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  • Zip - DOS / Computer tool
  • Crook, writer credits
  • LordByte, program credits

Emulating TEST1/TEST1.COM in DOSee.

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  2. The song or audio file maybe missing from the program

DOSee pronounced dos/see, is our emulator used to run MS-DOS based software in your web browser.

MS-DOS (Microsoft DOS) was the primary operating system used by PCs during the 1980s to the early 1990s and is the precursor to Microsoft Windows.

DOSee is a slimmed down, modified port of The Emularity.

The Emularity is a multi-platform JavaScript emulator that supports the running of software for legacy computer platforms in a web browser. It is the same platform that's running emulation on the Internet Archive.

EM-DOSBox is a discontinued, high-performance JavaScript port of DOSBox that is applied by The Emularity for its emulation of the MS-DOS platform.

DOSee uses BrowserFS ZipFS and ZipFS Extras to simulate zip file archives as hard disks within EM-DOSBox.

DOSBox is the most popular MS-DOS emulator in use today and is frequently used by commercial game publishers to run games from their back-catalogues on modern computers.

DOSee, built on The Emularity, EM-DOSBox and DOSBox. Capture screenshot and save function built on canvas-toBlob.js.

28 items in the archive
  • TEST1/
  • TEST2/
  • TEST3/
  • TEST4/
  • TEST5/
  • TEST6/
  • TEST7/
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How to crack TEST2 by LordByte by Crook 27 January 1998 Introduction TEST2 is the second TEST in the series of CrackMes issued by LordByte. The higher number is the harder CrackMe is. As you can expect TEST2 is not really difficult. If you feel it's too easy for you just go ahead and try the TEST7. Where you can get it You can get it from http://crackme.home.ml.org together with zillions (well, nearly ;) other ones. Cracking At first I must say you have to know assembler before trying to read this. I'll present a complete disassembly of this little piece of code but to fully understand what I'm talking about you must know what those magic MOVs and XORs are. Let's go (Below is the full source code of TEST2, produced by IDA - Interactive DisAssembler. If you want to crack more & more progs you should get it. More details can be found on great FraVia's site: http://fravia.org and the IDA itself can be found almost everywhere on the Web). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ jmp short $+2 int 3 ; Trap to Debugger ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ This is just a typical start of LordByte's program ;) The first jump which is effectively useless. The next instruction is to stop the debugger execution at this point. It's very useful to us because the original COM was pcaked using PKLITE and we are able to find entrypoint without unpacking the program. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ mov ax, 900h mov dx, offset intro_str int 21h ; DOS - PRINT STRING ; DS:DX -> string terminated by "$" mov ax, 0A00h mov dx, offset password int 21h ; DOS - BUFFERED KEYBOARD INPUT ; DS:DX -> buffer ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ This two DOS calls just print the intro message and get the password from the user. Nothing complicated yet. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ mov ax, 351Ch int 21h ; DOS - 2+ - GET INTERRUPT VECTOR ; AL = interrupt number ; Return: ES:BX = value of interrupt vector mov si, offset old_ofs mov [si], bx mov bx, es mov [si+2], bx mov si, offset interrupt mov dx, si mov ax, 251Ch int 21h ; DOS - SET INTERRUPT VECTOR ; AL = interrupt number ; DS:DX = new vector to be used for specified interrupt jmp short next ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Now we're saving vectors of 1ch interrupt and setting it to our vector. This interrupt is called (normally) 18.2 times a second allowing you to do things 'in background'. It's used for some (lame ;) antidebugging later. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ terminate: pop bp add sp, 8 mov ax, 4C00h int 21h ; DOS - 2+ - QUIT WITH EXIT CODE (EXIT) ; AL = exit code ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ This proc just ends the execution of this program. It's not executed after playing with vectors because there is a 'jmp short next' jump to 'next' label below. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ next: mov si, offset password+2 mov ax, 6F25h xor_loop: xor ax, [si] cmp byte ptr [si+1], 0 jz anti_loop cmp byte ptr [si+1], 0Dh jz anti_loop inc si jmp short xor_loop ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Yo! This is the 'juicy' part of the prog. Let's look closer what is going on there. Moving 6f25h to AX and then XORing it by every char in the password. But we must be careful here. Why SI's initial value is 'offset password+2'? Because the first char at 'offset password' is how many chars can be put in the buffer (put there before DOS call. It's the buffer length incremented by one, because of 0Dh char on the end which also must fit into the buffer. DOS checks this value and gives a beep when you're trying to enter more chars then it's stated here. In this program maximum password length is 11 = 0Ch - 1), and the second byte at 'offset password+1' is how many chars user actually has entered. So we have in AX value of 6f25h and let's assume we enetered 'test' as a password. Let's have a look at the memory: offset password: 0C 04 74 65 73 74 0D 00 .... Notice that 74 65 74 73 = 'test'. SI points to 'offset password+2', which is 74 65 73 74. Now the AX get XORed (if you don't know this function go and read about in some book, some paper on the Web or something, otherwise you won't understand how the crack is being done). But with what? First guess is 7465, but it's wrong. It gets XORed by 6574h. As you can see the order of the bytes is reversed. That's how it is on x86 processors. Don't ask me why, go to local Intel office ;). Then after INCrementing SI it's XORed by, yes you guessed it this time, 7365h. This process ends when the 0Dh is reached, what is the mark of the end of the string appended to the string by DOS. All right, ebough about this snippet, let's go further. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ anti_loop: cmp cs:anti_debug, 0 jnz anti_loop ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ This to lines do a simple thing: try to stop an unexpirienced cracker. Remember what the program did when it was playing vectors? It also set an interrupt 1ch (which is called, as you can remember, approx. 18 times a second) to 'interrupt' procedure. It's presented below, but in fact it's a liitle but farther in the code. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ interrupt: dec cs:anti_debug iret ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ It simply decreases the anti_debug variable. Now you can imagine what's going on. In the debugger the interrupts are disabled, so the loop never ends. But when the prog is not traced the interrupts are enabled, so anti_debug is being decreased so it must reach 0 sometime, and the loop would end then. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ mov si, offset old_ofs mov dx, [si] push ax mov ax, [si+2] mov ds, ax mov ax, 251Ch int 21h ; DOS - SET INTERRUPT VECTOR ; AL = interrupt number ; DS:DX = new vector to be used for specified interrupt ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ After the anti debugging trick has ended the vectors are reset to the original values and the value calcuted using xor_loop is pushed to the stack. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ push cs pop ds add ax, 409h shl ax, 3 sub ax, 4A3Eh xchg ax, dx mov ax, 300h mov bx, 0FFFh mov cx, 90h mess_loop: add ax, bx xchg ax, bx loop mess_loop push bx push ax ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ mess_loop does nothing but computing in AX c440h and in BX c69fh. This values are constant on every computer, under any debugger everytime. It could be replaced with simple MOV AX,C440h MOV BX,C69Fh. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ mov ax, 3503h int 21h ; DOS - 2+ - GET INTERRUPT VECTOR ; AL = interrupt number ; Return: ES:BX = value of interrupt vector mov ax, bx ror ax, 4 xor ax, 7343h push ax ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ This one gets the 03h interrupt vector (it is used in debuggers for breakpointing). It's not used later so we can forget about it. It tries just to mess up our understanding of the program. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ push bp mov bp, sp mov bx, [bp+4] xor bx, 0B816h xor [bp+8], bx jnz write_wrong mov ax, 900h mov dx, offset right_pass int 21h ; DOS - PRINT STRING ; DS:DX -> string terminated by "$" jmp terminate ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ At last is the end. What is done here? The BX is loaded with [BP+4]. WTF is that? Look at this memory location under the debugger. It's C440h (computed earlier). BX gets XORed with B816h so finally BX is 7C56h. [BP+8] is XORed with BX and if it's zero it's the right password! If it's not the password is wrong. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ write_wrong: mov dx, offset wrong_pass mov ax, 900h int 21h ; DOS - PRINT STRING ; DS:DX -> string terminated by "$" jmp terminate start endp ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Cracking the schema What do we know about the right password? The value computed by xor_loop equals to 7C56h. (Only n XOR n = 0). Now, let's think what the xor_loop does with password. Assume password is 11 (0bh) chars long. Let's write the password as 'abcdefghijk' plus 0dh char. How AX is XORed with these values? AX = 6F25h XORed by: b a c b d c e d f e g f h g i h j i k j 0d k ===== Should be: 7C56h Let's notice the following about the XOR: having any given value (x) and a second value (y) there is just one value which fulfills the equation: x xor w = y And we also know the value of w, which is: w = x xor y If you don't know why, study so mathemathics. Now back to our table. Basing on the fact I described above it's enough to compute 'k' and 'a' value having 'bcdefghij' given by the user! Writing such a program is not hard and in cracker's jargon it's called keymaker. 6Fh xor (b xor c xor d xor e xor f xor g xor h xor i xor j) xor k xor 0dh = 7Ch 25h xor a xor (b xor c xor d xor e xor f xor g xor h xor i xor j) xor k = 56h Let's assume n = b xor c xor d xor e xor f xor g xor h xor i xor j then 6Fh xor n xor k xor 0dh = 7Ch 25h xor a xor n xor k = 56h after some calculations you get: k = 1Eh xor n a = 73h xor n xor k because k = 1Eh xor n a = 73h xor n xor 1Eh xor n a = 73h xor 1Eh a = 6Dh = 'm' ! What you see above is a proof that the first char is CONSTANT! Having given 9 chars that would be put inside the password we know the first char is 'm' and we can compute the last! Here is the program which does the very thing: program Test2KeyMaker; var S : string; n : Byte; a, k : Byte; i : Byte; begin Writeln('Simple keymaker for TEST2 by LordByte'); Writeln('Written 27.1.1998 by Crook'); repeat Write('Enter 9 char string: '); Readln(S); until Length(S) = 9; n := 0; for i := 1 to 9 do n := n xor Ord(S[I]); k := $1e xor n; a := $6d; Writeln('The password is: ', Chr(a), S, Chr(k)); end. Ending So that's it. You must admit that wasn't so difficult. Take a next TEST in a row a try to crack it. You surely will learn something. Crook
TEST2/TEST2TUT.TXT 95x315 Font