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377 of 430 files community drama

2011 March 13

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  • answer.txt
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The.Truth.About.CORE-TMT *Revealed*: We were so sure for some days, it was written by an ex-member and the leader of his "admired" group. Maybe we are wrong now, but we decided to write this text as an answer to our new personal hero. > THE TRUTH ABOUT CORE Truth? Really? The story you are spinning is so old, and even then woefully incomplete based soley on your limited experiences - far away from whatever the "truth" is. Maybe the whole story will be told one day in the future. > CORE, the ultimate 0DAY group, the group that has been with the > scene and has been the spine of the scene for so many years, > they have been crucial to form what today is known as the 0DAY > scene. nice try to put all this honey before you throw the shit at us > Formed in the 90's, it quickly emerged on expense of other > groups, swooping in any talent they could find, driving their > members to the very brink of what their minds could tolerate > and is as close one could get to dictatorship online as one > could get. > I would know, I was there. This is correct, our old leader actively "recruited" talented crackers to CORE, we never made a secret about this. Groups like UCF and DOD did this as well, this was the norm. If anyone ever felt they were being mind-controlled, this person should seek advice from a psychiatrist. > At one point the group was unstoppable, untouchable and could > handpick any recruit they saw fit. The leadership forcefully > pushed for the elitest ways, getting there one keymaker at the > time. And soon you found yourself forced to focus on keymakers > even if they weren't legit keymakers according to rules. Nobody was or is forced into releasing keymakers only. In the art of cracking a keygen is the creme of a crack, the real challenge of reverse engineering. It's the most pretentious but also the cleaneast way, since you don't touch the code of the author. We are simply trying to do the best crack. > Hardcoded serials? No problem, fish them all and put them > in a keymaker. Some years ago there were a few "keygens" for programs that contained MANY hardcoded serials. We don't believe something like that was even forbidden back then. But i'm sure nearly noone today would even consider releasing such serial-collection as a keygen. > Having problems reversing the application? Let's > see if we can find a previous released title, and reverse that > keymaker instead. Chances are that the competitor didn't > protect it, and even if they did - reversing the keymaker > would take less time to get to the goal, the keymaker. Now its getting problematic, very close to lies... If you acted the depicted way, you shouldn't talk about it as common behaviour in CORE or even as the default, demanded by staff. There might for sure be tendencies to various directions. But CORE always regulated itself, since there always were enough crackers who looked at the work of their group comrades. If you had take any deeper look onto todays 0day-scene, you would have found easily, some groups which are really into this biz, but this would have not fit into your NFOs statement. > Why? While CORE quickly jumped towards scene glory, the council > also forgot about their members. The key elements of fun, > friendship and knowledge. Forcing weekly work results would > drive any talented reverser to find shortcuts. Shortcuts which > involved stealing from other reversers, finding solutions > in web-based groups or delude nukers by hiding potential > problematic releases inside a rush of releases. > The nukers would probably not even care to check them all was > what we were told, and that's also what happened. We were > high on the adrenaline, we were the best group, we had it all > but something felt wrong. Did anyone force you to imitate or even to steal?? > delude nukers by hiding potential problematic releases inside a rush of > releases No real cracker would release any not-working/"problematic release" if he knows about the fact (beside the ones from a very few groups). How then to delude the nukers? If it's out, some user will complain (or not). Or do you mean simply release less, so the nukers can't check them all? :p > The nukers would probably not even care to check them all Fully right, and this is still a problem in scene. Who wants to see his own releases nuked (even for a fucking good reason)! But that is not a CORE-specifically problem, I always tried to NOT hide nukes + nukereasons. The things you mention, consist of your (maybe) personal behaviour - the rest are imputations, nonsense, halftruths and lies. > I had become a robot. Maybe, maybe not - remember that advice about the psychiatrist? But maybe you can explain, why only a few crackers ever left (or even got kicked from) CORE during the 14 years. And why there are still some keygenners from the very early years? > Reversing wasn't fun anymore. > Sure, by now I had been active for so many years so I thought > I would be an exempt to the forced requirements. And I was, > for a few months. Then I was approaced, told that I would need > to become more active if I wanted to keep my resources. Else, > the resources would need to be pushed to other active > people. > This astonished me, not only had I been putting hours and > hours of work into this, but also, the group had so many sites > so I had a hard time understanding why my little slot would > be needed. Being a bit irritated, I blatantly asked why this > would come up now; the answer shocked me. > "We need it for our asian re-seller" That's a lie... There have been only 2-3 guys dealing with such stuff in the whole life of CORE, and believe - the story i would know. > Perhaps was this said in a tone of irony, perhaps was this > a result of bad humour, but it did lead me to quickly end my > relationship with the group, and the scene in all. Several > years have passed since then, and the reason I now come > forth with this information is that I see CORE is more and > more acting up. Now trying to understate your assertion, doesn't make it a lesser lie. > There is no news in CORE thinking highly about themselves but > when it leads them on a rampage against 0DAY scene in general, > the scene they once held dear and now is ravaging, that makes > me sad. Very sad. This is not how we built our group, this is > not how I want my precious CORE to be remembered. Why would > you leave the path that lead to glory, to bash as kids? > Remember what we used to live by? Challenge of Reverse > Engineering. These days it appears that the challenge more > aims at boosting the ego, the mentality and to fire up > against the competitors. Back when I was active, we had > fun competing, it wasn't personal, we helped eachother, we > acted like a family. > Now it appears that every 4th NFO released by CORE contains > bashing, flaming or other idiocracy against groups they > compete with. Sure, we always had fun doing some mild > bashing, but this is beyond anything. Has the scene really > fallen so far from what we set out to enjoy? >> CORE is more and more acting up. >> rampage against 0DAY scene in general >> There is no news in CORE thinking highly about themselves >> Was all the hours spent building the group a waste of time? >> This is not how we built our group .. we acted like a family. >> Now it appears that every 4th NFO released by CORE contains >> bashing, flaming or other idiocracy against groups they compete with You are writing like a senior-cracker of CORE, like a guy who deserves fucking respect. You built the group.., you acted.., you (hopefully) didn't waste your time... But you are pretty sure, CORE is acting up and its members are always feeling high. To be honest, you don't give any shit about CORE nor its name. Else you wouldn't try to pollute everything CORE is, with halftruths and even lies. There were and still are times in CORE, where every so often crackers help each other/are working together; on cracking- or even art-projects, on porting stuff from one OS to another and others things (like hardcore-testing, releasing...). We never acted like a family, "family" should belong to real life or to groups which insist on it, in any case this is too dangerous in these times, where busts are happening regularly. We are simply mates or friends. I should know about more than these facts, I was here all the time. > Once I was CORE of all heart, now I root for the competition, > and most notably the group that was a underdog when I > was active, the group that seem to be the Achilles' heel > of CORE - Linezer0, not even responding to the continous > bashing by my former glorious group *lol* In your 2nd paragraph you ramble about dictatorship then go on to make claims regarding "CORE's Achilles' heel". Could it be that you've simply read Gene Sharp's "From Dictatorship to Democracy" one to many times?! :P Before you try to project the content of his books on your current situation, I would consult your psychiatrist... If you just had read one more NFO from us (simply the right :p), you would know what finally caused our bad moods on your prefered group. I will give you some hints: the Navicat-story, promises, lies and still continuous imitating And if you simply had a basic clue of the current scene, instead of only watching others (like our members!) working their ass off - you wouldn't talk about competition and this converter-group in one sentence :/ Nonetheless, the analysis of our Achilles' heel must wait for evident reasons till anyone/anything forces us to publish it. > CORE, my beloved CORE. Why, why would you ruin the name as > you do? Why would you forget what is important. Now i'm really asking myself, why do our experiences differ that much... There is no reason to hide, we had "lean" years. And surely (now years later) we aren't proud of mu-races of shitty softwares, the same with mass-releasing of ripper-/converter-soft. Our only (but pretty weak) excuse, we were with Orion the first groups releasing this shit :p But unlike few other groups, we did learn of our mistakes. So, just ask any CORE cracker if they think our reputation has been ruined during the last years... Why do we still get told if there are any problems with our keygens, because we don't care about non-working and don't try to fix it asap? Why do we so often get asked for the usage of our keygens in iso-releases? Why do we get nearly weekly offers for site-affiliations? Why do we get often enough gratulated or even thanked for our incredible/fucking great/<insert-anything> keygens? Why <fill it with lots of other questions about 0day-scene>... And finally, why did your new group lost so many of its members to us? (which are partially that they were tired of their former group, they even wrote NFOs about it) It must be because we totally ruined the name "CORE" and now are only surrounded by bootlickers! It seems your current knowledge about 0day-scene and CORE is a result of taking a look into few daydirs and/or checking on web, reading 1-2-3 NFOs, getting a pretty thick throat by this... Unluckily you have that as much lesser clues about the things you are writing, it simply hurts your so called "reputation". This leads to another question... What the hell was the purpose of your "work"? Doing what you criticize in very few of our NFOs/keygens - trying some "mild bashing" on us? :) (even mixed with some lies) If you were the one you claimed to be, you would know how much work and time stands behind all our releases. Maybe you already forgot it or never put that much effort into your work. In fact your The.Truth.About.CORE-TMT is a view of an outsider to judge by old halftruth facts about us, like all the other annoying scene-nfo's mainly published on dumps and sites of the 3rd row. Sceners we talked with about, call it simply "pointless" and "aimless". In CORE (as you easily could guess) its any "piece of shit" written by a "coward"... > My heart was CORE, now I cheer for the ZERO. > You're lost. > I am sad. Oh no, now I am sad, too, by how pathetic you sound. :p By the way, we don't have any problem with you cheering for the winning team. :X And the assertion we are lost, simply belongs to all your other imputations... You would know this, if you still had any contact with folks who aren't just there to stroke your ego. > ~ The Mighty Thor ~ However, there remains one question... Why didn't you reveal your previous cracker handle so we know who is actually attacking us as well as why/how you left? This is probably because it's always easier to shoot someone in the back instead of stating you are for example Xyz aka v..... :p Are you that afraid of what we might published as "our" side of the story if you did? :) FYI, next scene notice you should really check your facts. We simply expect more "truth", although we figure last thing you care about is the "truth" since it's far easier to smear someone with half/false "truths". And concerning your sign handle? Thor is reserved for the gods - do you really think you are one? :) I guess being omnipotent wasn't really helpful in writing this notice. Next time why don't you first get some actual knowledge about the things you are writing about, ok? CORE 1997-2011 Signed: Bergelmir Cyrex Ducky KaiZer SoZe Minamoto r0LEX slim symmetry tam tRiST
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