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  • Text / Community drama
  • Mgd, Xtremist, writer credits
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[0:31] <[JoNo]> when is fusion getting back? [0:31] <Xtremist-> who knows [0:31] <Mack-10> !seen fusioN_ [0:31] <PRM-Hoe> I saw fusioN_ last, 3 days 20 hours 12 minutes ago. - last signoff: none in memory <rB!> [0:31] <Xtremist-> I bet he's goin through withdrawls..haha [0:32] <Xtremist-> hehehe [0:32] <Xtremist-> fusion gets off on releases thats why..=) [0:32] <[JoNo]> hehe [0:32] <[JoNo]> we probably released a lot the day before he left, so hes at home wacking off to each release... [0:33] <Xtremist-> LOL [0:33] <Xtremist-> I am tempted to set that as my !info..hehe [0:34] <[JoNo]> hehe, I'll get kicked out! :) [0:34] <mgd> wtf is he neways? :P [0:34] <[JoNo]> no one knows... [0:34] <Xtremist-> mgd [0:34] <mgd> dragoth called him [0:34] <mgd> no answer [0:34] <Xtremist-> he hasn't shown up on STH either.. [0:34] <mgd> twice [0:34] <mgd> i know [0:34] <mgd> 2 possibilites [0:34] <mgd> er ties [0:34] <Xtremist-> he's dead [0:35] <Xtremist-> he's in jail..<G> [0:35] <mgd> eitehr A) he got a life (NOT very likely) [0:35] <mgd> B) hes deaad or in jail or smth like that :/ [0:35] <[JoNo]> I know! he was wackin' it so hard that he fainted and hit his head. ;) [0:35] <Xtremist-> hahaha [0:35] <plush> Your info is now: Wheres Fusion<[JoNo]> I know! he was wackin' it so hard that he fainted [0:40] <[JoNo]> plush, your taking the blame if I get kicket out :))
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