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1998 August 11

  • Text / Community drama
  • Cardiel, Zeus, writer credits
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Session Start: Wed Aug 12 23:18:34 1998 [23:18] <Cardiel> hi there.. [23:18] -Warnado:#courier98- Invited WhO_CaReZ via who_carez <_-ZeuS-_> hello [23:19] <Cardiel> arent polo awake? <_-ZeuS-_> I don't know <_-ZeuS-_> he wsa a few minutes ago [23:19] <Cardiel> ok [23:19] <Cardiel> so can you invite me to #clearfire [23:19] <Cardiel> ? <_-ZeuS-_> sorry.. didn't see the message [23:22] <Cardiel> np.. [23:22] <Cardiel> can you kick norseman? [23:22] <Cardiel> =) [23:23] <Cardiel> so r u so into hades to? <_-ZeuS-_> not really.. but I think it's kinda fucked up what you did [23:23] <Cardiel> someone changed the su ok? <_-ZeuS-_> how come you didn't just ask your brother for the new one? [23:24] <Cardiel> someone changed the su on the box not my brother.. <_-ZeuS-_> he didn't have it either? [23:24] <Cardiel> no.. [23:24] <Cardiel> someone else changed.. <_-ZeuS-_> I see [23:25] <Cardiel> thats why it went down <_-ZeuS-_> so you just deleted the whole site? [23:25] <Cardiel> yupp.. <_-ZeuS-_> damn bro... your brother had his shit made though <_-ZeuS-_> even though somebody changed the su [23:26] -InViter:#courier98- Invited Jenza via jenza <_-ZeuS-_> what's the su matter so much for? [23:27] <Cardiel> hehe.. <_-ZeuS-_> I mean... <_-ZeuS-_> I see <_-ZeuS-_> [23:25] <Cardiel> thats why it went down <_-ZeuS-_> so you just deleted the whole site? <_-ZeuS-_> [23:25] <Cardiel> yupp.. [23:27] <Cardiel> he wanted to use his 10mb/s line and wanted to have control of linux by him self [23:27] -Warnado:#courier98- Invited ZiFFeR via ziffer <_-ZeuS-_> geez.. the whole site <_-ZeuS-_> why couldn't you have just fucked with em <_-ZeuS-_> unplugged it for a couple days <_-ZeuS-_> who wanted to control it? your brother ? [23:29] <Cardiel> yeah.. [23:29] <Cardiel> im not intressed in kac any more.. <_-ZeuS-_> ain't that a shame... [23:31] <Cardiel> i just got kicked out.. Session Close: Wed Aug 12 23:40:25 1998
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