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35718 of 48,815 files

2000 January 24

  • Text / Announcement
6 items in the archive
  • excidium.nfo
  • exm_y2k.txt
  • file_id.diz
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___:___. __::___ __::___| ░ ░░| _:____ _| ░ ░░|_╓_____ ╓__| ░ ░░: `\__::___:___ _╓__|░░ ░ | ' : ░ ░░|_:__/ _______ _____░|╓__ __ __\_ : \_ _/ ░░|__: ░| |░░ _______ ___________ _______ ______|___|______ ________ _______| | ____\ /___\ | /___\ /___) __________/____| \/ /| |\| -____/ _\_ _/_ ___/ | \ | | | \ / / \ |/|____________ / | \ _______________________________________\/ / / / /______|______\ e x c i d i u m / /cRu| \_ \____\ | _| _______ _______ /| |_| _ _/\ ___/ ░/\ /░░ ░ /\___ /\_|_|_| |░| \ // /______/ /╓ r e l e a s e i n f o s ╓ /______/ / \ // ::|_/ |░| \// \_____\/ \_____\/ \// __|__ | : : | ░ ░░| | | | | |░░_| release date: [24/01/2000] release name: y2k info : : \_| rating......: 00/10 archiv name.: exm-y2k.zip __|__ : |░░ ░ | type of soft.: text file coded by.....: none | |╓ | composed by..: none painted by...: none _ __:__░| : : written by...: syntaxerror packed by....: syntaxerror : |/ |__| : |/ | s p e c i a l r e l e a s e i n f o |__ |░_::__ _ [╓]------------------------------- --- -- -- [╓] :░░| \| :: | |__| just some informations about excidium and our upcoming | \| projects in the year 2000. ░ ░░| __| | |░░: ╓| | _ _::___░| | |░|/ |░░░:░: |░| | _______ _______ |__ |____ __ __/\ ___/ ░/\ /░░ ░ /\___ /\_____ |░░| ░░ ░ | \ // /______/ / ╓ m e m b e r s ╓ /______/ / \ // | ╓ | \// \_____\/ \_____\/ \// _:__░| / : : |/ : |__| : t h e f o u n d e r s |/ | [╓]------------------------------- --- -- -- [╓] |__ |░_::__ _ :░░| \| :: syntaxerror and copkiller | |__| | \| ░ ░░░| __| o u r a r t i s t s | |░░: [╓]------------------------------- --- -- -- [╓] ╓| | _::___░| | ╓ handle ╓ email ╓ job |░|/ |░░░:░: |░| ╓ : syntaxerror [email protected] composer / writer : : | | | copkiller [email protected] coder | | |░____| takuhi [email protected] gfx |_░░|__ |░ : neo [email protected] trader |_/ | | morpheus [email protected] trader __| ░| bladet ryper [email protected] composer / writer | | | | excidium needs more members if you like to join | :| then look in this info how to contact us... | :|░░ ░ : ░| ╓ : ░:: _______ _______ : : __| ___/\ __/ ░/\ /░░ ░ /\__ /\__ | ░| |░_| \ ///______/ / ╓ d i s t r i b u t i o n ╓ /______/ / \ // |░| \|_ \// \_____\/ \_____\/ \// : : | |:: |╓ | _| _|_░░| |░| h e a d q u a r t e r s ::|_/ |░| [╓]------------------------------- --- -- -- [╓] |__ | : : ░░| | | the death chamber whq +49-5374-672978 isdn op: syntaxerror | |░░_| +49-5374-672979 anal spwd: exmrocks | \_| 212.XX.XX.XXX telnet | __|__ : |░░ ░ | the badlands ghq +49-911-6959478 anal op: bad peon | |╓ | +49-911-6959477 isdn __:__░| : : +49-911-6959474 isdn : |/ |__| : m e m b e r b o a r d s |/ | [╓]------------------------------- --- -- -- [╓] |__ |░_::__ _ :░░| \| : the death chamber +49-5374-672978 isdn op: syntaxerror | \| +49-5374-672979 anal spwd: exmrocks | __| 212.XX.XX.XXX telnet | |░░: _:__░| | : |/ | d i s t r i b u t i o n s i t e s |__| |░░░:░: [╓]------------------------------- --- -- -- [╓] |/ ╓ : |__ | | european underground +49-pri-vate anal op: teu!staff ░| |░____| +49-pri-vate isdn | /|░ : | || ░:░| :| | :| i n t e r n e t s i t e s ╓| | [╓]------------------------------- --- -- -- [╓] ░| | |/ |░░ ░ excidium homepage http://www.excidium.de |__ ╓ ░ :░░| _|:: excidium ftp-server 212.XX.XX.XXX port:21 | |░| |/ |░| ░░|__ | : : [╓]------------------------------- --- -- -- [╓] :░░| | | If you wanna be a distro/hq or a member, call one : | |░░_| of our boards or write an email to [email protected] : | \_| [╓]------------------------------- --- -- -- [╓] \| __|_ _:__░| _| _______ _______ :░ |/ |_| _ __ _/\ ___/ ░/\ /░░ ░ /\___ _ / |__| |░| \ // /______/ / ╓ g r e e t i n g s ╓ /______/ / \ // ::|_/ |░| \// \_____\/ \_____\/ \// __|__ | | | | :| g r o u p g r e e t i n g s ░:░| :|░░ [╓]------------------------------- --- -- -- [╓] | ╓ ╓| ░:: underground empire ╔ gilden ╔ eternal hate ░| | : organisated composers productions ╔ black maiden ::_:| :| | :|░░ ░:░| ╓ s p e c i a l g r e e t i n g s | ░:: [╓]------------------------------- --- -- -- [╓] ╓| | : ░| |░ | bad peon ╔ warhawk ╔ 2mad ╔ enigma ╔ devil ░╓░░|_/ |░░| the mighty sci! ╔ pitbull ╔ crusader ╔ jeebee ╔ xxl | | : : \| __:.__| | ░|__:/ |░__╓__:_:_ __ _ ░|______ _ : \___|░░_░_____╓__::_:__░░|____|░░ ░ _ ______:__╓____╓__░_░░| \_____::____________/ |___::_:___:__░|__:_______________/ \_____________/
excidium.nfo 80x134 Font