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    Download W-CIB681.ZIP

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  • This download is an executable MS-DOS program that will not run on a modern computer. It needs a DOS emulator such as DOSBox-X, Staging; or a virtualized MS-DOS or FreeDOS system.
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  • Last modified Sep 14, 2019 12:06:04 PM
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  • Zip - DOS / Computer tool

Emulating CIB.EXE in DOSee.

Use these tabs to make adjustments to the emulation

Sound Blaster audio settings, address/port 220 IRQ 7 DMA 1 Sound Blaster 16 DMA 5

If the emulation is taking too long to load, you can turn it off.

Reload DOSee to autorun CIB.EXE

Applying changes will reload the page and reboot the emulator

Changes are not applied until the browser tab is reloaded

DOS programs need a keyboard for user input
Some common keys used in DOS programs

ENTER to select or continue
ESC to navigate back or exit
are often used to navigate menus

Emulation too slow?
Set the emulator to use maximum CPU speed

Need to turn off the audio?
Disable sound card support

Have no audio?
  1. Try Gravis Ultrasound hardware
  2. The song or audio file maybe missing from the program

DOSee pronounced dos/see, is our emulator used to run MS-DOS based software in your web browser.

MS-DOS (Microsoft DOS) was the primary operating system used by PCs during the 1980s to the early 1990s and is the precursor to Microsoft Windows.

DOSee is a slimmed down, modified port of The Emularity.

The Emularity is a multi-platform JavaScript emulator that supports the running of software for legacy computer platforms in a web browser. It is the same platform that's running emulation on the Internet Archive.

EM-DOSBox is a discontinued, high-performance JavaScript port of DOSBox that is applied by The Emularity for its emulation of the MS-DOS platform.

DOSee uses BrowserFS ZipFS and ZipFS Extras to simulate zip file archives as hard disks within EM-DOSBox.

DOSBox is the most popular MS-DOS emulator in use today and is frequently used by commercial game publishers to run games from their back-catalogues on modern computers.

DOSee, built on The Emularity, EM-DOSBox and DOSBox. Capture screenshot and save function built on canvas-toBlob.js.

13 items in the archive
[+] Configuration Copy text
▄▄████▀▀▀▀████▄▄▄ ▀▀▀▀▀▀ █████ ████▀▀ ▀██████ █████████▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀████▀▀▀▀▀▀▄▄▄▄ ▀███▄▄ ▄▄▄▄▄▄ ███████ ████ █████ ▀▀███▄▄▄▄▄████▀▀▀ ▄███████▄▄▄ ▄▄ ████▄▄ ▄▄▄███▀▀ Help documentation for CiB v6.81 done by Woody^DSD [email protected] http://www.come.to/cib http://home9.inet.tele.dk/woody CiB─┐ ├─1.0 ....... How to install 339b 14-01-1999 08:31 │ └─1.1 ... Features 2628b 10-06-1999 13:32 │ 1.2 ... CiBKey options 468b 28-12-1998 09:40 │ 1.3 ... Other implants 1121b 17-01-1999 16:30 │ 1.4 ... The Speed 681b 20-01-1999 23:30 ├─2.0 ....... Future plans 576b 14-01-1999 08:37 │ └─2.1 ... Known bugs 622b 20-01-1999 18:31 ├─3.0 ....... Credits 2029b 17-01-1999 16:03 │ └─3.1 ... The beta team 146b 02-12-1998 17:02 │ 3.2 ... CiB poster 199b 02-12-1998 17:02 └─4.0 ....... (c)opyright info 1247b 02-12-1998 17:03 └─4.1 ... Disclaimer 113b 02-12-1998 17:45 --=(HOW TO INSTALL)=--------------------------------------------------=(1.0)=-- It's really easy to install, just execute the INSTALL.EXE, and let the program lead you the way. The install program will copy all files needed to C:\CIB directory, and it will update autoexec.bat. That means it will write SET CIB=C:\CIB and add CiB to the path. Please make a "clean" directory, to install from, for your own sake. --=(FEATURES)=--------------------------------------------------------=(1.1)=-- CiB has eight option/parameter that you can add, for quicker/better encryption. o /T "Terminate" will secure delete the encrypted file, if the file hasn't been decrypted before 24 hours. You can encrypt the file with this option. When you're decrypting the file, CiB will search for if the /T option has been enabled. If so, it will check if 24 hours has past. Syntax: CiB [files] [+|-] [/T] o /R "Reader" will attempt to read all *.txt files after encryption A "editor" will appear, it's just in first stage ... really bad scrolling. Syntax: CiB [files] [+|-] [/R] o /Q "Quick" feature is quicker encryption, the option will disable the progress bar, because it slowed the crypting process down really much. If you only encrypt small files under 100k, then it really doesn't matter much. Syntax: CiB [files] [+|-] [/Q] o /A "Automatic" feature, it's kinda a semi quick feature. It will enable the quick feature, if the file reaches over 100k. Syntax: CiB [files] [+|-] [/A] o /M "Mouse" feature, instead of typing the password with characters, you can now use the mouse to point on a coordinate on the screen, and that point (x,y,char) will be the encryption char. If you don't wanna "type" anymore, just press the square in the lower right corner. Syntax: CiB [files] [+|-] [/M] o /U: "Unite" feature, this new feature is like the key feature. It was requested by someone in odense-denmark. The feature will use the specified file to crypt the files, an alternative for password/mouse or key feature. Syntax: CiB [files] [+|-] /U:[file] o /X: "Execute" feature, all you have to do is make a file, for example LIST.CIB, in that file you describe what directories and files to encrypt, like this: c:\crypt\;*.* c:\crypt\hacker\;hacker.txt Notice the ; before the file, this has to be there or else it won't work. Remember that you can always use wildcards, and the other options while using these features. You can only add 20 discribtions in the list. The only thing you can't use is /R while using this feature. This file/list HAS to be in the CiB environment, read more about the CiB environment in 1.2 Syntax: CiB /X:[list] [+|-] o Encryption key feature, this feature uses 56byte password. To use keys to encrypt your files, I added the dos environments. Read more about the dos environments in 1.2 other implants. Syntax: CiB [files] [+|-] [Key] --=(CIBKEY OPTIONS)=--------------------------------------------------=(1.2)=-- o To make a key, execute the cibkey.exe with keyname as the option. An extra option for the key has been added, I found out that the key cryption wasn't that good. But don't worry! The "hacker" that debugs the CiBKey won't crack it anyway. Because he'll have to know what you typed anyways. But with the new option, you can add any file to the password. The file has to be 56 bytes or larger. Syntax: CiBKey [Key Name] [/F:[FileName] --=(OTHER IMPLANTS)=--------------------------------------------------=(1.3)=-- This part is not features, just other things that saves time. o I've made a install program, it's much easier to "install" CiB now. Somebody didn't read the .doc file, so ... they didn't know that they should use the CiB environment (you know who you are). This install program will copy all files to c:\cib, remember that you may not be in c:\cib when installing, so please chose another directory to install from. o I added the dos environment for CiB to read the keys and the ansi.dat file. Make a directory C:\CIB, and copy all your keys to that directory (if you havn't installed CiB in the default directory. In autoexec.bat, add this: SET CIB=C:\CIB, and CiB will search in that directory for the keys, if not .. it will search in the current directory for the key, but it wont search for the ansi.dat in the current directory. If you've executed the install.exe file, you wont have to do all these things, the install program has aldready done the changes. If you want to use the /X: "Execute" option, the lists has to here too. --=(SPEED)=-----------------------------------------------------------=(1.4)=-- I tested the speed on my amd-k6 350 mhz with 131.072k sdram. Maxtor 6ms harddisk, and (if it matters!) Asus p5a-b acpi bios, Crypting a 50kb file. In Win98 dos prompt + ansi, the speed was : 9993 bps. In Win98 dos prompt - ansi, the speed was : 18321 bps. With the /Q "quick" option enabled: In Win98 dos prompt + ansi, the speed was : 13741 bps. In Win98 dos prompt - ansi, the speed was : 31470 bps. So as you can see, CiB without ansi is about 48% quicker, and CiB with quick option is about 58% quicker .. so for the quickest cryption, use CiB with /Q and no ansi, but still I recoment to use it with ansi, because the ansi is really cool. --=(FUTURE PLANS)=----------------------------------------------------=(2.0)=-- o Future plans .... adding a editor for CiB, implanted in CiB, for those who can't seem to make this shit work. It will be a menu, where you can choose witch files that should be crypted, and what password/key to use. o Make CiB in delphi4 or vb6 for windows (currently working on that project) o I'm just learning c++, so CiB _may_ come out in linux version. o Add a new option, /F:[File]. This will "compress" all choosen files into one file (crypted ofcause). o Add /S "Subdir" feature, with this option on, CiB will scan all subdirectories for files to crypt. o Adding RSA encryption. --=(KNOWN BUGS)=------------------------------------------------------=(2.1)=-- These bugs can be fixed! o The password checking isn't finished, sometimes it decrypts the file with the wrong password, without saying it's the wrong password. If seven characters of the password is guessed, it will decrypt the the file. BUT don't worry! the "hacker" CAN'T read the file, it's all crypted stuff anyway. o If you're trying to crypt a file on another drive, it can't find the file. Like this: C:\CIB\CIB.EXE D:\FILE.DAT + o If you're trying to use CiB in plain dos, it will crypt the file twize (two times). --=(CREDITS)=---------------------------------------------------------=(3.0)=-- o Spette [My best friend] o Zhandia [For all the fun on internet] o Sordid [For taking care of DSD, and always ready to do some serious coding/htp (and thanx for letting me trick you :) heh)] o Zubfatal [Thanx for helping me annoying people] o Profiler [For ..... I think you know :)] o Deckard [Cool drawings, hope you join DSD sometime, when your time in ImpactDk is over :)] o Sniper/Altitronic [For some cheap computer stuff, and some funny parties] o Griffin [For Hackers: CyberCity, looking forward to hackers 2000, hope you could use my source. And thanx for making guicib (a gui for CiB in windows] o L8run [Cool music, hope I see you on TP98] o Dena [Looking forward to see you at --"--] o Rest of DSD [Just do your stuff :)] o Darkman/VLAD [Where are you? Foo ... no, fido .. guess not I can't seem to find you, please .... if you read this, call at 86301426 and contact me] o DarkFiber/VLAD [So cool virii stuff, enjoyed the Lady Death :) like the source code .. not executing it ;)] o Virus II [Nice to know you, hope you're going to earn some money on your programs] o Nosferatu [I'm sure you're gonna be the most hc hacker] o Bruce Schneier [The author of blowfish] o Xuejla Lai & James Massey [The author of IDEA] o Jibz [For Apack, this is the best I've ever seen, it beats all the known packers (at least those I know of)] o Bugsy/Obsesion [He's just a cool coder] o Don E. Groves [For DgANSI 1.00] o G00FY [It's a pity you closed down your board] o STa [Never really heard of the group, but I guess Smorph is REALLY cool] o Saudarkar [For hpangrib, the coolest hpa mag ever :)] o Pzoid [Don't take my mail seriously heh] o Jane [Just because you love me ;)] o All those I've forgotten ... Sorry mail me, kill me! I don't give a shit --=(THE BETA TEAM)=---------------------------------------------------=(3.1)=-- Thanx to all the beta testers, who helped me test CiB v6.6 and CiB v6.8. o Virus II o Smiley o Dark Shadow o Solitude o Cerebrum o Sordid --=(CiB POSTER)=------------------------------------------------------=(3.2)=-- CiB.ANS is a ansi file, that you add to your board to help me spread CiB around the world. You may change the format (.ans) to any format that you like, but don't change the main text or graphics. --=((c)OPYRIGHT INFO)=------------------------------------------------=(4.0)=-- CiB is provided for you to use, However, it is NOT public domain, it is copyrighted by the author. You may distribute CiB freely, as long as all the files in the distribution archive remain intact, without any changes or modifications. The distribution archive is in Zip format, however, you may convert the archive to any format you choose, as long as the above requirements are met. It is a crime to alter, change, hack or modify any file in this archive. Anyone committing a crime against DSD will be held liable and criminal procedures will be invoked against the person or persons accused of committing the crime. You may make the .zip file available for downloading from your BBS or homepage, you may upload it to any BBS/Site of your choice, provided that you do not make any changes to the contents of the archive (ZIP file). The archive and its individual contents may not be used by any service that charges any money whatsoever, without the written permission of the author. The archive is: ANSI.COM ANSI.DAT CIB.ANS CIB.DOC CIB.EXE CIB.NFO CIBKEY.EXE DISCLAIM.DSD DSD-APP.EXE FILE_ID.DIZ INSTALL.EXE WHATSNEW.TXT RELEASES.NFO If any of the files is missing, please get the hole package at www.come.to/cib --=(DISCLAIMER)=------------------------------------------------------=(4.1)=-- If the program pisses you off or gets you into trouble, IT IS _NOT_ DSD's fault o and READ THE DISCLAIM.DSD! That's all for now, check www.come.to/cib or home9.inet.tele.dk/woody for updates. btw.: please send me some feedback .. some changes or ideas for CiB
RELEASES.NFO 80x285 Font