) to get a left or right arrow. Click the mouse button on the crossstreet. 4) Stay off the radio unless you get an official call! 5) The red button near your steering wheel is for Code 3 (siren and lights). Page 18 NOTES Rebecca Swartz Wald 555-2782 Ariel Spenser 555-2086 Pauline Jackson 555-0841 Marie Wilkans (!) 555-4468 - Suspect Harralson Stake-Out 500 Palm 8pm - McAlby trail testimony. June 25th, 10am - Bains. Informant says this guy is the one we've been looking for!!! 2/5/87 Promoted to narcotics detective 6/30/88 Promoted to sergeant detective 1/30/91 Promoted to sergeant detective 5/15/88 Bains Conviction came through (YEAH!) 9/5/87 Jesse Bains Arrested 11/25/88 Wedding Anniversary - Pick Up Mortgage Loan Application Tonight At Bofa - Review Board Ruled Justifiable Homicide 9/20/89 judges quote, "There's no way officer bonds could have brought bains back alive." - AA $2400 to Buffalo, 7:44am Niagra Falls Inn mgr. will deliver a dozen roses to suite for marie
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