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22 of 38 files bitchin ansi design

1993 September

  • ANSI artpack
  •   Demozoo
21 items in the archive
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←[40m←[2J←[25C←[0;1mBitchin' ANSi Design Presents ←[15C←[0;1;30m─ ──←[0m─←[0;1;30m─←[0m──←[0;1m─←[0m─←[0;1m── The September BAD Pack ──←[0m─←[0;1m─←[0m──←[0;1;30m─←[0m─←[0;1;30m── ─ ←[0;1mWell, it's another month and another late pack. Maybe we should just say that our release date is "after the first of the month." At any rate, we're glad to finally put this out even though many artists were very slack. The whole reason for this is that most of the BAD members are in school and have work to do besides art. There are also certain people who work twenty-four hours a day (won't mention any names, Section 8) and are otherwise uncontactable (is that a word). And there are also people who enjoy falling down stairs (we currently have two members who have broken body parts). Anyway, this next month should be MUCH less slack and we'll actually have a lot of kick ass stuff. Getting of the topic of slackness, it may seem to certain persons, "Why do you have a musician when he never does anything?" Well, he actually does music out the ass and we don't have a good music player for it and can't give it the credit it deserves. I'd like to mention that we will not be accepting any more distribution sites until the middle of October since we need to revamp all our sites. More info on this will be given out at a later date. We WILL have an ANSi viewer next month --- I promise (didn't we say this in January? ;]). We've got one almost done now, but it's not really presentable at the time. Look for it. We'd like to thank everyone who has supporting the group. We have bases on several nets including Underground Criminal Alliance, UltraTech, and Valiant Network. We are being reviewed in magazines including Paradigm and Iridium. A warm thank-you goes out to all the people who contacted us about these groups and nets. "Join now and get a month of long distance free!" (That should get SOMEONE's attention.) We're still recruiting just about anybody who has talent and would like to join. Just fill out the application and send it to the World HeadQuarters and you'll be contacted ASAP. This month, we obtained a new courier and an old artist. Persecutor has decided to once again to start doing ANSi's and has one in this pack. Welcome. That's about it. Hope you enjoy the pack. laTeR... ←[66C-Black Knight ←[59C-[BAD] Senior Member Greetz: Sir Psycho Sexy←[5C─ Have a nice trip? Basehead←[12C─ Slacker. You could have done at least ONE MOD. ;] FusioN←[14C─ Welcome to the EHQ spot. Jack of Hearts←[6C─ Finally got it done. Scrappy←[13C─ Uhhh... huh, huh... what? Red Raider←[10C─ I suppose you still want an X-Wing, 'eh? Leto←[16C─ Batman => Worms of Arrakis. LD and I have strange heads. Greetz from S8: Syntax Error←[8C─ Welcome to TLH. Hope you enjoy our "hospitality." Ricochet←[12C─ Logo? OH, THOSE! Midnight Sorrow←[6C─ Welcome back. How big's the bill gonna be this month? Dark Spyre←[10C─ Valiant is kicking ass. Red Raider←[10C─ You NEED to call me (but only when I'm home!)←[0m
BAD-0993.NFO 131x63 Font