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66 of 83 files prestige

1996 November 20

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Session Start: Wed Nov 20 19:24:22 1996 *** Now talking in #prestige <GrUnGeR> how many disks is skyNET? <`Q-Ball> thanks Kevork! <Ranger1-> 11 <GrUnGeR> ok *** GrUnGeR ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** mrl ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** Marlenus has left IRC *** dkarnage ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** lolo_ ([email protected]) has joined #prestige * beelzebub is gone, ... Saving Messages, Left at 22:44:41. <_Zeta_> . * zorlac is gone: .x( The Usual... )x. pager [on] /ctcp zorlac page *** destructr ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** Purify_ ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** lolo_ has quit IRC (Leaving) *** `Gen is now known as RiCAZ *** Purify_ has quit IRC (Leaving) *** _Riddler_ ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** _Riddler_ ([email protected]) has left #prestige * _CRAZY_ is gone (☻01:24PM☻): (AutoGone - 5 mins) *** Dr_Kevork ([email protected]) has left #PRESTIGE *** Purify_ ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** shaGGy ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** iRoN_mAN_ has quit IRC (EOF From client) *** dkarnage has quit IRC (Ping timeout) *** Don_Juan sets mode: +v Shiffie *** paranoid^ has quit IRC (Lame script!) *** pr0zac has quit IRC (Leaving) *** Sosay ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** Sosay ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** ofd2 ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** seti ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** destructr ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** Purify_ ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** paranoid^ ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** ^wOof^ ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** camer ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** destructr ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <^wOof^> ne news on the Skynet fix ? *** |rev| ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** Ranger1- has quit IRC (Connection reset by peer) <|rev|> hehe budgetpaki.org!!!!!!! <|rev|> i made that! <|rev|> werd <|rev|> =] *** Shazam_ has quit IRC (Leaving) * Ranger- is gone: .x( skewl )x. pager [off] <ofd2> what is the latest psg release ??? *** Pseudo ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** Pseudo ([email protected]) has left #prestige <^wOof^> ne news on the Skynet fix ? *** Kap ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** deetch has quit IRC (Read error: 0 (Error 0)) <[DoOm]> someone kill Cybr_Work for me plz..... *** destructr has quit IRC (Read error: 32 (Broken pipe)) <^wOof^> why ? *** Zion has quit IRC (Getting another Prestige release ready.... ) * Bigman is gone: .☻o☻(☻ school ☻)☻o☻. left at 8:26am *** Kap ([email protected]) has left #prestige <[DoOm]> woof: cause he took soomething over =]] *** TheFoxy1 ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** Merc_ ([email protected]) has joined #prestige * beelzebub is gone, ... Saving Messages, Left at 22:44:41. * Tslayer is away �� I'm eating lunch! On time today! �� leave a MSG if you need me *** Jecksom has quit IRC (EOF From client) *** [RYGAR] ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** seti ([email protected]) has left #prestige <[RYGAR]> hey <[RYGAR]> anyone in here tried spacejam, and got sound effects working?! *** nITROGEn ([email protected]) has joined #PRESTIGE <[prozac]> . <nITROGEn> anyone here that runs Vermillion? *** FallLine has quit IRC (Connection reset by peer) *** Zion ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** Don_Juan sets mode: +o Zion *** Archv-- has quit IRC (Idle time limit exceeded) <[RYGAR]> zion <[RYGAR]> wussup *** bash_ has quit IRC (Read error: 232 (Connection reset by peer)) <RiCAZ> hello prozac *** Zion has quit IRC (Connecting to a different server) *** [DoOm] is now known as [|f00l|] *** [|f00l|] is now known as [DoOm] *** Grudge-E ([email protected]) has joined #prestige * zorlac is gone: .x( The Usual... )x. pager [on] /ctcp zorlac page *** [kurt] ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** LPR ([email protected]) has joined #PRESTIGE *** shaGGy has quit IRC (Connection timed out) *** Uridius ([email protected]) has joined #Prestige <[prozac]> . *** eyeball1 ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** |rev| ([email protected]) has left #prestige <_Zeta_> . *** eyeball1 ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** Archv-- ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <_Zeta_> [Archv--] Bonjour.. Do you have any Grey Pouppon? <_Alpha_> [Archv--] Bonjour.. Do you have any Grey Pouppon? *** [oBs] ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** MRBIG ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <[oBs]> Hello to all <[prozac]> . *** leer0y ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** shrine ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <[oBs]> who is the leader around:)) *** _Viper ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** cybphreak ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** Jazz sets mode: +o cybphreak <shrine> hey, are you boys gonna release the SUBST fix for Tomb Raider.. i heard something about that kind of thing coming *** _Viper ([email protected]) has left #prestige <[prozac]> . *** bababoey ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <shrine> hi cyb <shrine> cyb, are you gonna release that Subst fix for TR? <[prozac]> . <Vindi> Shrine: its allready released.. *** marbz ([email protected]) has joined #Prestige <[RYGAR]> u got a problem with subst? *** [kurt] ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** dkarnage ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <bababoey> who cares about subst....like its really hard to make a little .bat file to do it for you *** Gloin ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** PilGRIM ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <marbz> -=- PilGRIM -=- <[RYGAR]> why do u have to do a bat file, it takes 0.02 seconds to type <shrine> vindi, wow.. do you have it? <[RYGAR]> no need to thank me. <shrine> i know you can do a .bat file.. i am not that stupid *** PilGRIM ([email protected]) has left #prestige <Vindi> shrine: hmm, yes I think I have it somewhere. <[RYGAR]> the drill sergeant from FULL METAL JACKET stars in THE FRIGHTENERS with michael j fox. pretty fucking kool let me tell you. <[RYGAR]> my life is complete *** mrl ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <shrine> hi mrl <hot_tuna> . *** nos ([email protected]) has joined #PRESTIGE *** shaGGy ([email protected]) has joined #prestige * Ranger- is gone: .x( skewl )x. pager [off] * beelzebub is gone, ... Saving Messages, Left at 22:44:41. *** Grudge-E has quit IRC (Read error: 232 (Connection reset by peer)) *** Exile-SAD ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** Exile-SAD ([email protected]) has left #prestige * Bigman is gone: .☻o☻(☻ school ☻)☻o☻. left at 8:26am *** ^wOof^ is now known as status *** status is now known as STATUS *** STATUS is now known as ^wOof^ *** ^wOof^ is now known as status *** status was kicked by Skill (☻| Nick Flood |☻) *** ByronZzZ has quit IRC (Leaving) *** destin ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** destin ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** Gloin has quit IRC (Ping timeout) *** ^MaGNeT^ (~_magnet_@sh1_p12.telepac.pt) has joined #prestige *** hot_tuna ([email protected]) has left #PRESTIGE *** RiCAZ ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** leer0y has quit IRC (Leaving) <nITROGEn> Anyone here know anything about Vermillion? <_Zeta_> . * Tslayer is away �� I'm eating lunch! On time today! �� leave a MSG if you need me <[RYGAR]> what *** pancho ([email protected]) has joined #prestige * zorlac is gone: .x( The Usual... )x. pager [on] /ctcp zorlac page <_Alpha_> . *** Nizda ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** Don_Juan sets mode: +o Archv-- *** [DoOm] has quit IRC ([=D/╫\=] \/ΦRº╬0▒ 0.5 [⌐-->ΦL╬TΦ Φ╨╬T╬0▒<--⌐] by [DoOm]) *** shrine ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** pitviper ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** Don_Juan sets mode: +v marbz *** Corak_ has quit IRC (Ping timeout) *** LPR has quit IRC (Leaving) *** Mendoza ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** nos has quit IRC (Leaving) *** Chump ([email protected]) has joined #prestige * Tslayer is back <Chump> anyone know a t1 pub site where i could pickup a full ver of Tomb Raider??? *** Arch-Magi ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** Don_Juan sets mode: +o Arch-Magi <_Alpha_> [Arch-Magi] Hail Magi! All Bow DOWN! <marbz> hi archie :P <Arch-Magi> hi marbz <_Zeta_> [Arch-Magi] Hail Magi! All Bow DOWN! *** teknysis ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** pitviper ([email protected]) has left #prestige * beelzebub is gone, ... Saving Messages, Left at 22:44:41. *** Nizda ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** labtek ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** Corak_ ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <Chump> Pub T1 site with Tomb Raider FULL? <Chump> anyone? *** pitviper ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** SteeLp ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** SteeLp ([email protected]) has left #prestige <pitviper> can someome here invite me to dod <BlueAdepT> it wouldnt be public then would it chump *** Mampy ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <Chump> BlueAdepT: I'm sorry, I don't follow...what do you mean? *** pitviper ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** Vindi ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** Scuzi has quit IRC (Leaving) <[RYGAR]> he means you suck golfballs. thru a gardenhose * Ranger- is gone: .x( skewl )x. pager [off] <Chump> Rygar...i remember that game....DAMN IT WAS GAY <[RYGAR]> hmm?! *** leer0y ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <[RYGAR]> hey chump, *** MRBIG has quit IRC (Leaving) <[RYGAR]> i have chosen you at random, to pester and annoy for the rest of your life. starting right now. * Bigman is gone: .☻o☻(☻ school ☻)☻o☻. left at 8:26am <Chump> hey rygar...that i don't care....starting right now!!! *** shaGGy has quit IRC (Connection timed out) <Chump> rygar....IGNORE!!!!! *** teknysis has quit IRC (We all live on one planet and it will all go up in smoke.) * Corak_ is gone. eating.. brb * bababoey is away ☻- Automatically set away. -☻ messages will be saved. <Chump> wow rygar...quit pestering me....! *** Uridius has quit IRC (Ping timeout) *** labtek ([email protected]) has left #prestige <Chump> what was that rygar...i can't hear u...sorry :( *** aveCaesar has quit IRC (Backlash rise the SoFtWare HeAvEn) <Tslayer> Anyone know what the tomb raider fix does? <[RYGAR]> im giving u the "silent treatment". <Chump> Tslayer do you know where i could get a full ver of Tomb Raider?...I'm on a T1 <[RYGAR]> it fixes so u dont have to use subst every time u start it. <Tslayer> I have it on my t1+ site, but can't exactly give that site out for nothings. <Tslayer> Thanks rygar! *** cH_ ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <[RYGAR]> be my guest. <[RYGAR]> thank you <[RYGAR]> drive thru. <[RYGAR]> i have it on my site aswell. but im the only one that can login to it. *** arcturuz ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** ^MaGNeT^ (~_magnet_@sh1_p12.telepac.pt) has left #prestige *** cH_ ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** samhain ([email protected]) has left #prestige <_Zeta_> . * leer0y is gone (Rec On) - ☻5 Minute AutoGone. Leave a MSG.☻ * zorlac is gone: .x( The Usual... )x. pager [on] /ctcp zorlac page *** Krighton ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** GrufBORG ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** [RYGAR] ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** Warthog_2 ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** SLiCeR ([email protected]) has joined #prestige * beelzebub is gone, ... Saving Messages, Left at 22:44:41. <Warthog_2> So are you fags ever gonna fix Skynet?!? *** Warthog_2 ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** mf ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** SLiCeR ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** mf ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** Chump ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** Purify_ ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** MFM has quit IRC (Ping timeout) *** Purify_ is now known as purify^ *** purify^ is now known as Purify_ *** Mampy has quit IRC (Ping timeout) *** slamjudg- ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** Outbreak- ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <marbz> -=- Outbreak- -=- *** Earvin ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** Extinct ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** Extinct ([email protected]) has left #prestige * Ranger- is gone: .x( skewl )x. pager [off] *** slamjudge has quit IRC (Broken pipe) *** Arch-Magi ([email protected]) has left #prestige * Bigman is gone: .☻o☻(☻ school ☻)☻o☻. left at 8:26am *** arcturuz has quit IRC (Leaving) *** U^D^I ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** MysticOne ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** druid_ has quit IRC (Ping timeout) <Tslayer> Descent 2: infinite abyss, has anyone tried it yet? *** nITROGEn has quit IRC (Ping timeout) *** Earvin has quit IRC (Leaving) *** hyprviper ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** GrufBORG ([email protected]) has left #prestige <_Zeta_> . * paranoid^ is away �� <!>BoRiNG<!> <!> BoRiNG <!> <!> BoRiNG<!> �� leave a MSG if you need me *** paranoid^ is now known as p4r4n01d *** mrl ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** redfox- ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** Rocketeer has quit IRC (leaving) *** CybI ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** {Jessica} ([email protected]) has joined #prestige * bloodline is Away [☻X-Script☻] GONE [☻X-Script☻] [msgs logged] *** bloodline has quit IRC (EOF From client) * beelzebub is gone, ... Saving Messages, Left at 22:44:41. *** TheCrow ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** holybeast ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** ofd2 has quit IRC (Dead Socket) *** CATTINO sets mode: +o holybeast <{Jessica}> Quantity - Quality = Prestige *** Griffon ([email protected]) has joined #PRESTIGE *** _Alpha_ sets mode: -o holybeast *** _Zeta_ sets mode: -o holybeast * zorlac is gone: .x( The Usual... )x. pager [on] /ctcp zorlac page <{Jessica}> Polly want's a cracker? No, thanks - give it to prestige :) <{Jessica}> . *** toxic2 ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** MFM ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** CybI ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** p4r4n01d ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** U^D^I ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** Outbreak- has quit IRC () *** Ionizer has quit IRC (Excess Flood) *** Ionizer ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** Ionizer has quit IRC (Excess Flood) <_Alpha_> [Ionizer] [THE GAME REVIEWer] *** {Jessica} ([email protected]) has left #prestige <_Zeta_> [Ionizer] [THE GAME REVIEWer] *** Ionizer ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** Outbreak- ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <marbz> -=- Outbreak- -=- *** Halfback has quit IRC (Leaving) *** _Zeta_ sets mode: +v Ionizer *** slamjudge ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** _Zeta_ sets mode: +o slamjudge <Jazz> draw your sword *** SuprHackr ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** redfox- has quit IRC (.:t╓R▒ fú╔ºh:. v1.4▓ by SLaG...) <Cryaway> O=]---------------- <Cryaway> okay... <Cryaway> heheheh.. *** SteeLp ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <SteeLp> BAJS! *** redfox- ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** _Zeta_ sets mode: +o Cryaway *** Cryaway is now known as Crystalin *** SteeLp has quit IRC (Leaving) *** coolhando ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** reich ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** Karrade has quit IRC (Connection reset by peer) *** Crystalin has quit IRC (CHANGING SERVERS...BRB) *** Crystalin ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** _ZEUS ([email protected]) has joined #prestige * Ranger- is gone: .x( skewl )x. pager [off] <coolhando> hey zeus, you the one that released SimCopter? *** WZR ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <_ZEUS> why *** Sosay ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** WZR ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** leer0y has quit IRC (☻ cotyattygodniotywaa... CZUJMOZG☻) * Bigman is gone: .☻o☻(☻ school ☻)☻o☻. left at 8:26am <Sosay> is the Duke3D Plutonium pak comin out today <coolhando> cuz i am getting it either today or tomorrow, and i was wondering if you would be releaseing the final or not *** hyprviper is now known as hyperaway * hyperaway is back.. *** hyperaway is now known as hyprviper *** Daveman ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <_ZEUS> the one I released last month ended up being a beta.... <coolhando> yeah i know *** Info-red ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** ^DaG|mP^ ([email protected]) has left #prestige <Info-red> sup guyz.. <hyprviper> at least synd wars was kewl! * beelzebub is gone, ... Saving Messages, Left at 22:44:41. <coolhando> i am getting the store release either today or tomorrow *** Tslayer has quit IRC (Shit, they found me!) <Info-red> coolhando what you talking about? *** _Bone_ ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <coolhando> info: simcopter <_Zeta_> . <_ZEUS> its a good game *** Daveman ([email protected]) has left #prestige <coolhando> yeah i love SimCopter, thats why i am getting it :) but are you planning on releasing the final? <Crystalin> u know whats a kick ass game? RED AFERT <Crystalin> heh.. *** Archv-- has quit IRC (Idle time limit exceeded) <_ZEUS> I would... *** Tslayer ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <Tslayer> Hi people! <Info-red> who reelased the FINAL? <Info-red> Crystalin directed to you bro.. *** toxic2 has quit IRC (.x( K-Script By _-KiLLa-_ )x.) <_ZEUS> no one yet <Crystalin> info-red the final isnt out yet.. *** StR|KeR ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <hyprviper> will some good group rlz red alert? *** hyprviper was kicked by BiZzy (www.westwood.com go watch the countdown lamer! Should of Known That Word Is Bann) *** BiZzy sets mode: +i *** _Zeta_ sets mode: -i * zorlac is gone: .x( The Usual... )x. pager [on] /ctcp zorlac page *** StR|KeR ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** hyprviper ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <coolhando> zeus: well if if/when i get it, maybe i will come find ya <hyprviper> zeus mayb u could rlz redalert? *** hyprviper was kicked by BiZzy (www.westwood.com go watch the countdown lamer! Should of Known That Word Is Bann) *** BiZzy sets mode: +i <_ZEUS> ok....thanks... *** _Alpha_ sets mode: -i *** hyprviper ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <Info-red> sup Tslayer.. ;) <Info-red> kk in exceed the topic relates to the BETA.. k just checking.. never know.. nowadayz what's released in hours. <Info-red> Yeah I wouldn't mind a FINALL FULL mofo cd hehe of Sim Copter.. <_ZEUS> I wont release RA... I think it will be another group *** Archv-- ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <_Zeta_> [Archv--] Bonjour.. Do you have any Grey Pouppon? <_Alpha_> [Archv--] Bonjour.. Do you have any Grey Pouppon? *** Prodigal ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** SuprHackr has quit IRC (Amiga Rulez) *** eTM has quit IRC (!) *** Sosay ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** djax_up ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** Info-red has quit IRC (Leaving) <bababoey> msg _zeus hi <bababoey> doh <coolhando> welp, if i get it, i will find ya guys and give it to ya <_ZEUS> msg bababoey hey *** djax_up is now known as nadler *** smackman ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <smackman> quit <smackman> logout *** smackman has quit IRC (EOF From client) *** hyprviper has quit IRC (Ping timeout) *** BloodLus ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <bababoey> heh eheh <Outbreak-> <!> BloodLus <!> <marbz> -=- BloodLus -=- *** Zodiac1 ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** Zodiac1 ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** Filstop ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** Purgatori ([email protected]) has joined #prestige * beelzebub is gone, ... Saving Messages, Left at 22:44:41. * Ranger- is gone: .x( skewl )x. pager [off] *** Purgatori ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** Lornicus ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** redfox- has quit IRC (Ping timeout) *** Jazz has quit IRC (Read error: 131 (Connection reset by peer)) *** coolhando ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** Data ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** pancho has quit IRC (ohh) *** ZaZCaRDy has quit IRC (Broken pipe) *** dr_dizzy has quit IRC (Ping timeout) * slamjudge is gone - ☻lagged..grr..bbl *** odo ([email protected]) has joined #prestige * Bigman is gone: .☻o☻(☻ school ☻)☻o☻. left at 8:26am *** odo ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** samhain ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** pr0zac ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** Fender_ ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** _Zeta_ sets mode: +v pr0zac <pr0zac> hrmm <_Zeta_> . *** pr0zac has quit IRC (Leaving) *** Fender_ ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** _Bone_ has quit IRC (Leaving) *** StoneCrow ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <_Zeta_> [StoneCrow] PRESTiGE.LND <_Alpha_> [StoneCrow] PRESTiGE.LND *** Arch^Vile ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <_Alpha_> [Arch^Vile] Bonjour.. Do you have any Grey Pouppon? <_Zeta_> [Arch^Vile] Bonjour.. Do you have any Grey Pouppon? *** Ranger- has quit IRC (Ping timeout) *** Archv-- has quit IRC (Ping timeout) *** _Alpha_ sets mode: +o StoneCrow *** mOgens ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** Silencer- ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <_Alpha_> [mOgens] 1Ch b1N N1Ch7 UNb1224R! <marbz> -=- mOgens -=- <_Zeta_> [mOgens] 1Ch b1N N1Ch7 UNb1224R! <Outbreak-> <!> mOgens <!> *** _Zeta_ sets mode: +o mOgens *** Silencer- ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** pARAzEAl ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** slamjudg- is now known as sjudge *** Arioch ([email protected]) has joined #prestige * zorlac is gone: .x( The Usual... )x. pager [on] /ctcp zorlac page *** Arioch ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** SonOfLung ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** Cola2 ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** Arch^Vile has quit IRC (Ping timeout) *** sjudge has quit IRC (Connection reset by peer) *** mtm ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** StoneCrow ([email protected]) has left #prestige <mtm> hey <mtm> juice *** ievil- ([email protected]) has joined #Prestige *** LTD_ ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** SonOfLung has quit IRC (Read error to SonOfLung[[email protected]]: Connection reset by peer) *** reich ([email protected]) has left #prestige <_Alpha_> [LTD_] [BaCKLaSH/PRESTiGE] *** sjudge ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <_Zeta_> [LTD_] [BaCKLaSH/PRESTiGE] *** sjudge is now known as slamjudg- *** _Zeta_ sets mode: +o LTD_ *** Filstop has quit IRC (Ping timeout) *** shellman ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** hyprviper ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <samhain> gotta go work on web page *** samhain has quit IRC (1996 -= I got Big Balls=- 1996) *** |-ZeN-| ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** |-ZeN-| ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** Cyphen ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** Bezzzerk ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** Vindi ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** pARAzEAl has quit IRC (Leaving) * beelzebub is gone, ... Saving Messages, Left at 22:44:41. *** PilGRIM ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <marbz> -=- PilGRIM -=- *** P-FuNk ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** GiMi ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** Infinite_ ([email protected]) has joined #Prestige *** LTD_ is now known as LTD *** Tough_Guy ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** PilGRIM ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** redfox- ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** Tough_Guy ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** fatal ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** g8keepR ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** mtm ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** orbital- ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** Halfback ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** cueball ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** StoneCrow ([email protected]) has joined #prestige * Bigman is gone: .☻o☻(☻ school ☻)☻o☻. left at 8:26am <_Alpha_> [StoneCrow] PRESTiGE.LND <_Zeta_> [StoneCrow] PRESTiGE.LND *** leroy ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** _Alpha_ sets mode: +o StoneCrow *** cueball ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** TheCrow ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** P-FuNk ([email protected]) has left #prestige <_Zeta_> . *** inflector ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** inflector ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** nighty ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** leroy ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** nighty ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** mystic0ne ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** mystic0ne ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** Purify_ ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** ievil- ([email protected]) has left #Prestige *** Cyphen ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** Number8 ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** zagri ([email protected]) has joined #prestige * zorlac is gone: .x( The Usual... )x. pager [on] /ctcp zorlac page *** bloodline ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** Charles4 ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** Tok ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** Neurack ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** mgenius ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** Deception ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** speed_man ([email protected]) has joined #PRESTIGE *** blak ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** PiTo- ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** |-ZeN-| ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <speed_man> whats that tombfix.zip?? *** mgenius ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** blak ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** PiTo- ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** Infinite_ ([email protected]) has left #Prestige * beelzebub is gone, ... Saving Messages, Left at 22:44:41. *** Charles4 ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** Neurack ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** Outbreak- has quit IRC (Leaving) *** MysticOne has quit IRC (Ping timeout) *** Stealth` ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** LeP ([email protected]) has joined #prestige * zorlac is back: .x( backy.. )x. *** MysticOne ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** Fusion ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** Charles4 ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** LPR ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** Samuraion ([email protected]) has joined #PRESTIGE *** Apoc ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** _pi_ ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** LeP ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** CorakNS ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** Corak_ has quit IRC (Ping timeout) *** ghaster ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** CorakNS is now known as Corak_ *** Charles4 ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** O-S-H-O ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** _pi_ ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** nos ([email protected]) has joined #PRESTIGE *** Stealth` ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** pancho ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <slamjudg-> <☻>pancho<☻> *** Apoc ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** ^Wendigo^ ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** mrl ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** Pseudo ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** Pseudo ([email protected]) has left #prestige <_Zeta_> . * zorlac is gone: .x( ...... )x. pager [on] /ctcp zorlac page *** TOoSmOotH ([email protected]) has joined #prestige * Bigman is gone: .☻o☻(☻ school ☻)☻o☻. left at 8:26am *** TOoSmOotH ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** Bulldog_ ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** orbital_ ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <mrl> dir <mrl> er.. *** orbital- has quit IRC (Connection reset by peer) * [prozac] has returned. *** |Uk-RaZy| ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** _TuRiCaN_ ([email protected]) has joined #Prestige *** O-S-H-O ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** imfearial ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <|Uk-RaZy|> Please fix SkyNet...we wanna play!!!!! ;) *** Outbreak- ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <marbz> -=- Outbreak- -=- *** T-z ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** |Uk-RaZy| ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** camer has quit IRC (Leaving) *** T-z ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** nightsurf ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** slamjudg- is now known as Bajen *** Lornicus is now known as LornSmkng *** ghaster has quit IRC (Ping timeout) *** pr0zac ([email protected]) has joined #prestige * beelzebub is gone, ... Saving Messages, Left at 22:44:41. *** _Zeta_ sets mode: +v pr0zac *** Bajen is now known as slamjudg- *** shellman has quit IRC (han stack och hade sig..) *** blak ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** blak ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** ajaxxx ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** |-ZeN-| ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** Totl (á@rh223-215.reshall.ucsd.edu) has joined #prestige *** speed_man has quit IRC (CBN: no mess, no shit just reality) *** [oBs] has quit IRC (Connection reset by peer) *** mrl has quit IRC (Leaving) *** |Turok| ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** TheKing_ ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <pr0zac> turok <pr0zac> hmm <pr0zac> i doubt it *** O_STONED ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <|Turok|> sup pr0zac *** ULi_ ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <Samuraion> What are some of released today dudes? * Totl is gone: .x( bbl )x. pager [off] *** Nikki- ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <|Turok|> sam *** ULi_ has quit IRC (Dead Socket) <redfox-> none <redfox-> =) *** Krighton has quit IRC (Leaving) *** Mendoza has quit IRC (Connection reset by peer) *** Corak_ has quit IRC (FUCK screen) *** LornSmkng is now known as Lornicus <|Turok|> pr0zac: turn your flood protection off *** Virgin ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** ^Wendigo^ ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** cybant ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** _Master_ ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** TheKing_ has quit IRC (.x(!)x. x<acid!irc>x .x(!)x.) *** orbital_ has quit IRC (Connection reset by peer) *** ULi ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** orbital- ([email protected]) has joined #prestige * Totl is gone: .x( ok, bbl this time :) )x. pager [off] *** Nikki- ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** cybant ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** samhain ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** Tai_Pan ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <samhain> sup taipan <Tai_Pan> not much <redfox-> can someone give me a list of whoes in #iCC? *** stoned2 ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <samhain> whoes? <redfox-> who is <samhain> whores? <samhain> hoes? <samhain> whos? *** bloodline is now known as bl-xfmnm * Ionizer has returned. *** cybant ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <[prozac]> AT &H1 &R2 S0=0 Q0 E1 M1 V1 X4 <[prozac]> AT&C1 <[prozac]> <cybant> tell me some good offerer channels *** bl-xfmnm is now known as bloodline *** DARK_SIDE ([email protected]) has joined #Prestige <samhain> AT&F <hyprviper> at&f <pr0zac> +++ *** _Master_ has quit IRC (Ping timeout) <samhain> cybant join #bearcave they offer all the new releases. <hyprviper> atz5 <imfearial> ahahhahaaha *** cybphreak has quit IRC (Read error: 232 (Connection reset by peer)) <samhain> ATDT 510-787-6840 * zorlac is gone: .x( ...... )x. pager [on] /ctcp zorlac page *** Coiner ([email protected]) has joined #prestige * Bigman is gone: .☻o☻(☻ school ☻)☻o☻. left at 8:26am *** Coiner ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** cybphreak ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** [logan] ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <pr0zac> heyta <pr0zac> heyta <pr0zac> heyta <cybphreak> yo yo yo <cybphreak> my j0nx is j0nx <_Zeta_> . <Outbreak-> <!> [logan] <!> *** French ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <pr0zac> mark <pr0zac> i luv u <cybphreak> yeah? *** O_STONED has quit IRC (Ping timeout) <pr0zac> for real *** BattleAxE ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** LPR has quit IRC (Broken pipe) *** cybant ([email protected]) has left #prestige * beelzebub is gone, ... Saving Messages, Left at 22:44:41. <samhain> haha <pr0zac> mark <Crystalin> hi <cybphreak> cool <pr0zac> i am only using you for your warez <cybphreak> hehe <pr0zac> once i have had my fill <pr0zac> i will move on to the next *** stoned2 has quit IRC (Connection reset by peer) <samhain> I need a new razor <|Turok|> hehe <samhain> My stubble is annoying. *** manhunter ([email protected]) has joined #PRESTIGE <samhain> I have so much pimples *** manhunter ([email protected]) has left #PRESTIGE *** DARK_SIDE ([email protected]) has left #Prestige *** orbital- has quit IRC (everything dies...) <pr0zac> everyone: *** nos has quit IRC (Leaving) *** N_Warrior ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <pr0zac> www.cornpops.com MAULS <pr0zac> www.cornpops.com MAULS <pr0zac> www.cornpops.com MAULS <pr0zac> www.cornpops.com MAULS *** ULi has quit IRC (Read error: 131 (Connection reset by peer)) *** O_STONED ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** N_Warrior ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** LTD has quit IRC (There he goes!) *** BattleAxE ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** ofd ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** SPAMER ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** p6 ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** [brain] (god@lis13_p2.telepac.pt) has joined #prestige *** TheCrow has quit IRC (Ping timeout) *** Archv-- ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <_Alpha_> [Archv--] Bonjour.. Do you have any Grey Pouppon? <_Zeta_> [Archv--] Bonjour.. Do you have any Grey Pouppon? <|Turok|> sup archv *** redfox-- ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <SPAMER> Heh Im a head memba in a new little group that mostly does games We are new and are gonna start releasin soon! I was just wondering if prestige could use our groups services in any way!!! <pr0zac> spamer: well, i could use a good blowjob. <pr0zac> get on your knees nigger *** Ranger- ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <_Zeta_> [Ranger-] To Infinity, and BEYOND! *** Archv-- ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** Archv-- ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <_Alpha_> [Ranger-] To Infinity, and BEYOND! *** Tai_Pan has quit IRC (Ping timeout) *** xtrim ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <MiL0> a blow job sounds good <samhain> Get on knees nigger *** SPAMER ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** xtrim ([email protected]) has left #prestige <MiL0> laf *** French ([email protected]) has left #prestige <Cola2> ye racists.. <samhain> haha *** _Zeta_ sets mode: +o Crystalin <samhain> That's pretty funny. <pr0zac> cola2: your just pissed because your a fucking jew <samhain> Nigger isn't racist, unless you make it racist COla2 <Cola2> im a fucking jew? <Cola2> bah <samhain> I know this white nigger down the street. <Cola2> when you use it in the sense that YOU are.. <MiL0> Cola2=fuckin Paki! <redfox--> a wigger <samhain> Cola2 is Paki <Cola2> it IS racist.. *** ULi ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <Cola2> yeh whatever <samhain> He's the little Mahatma Rice Man *** Archv- ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <Deception> u guys are funny <pr0zac> cola2 your a paki piece of shit. i phear your dot between your eyes and your slurpees and shit. <ajaxxx> "Paki" ??? <MiL0> HAHA *** Pagan is on IRC <pr0zac> and your camels *** JaMiLi ([email protected]) has joined #PRESTIGE <samhain> haha * mOgens is gone - ☻g0ne.. *** DemaXXuS ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <Cola2> pr0zac..you trying be funny? <samhain> He's not just a nigger, he's a SAND NIGGER <Cola2> your acting pretty fucking dumb,... <pr0zac> cola2: no i am insulting you, dumbass. *** ULi has quit IRC (Error 0 occurred.) <MiL0> Turban wearin son of a bitch <Cola2> oh..your insulting me? <Cola2> oh..ok <samhain> Camel Jockey <samhain> "OH MAKE ME CUM LIKE AN OILWELL" <Deception> damn pr0zac u have a comment 4 everything :)) <pr0zac> cola2: i phear your oil fields *** Omega_ ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** Archv-- has quit IRC (Ping timeout) <Deception> haha <pr0zac> deception yep <Cola2> uh.. <Lornicus> this isnt the channel to be busting on pakis, is it? <Deception> thats cool <Cola2> thats really dumb :> *** Omega_ ([email protected]) has left #prestige <Cola2> i dont have time argue with you bratz <samhain> Go join #paki <samhain> hehe *** Alkan ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** Ranger1- ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** Ranger- has quit IRC (Connection reset by peer) <_Alpha_> [Ranger1-] To Infinity, and BEYOND! <pr0zac> cola2: "ONE MINUTE. TWO MINUTE. THREE MINUTE. FOUR MINUTE. I HAVE NOT SEEN CANDECE!" *** ULi ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** redfox- has quit IRC (Connection timed out) <Lornicus> or #pakistige? *** Archv- has quit IRC (Connection reset by peer) <ajaxxx> haha ... <samhain> I'm a brat/ <samhain> hahahaha <_Zeta_> [Ranger1-] To Infinity, and BEYOND! <samhain> LOL <Deception> heh <Cola2> pr0zac.., you have overused a joke... <Cola2> that doesn't make any sense? *** nadler is now known as djax_up <pr0zac> it doesnt make any sese to you because your a dumb paki motherfucker. *** Halfback ([email protected]) has left #prestige <_ZEUS> <samhain> hey zeus, I like to fiddle with my asshole while I jerk off, dont you? *** pest__ ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <_Zeta_> [pest__] ^pRESTiGE^X-fORCE^eMPiRE^ <_Alpha_> [pest__] ^pRESTiGE^X-fORCE^eMPiRE^ *** kRaKhE_d ([email protected]) has joined #prestige * [brain] is gone - ☻dinner... tmod/immortal msg me * Totl is gone: .x( ok, bbl this time :) )x. pager [off] <pest__> hmmmmmm thats always a nice thought <kRaKhE_d> hey, can someone unban krakhed!*@* <Deception> hahaha <kRaKhE_d> ?? <pr0zac> zeus when i jerk off i think of you. and your beta warez. it gets me off hardcore. *** _AoD_ ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** _AoD_ ([email protected]) has left #prestige <samhain> [14:44] <_ZEUS> Yes I do. <kRaKhE_d> blue adept banned me for having my script do a /amsg . <_ZEUS> I dont need to jerk off...I use your ass prozac <Cola2> pr0zac..what have you released? <Deception> hehe <pr0zac> cola2: i release my jizz into your anal cavity, for one. <GiMi> hehe <[prozac]> funky <Lornicus> I sometimes have a hard time jerking off cause trying to get psg releases to run makes me tense and I cant unwind.... *** Snatchy ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <samhain> ha <Samuraion> pr0zac: Do yo uknow me? <fatal> ΣΘ <Deception> cola shaddup <Cola2> hrmm... <pr0zac> samuraion: no, but i'm sure your lame. *** Alkan has quit IRC (Leaving) <Cola2> i dont feel like talking anymore.. <pest__> Lornicus no you are just tense because your boyfriend shoved his fist up your ass... *** Merc- ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <samhain> umm.. <samhain> Dunno about that. <Merc-> hey <_Zeta_> . <pr0zac> merc hi *** Outbreak- has quit IRC (Leaving) <pr0zac> paki kike cunt *** Zor ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <kRaKhE_d> merc <Merc-> krak <Merc-> pr0 *** coup ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** fatala ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** irc-2.mit.edu sets mode: +o fatala *** _Zeta_ sets mode: +o pest__ *** _Zeta_ sets mode: -o fatala *** _Alpha_ sets mode: -o fatala <Cola2> pr0zac..god..give it up on paki jokes.. *** coup ([email protected]) has left #prestige <Cola2> is that all you can say you fool? *** fatala is now known as cooldude <Cola2> nevermind.. * beelzebub is gone, ... Saving Messages, Left at 22:44:41. <Cola2> i dont want to talk to you <pr0zac> cola2 shut the fuck up. merc is the only cool paki. <pr0zac> and hes a pakipimp <Merc-> werrd <pr0zac> he has evolved to a higher level than you <Cola2> there you go again...your such a fucking loser.. *** [EsCape] ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <Merc-> i be purebred paki and pimp in one package <Cola2> uh..OK thEN! *** Zor ([email protected]) has left #prestige * pr0zac drinks Cola2. <DemaXXuS> merc...d o you compare to pimpbot 2000 ? *** Ranger1- has quit IRC (Ping timeout) *** FBK- ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <Merc-> how are my biyatches <samhain> I wonder where Cola1 is. * zorlac is gone: .x( ...... )x. pager [on] /ctcp zorlac page * Bigman is gone: .☻o☻(☻ school ☻)☻o☻. left at 8:26am <Merc-> demx : i am the ORIGINAL Pakipimp. i defined pakipimp. i own pakipimp. <pr0zac> cola1 is still in pakistan, his visa was rejected. *** TheJester ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <Cola2> samhain...you tell me <Lornicus> pest_: yeah, he was trying to hit the wall in anger cause he could never get sonic cd to run...missed and hit my ass.... <DemaXXuS> hehe <Cola2> pr0zac...did i say you could talk? <DemaXXuS> cola1 is standing behind cola2.. gee, wonder what he's doing? <samhain> haha <Merc-> cola1 is in lahore <pr0zac> cola2 did i say you were allowed to immigrate to this country? *** ilk ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <samhain> hahaah <Tslayer> Guys, relax a little. <samhain> Sheesh <Merc-> phear <pest__> Yeah well atleast you enjoyed his fist up your ass... <samhain> pr0sac <samhain> whoops <Merc-> i am from lahore, originally. <Cola2> demaxxus, yeah thats it...same joke over and over and over <Cola2> pr0zac.. *** shrine ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <Merc-> brb peeps. gone to eat the pakistani food mah pakistani moms made for her pakistani pimp son <Cola2> no, but toe to toe i could kick your ass little man :P *** shrine ([email protected]) has left #prestige <samhain> mahatma rice, with chicken curry. Good to release gaseous materials. <DemaXXuS> cola... why don't you just stop talking *** Crystalin is now known as Crystali *** p6 has quit IRC (Later "G") *** Ranger- ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <Cola2> demaxxus...yah..why dont you leave? <[prozac]> AT &H1 &R2 S0=0 Q0 E1 M1 V1 X4 <[prozac]> AT&C1 *** [EsCape] ([email protected]) has left #prestige <_Alpha_> [Ranger-] To Infinity, and BEYOND! <_Zeta_> [Ranger-] To Infinity, and BEYOND! *** _Master_ ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <pest__> Cola you are just a dumb little paki nigger ... no go away ... <Deception> cola shaddup prozac is the best courier on irc <Deception> or usta be <Cola2> hah *** EliteFx4 ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <Cola2> whatever you say.. <DemaXXuS> cola... well, that's an interesting suggestion, but.. i'm gonna have to go with NO! <pest__> Cola is a paki nigger! <pest__> Cola is a paki nigger! <samhain> Cola2. Go away. *** bababoey has quit IRC (Connection reset by peer) <Cola2> demaxxus,...HAHAHAHA...now shutup you dork *** EliteFx4 ([email protected]) has left #prestige <Cola2> pest..well what if i am? <samhain> dork? I say you area bonehead then. <FBK-> dork??....bwahhahahaha! <FBK-> this is too fuckin funny... <samhain> And a noodlepuss. <Cola2> fbk..yes *** szero ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** ilk ([email protected]) has left #prestige <samhain> Come up with your churchgirl insults. <DemaXXuS> cola.. do yous till wear bellbottoms? *** kRaKhE_d is now known as kRaKhEd <Cola2> oh, sorry, "lamer" *** pest__ changes topic to "<Cola2> Leave me alone please, just because i am a gay paki nigger" <FBK-> You know what the difference is between a paki and a bucket of shit? <samhain> You.. you... You are a.. Just buzz off man and leave me alone. enh eneh <DemaXXuS> oh ya, i forgot * DemaXXuS is a lamer <Ionizer> fbk: nothing? <Bulldog_> ne1 got screen for irix? *** _Turikan_ ([email protected]) has joined #Prestige * DemaXXuS thanks cola2 for pointing that out to him <pest__> the bag <Ionizer> fbk: the bucket of shit doesn't talk? <FBK-> ionize: The bucket <pest__> bucket errr... <Cola2> samhain, truthfully now..how old are you? <samhain> hahaah <[prozac]> AT &H1 &R2 S0=0 Q0 E1 M1 V1 X4 <[prozac]> AT&C1 <samhain> Like 12 <pr0zac> cola2: are you like generic cola, the shit thats like 3 cents a can, or are you a brand name like Coca-Cola or Pepsi or even RC? *** djax_up ([email protected]) has left #prestige <samhain> 12 years old. <[prozac]> damnit! <Cola2> figures.. <samhain> He's 30 cent can of Sam's Club. *** ChubDruid has quit IRC (Connection reset by peer) <Cola2> pr0zac..god...give it up man, <pest__> Who here wants to make fun of Cola type Me on the screen *** nightsurf has quit IRC (Ping timeout) *** ImPLoDe ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <pr0zac> cola2: you will give up, your anal virginity. TO ME. *** _TuRiCaN_ has quit IRC (Ping timeout) *** ofd ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** nightsurf ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <Cola2> hey, know whats cool about irc? <samhain> haah <Lornicus> samhain: you only got about an hour left before your parent's CyberNanny kicks in and boots ya off the net... <Cola2> i leave the computer.. <samhain> It ain't you Cola2. <Ionizer> pest: huhu cola sucks, apple juice rocks, uh or something <pr0zac> haha samhain <Cola2> and you cant say anything to me :P <FBK-> Difference between a Paki and a bucket of shit is the bucket! :P <samhain> Lornicus: We use surf watch. *** _Turikan_ is now known as _TuRiCaN_ <FBK-> bwahhaahah <Ionizer> cola2: fear them , they can flood *** pest__ sets mode: +mi *** Ranger- has quit IRC (Ping timeout) *** _Alpha_ sets mode: -mi *** pest__ sets mode: +v Lornicus <Lornicus> ahh...sorry... *** T-z ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <pest__> fuck <samhain> Luckily I got the Paradigm crack, so the timer never kicks me off. *** Locker ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** [cent] ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** Juice has quit IRC (Connection reset by peer) *** T-z ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** [cent] ([email protected]) has left #prestige <FBK-> I heard there are like 10,000 Pakis in louisville, should go visit their house someday. *** Snatchy has quit IRC (Read error: 131 (Connection reset by peer)) *** decypher ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <_ZEUS> I dont think prozac realizes that the topic makes him look bad.....prozac...you really shouldnt hit on guys in the scene...we already know you like very dark men...go to #gayppl or something *** paranoid ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <samhain> I knew a Paki in 8th Grade. <Cola2> uh.. <pr0zac> #prestige: melting pot of irc <samhain> Pest made that topic. <DemaXXuS> haha *** decypher has quit IRC (Leaving) <_ZEUS> then its pest <_ZEUS> even worse * pr0zac is away ☻- attack of the pakis -☻ messages will be saved. -> [cola2] PING <kRaKhEd> zeus just has his head in his ass *** StoneCrow sets mode: +v samhain <samhain> His name was Marith Sadahhooka <_ZEUS> a new gay guy into the scene <paranoid> yo dudes who is bbs coord here <Cola2> tpk is better then prestige <Cola2> :P <[prozac]> > filenames, * slamjudg- is away ☻lost, so damn lost...brb.............. *** Werner ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <paranoid> yo dudes who is bbs coord here <Ionizer> hey leave zeus alone, he's ruler of the paradingles *** _Turikan_ ([email protected]) has joined #Prestige *** filter ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <samhain> If Paradigms Power Slave worked, I would have much respect, but it didn't. <_ZEUS> and Ionizer is, ahhhh, something in the scene <Ionizer> zeus: yeah, can you guess? <_ZEUS> im sure of it <samhain> I'm nothing in the "scene" <paranoid> yo dudes who is bbs coord here <Ionizer> ill give you a clue <Lornicus> Power Slave worked.... <Ionizer> TG_ *** _niTro ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** _TuRiCaN_ has quit IRC (Ping timeout) <Cola2> grrr... *** Cola2 ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** _Turikan_ is now known as _TuRiCaN_ <filter> Well take another notch off the paradigm belt, because A10-Cuba didn't work either.... <[prozac]> arggggggggggggggggggggggggghhh <_ZEUS> bullshit...works fine <cybphreak> does anything they put out work the first time? <Ionizer> bullshit tastes good too <cybphreak> cmon * beelzebub is gone, ... Saving Messages, Left at 22:44:41. <cybphreak> heroes of M&M needed a fix <_ZEUS> there are a ton of ppl playing already <samhain> The copy off of ghetto didn't even work. *** pinz ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <Ionizer> heh im gone <samhain> Every version I found had CRC errors. *** J_Radics ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <_ZEUS> go to the whq * Totl is gone: .x( ok, bbl this time :) )x. pager [off] *** Razzilon ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** nightsurf has quit IRC (RESISTENCE IS FUTILE) *** _niTro ([email protected]) has left #prestige * [prozac] feels so stupid. *** nightsurf ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <filter> _Zeus then I fucked up big time some where, because can't locate A10cubaterr.db or something is very fatal...... <Ionizer> zeus: give up? TG_ come on it ain't that hard *** Jestz ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** [logan] has quit IRC (Leaving) *** _Master_ has quit IRC (Ping timeout) *** redfox-- has quit IRC (Connection timed out) <Ionizer> ok ok, ill give you the last letter, now you just have to put them together, __R <_ZEUS> I give up...tell me <pinz> can someone please let me resume the tomb raider fix, i have 96% of it already <Ionizer> umm TGR, The Game Review, errr <_ZEUS> doesnt help me...fi its another lame mag...dont read em <Lornicus> Zeus: How about this: I could only review 5 of 25 releases this week cause my packard bells 100 meg hd crashed... *** GVC ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <ImPLoDe> what the keck is that new dexcent 2 thinggie ??? i lvl's pak ??? <ImPLoDe> keck=heck :) <Lornicus> j/k..I wish TGR would come back! *** LifeForm ([email protected]) has joined #PRESTiGE <DemaXXuS> there's a fix for tomb raider? i had no problem with it *** Rassilon ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** [Scathe] ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <Ionizer> well if it was another lame mag i'd say... hmm i don't know what i'd say.. <filter> neither did i... *** dARKc ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <ImPLoDe> dexcent =descent <Ionizer> but it ain't ....coughlikercncough *** coup ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** ULi has quit IRC (Leaving) <_ZEUS> sorry...I dont read scene mags.... <Lornicus> Only non-biased game review out there... *** filter is now known as Jaholibop *** pinz ([email protected]) has left #prestige <[prozac]> Its not a level pack, its a brand new descent 2. goes for $55 in stores. <Ionizer> zeus: your choice... not forcing you to <cybphreak> hahaha * kRaKhEd is away: (☻work.. bb 7:30 est☻) - /MSG's will be saved. <cybphreak> biased <cybphreak> hahaha <_ZEUS> I use to, but they are very bias <Lornicus> unlike CERTAIN group members game reviews.... <Ionizer> cyb is going to get all pissy now *** GVC ([email protected]) has left #prestige <ImPLoDe> hey what is this ? --->[PSG] Descent 2 : The Infinite Abyss <Ionizer> zeus: mine aint if you'd ever give it a shot <cybphreak> suck it fornicate *** [Shade] has quit IRC (Ping timeout) *** Nizda ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <ImPLoDe> is it a levels pack ? <[prozac]> Its not a level pack, its a brand new descent 2. goes for $55 in stores. <_ZEUS> send me one...ill check it out <Ionizer> hmm pick a # from 1-41, <ImPLoDe> prozac, whats new about it ? new fetures ? <Lornicus> just an opinion..last thing I knew people were entitled to them... *** Jestz has quit IRC (Connection reset by peer) <Ionizer> ill send you one that truly represents tgr <Ionizer> hold on * paranoid is away <-▼V▼->☻ 5 Minute Autosetaway ☻<-▼V▼-> MSG's will be recorded. <_Zeta_> . *** BloodLus has quit IRC (Connection timed out) <_ZEUS> ok *** Infinite_ ([email protected]) has joined #Prestige <ImPLoDe> prozac, can u send me the .nfo ? *** Crystali has quit IRC (Connection reset by peer) * zorlac is gone: .x( ...... )x. pager [on] /ctcp zorlac page *** Crystalin ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <[prozac]> New levels, more new robots, and more new enemies. <Ionizer> eh fuck it <Ionizer> ill just send you the last one <[prozac]> that's what new about it. *** coup ([email protected]) has left #prestige <ImPLoDe> prozac, is it derect x 2 ? *** RIX ([email protected]) has joined #PRESTIGE *** _Zeta_ sets mode: +o Crystalin <_ZEUS> ok...hold on *** cooldude has quit IRC (irc.cerf.net irc-2.mit.edu) *** _Skully_ ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <[prozac]> its dos. <ImPLoDe> prozac, ah tanks for info *** imfearial is now known as Senoko * Ionizer has returned. * [brain] is back - ☻to life <Ionizer> setaway Gone. <Ionizer> fuckingder * Ionizer is away ☻- Gone -☻ messages will be saved. *** BoltZ ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** spidy- ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** _Master_ ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** warp ([email protected]) has joined #Prestige *** _Turikan_ ([email protected]) has joined #Prestige *** KCobra_ ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** Jessica ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** warp ([email protected]) has left #Prestige *** KCobra_ ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** dARKc has quit IRC (EOF From client) *** |LA|gRaZe ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** Bigman has quit IRC (Connection timed out) *** LifeForm ([email protected]) has left #PRESTiGE *** Jessica has quit IRC (Ping timeout) *** Wolfz ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** T-z ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** _TuRiCaN_ has quit IRC (Ping timeout) *** _Skully_ has quit IRC (Ping timeout) *** BGI ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** Jessica ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** Jaholibop has quit IRC (Leaving) <Jessica> . <Jessica> Helloooooo? *** Data has quit IRC (�[�ReV PoWeR PrO�]� ⌐1995-96 by RevHead) *** `Q-Ball sets mode: +o cybphreak <|LA|gRaZe> hi jessica * beelzebub is gone, ... Saving Messages, Left at 22:44:41. <|LA|gRaZe> anyone offering desecet2 abyss in here? <Jessica> Helloooooo? Good morning, how are you? <Jessica> How is your weather today? * bloodline is Away [☻X-Script☻] Gone.. BBL [☻X-Script☻] [msgs logged] *** bloodline has quit IRC ([X-Script v3.5]) *** Marlenus is on IRC *** Infinite_ ([email protected]) has left #Prestige *** Jessica has quit IRC (Ping timeout) *** Ventrue ([email protected]) has joined #prestige * Totl is gone: .x( ok, bbl this time :) )x. pager [off] *** Senoko is now known as imfearial *** bababoey ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** Talian ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** lolo_ ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <GiMi> bababoey.. hi *** _ZEUS has quit IRC (Read error: 232 (Connection reset by peer)) <bababoey> hi <DemaXXuS> hi <DemaXXuS> :) *** _ZEUS ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** _XerXeS_ ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** pancho has quit IRC (,,,,,,,,) *** T-z ([email protected]) has left #prestige <samhain> OK so two paki's are walking down the street. <_Zeta_> . *** BGI has quit IRC (Leaving) <samhain> One paki says "I would like a slushee" <DemaXXuS> NO WEEZING THE JUICE!!!! <DemaXXuS> :) <samhain> THe other says" me too, lets go to my store and make one" *** ImPLoDe has quit IRC (irc.cdc.net irc.mo.net) *** yue ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** _Turikan_ has quit IRC (Ping timeout) *** _TuRiCaN_ ([email protected]) has joined #Prestige *** [Scathe] ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** Jazz ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <_Alpha_> [Jazz] [ EVERLAST - PRESTIGE - ] <_Zeta_> [Jazz] [ EVERLAST - PRESTIGE - ] *** Everclear sets mode: +o Jazz <DemaXXuS> shit.. 8 minutes *** _Zeta_ sets mode: +o Jazz *** HOLA ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** BoltZ has quit IRC (Leaving) *** HOLA ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** TBC ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** pest__ has quit IRC (Ping timeout) *** yue has quit IRC (Leaving) * zorlac is gone: .x( ...... )x. pager [on] /ctcp zorlac page *** t2 ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** TBC ([email protected]) has left #prestige <t2> Anyone care to give me a hand with a psg release please? *** DemaXXuS has quit IRC (Leaving) *** _TuRiCaN_ has quit IRC (Ping timeout) *** _hawkeye ([email protected]) has joined #Prestige <_Zeta_> [_hawkeye] =[X]=RAPIER-SODOM-PRESTIGE=[X]= <Deception> i can <_Alpha_> [_hawkeye] =[X]=RAPIER-SODOM-PRESTIGE=[X]= * bababoey is away ☻- Automatically set away. -☻ messages will be saved. *** _Zeta_ sets mode: +o _hawkeye *** _ZEUS ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** Talian has quit IRC (Dead socket) *** Virgin has quit IRC (Leaving) <t2> Deception: My skynet page dumps alot.. Am i doing something wrong? *** Werner has quit IRC (Leaving) *** _TuRiCaN_ ([email protected]) has joined #Prestige *** StoneCrow sets mode: +v _TuRiCaN_ *** Stealth` ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <Stealth`> anyone playing tombraider please say something *** Bulldog_ has quit IRC (Syntax error at line 1: `(' unexpected) <t2> something *** _TuRiCaN_ has quit IRC (.x(!)x. xx<acid!irc>xx .x(!)x.) *** BiZzy has quit IRC (mind over matter...) *** toxic2 ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** BlueAdepT has quit IRC (Blah32!) <Stealth`> what level? * beelzebub is gone, ... Saving Messages, Left at 22:44:41. *** SMasteR has quit IRC (Read error: 131 (Connection reset by peer)) *** slamjudg- has quit IRC (crazy im gonna save one of my balls for you!) <Stealth`> anyone remember that www site for tombraider hints? <t2> four I believe.. Its the one with dinosuars *** JaMiLi is now known as JaMRaiDer *** Jestz ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <t2> err dinosaurs even <Merc-> biyatchhes * zorlac is gone: .x( hey )x. pager [on] /ctcp zorlac page *** _TuRiCaN_ ([email protected]) has joined #Prestige *** JaMRaiDer is now known as JaMRaiDeR <Stealth`> t2 msg me.. where do i get those cranks? *** StoneCrow sets mode: +v _TuRiCaN_ *** Fender_ ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** Spy^QTx ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** Fender_ ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** fatal has quit IRC (Ping timeout) *** Bezzzerk has quit IRC (Ping timeout) <Lornicus> if ya want walkthroughs for levels 3-7 , /msg me....Tomb Raider that is.. *** cH_ ([email protected]) has joined #Prestige * zorlac is back: .x( doh )x. <Stealth`> lornicus.. please dcc here *** toxic2 ([email protected]) has left #prestige <FBK-> Any1 here in DOD? <Merc-> yah *** hagndaz (~Hag&[email protected]) has joined #prestige <Merc-> me *** hagndaz (~Hag&[email protected]) has left #prestige *** Crystalin is now known as Crystali *** Locker has quit IRC (Ping timeout) <Lornicus> on its way, stealth... *** Crystali is now known as Crystalin *** ^ArC ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** t2 has quit IRC (Wave - Phoenix with ▼Fluff Mods v1.8.6▼) *** Spy^QTx ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** g8keepR has quit IRC (Connection reset by peer) * Totl is gone: .x( ok, bbl this time :) )x. pager [off] <^ArC> so, who has the new site list? *** rah-zid ([email protected]) has joined #prestige -^ArC:#prestige- who has the new site list? <Stealth`> thanks *** darkven ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** Stealth` ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** Number8 has quit IRC (Leaving) <FBK-> Anyone in Devotion ? <Merc-> no <Merc-> devotion is gay <^ArC> so, does anyone have the GDF site list? <Jazz> haha <rah-zid> merc: are you saying that devotion folk are fucking each other the anal way?= <samhain> haha <|LA|gRaZe> anyone offering desecet2 abyss in here? <FBK-> merc: whats good then? ;P <samhain> Why do these people come in here wanting to trade and get site lists. <^ArC> i don't want to trade <^ArC> i want the newest site list <[prozac]> cuz idiots who get on irc come to here. <^ArC> don't all senior members get it? <Merc-> yea *** DemaXXuS ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <^ArC> then hand it over brainiac *** Fusion has quit IRC (Ping timeout) * Merc- hands over ^ArC the site list * Jazz is AWAY - away - Messages will be saved *** kurupt^nz (kURUPT^[email protected]) has joined #prestige <FBK-> Merc-: what you think is a good coury then <^ArC> are u gonna DCC it or what? *** ^LesTat^ ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <_Zeta_> . *** _DRAG ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <samhain> You don <samhain> You don't get site lists in here. *** _Azonic_ ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <Merc-> yea arch <Merc-> err arc <^LesTat^> . <Merc-> i will dcc you the site list <Merc-> tommorow *** [RYGAR] ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <[RYGAR]> hey girls <samhain> Oh yeah, Merc- has it. <Merc-> when i finish writing it up <Jazz> hahaha <Merc-> hey dad <samhain> That one with the Prestige WHQ ftp onit. *** |Macman| ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <[RYGAR]> Merc. gimme four. <_Zeta_> [|Macman|] Grrrrrr... eetz from the 0ther side of the globe, where |_4mers galore! <_Alpha_> [|Macman|] Grrrrrr... eetz from the 0ther side of the globe, where |_4mers galore! * Merc- gives [RYGAR] 3 cuz he cant afford 4 <[RYGAR]> anything new coming out?! <[RYGAR]> merc, i still want an explanation to how u managed to get the dod release of ADOBE PHOTODELUXE to work perfect, *** kurupt^nz (kURUPT^[email protected]) has left #prestige <[RYGAR]> when the program was not even included in the zipfiles. *** magellan has left IRC <[RYGAR]> kurupt, sir, are u calling from NEW ZEALAND? <Merc-> rygar stop ragging on me. i didnt package that shit. it was HR <Merc-> and he left dod <|Macman|> heyheyyheyyy *** ZeBcO (|zebco|@aragorn-ts1-dyn-105.kingston.net) has joined #prestige <darkven> have anyone released heroes of might & magic 2 win95 version? *** darkven was kicked by [prozac] (Nope, noone has released it.) *** darkven ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <[RYGAR]> u still told me "i checked it for dod, and it worked fine" . *** |LA|gRaZe ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** ^LesTat^ ([email protected]) has left #prestige <[RYGAR]> nope. * beelzebub is gone, ... Saving Messages, Left at 22:44:41. *** |rev| ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** _Azonic_ ([email protected]) has left #prestige <Shiffie> merc: it was syrup packaging adobe photodeluxe *** dkarnage has quit IRC (.x(!)x. xx<acid!irc>xx .x(!)x.) <Shiffie> pwa re-released adobe photodeluxe in a 11 disk version =) <|Macman|> wooooow <|Macman|> <GS-DCC> ☻#1☻ 29x[▼98.7M▼] S2 Hicolor Addons+Cracks <|Macman|> woooow *** Jestz has quit IRC (Wave - Phoenix with ▼Fluff Mods + WiZER WaR Mods▼) *** magellan is on IRC (Cositeop Sentinal) <[RYGAR]> cuz i spent 2 hours (i recall) trying to get it to work, even burnt it out on a cd and tried it. i know pwa released it. their version+addon works fine <|Macman|> 100 megs of fucking shit :] *** MastrGuru ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** StoneCrow has quit IRC (Ping timeout) <MastrGuru> w#at up <[RYGAR]> noone can play s2 in hicolor anyway. pretty useless. unless u got a ppro2x200 <[RYGAR]> the hicolor addons are useless *** darkven ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** MastrGuru ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** StoneCrow ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <[RYGAR]> pWA released installshield 3 again. does this group ever dupecheck etc?! <_Zeta_> [StoneCrow] PRESTiGE.LND <_Alpha_> [StoneCrow] PRESTiGE.LND *** _Alpha_ sets mode: +o StoneCrow <ZeBcO> highres s2? works fine on mine. *** hyprviper has quit IRC (Ping timeout) *** Infinite_ ([email protected]) has joined #Prestige <[RYGAR]> sure. but how fast is it, i run s2 in svga/256 on a pentium 200 with matrox 4mb, and its not 100% smooth etc... in fact, its pretty sucky-sucky. i can imagine what it will look like in hicolor <Infinite_> wassup Crystalin *** LAseRLORD ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** JaMRaiDeR is now known as JaMiLi *** Ventrue ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** Pagan is on IRC <[RYGAR]> hey, ... that drill sergeant from FULL METAL JACKET, stars in this new horror-comedy called THE FRIGHTENERS. pretty fucking kool let me tell u <[RYGAR]> i love that guy. <samhain> But not in a gay way. <paranoid> yo dudes who is bbs coord here <Jazz> IN A VIKING WAY *** LAseRLORD ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** Crystalin sets mode: +v Infinite_ *** Pagan has left IRC *** d9 ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** Son-Doobi ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** SMasteR ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** SeCtOr1 ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <marbz> -=- SMasteR -=- <_Alpha_> [SMasteR] As I roll down the street feel the breeze beotch <_Zeta_> [SMasteR] As I roll down the street feel the breeze beotch <[RYGAR]> smaster, *** d9 ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** allanon_ ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <_Alpha_> [allanon_] The Shallow Grave [RiSC/SDM] <ZeBcO> ryger hrmm i run high res ona p166 with matrox mystique 4mb and 64 mb ram and it ran slicker than shit. <_Zeta_> [allanon_] The Shallow Grave [RiSC/SDM] <Son-Doobi> fucking hell <ZeBcO> So 65k is diff than high res? <ZeBcO> hybrid ver had no 65k right? <[RYGAR]> smaster, that drill sergeant in full metal jacket stars stars in the new movie called "THE FRIGHTENERS" with michael j fox and shit. <[RYGAR]> kool eh. *** Purify_ ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <Jazz> that's not new <Jazz> that came out awhile ago <[RYGAR]> zebco, the hybrid version had no 65k HIRES textures. *** paranoid ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** Highlndr has quit IRC (=☻X☻= The old, senile, decrepit courier just passed on! =☻X☻=) <rah-zid> hello, can i join prestige?? i am a very dedicated irccourier with a fast ppp-account *** claw ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <[RYGAR]> zebco. depends on what u call smooth. my friend has your exact configuration (p166/mystique 4mb) *** Son-Doobi ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** _oasis_ ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <ZeBcO> Ahh okie <_Alpha_> [_oasis_] LND STAFF-AND FUCKIGN GODTOyOU! <[RYGAR]> zebco, i have a p200 with matrox MILLENNIUM. i prefer VGA even though it looks like shit *** ByronZED ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** MindBndr ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <ZeBcO> I just got the amg96 ver full damn thing.. <ZeBcO> Who the hell is amg96? <SeCtOr1> ther is something bad about RA...are you guys going to MINIMINIRIP it??? like take out all music and video (unlike the one that unzipps to be 650 megs) <[RYGAR]> the car reacts slow when in svga *** mrstomb ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** magellan has left IRC <_oasis_> mark ANSWER MY MESAGES *** LifeForm ([email protected]) has joined #PRESTiGE <[RYGAR]> when the final is out. *** mrstomb is now known as Locker <Jazz> oasis shut hte fuck up <[RYGAR]> who wants to strip some beta crap <_oasis_> jazz im nto in teh mood dont fuck with me *** ajaxxx ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** Locker ([email protected]) has left #prestige <ZeBcO> Well it was damn smooth meainin no choppy ness at all <ByronZED> Hello all, what's up ? * _TuRiCaN_ is gone: .☻x☼▼(☻ gone ☼▼)▼☻x☻. ☻:☻ ☻(☻rec▼&▼pager☻:☻on☻)☻ ☻:☻ ☻/☻ctcp ▼_TuRiCaN_▼ ☻page☻ *** _Alpha_ sets mode: +o _oasis_ <samhain> It's already been miniripped by a lame group called TPK *** BiZzy ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** ajaxxx ([email protected]) has joined #Prestige <_Zeta_> [_oasis_] LND STAFF-AND FUCKIGN GODTOyOU! <_Alpha_> [BiZzy] RISC=-PRESTIGE=- <[RYGAR]> zebco... not as smooth as the vga im sure. <ZeBcO> hrmm maybe. the scenery went by like lightnin <samhain> It still needs 650 megs and it STILL need to run fakcd and all that shit. <_Zeta_> [BiZzy] RISC=-PRESTIGE=- <SeCtOr1> ehh <Jazz> be happy <SeCtOr1> I dont want that one <[RYGAR]> it moves fine on my machine, but like i said... the steering is slower <MindBndr> hey sec9 !' <samhain> Thje videos were converted to all o's just to take up less space in packaging. <SeCtOr1> i want the smaller one, someone should should rip it better <ZeBcO> HEh ra is beta still wake up sector numbnut <|Macman|> seen Smaster <_Zeta_> |Macman|: Smaster is on the channel right now. *** _Zeta_ sets mode: +o |Macman| <SeCtOr1> okok *** _Zeta_ sets mode: +o allanon_ <samhain> seen my balls <_Zeta_> samhain: I don't know who my balls is. * Totl is gone: .x( ok, bbl this time :) )x. pager [off] <samhain> seen screwed the pooch or what sex <_Zeta_> samhain: I don't know who screwed the pooch or what sex is. <[prozac]> someone fucking send me a new computer ASAP NOW. Or you shall die! *** ajaxxx ([email protected]) has left #Prestige *** bababoey has quit IRC (Connection reset by peer) *** Deception has quit IRC (feeling nitty gritty...bbl) <|rev|> hehe <[RYGAR]> i rather die <ZeBcO> okie /dcc [prozac] quad pentium pro 200 w/128mb ram <_oasis_> [cybphreak:[email protected]] my site is FUCKED UP DO YOU HEAR ME <_oasis_> [cybphreak:[email protected]] I AM PISSED <_oasis_> <[prozac]> someone fucking send me a new computer ASAP NOW. Or you shall die! <_oasis_> [Pioneer_:pioneer@org] no respone <_oasis_> [c <_oasis_> shit *** lolo_ has quit IRC (Ping timeout) <[RYGAR]> im building a double p-pro 200 right now. only problem is i cant buy any ppro200 processors ANYWHERE. <[RYGAR]> any ideas?! <^ArC> hey rygar <samhain> Call ADK Computers RYGAR: They have PPRO200 Cpu's for 499 <_Zeta_> . <[prozac]> Well im so pissed this second.. <grumble> <grumble> <^ArC> the back of PC magazine has them <SeCtOr1> I thought the PP200 were not being sold like that <SeCtOr1> they were only sold to big companies <SeCtOr1> INTEL says they are short on them <[RYGAR]> i am a big company sir. <samhain> You haven't looked in the back of PC Magazine. <^ArC> intel isn't selling them directly to public *** _Master_ has quit IRC (Connection reset by peer) <[RYGAR]> baha. all those ads, and noone has them. <samhain> INTEL is NOT short, if they say they are it <samhain> is to make more money. <^ArC> someone else is buying them off intel, and reselling them *** Iron_Far ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** MindBndr ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** _oasis_ ([email protected]) has left #prestige <samhain> Intel is only selling them in lots of 1000. <samhain> That is what you heard sector. <SeCtOr1> well, I called micron, and dell and gateway, dell would sell but there was a 7 week delivery, and the other two sayed they would not sell PP200s...they said INTEL won't sell them, they are short on them...go figure!!!:| *** |-WiLD-| ([email protected]) has joined #prestige * beelzebub is gone, ... Saving Messages, Left at 22:44:41. <samhain> Well you are an idiot. * JaMiLi is gone☻:☻ .☻x☻☼▼(▼☼ playing Tomb Raider :P ☼▼)▼☼☻x☻. ☻:☻ (22:52:45 @ 11/20/96) ☻:☻ (▼log on▼) *** StoneCrow has quit IRC (mind over matter...) <samhain> Micron has em Dell has em and Gateway has em. *** magellan is on IRC (Cositeop Sentinal) <[RYGAR]> cuz u read that in ads right *** ByronZED has quit IRC (,._.,-▼*▼~> WWR1996 <▼*▼-,._.,) <samhain> I own all those companies. <samhain> That's how I know. *** |-WiLD-| ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** REVOLT}[ ([email protected]) has joined #Prestige *** ^-0sh0-^ ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <samhain> I read PakiPC Magazine. *** allanon_ has quit IRC (Connection reset by peer) *** TheJester has quit IRC (Idle time limit exceeded) <[RYGAR]> i bet u believe if someone puts "DUNGEON KEEPER OUT NOW" in an ad, u rush over there and try to buy it *** _Master_ ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** _Master_ has quit IRC (Leaving) *** ByronZED ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <samhain> You can only get them fro mme. *** ^-0sh0-^ ([email protected]) has left #prestige <samhain> IN Bombay. *** FlufNStuF ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** szero has quit IRC (Broken pipe) <[RYGAR]> pakipc. i read it once. it was so-so. overrated reviews <samhain> OK *** xxx ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <SeCtOr1> well <ByronZED> Hello all <[RYGAR]> bombay is in india dumbass <samhain> Iam gonna call Micron now. <SeCtOr1> k *** _Master_ ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <SeCtOr1> what ever *** Iron_Far has quit IRC (Excess Flood) <[RYGAR]> call 1-900-gay-chat instead <SeCtOr1> I called them begining of NOVEMBER *** FlufNStuF has quit IRC (Leaving) -> (-[v0lt]-) voltie! <SeCtOr1> RYGAR, build them with 180s if you can't find 200s *** lepricon ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <SeCtOr1> dual 180s aren't that bad <[RYGAR]> no. *** lepricon ([email protected]) has left #prestige <[RYGAR]> in fact, i cant find more than one 180 either. *** Crystalin has quit IRC (Ping timeout) <SeCtOr1> shit <SeCtOr1> were yah live??? <[RYGAR]> anyone tried "softimage 3d extreme" <[RYGAR]> sweden <SeCtOr1> oh *** TheJester ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** crystali ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <ZeBcO> wtf is dungeon keeper? <|rev|> is 3d max out??? *** FOD ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <|rev|> err <|rev|> .. *** BiZzy has quit IRC (changeing servers) *** ennay ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <[RYGAR]> dungeon keeper is the new game from bullfrog. where do u live? in the toilet? *** Nizda ([email protected]) has left #prestige <[RYGAR]> keeps getting delayed though. *** crystali is now known as Crystalin *** BiZzy ([email protected]) has joined #prestige * mOgens is back - ☻I'm back!☻ <samhain> its out <_Alpha_> [BiZzy] RISC=-PRESTIGE=- <samhain> for Pakipc subscribersa *** _Zeta_ sets mode: +o BiZzy *** [OSA] ([email protected]) has joined #prestige * Jazz is AWAY - AFK - Messages will be saved *** _Zeta_ sets mode: +o ennay <_Zeta_> [BiZzy] RISC=-PRESTIGE=- <samhain> You bitch sector. *** _Zeta_ sets mode: +o ennay *** Inspektah ([email protected]) has joined #prestige * _TuRiCaN_ is gone: .☻x☼▼(☻ gone ☼▼)▼☻x☻. : ☻(☻rec&pager☻:☻ on☻)☻ ☻:☻ /ctcp _TuRiCaN_ page <samhain> Dell has ppro200 Servers for sale. *** `Q-Ball has quit IRC (Read error: 131 (Connection reset by peer)) <[RYGAR]> i dont want a fucking server. i want 2 single processors. *** [OSA] ([email protected]) has left #prestige <samhain> They were all" Would you like me to put you through to our Business Division" <samhain> Oh <[RYGAR]> already have HD+motherboard etc. <samhain> 2 single processors? <samhain> You can't buy those. <[RYGAR]> sure. <samhain> You wasted a lot of money dude. *** Apoc ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <[RYGAR]> ofcourse i can. *** RaVideV ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <[RYGAR]> funny guy. <samhain> They only sell in lots of 1000 <samhain> You can do that. *** _Alpha_ sets mode: +o Crystalin <samhain> Call intel. <[RYGAR]> are u joking or are u just stupid <samhain> No. <samhain> Im serious. <samhain> Call intel. <SeCtOr1> you can <samhain> They don't even sell them anymore. <[RYGAR]> intel might only sell in lots of 1000, do u think i call them to order 2 processors dumbass? <samhain> They sell Sugar and Ice Cubes Makers now. <SeCtOr1> I can pick up a couple for around 1400 canadian or less <samhain> Sector told me. *** ^marduk^ has quit IRC (You are my sun shine, you are my sun shine) <SeCtOr1> I said you can't find them easy <SeCtOr1> I didn't say you can't find them PERSIO <SeCtOr1> PERIOD <samhain> I'm sorry. <samhain> I didn't know you were having your flow. <samhain> GO take some midol. *** dr_Jones ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <samhain> PERSIO *** Infinite_ has quit IRC ([-^GuArDiAn^-] v2.0, there is no other!!) <FOD> FOD just released RED ALERT FINAL! JOIN #FOD!! *** FOD ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** BiZzy sets mode: +i *** dr_Jones ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** _Alpha_ sets mode: -i *** RaVideV has quit IRC (Leaving) <ZeBcO> [rygar] some of is have a life not all of us spend out time on the net waiting for new games ;p <[RYGAR]> whats that supposed to mean. <samhain> [15:56] <FOD> FOD just released RED ALERT BETA! IT'S NOT CRACKED! 5 DISKS! WE ARE TPK , RENAMED AS FOD Faggots of Dallas! JOIN #FOD!! *** samhain was kicked by BiZzy (www.westwood.com go watch the countdown lamer! Should of Known That Word Is Banned....) *** BiZzy sets mode: +i <ZeBcO> samhain hrmm what you mean you cant buy single ppro200s? fuk we have sold 150,180,200 all the fuqn time *** _Alpha_ sets mode: -i *** Zion ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** A|rDog ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** Don_Juan sets mode: +o Zion *** Amazon_59 ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <[RYGAR]> the guy is fucked in the head *** A|rDog ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** MiL0 has quit IRC (***7tH ºp|-|Ω½Θ v2.666***) *** Werner ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** Locker ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** Locker ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** ViZiT0R ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** ZeBcO has quit IRC (Leaving) * Totl is gone: .x( ok, bbl this time :) )x. pager [off] *** RaVideV ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** Storm has quit IRC (Read error: 232 (Connection reset by peer)) <ennay> . *** samhain ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** tazman-- ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** MiL0 ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** Apoc has quit IRC (Leaving) <_Alpha_> [tazman--] Prestige Senior Peanut! <_Zeta_> [tazman--] Prestige Senior Peanut! *** _Alpha_ was kicked by BiZzy (#Florida is where there at relaxing msg a op there they can help you -PSG Staff) *** _Alpha_ ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** Don_Juan sets mode: +o _Alpha_ <marbz> -=- _Alpha_ -=- <Crystalin> w00t * beelzebub is gone, ... Saving Messages, Left at 22:44:41. *** |-WiLD-| ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** stelent ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** |-WiLD-| ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** T-z ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** |Turok| ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** RaVideV has quit IRC (Leaving) * samhain is looking for the TPK release: Cyberslut; Party in My Pants. msg me for trade. *** imfearial has quit IRC (Ping timeout) *** ennay ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** _Master_ has quit IRC (Ping timeout) <_Zeta_> . *** [Drone] ([email protected]) has joined #Prestige *** [Drone] ([email protected]) has left #Prestige *** `Q-Ball ([email protected]) has joined #prestige * _TuRiCaN_ is gone: .☻x☼▼(☻ gone ☼▼)▼☻x☻. : ☻(☻rec&pager☻:☻ on☻)☻ ☻:☻ /ctcp _TuRiCaN_ page *** Werner has quit IRC (Leaving) *** |-|eron ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <|Macman|> hello Heron dewd <|-|eron> haha cola2 <|-|eron> how u like ur styff <|-|eron> stuff even *** |rev| ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** hermes2 ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** stelent ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** T-z ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** Nikki- ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** |zOrk| ([email protected]) has joined #prestige * Nikki- needs disk 16 of 21 of Prestige realease Tomb Raider *** _NaS_ ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** Zion has quit IRC (Ping timeout) <samhain> Nikki: Disk 16 has disappeared. *** LTD ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <_Alpha_> [LTD] [BaCKLaSH/PRESTiGE] <_Zeta_> [LTD] [BaCKLaSH/PRESTiGE] <Nikki-> mine was Bad very bad *** _Zeta_ sets mode: +o LTD *** toxic2 ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** tazman-- has quit IRC (Leaving) *** MAGi has quit IRC (Ping timeout) *** TheFoxy1 has quit IRC (Ping timeout) *** GandalfTW ([email protected]) has joined #PRESTIGE <_Alpha_> [GandalfTW] -=/ PHOENiX SYSOP (o)/\(o) PSG MNM ETN /=- <_Zeta_> [GandalfTW] -=/ PHOENiX SYSOP (o)/\(o) PSG MNM ETN /=- *** pr0zac has quit IRC (Ping timeout) *** MAGi ([email protected]) has joined #prestige * DemaXXuS is away.. answering a lamer's internet question.. back in 5 minutes (or 3-4 hours, depending on their level of lameness) *** _Zeta_ sets mode: +o MAGi *** cruger ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** ViZiT0R has quit IRC (Read error: 131 (Connection reset by peer)) <mOgens> cruger! *** _Ap_ ([email protected]) has left #prestige <cruger> hi *** Ranma1|2 ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** userx ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** _Zeta_ sets mode: +o GandalfTW *** T-z ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <[RYGAR]> tja cruger *** pr0zac ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** _Zeta_ sets mode: +v pr0zac <cruger> tja rygar <cruger> laget? *** _DRAG has quit IRC (*=| CB4 iN`1996 |=*) <[RYGAR]> hyffsat *** Jazz sets mode: +o pr0zac *** _Zeta_ sets mode: -o pr0zac <[RYGAR]> har du den dar 5x20mb red alert betan ngnstans?! *** redfox- ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** rah-zid has quit IRC (Leaving Gangsta-G 3.0(c), Homies inc. BY MrNiceGuy) *** _Alpha_ sets mode: -o pr0zac *** hermes2 ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** Pagan has left IRC <cruger> rygar nope.. *** WiS ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <cruger> men riktiga lar ju dyka yupp nar som helst *** _NaS_ ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** [RYGAR] was kicked by BiZzy (www.westwood.com go watch the countdown lamer! Should of Known That Word Is Banned....) *** BiZzy sets mode: +i *** _Alpha_ sets mode: -i <samhain> Morkenluen? <samhain> rygar beta fake <samhain> .. <SeCtOr1> excuse??? *** WiS ([email protected]) has left #prestige <SeCtOr1> <[RYGAR]> har du den dar 5x20mb red alert betan ngnstans?!??????????/ *** SeCtOr1 was kicked by BiZzy (www.westwood.com go watch the countdown lamer! Should of Known That Word Is Banned....) *** BiZzy sets mode: +i *** _Alpha_ sets mode: -i *** [\GoRo\] ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <samhain> rygar: ∙ber duken Redalert Worken lugen? *** samhain was kicked by BiZzy (www.westwood.com go watch the countdown lamer! Should of Known That Word Is Banned....) *** BiZzy sets mode: +i *** `Q-Ball has quit IRC (Connection reset by peer) *** _Alpha_ sets mode: -i *** Nikki- has quit IRC (irc.cerf.net irc.primenet.com) *** Inspektah has quit IRC (irc.cerf.net irc.primenet.com) *** Lornicus has quit IRC (irc.cerf.net irc.primenet.com) *** Tslayer has quit IRC (irc.cerf.net irc.primenet.com) *** slamjudge has quit IRC (irc.cerf.net irc.primenet.com) *** Merc_ has quit IRC (irc.cerf.net irc.primenet.com) *** beelzebub has quit IRC (irc.cerf.net irc.primenet.com) *** repoons has quit IRC (irc.cerf.net irc.primenet.com) *** samhain ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** _XerXeS_ ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** [RYGAR] ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** |zOrk| has quit IRC (Ping timeout) <userx> l:tradez p:tradez log on check it out and MSG me *** T-z ([email protected]) has left #prestige <[RYGAR]> i got kicked, and it took me 45 seconds to get to me. *** _ZEUS ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <[RYGAR]> now im back though. *** slamjudge ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** Nikki- ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** Inspektah ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** Lornicus ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** Tslayer ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** Merc_ ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** beelzebub ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** repoons ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** irc.primenet.com sets mode: +ov slamjudge Lornicus *** _ZEUS ([email protected]) has left #prestige <cruger> rygar har du kollat in fx fighter turbo? <MiL0> split! <[RYGAR]> ja <MiL0> W00T! *** Ranma1|2 ([email protected]) has left #prestige <[RYGAR]> och hyper blade funka ocksσ <cruger> vet du om det ar knackt <[RYGAR]> inget skydd pa det. *** Vindi ([email protected]) has left #prestige <cruger> star at man har 14 dar pa sig typ da man installerat <cruger> ar det bara bull? *** mrstomb ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** Inspektah has quit IRC (Leaving) *** userx ([email protected]) has left #prestige <[RYGAR]> 14 dar att regga ja. . . det funkar nog 14 dagar till efterσt *** mrstomb ([email protected]) has left #prestige * Totl is gone: .x( ok, bbl this time :) )x. pager [off] *** GiMi has quit IRC (Connection reset by peer) *** Lornicus has quit IRC (Read Error: 666 (Connection reset by Satan)) <samhain> rygar: ∙ber duken Redaler Worken lugen? *** TheFoxy1 ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <cruger> hur var hyperblade da? *** [brain] is now known as [BRAiN] * beelzebub is gone, ... Saving Messages, Left at 22:44:41. <[RYGAR]> cruger, hfsat... <cruger> mm foresten ar race mania verjkligen knackt * _TuRiCaN_ is gone: .☻x☼▼(☻ gone ☼▼)▼☻x☻. : ☻(☻rec&pager☻:☻ on☻)☻ ☻:☻ /ctcp _TuRiCaN_ page <cruger> ? <[RYGAR]> cruger, do u have "organic screen saver" <[RYGAR]> cruger: funka fint f÷r mej iaf. <|-|eron> uhh ya <[RYGAR]> cruger: har du problem med det eller? *** SeNSi (^Sensi^@ts4-p09.dialup.iway.fr) has joined #prestige * mOgens is gone - ☻g0ne.. *** J_Radics has quit IRC (Ping timeout) <samhain> Rygar: jokken verboten inget Orgasmic Svelka? <cruger> var nan som sa att det dyker upp nan cd check om man vinner ett lopp <cruger> eller natt i den stilen <[RYGAR]> va. jeklar. har inte provat. <cruger> rygar testa garna om du har det inmstallerat <[RYGAR]> blagha dongka krsixzxa SAMHAIN cruger testxkra imsnstallera? <[RYGAR]> cruger, jag har provat det, men inte k÷ra ett helt lopp. <|-|eron> ok i am del'ing skynet now..unless someone can tell me it works *** SeCtOr1 ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** Zion ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <cruger> rygar prova igen da :) *** Don_Juan sets mode: +o Zion <samhain> SAMHAIN: Deutch Suproke! Shiest <[RYGAR]> cruger, ska g÷ra det. *** |zOrk| ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <_Zeta_> . <|Macman|> heron: just do it <samhain> cruger= shiestmonger <|Macman|> it isnt worth playing anyway <cruger> samhain hmmmm *** _vidiot ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <cruger> rygar oki. kommer tebax strax *** Pilgrim ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** [BRAiN] is now known as [brain] *** p_haze ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <|-|eron> oh well..i have future shock anyway <[RYGAR]> goody for u. now fuck off <marbz> -=- Pilgrim -=- <samhain> RYGAR: Judenpenis *** Karrade ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** Mr-Magi ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** Rocketeer ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** _Zeta_ sets mode: +o Karrade *** Halfback ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** nightsurf has quit IRC (Ping timeout) *** Mr-Magi has quit IRC (Leaving) *** `Q-Ball ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** marbz has quit IRC (BRB) *** ^ArC has quit IRC (Connection Reset By Admin) *** Pseudo ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** lost_soul ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <[RYGAR]> Σ' *** odo ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** Pilgrim ([email protected]) has left #prestige <samhain> RYGAR: Loken "Vaginal Potatoe Chip" mein papa *** JaMiLi has quit IRC (�[�ReV PoWeR PrO�]� ⌐1995-96 by RevHead) *** ZaZCaRDy ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <[RYGAR]> sure <[RYGAR]> thank you. goodnight. *** [RYGAR] has quit IRC (Leaving) <ByronZED> . <odo> hmmm.....paki nigger u say.. <odo> hehe *** odo has quit IRC (irc.cerf.net irc.primenet.com) *** ZaZCaRDy has quit IRC (irc.cerf.net irc.primenet.com) *** Nikki- has quit IRC (irc.cerf.net irc.primenet.com) *** repoons has quit IRC (irc.cerf.net irc.primenet.com) *** Merc_ has quit IRC (irc.cerf.net irc.primenet.com) *** Tslayer has quit IRC (irc.cerf.net irc.primenet.com) *** beelzebub has quit IRC (irc.cerf.net irc.primenet.com) *** slamjudge has quit IRC (irc.cerf.net irc.primenet.com) *** ^marduk^ ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <cruger> rygar tebax :) *** LTD has quit IRC (There he goes!) <samhain> cruger: Mein Wiener is schnitzled. *** slamjudge ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** odo ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** ZaZCaRDy ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** Nikki- ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** Tslayer ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** Merc_ ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** beelzebub ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** repoons ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** irc.blackened.com sets mode: +o slamjudge *** GandalfTW has quit IRC (I had enough) *** Dogfriend ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** Pseudo ([email protected]) has left #prestige <_Alpha_> [Dogfriend] Hybrid's honorary Narrefisse <_Zeta_> [Dogfriend] Hybrid's honorary Narrefisse *** samhain has quit IRC (1996 -= I got Big Balls=- 1996) *** odo ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** _kot_ ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** ^marduk^ has quit IRC (You are my sun shine, you are my sun shine) *** REACTOR- ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** Omega_ ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** REACTOR- ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** HiGhLaNde (blueboy@lis4_p8.telepac.pt) has joined #prestige *** swerve ([email protected]) has joined #prestige * _TuRiCaN_ is gone: .☻x☼▼(☻ gone ☼▼)▼☻x☻. : ☻(☻rec&pager☻:☻ on☻)☻ ☻:☻ /ctcp _TuRiCaN_ page * beelzebub is gone, ... Saving Messages, Left at 22:44:41. *** shrine ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** WooCare ([email protected]) has joined #Prestige *** shrine ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** BUDL ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** stoned2 ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** Radar has quit IRC (Read error: 131 (Connection reset by peer)) * Everclear has returned. *** stoned2 has quit IRC (Leaving) <cybphreak> ever smear <Everclear> hi *** LTD ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <Everclear> any good rels? <|-|eron> pap smear *** _Zeta_ sets mode: +o _kot_ *** Inspektah ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <BUDL> does anyone have a site with skynet? <|-|eron> putt putt goes to the moon <|-|eron> skynet doesnt work <|-|eron> :( <BUDL> are u sure? <[\GoRo\]> gee, that's new news ;] <|-|eron> hehe..YEp <[\GoRo\]> and it has worked for a couple of ppl not many though <BUDL> are they releasing another version of it * Totl is gone: .x( ok, bbl this time :) )x. pager [off] <|-|eron> some physical problems *** |Macman| has quit IRC (It's never guaranteed that you see the next day.) <BUDL> was that the final release of skynet? *** WooCare ([email protected]) has left #Prestige *** Zion has quit IRC (Getting another Prestige release ready.... ) <BUDL> i mean the store version <|-|eron> but oh well..it is exactally the same as furure shock it isnt even funny *** _Master_ ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** claw has quit IRC (.:t╓R▒ fú╔ºh:. v1.4▓ by SLaG...) <BUDL> do u still go in to those hotels.. *** Cola2 ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <BUDL> does it load everytime u go in to a hotel? * _TuRiCaN_ is gone: .☻x☼▼(☻ back ☼▼)▼☻x☻. ☻:☻ ☻(☻rec▼&▼pager☻:☻on☻)☻ ☻:☻ ☻/☻ctcp ▼_TuRiCaN_▼ ☻page☻ *** p_haze has quit IRC (Leaving) *** Crystalin has quit IRC (Ping timeout) <|-|eron> yep <BUDL> shit that sucks... *** mrsandman ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <|-|eron> exact same gfx <BUDL> so its not worth the dl? *** swerve ([email protected]) has left #prestige <BUDL> the graphics are in high.... *** |Randy| ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** HiGhLaNde (blueboy@lis4_p8.telepac.pt) has left #prestige *** warp ([email protected]) has joined #Prestige <|-|eron> nothing works in the game *** _Master_ has quit IRC (Leaving) <|-|eron> it crashes *** redfox ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** mrsandman ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** BUDL ([email protected]) has left #prestige <_Zeta_> . *** KoRnBoY ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** redfox- has quit IRC (Connection reset by peer) *** LTD has quit IRC (There he goes!) *** warp ([email protected]) has left #Prestige *** LTD ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <_Alpha_> [LTD] [BaCKLaSH/PRESTiGE] * _TuRiCaN_ is back: .☻x☼▼(☻ back ☼▼)▼☻x☻. <_Zeta_> [LTD] [BaCKLaSH/PRESTiGE] *** _Zeta_ sets mode: +o LTD *** LarG0 ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** Wolfz ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** Inspektah has quit IRC (Leaving) *** `Q-Ball has quit IRC (Read error: 131 (Connection reset by peer)) *** _Mangler ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** Nikki- has quit IRC (Beware of The KOS ..........GLOBAL KOS) * Merc_ is away �� Dinner...bbl �� Messages saved. �� Pager ON. �� Type /ctcp Merc_ PAGE �� <Cola2> uh <Cola2> beware of CDC...CULT! *** Rocketeer has quit IRC (leaving) *** MFM has quit IRC (Ping timeout) *** zSCoRPz ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** CrzyHorse ([email protected]) has joined #prestige * beelzebub is gone, ... Saving Messages, Left at 22:44:41. *** drinsane ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** bash ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** zagri has quit IRC (Leaving) *** Jazz sets mode: +o bash *** d_rebel ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** _Alpha_ sets mode: -o bash *** h^2so^f0r ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** Bigman ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** lolo_ ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <_Alpha_> [Bigman] -|x|- AMNESiA/NEMESiS/AFFiNiTY/TSG! -|x|- *** Snatchy ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** _Zeta_ sets mode: -o bash *** _Zeta_ sets mode: +v Bigman <_Zeta_> [Bigman] -|x|- AMNESiA/NEMESiS/AFFiNiTY/TSG! -|x|- * Bigman is gone: .☻o☻(☻ homework sux ☻)☻o☻. left at 4:05pm *** h^2so^f0r ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** MiL0 is now known as pupp *** leroy ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** [brain] is now known as c3cwib6g *** pupp is now known as MiL0 *** Virgin ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** leroy ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** c3cwib6g is now known as _brain_ *** Phoenixx ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** Phoenixx ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** _brain_ is now known as [brain] *** `Q-Ball ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** novokane ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** Butterbal ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** DAVADiAN ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** Phoenixx ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** FBK- has quit IRC (cyaz) *** Phoenixx ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** SeNSi has quit IRC (Leaving) * Merc_ is away. .x( Dinner...bbl )x. .x( Messages saved )x. .x( Pager: On )x. *** [Andy]zZ ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** DAVADiAN ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** [Andy]zZ ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** kali_ ([email protected]) has joined #prestige * Totl is gone: .x( ok, bbl this time :) )x. pager [off] <_Zeta_> [kali_] Beta 1911 Rulez Yew All <_Alpha_> [kali_] Beta 1911 Rulez Yew All *** _Zeta_ sets mode: +o kali_ *** _WeTDoG_ ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <_WeTDoG_> hahehaeh <_TuRiCaN_> did anyone ever get Privateer 2 *** dehtemane ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** kali_ changes topic to "Send Webart to [email protected] for PSG Webpage..or MSG kali" * kali_ is away: tomb raiders...bbl, pager(ON) '/CTCP kali_ PAGE <message>' Email: ([email protected]) *** Purify_ has quit IRC (Leaving) *** cybphreak has quit IRC (Excess Flood) *** dehtemane ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** _vidiot has quit IRC (Killed (Assembler (Stats L Flood))) *** _vidiot ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <Everclear> irc ops against each other <_Zeta_> . *** _Mangler has quit IRC (EOF From client) *** ^marduk^ ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <_vidiot> hrm *** novokane ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** _WeTDoG_ ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** Arch-Magi ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** Don_Juan sets mode: +o Arch-Magi <_Alpha_> [Arch-Magi] Hail Magi! All Bow DOWN! <_Zeta_> [Arch-Magi] Hail Magi! All Bow DOWN! *** East_1999 ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** xxx has quit IRC (mind over matter...) *** ajax ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** Deception ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** zagri ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** LarG0 ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** lolo_ has quit IRC (Ping timeout) *** [vmp] ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** [vmp] ([email protected]) has left #prestige * Bigman has returned: .☻o☻(☻ shlong!@# ☻)☻o☻. time is 18:02:25 *** TimeCop ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** Infra- ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** Code3 ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** TimeCop ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** Trinidad ([email protected]) has joined #prestige * beelzebub is gone, ... Saving Messages, Left at 22:44:41. *** orbital- ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** redfox has quit IRC (Ping timeout) <Deception> i need a site with war2? anyone know of 1 ? *** Trinidad ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** lost_soul has quit IRC (brb) *** TheJester has quit IRC (Idle time limit exceeded) *** Rigor ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <Rigor> nother fake red alert? *** Rigor was kicked by BiZzy (www.westwood.com go watch the countdown lamer! Should of Known That Word Is Banned....) *** Rigor ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** BiZzy sets mode: +i *** Amazon_59 has quit IRC (K-Lined) *** _Alpha_ sets mode: -i <ByronZED> I'm outta here .. <ByronZED> going to sleep.. G'night !!! * Merc_ is away. .x( Dinner...bbl )x. .x( Messages saved )x. .x( Pager: On )x. <_TuRiCaN_> is the 5 27meg disk ver of RA a fake *** [\GoRo\] has quit IRC (Connection reset by peer) *** ByronZED has quit IRC (ZzzzzzzzzzzzzZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz) *** Butterbal ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** |zOrk| has quit IRC (Ping timeout) *** orbital- has quit IRC (Excess Flood) *** orbital- ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** orbital- has quit IRC (Excess Flood) *** Defcon420 ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** Deception ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** orbit- ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <Tslayer> that flood was from Desket -- surfista5.massama.ip.pt *** BlueAdepT ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <_Zeta_> [BlueAdepT] EVERLASTing taint! <_Alpha_> [BlueAdepT] EVERLASTing taint! *** Jessika ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** cybphreak ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** pancho ([email protected]) has joined #prestige * Jessika loves prestige *** Jazz sets mode: +o cybphreak <SMasteR> we are bug <SMasteR> big * Jessika wants a speech addon for tomb raider <SMasteR> in the netherlands *** |-|eron ([email protected]) has left #prestige <SMasteR> sorry no luck <SMasteR> Tomb Raider + the 52 disk video addon <SMasteR> is all that was on CD *** `Q-Ball has quit IRC (Excess Flood) <SMasteR> the rest is audio tracks :( *** TheJester ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <_TuRiCaN_> is the 5 27meg disk ver of RA a fake <BiZzy> i want diablo <BiZzy> & fps football 97 *** orbit- has quit IRC (Excess Flood) *** _Bone_ ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <Jessika> smaster - at the end of episode one i seem to miss speech - when the woman talks to some guy. *** orbit- ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <_TuRiCaN_> did anyone ever get Privateer 2 I need the last disk plz msg me if you gotz *** Night_Bla ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** Night_Bla has quit IRC (Leaving) * kali_ is back, somebody send me fucking webart. <SMasteR> Jessika...ask Qball if he got it <SMasteR> he's the only other one I know that got that far <kali_> bah <kali_> i need webart <_Bone_> Heh.. i have 164 saves for TR and im only on the 7th level. <kali_> smaster <kali_> the domain is setup <SMasteR> I'm erect <kali_> crappy webpage <_Bone_> what do you need to know? im on 7.. <SMasteR> help me <SMasteR> I am on Level 3 <SMasteR> I used the machine * Totl is gone: .x( ok, bbl this time :) )x. pager [off] <SMasteR> and got the shotgun <_Bone_> whats your question? <SMasteR> now I can't figure out how to get by <SMasteR> this door, with like a picture *** destructr ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <SMasteR> of the golden idol on it <kali_> hmm <kali_> smaster <SMasteR> the one near the top of the waterfall <kali_> find me a webartist <kali_> its www.budgetpaki.org *** |JaMmEr| ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <kali_> nuthin on it tho <_Bone_> you got the cogs and ran the machine right.. *** Griffon ([email protected]) has left #PRESTIGE *** Ranma1|2 ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <|JaMmEr|> is eat my dust any good? <Everclear> Gas master <Merc-> Everbitch <Everclear> taxidriver ;P <SMasteR> Bone: yes the machine has been run <_Bone_> did you go to the beginning of the level and go down teh ravine.. swim in the pool and go into the fist waterfall *** Jazz has quit IRC (Read error: 131 (Connection reset by peer)) <SMasteR> what am I trying to get from there Bone? *** Jizz- ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <SMasteR> aside from the shotgun *** Everclear sets mode: +o Jizz- <_Alpha_> [Jizz-] [ EVERLAST - PRESTIGE - ] <_Zeta_> [Jizz-] [ EVERLAST - PRESTIGE - ] *** _Zeta_ sets mode: +o Jizz- <_Bone_> i have the saves for the begging levels of 1-7 if anyone wants to cheat * Merc_ is away. .x( Dinner...bbl )x. .x( Messages saved )x. .x( Pager: On )x. *** ajax has quit IRC (ajax) *** Jessika ([email protected]) has left #prestige <_Bone_> i got the shotgun in level 5 *** cooldude ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** |JaMmEr| ([email protected]) has left #prestige <drinsane> what game are you talking about? <pancho> drinsane u little leecher ;) *** MindBndr ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** cyxZz ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <_Zeta_> . *** Nuremb_ has quit IRC (Ping timeout) *** Shadow_M ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** cyxZz ([email protected]) has left #prestige <drinsane> what game are you talking about? <drinsane> what game are you talking about? *** Halfback has quit IRC (Ping timeout) * beelzebub is gone, ... Saving Messages, Left at 22:44:41. *** Jizz- is now known as Jazz <MindBndr> beep beep ! *** coup ([email protected]) has joined #prestige * Jazz has returned... *** _vidiot is now known as vid *** vid is now known as _vidiot *** Ranma1|2 ([email protected]) has left #prestige <pancho> mindbendah <MindBndr> panchie.. meep meep ! <pancho> hehe *** aDaNaC ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <pancho> sup <aDaNaC> hey *** orbit- has quit IRC (Connection reset by peer) <MindBndr> sup yocilf ? *** N_Warrior ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <MindBndr> I┤m a BIT tired right now.. *** coup ([email protected]) has left #prestige <MindBndr> ┤bout all I can say.. <pancho> u 2 ;) <N_Warrior> hello Mindbender *** [t2f5g2r4 ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** Shatter ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <_Alpha_> [Shatter] -=] DOD*EVERLAST*PRESTIGE [=- <_Zeta_> [Shatter] -=] DOD*EVERLAST*PRESTIGE [=- *** TheFoxy1 ([email protected]) has left #prestige <_TuRiCaN_> did anyone ever get Privateer 2 I need the last disk plz msg me if you gotz *** _Zeta_ sets mode: +o Shatter <N_Warrior> hello shatter ,. <kali_> nah <kali_> any webartists *** poolshrk ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <MindBndr> nwar.. sup ?! <Shatter> whas up nwarrior <N_Warrior> just fine.. *** poolshrk ([email protected]) has left #prestige <N_Warrior> sitting and wating for some releases to be released =) *** bash_ ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** Jazz sets mode: +o bash_ *** _niTro ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** Deception ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <Deception> i need war2 on a site ...msg me *** _Alpha_ sets mode: -o bash_ *** _Zeta_ sets mode: -o bash_ <N_Warrior> and u shatter,. what's up with u *** [t2f5g2r4 has quit IRC (Dead Socket) *** pancho has quit IRC (brb) *** _niTro ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** O_STONED ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** lNFlNlTY ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <Confucius> SMasteR you here? <_Bone_> the collisium (level 6) took me 2 hours and 3 mintues to beat :P <Confucius> 8) <Confucius> Rub your fucking genie 8) *** Snatchy has quit IRC (Read error: 0 (Error 0)) *** Deception ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** Snatchy ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** FastWheel ([email protected]) has joined #prestige * Merc_ is away. .x( Dinner...bbl )x. .x( Messages saved )x. .x( Pager: On )x. *** MGD ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <_Alpha_> [MGD] The Official International Assocation of Paki's Mascot - The Mr. Razor FAN! <_Zeta_> [MGD] The Official International Assocation of Paki's Mascot - The Mr. Razor FAN! *** MindBndr ([email protected]) has left #prestige <N_Warrior> hello mgd <aDaNaC> Anyone have a site with Privateer 2?? <MGD> hi *** ^MaNiaC^ ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <MGD> ad: why would you want a beta? <bash_> it's a beta <bash_> fear beta 1911 <MGD> yea <MGD> fear them <aDaNaC> i want privateer 2, i dont care if its beta *** [DMA] ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <SeCtOr1> k *** h^2so^f0r ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <SeCtOr1> betas are cool, they give you a taste of the game so you know if it is any good or not *** ThePep ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <kali_> sector <SeCtOr1> well, if they are too big, I'd rather wait for the full *** _Master_ ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <kali_> but when ya release a beta and call it final <kali_> that is not kwel <SeCtOr1> oh <kali_> kewl <SeCtOr1> they are calling it FINAL??? *** Neurosis ([email protected]) has left #prestige <SeCtOr1> oh I didn't know that, hehe, that is fucked *** |Randy| has quit IRC (The Show Must Go On) <^MaNiaC^> who released it? *** FastWheel ([email protected]) has left #prestige <aDaNaC> does anyone know a site w/ Privateer 2? *** FastWheel ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <SeCtOr1> aDaNaC you faster than T1??? *** lost_soul ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <aDaNaC> no... * Totl is gone: .x( ok, bbl this time :) )x. pager [off] <SeCtOr1> how fast are you? *** ImPLoDe ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <aDaNaC> umm, just 28.8 *** Zag ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <SeCtOr1> shit *** [Andy] ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <Shadow_M> ha,ha,ha <SeCtOr1> sorry dude..it is like over 40 disks the one I have <_TuRiCaN_> heheh <SeCtOr1> and It is on my shell, I am 33,6 but if you had faster connections, I could shell to shell <Jazz> what kind of game is the realm? *** SUNNY ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <aDaNaC> oh well <SUNNY> Hey anyone here still playing tomb *** Daman- ([email protected]) has joined #prestige * _TuRiCaN_ is gone: .☻x☼▼(☻ one ☼▼)▼☻x☻. ☻:☻ ☻(☻rec▼&▼pager☻:☻on☻)☻ ☻:☻ ☻/☻ctcp ▼_TuRiCaN_▼ ☻page☻ * _TuRiCaN_ is back: .☻x☼▼(☻ back ☼▼)▼☻x☻. * beelzebub is gone, ... Saving Messages, Left at 22:44:41. *** bash has quit IRC (Connection timed out) * _TuRiCaN_ is gone: .☻x☼▼(☻ gone ☼▼)▼☻x☻. ☻:☻ ☻(☻rec▼&▼pager☻:☻on☻)☻ ☻:☻ ☻/☻ctcp ▼_TuRiCaN_▼ ☻page☻ *** Zag ([email protected]) has left #prestige <SeCtOr1> tomb... I haven't even tried it yet <SeCtOr1> hehe <SeCtOr1> is it any good??? *** zorlac sets mode: +v Code3 <_Zeta_> . <[Andy]> tomb is pretty cool <SUNNY> ya it's pretty good <aDaNaC> whats tomb? *** zorlac sets mode: +vvv bash_ beelzebub BlueAdepT <SUNNY> I just find the 5th level hard <SUNNY> anyone get past itl. *** zorlac sets mode: +v MGD <SeCtOr1> is it Tomb Raider * _TuRiCaN_ is back: .☻x☼▼(☻ back ☼▼)▼☻x☻. <SeCtOr1> or Tomb Raiders??? <_Bone_> i got past it.. im on 7.. <aDaNaC> ahh <aDaNaC> how big is it? <SUNNY> Tomb Raider <SeCtOr1> k <_TuRiCaN_> is the 5 27meg disk ver of RA a fake <_Bone_> its 178 megs with the animations <SeCtOr1> no <SeCtOr1> the 5 disk one is not gake *** Snatchy is now known as Snatch <SeCtOr1> fake *** Shazam_ ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <_TuRiCaN_> it is real <SUNNY> how you get past 5 dude I climb up some ledge grabed heath and ammo now am at the bottom ?? what I do. <_TuRiCaN_> you play it <_Bone_> did you get any keys yet? <aDaNaC> it's 5 disks? <lost_soul> yeah <SeCtOr1> TPK would be in a lot of shit if they released a FAKE, everyone would think even worse of them than they already do (well a 650 meg release SUCKS) <lost_soul> 5 x 27mb <Snatch> 20+ meg each <SUNNY> in 5 no * Merc_ is away. .x( Dinner...bbl )x. .x( Messages saved )x. .x( Pager: On )x. *** _niTro ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <Snatch> ? <_Bone_> or are you at the very beginning with the lions and gorillas? *** TACKS ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <aDaNaC> Anyone have a site with Tomb Raiders? <TACKS> hey i need to know is redalert werking? *** TACKS was kicked by BiZzy (www.westwood.com go watch the countdown lamer! Should of Known That Word Is Banned....) *** BiZzy sets mode: +i *** drinsane has quit IRC (/Mode #??? +b *!*@*.Ugly.com) *** _Alpha_ sets mode: -i <Merc-> THANK YOU BIZZY <Merc-> FUCK YOU BOT <SeCtOr1> ain't it fun when you get to do from T3 to T3 transfers, it moves so fast <SUNNY> no I kicked there ass I move the grey thing jump to some ledge did some tricky jumping got to the top and grabsome ammo and health *** hermes2 ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <Shatter> haah merc *** _niTro has quit IRC (Leaving) *** Shatter sets mode: +v Merc- <Merc-> man <Merc-> oh shatter...did you see the bad news? <Shatter> what bad news?? <cybphreak> china exploded? <SeCtOr1> hehe *** _Bone_ has quit IRC (Excess Flood) *** ^MaNiaC^ has quit IRC (Ping timeout) <Shatter> shut up cybphreak <Shatter> you sat on it <Shatter> faget *** _Bone_ ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <_Bone_> sunny: did you jump on top of the gorrila room.. when your mving from block to block in the main room) and make your way accross to the other side of the room? *** h^2so^f0r has quit IRC (Connection reset by peer) *** Merc_ ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** Octavion ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** Hamton ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <Octavion> Did you guys fix SKYNET yet? *** N_Warrior has quit IRC (leaving da scene for da night! :) <SeCtOr1> ohoh <SeCtOr1> here comes a kick I think <SUNNY> ?? I moved some lever at the top of the gorila room and one at the bottom. <Jazz> no <SeCtOr1> they kicked another guy for askin that question <SUNNY> then I came out and some dude shot at me <SeCtOr1> hey *** Prophet_ has quit IRC (Connection reset by peer) * Shadow_M is away ☻- eating -☻ Messages will be saved. Page = !Shadow_M <SeCtOr1> hehe *** [Andy] has quit IRC (Ping timeout) *** ^MaNiaC^ ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** Octavion ([email protected]) has left #prestige <_Bone_> nono.. not in the gorilla room.. in the main room with the lions.. you have to jump on the ovrhang.. <_Bone_> OVER the gorilla room.. *** Prophet_ ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** FastWheel ([email protected]) has left #prestige <SUNNY> Yes the small ledge <_Alpha_> [Prophet_] Huff and puff the afropuff *** Snatch has quit IRC (Read error: 0 (Error 0)) <SUNNY> ?? one sec. <^MaNiaC^> is Batman Returns: The Arcade Game any good? <SeCtOr1> are you guys going to take a crack at ½A when the full comes out???? or are you going to let other groups (lame ass TPK and that fuckin 650 meg release) do it??? <_Zeta_> [Prophet_] Huff and puff the afropuff <aDaNaC> Whats RA?? *** Hamton ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** Silencer- ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <SeCtOr1> ½ED ALE½R <SeCtOr1> ½ED ALE½T <aDaNaC> ok *** MiL0 has quit IRC (be back later....MY FUCKING BROTHER NEEDS THE FUCKING COMPUTER) <_TuRiCaN_> Red Alert *** _TuRiCaN_ was kicked by BiZzy (www.westwood.com go watch the countdown lamer! Should of Known That Word Is Banned....) *** BiZzy sets mode: +i *** _Zeta_ sets mode: -i *** SeCtOr1 was kicked by Shatter (.x(!)x. kant f00l me .x(!)x.) *** _Bone_ has quit IRC (gonna go play Tomb Raider..) <cybphreak> shattahaaa *** _ZEUS ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** _ZEUS ([email protected]) has left #prestige <cybphreak> Zeus is Suez backwards <Shatter> cybaahhphkreakkk *** FallLine ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** _TuRiCaN_ ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <cybphreak> fear my mad skillz *** SeCtOr1 ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** Mendoza ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** Dogfriend has quit IRC (returning to real life...) <hermes2> ok, what is my name backwards? :) <Shatter> <Merc-> they can crack each others but cheeks upon and ream each other, that about it. <cybphreak> lamer <_TuRiCaN_> Damn what was I thinking <Shatter> \hahahaha <Shatter> 2semreh <Shatter> feer <cybphreak> merc thinks he is funny <cybphreak> or smth *** Mendoza has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc.cdc.net) *** Silencer- has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc.cdc.net) *** Prophet_ has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc.cdc.net) *** ^MaNiaC^ has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc.cdc.net) *** hermes2 has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc.cdc.net) *** ImPLoDe has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc.cdc.net) *** _Master_ has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc.cdc.net) *** ThePep has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc.cdc.net) *** [DMA] has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc.cdc.net) *** MGD has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc.cdc.net) *** lNFlNlTY has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc.cdc.net) *** bash_ has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc.cdc.net) *** Shatter has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc.cdc.net) *** Shadow_M has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc.cdc.net) *** Jazz has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc.cdc.net) *** lost_soul has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc.cdc.net) *** destructr has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc.cdc.net) *** TheJester has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc.cdc.net) *** BlueAdepT has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc.cdc.net) *** Daman- has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc.cdc.net) *** Defcon420 has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc.cdc.net) *** zagri has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc.cdc.net) *** cybphreak has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc.cdc.net) *** _vidiot has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc.cdc.net) *** ^marduk^ has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc.cdc.net) *** kali_ has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc.cdc.net) *** Virgin has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc.cdc.net) *** Bigman has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc.cdc.net) *** d_rebel has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc.cdc.net) *** aDaNaC has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc.cdc.net) *** zSCoRPz has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc.cdc.net) *** CrzyHorse has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc.cdc.net) *** LTD has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc.cdc.net) *** Infra- has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc.cdc.net) *** _kot_ has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc.cdc.net) *** SUNNY has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc.cdc.net) *** Code3 has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc.cdc.net) *** repoons has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc.cdc.net) *** beelzebub has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc.cdc.net) *** slamjudge has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc.cdc.net) *** Tslayer has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc.cdc.net) *** ZaZCaRDy has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc.cdc.net) *** cooldude has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc.cdc.net) *** Karrade has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc.cdc.net) *** pr0zac has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc.cdc.net) *** MAGi has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc.cdc.net) *** BiZzy has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc.cdc.net) *** cruger has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc.cdc.net) *** Shazam_ has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc.cdc.net) *** REVOLT}[ has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc.cdc.net) *** SMasteR has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc.cdc.net) *** SeCtOr1 has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc.cdc.net) *** DemaXXuS has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc.cdc.net) *** _TuRiCaN_ has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc.cdc.net) *** KoRnBoY has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc.cdc.net) *** _hawkeye has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc.cdc.net) *** toxic2 has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc.cdc.net) *** spidy- has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc.cdc.net) *** RIX has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc.cdc.net) *** Rassilon has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc.cdc.net) *** Razzilon has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc.cdc.net) *** Merc- has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc.cdc.net) *** [brain] has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc.cdc.net) *** Omega_ has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc.cdc.net) *** East_1999 has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc.cdc.net) *** Totl has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc.cdc.net) *** MysticOne has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc.cdc.net) *** Cola2 has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc.cdc.net) *** mOgens has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc.cdc.net) *** LifeForm has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc.cdc.net) *** FallLine has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc.cdc.net) *** Ionizer has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc.cdc.net) *** cH_ has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc.cdc.net) *** teacher_ has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc.cdc.net) *** [prozac] has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc.cdc.net) *** _CRAZY_ has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc.cdc.net) *** wind7duck has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc.cdc.net) *** ddruid has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc.cdc.net) *** DraPPer has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc.cdc.net) *** [Healing] has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc.cdc.net) *** holybeast has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc.cdc.net) *** MtC has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc.cdc.net) *** _Zeta_ has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc.cdc.net) *** Grudge has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc.cdc.net) *** Don_Juan has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc.cdc.net) *** Skill has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc.cdc.net) *** Everclear has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc.cdc.net) *** Confucius has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc.cdc.net) *** VRumor has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc.cdc.net) *** zorlac has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc.cdc.net) *** Rigor has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc.cdc.net) *** Maverick- has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc.cdc.net) *** Dray has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc.cdc.net) *** lghman has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc.cdc.net) *** kRaKhEd has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc.cdc.net) *** immortal_ has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc.cdc.net) *** _Alpha_ has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc.cdc.net) *** nevermnd has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc.cdc.net) *** CATTINO has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc.cdc.net) *** Shatter ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** Infinite_ ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** allanon_ ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** Mendoza ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** SeCtOr1 ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** _TuRiCaN_ ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** FallLine ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** Silencer- ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** ^MaNiaC^ ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** hermes2 ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** Shazam_ ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** Daman- ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** SUNNY ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** ImPLoDe ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** lost_soul ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** _Master_ ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** ThePep ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** [DMA] ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** MGD ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** lNFlNlTY ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** bash_ ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** aDaNaC ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** Shadow_M ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** cooldude ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** Jazz ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** irc2.uiuc.edu sets mode: +ovvo Shatter MGD bash_ Jazz *** destructr ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** TheJester ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** cybphreak ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** BlueAdepT ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** Defcon420 ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** Rigor ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** Code3 ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** Infra- ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** zagri ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** East_1999 ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** ^marduk^ ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** _vidiot ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** kali_ ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** irc2.uiuc.edu sets mode: +ovvo cybphreak BlueAdepT Code3 kali_ *** Virgin ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** Bigman ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** d_rebel ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** CrzyHorse ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** zSCoRPz ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** LTD ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** KoRnBoY ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** Cola2 ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** Omega_ ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** _kot_ ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** repoons ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** irc2.uiuc.edu sets mode: +voo Bigman LTD _kot_ *** beelzebub ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** Tslayer ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** ZaZCaRDy ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** slamjudge ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** Karrade ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** pr0zac ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** irc2.uiuc.edu sets mode: +voov beelzebub slamjudge Karrade pr0zac *** cruger ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** MAGi ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** toxic2 ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** _Alpha_ ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** BiZzy ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** REVOLT}[ ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** LifeForm ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** SMasteR ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** DemaXXuS ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** cH_ ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** _hawkeye ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** irc2.uiuc.edu sets mode: +oooo MAGi _Alpha_ BiZzy _hawkeye *** spidy- ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** RIX ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** Rassilon ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** Razzilon ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** Merc- ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** kRaKhEd ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** [brain] (god@lis13_p2.telepac.pt) has joined #prestige *** Totl (á@rh223-215.reshall.ucsd.edu) has joined #prestige *** MysticOne ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** mOgens ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** Ionizer ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** holybeast ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** teacher_ ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** [prozac] ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** irc2.uiuc.edu sets mode: +vovo Merc- mOgens Ionizer [prozac] *** _CRAZY_ ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** wind7duck ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** ddruid ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** DraPPer ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** [Healing] ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** MtC ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** _Zeta_ ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** VRumor ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** zorlac ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** Maverick- ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** nevermnd ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** Don_Juan ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** irc2.uiuc.edu sets mode: +oooo _CRAZY_ _Zeta_ zorlac Don_Juan *** Dray ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** Confucius ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** immortal_ ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** Everclear ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** CATTINO ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** irc2.uiuc.edu sets mode: +oooo Dray Confucius Everclear CATTINO *** lghman ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** Grudge ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** Skill ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** irc2.uiuc.edu sets mode: +oo Grudge Skill *** Don_Juan sets mode: +o Arch-Magi <hermes2> ya i know that one *** Grudge has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc2.uiuc.edu) *** lghman has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc2.uiuc.edu) *** Everclear has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc2.uiuc.edu) *** immortal_ has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc2.uiuc.edu) *** Confucius has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc2.uiuc.edu) *** Dray has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc2.uiuc.edu) *** Maverick- has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc2.uiuc.edu) *** zorlac has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc2.uiuc.edu) *** VRumor has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc2.uiuc.edu) *** _Zeta_ has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc2.uiuc.edu) *** MtC has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc2.uiuc.edu) *** wind7duck has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc2.uiuc.edu) *** _CRAZY_ has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc2.uiuc.edu) *** teacher_ has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc2.uiuc.edu) *** holybeast has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc2.uiuc.edu) *** Ionizer has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc2.uiuc.edu) *** mOgens has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc2.uiuc.edu) *** kRaKhEd has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc2.uiuc.edu) *** Merc- has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc2.uiuc.edu) *** Razzilon has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc2.uiuc.edu) *** Rassilon has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc2.uiuc.edu) *** cH_ has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc2.uiuc.edu) *** DemaXXuS has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc2.uiuc.edu) *** SMasteR has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc2.uiuc.edu) *** REVOLT}[ has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc2.uiuc.edu) *** _Alpha_ has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc2.uiuc.edu) *** MAGi has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc2.uiuc.edu) *** cruger has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc2.uiuc.edu) *** pr0zac has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc2.uiuc.edu) *** Karrade has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc2.uiuc.edu) *** slamjudge has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc2.uiuc.edu) *** ZaZCaRDy has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc2.uiuc.edu) *** beelzebub has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc2.uiuc.edu) *** repoons has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc2.uiuc.edu) *** Omega_ has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc2.uiuc.edu) *** Cola2 has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc2.uiuc.edu) *** KoRnBoY has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc2.uiuc.edu) *** zSCoRPz has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc2.uiuc.edu) *** CrzyHorse has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc2.uiuc.edu) *** d_rebel has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc2.uiuc.edu) *** Bigman has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc2.uiuc.edu) *** Virgin has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc2.uiuc.edu) *** kali_ has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc2.uiuc.edu) *** zagri has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc2.uiuc.edu) *** Infra- has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc2.uiuc.edu) *** Code3 has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc2.uiuc.edu) *** Rigor has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc2.uiuc.edu) *** BlueAdepT has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc2.uiuc.edu) *** cybphreak has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc2.uiuc.edu) *** TheJester has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc2.uiuc.edu) *** Jazz has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc2.uiuc.edu) *** Shadow_M has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc2.uiuc.edu) *** Shatter has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc2.uiuc.edu) *** bash_ has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc2.uiuc.edu) *** MGD has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc2.uiuc.edu) *** [DMA] has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc2.uiuc.edu) *** ThePep has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc2.uiuc.edu) *** _Master_ has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc2.uiuc.edu) *** lost_soul has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc2.uiuc.edu) *** ImPLoDe has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc2.uiuc.edu) *** Daman- has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc2.uiuc.edu) *** hermes2 has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc2.uiuc.edu) *** ^MaNiaC^ has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc2.uiuc.edu) *** Silencer- has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc2.uiuc.edu) *** FallLine has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc2.uiuc.edu) *** Mendoza has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc2.uiuc.edu) *** allanon_ has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc2.uiuc.edu) *** LifeForm has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc2.uiuc.edu) *** Shazam_ has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc2.uiuc.edu) *** nevermnd has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc2.uiuc.edu) *** ddruid has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc2.uiuc.edu) *** CATTINO has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc2.uiuc.edu) *** MysticOne has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc2.uiuc.edu) *** RIX has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc2.uiuc.edu) *** destructr has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc2.uiuc.edu) *** [Healing] has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc2.uiuc.edu) *** DraPPer has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc2.uiuc.edu) *** _kot_ has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc2.uiuc.edu) *** Don_Juan has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc2.uiuc.edu) *** East_1999 has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc2.uiuc.edu) *** LTD has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc2.uiuc.edu) *** toxic2 has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc2.uiuc.edu) *** Totl has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc2.uiuc.edu) *** [prozac] has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc2.uiuc.edu) *** [brain] has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc2.uiuc.edu) *** aDaNaC has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc2.uiuc.edu) *** SeCtOr1 has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc2.uiuc.edu) *** cooldude has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc2.uiuc.edu) *** spidy- has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc2.uiuc.edu) *** BiZzy has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc2.uiuc.edu) *** Skill has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc2.uiuc.edu) *** Tslayer has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc2.uiuc.edu) *** SUNNY has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc2.uiuc.edu) *** _hawkeye has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc2.uiuc.edu) *** ^marduk^ has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc2.uiuc.edu) *** _vidiot has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc2.uiuc.edu) *** _TuRiCaN_ has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc2.uiuc.edu) *** lNFlNlTY has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc2.uiuc.edu) *** Defcon420 has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc2.uiuc.edu) *** Infinite_ has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc2.uiuc.edu) *** Jazz ([email protected]) has joined #Prestige *** pancho ([email protected]) has joined #Prestige *** Ozone^CLS ([email protected]) has joined #Prestige *** Mendoza ([email protected]) has joined #Prestige *** SeCtOr1 ([email protected]) has joined #Prestige *** _TuRiCaN_ ([email protected]) has joined #Prestige *** FallLine ([email protected]) has joined #Prestige *** hermes2 ([email protected]) has joined #Prestige *** Shazam_ ([email protected]) has joined #Prestige *** Daman- ([email protected]) has joined #Prestige *** ImPLoDe ([email protected]) has joined #Prestige *** lost_soul ([email protected]) has joined #Prestige *** _Master_ ([email protected]) has joined #Prestige *** ThePep ([email protected]) has joined #Prestige *** [DMA] ([email protected]) has joined #Prestige *** MGD ([email protected]) has joined #Prestige *** lNFlNlTY ([email protected]) has joined #Prestige *** bash_ ([email protected]) has joined #Prestige *** Shatter ([email protected]) has joined #Prestige *** irc.cdc.net sets mode: +ovvo Jazz MGD bash_ Shatter *** aDaNaC ([email protected]) has joined #Prestige *** Shadow_M ([email protected]) has joined #Prestige *** cooldude ([email protected]) has joined #Prestige *** destructr ([email protected]) has joined #Prestige *** TheJester ([email protected]) has joined #Prestige *** cybphreak ([email protected]) has joined #Prestige *** BlueAdepT ([email protected]) has joined #Prestige *** Defcon420 ([email protected]) has joined #Prestige *** Rigor ([email protected]) has joined #Prestige *** Code3 ([email protected]) has joined #Prestige *** Infra- ([email protected]) has joined #Prestige *** zagri ([email protected]) has joined #Prestige *** East_1999 ([email protected]) has joined #Prestige *** ^marduk^ ([email protected]) has joined #Prestige *** _vidiot ([email protected]) has joined #Prestige *** kali_ ([email protected]) has joined #Prestige *** irc.cdc.net sets mode: +ovvo cybphreak BlueAdepT Code3 kali_ *** Virgin ([email protected]) has joined #Prestige *** Bigman ([email protected]) has joined #Prestige *** d_rebel ([email protected]) has joined #Prestige *** CrzyHorse ([email protected]) has joined #Prestige *** zSCoRPz ([email protected]) has joined #Prestige *** LTD ([email protected]) has joined #Prestige *** KoRnBoY ([email protected]) has joined #Prestige *** Cola2 ([email protected]) has joined #Prestige *** Omega_ ([email protected]) has joined #Prestige *** _kot_ ([email protected]) has joined #Prestige *** repoons ([email protected]) has joined #Prestige *** beelzebub ([email protected]) has joined #Prestige *** irc.cdc.net sets mode: +voov Bigman LTD _kot_ beelzebub *** Tslayer ([email protected]) has joined #Prestige *** ZaZCaRDy ([email protected]) has joined #Prestige *** slamjudge ([email protected]) has joined #Prestige *** Karrade ([email protected]) has joined #Prestige *** pr0zac ([email protected]) has joined #Prestige *** cruger ([email protected]) has joined #Prestige *** MAGi ([email protected]) has joined #Prestige *** irc.cdc.net sets mode: +oovo slamjudge Karrade pr0zac MAGi *** toxic2 ([email protected]) has joined #Prestige *** _Alpha_ ([email protected]) has joined #Prestige *** BiZzy ([email protected]) has joined #Prestige *** REVOLT}[ ([email protected]) has joined #Prestige *** LifeForm ([email protected]) has joined #Prestige *** SMasteR ([email protected]) has joined #Prestige *** DemaXXuS ([email protected]) has joined #Prestige *** cH_ ([email protected]) has joined #Prestige *** _hawkeye ([email protected]) has joined #Prestige *** spidy- ([email protected]) has joined #Prestige *** RIX ([email protected]) has joined #Prestige *** Rassilon ([email protected]) has joined #Prestige *** Razzilon ([email protected]) has joined #Prestige *** Merc- ([email protected]) has joined #Prestige *** irc.cdc.net sets mode: +ooov _Alpha_ BiZzy _hawkeye Merc- *** kRaKhEd ([email protected]) has joined #Prestige *** [brain] (god@lis13_p2.telepac.pt) has joined #Prestige *** Totl (á@rh223-215.reshall.ucsd.edu) has joined #Prestige *** MysticOne ([email protected]) has joined #Prestige *** mOgens ([email protected]) has joined #Prestige *** Ionizer ([email protected]) has joined #Prestige *** holybeast ([email protected]) has joined #Prestige *** teacher_ ([email protected]) has joined #Prestige *** [prozac] ([email protected]) has joined #Prestige *** _CRAZY_ ([email protected]) has joined #Prestige *** irc.cdc.net sets mode: +ovoo mOgens Ionizer [prozac] _CRAZY_ *** wind7duck ([email protected]) has joined #Prestige *** ddruid ([email protected]) has joined #Prestige *** DraPPer ([email protected]) has joined #Prestige *** [Healing] ([email protected]) has joined #Prestige *** MtC ([email protected]) has joined #Prestige *** _Zeta_ ([email protected]) has joined #Prestige *** VRumor ([email protected]) has joined #Prestige *** zorlac ([email protected]) has joined #Prestige *** Maverick- ([email protected]) has joined #Prestige *** nevermnd ([email protected]) has joined #Prestige *** Don_Juan ([email protected]) has joined #Prestige *** Dray ([email protected]) has joined #Prestige *** irc.cdc.net sets mode: +oooo _Zeta_ zorlac Don_Juan Dray *** Confucius ([email protected]) has joined #Prestige *** immortal_ ([email protected]) has joined #Prestige *** Everclear ([email protected]) has joined #Prestige *** CATTINO ([email protected]) has joined #Prestige *** lghman ([email protected]) has joined #Prestige *** Grudge ([email protected]) has joined #Prestige *** irc.cdc.net sets mode: +oooo Confucius Everclear CATTINO Grudge *** Skill ([email protected]) has joined #Prestige *** irc.cdc.net sets mode: +o Skill *** lNFlNlTY ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** Don_Juan sets mode: +o Arch-Magi <Shatter> werd jazz *** d9 ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** g8keepR ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** Grudge has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc.cdc.net) *** REVOLT}[ has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc.cdc.net) *** cruger has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc.cdc.net) *** Karrade has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc.cdc.net) *** Omega_ has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc.cdc.net) *** Code3 has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc.cdc.net) *** FallLine has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc.cdc.net) *** Ozone^CLS has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc.cdc.net) *** MAGi has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc.cdc.net) *** teacher_ has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc.cdc.net) *** Mendoza has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc.cdc.net) *** ZaZCaRDy has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc.cdc.net) *** Everclear has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc.cdc.net) *** pr0zac has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc.cdc.net) *** BlueAdepT has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc.cdc.net) *** cybphreak has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc.cdc.net) *** MGD has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc.cdc.net) *** CrzyHorse has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc.cdc.net) *** d_rebel has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc.cdc.net) *** repoons has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc.cdc.net) *** Virgin has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc.cdc.net) *** Shatter has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc.cdc.net) *** holybeast has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc.cdc.net) *** Merc- has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc.cdc.net) *** SMasteR has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc.cdc.net) *** lost_soul has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc.cdc.net) *** Maverick- has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc.cdc.net) *** Infra- has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc.cdc.net) *** MtC has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc.cdc.net) *** DemaXXuS has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc.cdc.net) *** Confucius has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc.cdc.net) *** slamjudge has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc.cdc.net) *** VRumor has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc.cdc.net) *** g8keepR has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc.cdc.net) *** Razzilon has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc.cdc.net) *** Rassilon has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc.cdc.net) *** KoRnBoY has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc.cdc.net) *** _TuRiCaN_ has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc.cdc.net) *** bash_ has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc.cdc.net) *** ThePep has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc.cdc.net) *** zorlac has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc.cdc.net) *** Shadow_M has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc.cdc.net) *** Rigor has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc.cdc.net) *** zagri has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc.cdc.net) *** [DMA] has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc.cdc.net) *** Ionizer has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc.cdc.net) *** Dray has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc.cdc.net) *** Jazz has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc.cdc.net) *** Bigman has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc.cdc.net) *** _Master_ has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc.cdc.net) *** _Zeta_ has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc.cdc.net) *** ImPLoDe has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc.cdc.net) *** TheJester has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc.cdc.net) *** _CRAZY_ has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc.cdc.net) *** Daman- has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc.cdc.net) *** mOgens has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc.cdc.net) *** lghman has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc.cdc.net) *** wind7duck has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc.cdc.net) *** zSCoRPz has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc.cdc.net) *** kali_ has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc.cdc.net) *** cH_ has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc.cdc.net) *** kRaKhEd has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc.cdc.net) *** beelzebub has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc.cdc.net) *** immortal_ has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc.cdc.net) *** _Alpha_ has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc.cdc.net) *** LifeForm has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc.cdc.net) *** Shazam_ has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc.cdc.net) *** nevermnd has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc.cdc.net) *** ddruid has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc.cdc.net) *** CATTINO has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc.cdc.net) *** MysticOne has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc.cdc.net) *** RIX has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc.cdc.net) *** destructr has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc.cdc.net) *** [Healing] has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc.cdc.net) *** DraPPer has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc.cdc.net) *** _kot_ has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc.cdc.net) *** Cola2 has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc.cdc.net) *** pancho has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc.cdc.net) *** Don_Juan has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc.cdc.net) *** East_1999 has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc.cdc.net) *** LTD has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc.cdc.net) *** toxic2 has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc.cdc.net) *** Totl has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc.cdc.net) *** [prozac] has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc.cdc.net) *** [brain] has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc.cdc.net) *** aDaNaC has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc.cdc.net) *** SeCtOr1 has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc.cdc.net) *** d9 has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc.cdc.net) *** cooldude has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc.cdc.net) *** spidy- has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc.cdc.net) *** BiZzy has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc.cdc.net) *** Skill has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc.cdc.net) *** Tslayer has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc.cdc.net) *** _hawkeye has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc.cdc.net) *** ^marduk^ has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc.cdc.net) *** _vidiot has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc.cdc.net) *** Defcon420 has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc.cdc.net) *** hermes2 has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc.cdc.net) *** Jazz ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** zhent ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** |SoZe| ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** Prophet_ ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** lNFlNlTY ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** coup ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** SnP ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** g8keepR ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** pancho ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** Mendoza ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** SeCtOr1 ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** _TuRiCaN_ ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** FallLine ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** hermes2 ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** Shazam_ ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** Daman- ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** ImPLoDe ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** lost_soul ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** _Master_ ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** ThePep ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** [DMA] ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** bash_ ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** Shatter ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** aDaNaC ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** Shadow_M ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** cooldude ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** destructr ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** TheJester ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** cybphreak ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** irc2.uiuc.edu sets mode: +ovoo Jazz bash_ Shatter cybphreak *** BlueAdepT ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** Defcon420 ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** Rigor ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** Code3 ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** Infra- ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** zagri ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** East_1999 ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** _vidiot ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** kali_ ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** Virgin ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** Bigman ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** irc2.uiuc.edu sets mode: +vvov BlueAdepT Code3 kali_ Bigman *** d_rebel ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** CrzyHorse ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** zSCoRPz ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** KoRnBoY ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** Cola2 ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** Omega_ ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** _kot_ ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** repoons ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** beelzebub ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** Tslayer ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** irc2.uiuc.edu sets mode: +ov _kot_ beelzebub *** ZaZCaRDy ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** slamjudge ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** Karrade ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** pr0zac ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** cruger ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** MAGi ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** irc2.uiuc.edu sets mode: +oovo slamjudge Karrade pr0zac MAGi *** toxic2 ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** _Alpha_ ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** BiZzy ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** REVOLT}[ ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** LifeForm ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** SMasteR ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** DemaXXuS ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** cH_ ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** _hawkeye ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** spidy- ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** RIX ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** Rassilon ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** Razzilon ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** Merc- ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** irc2.uiuc.edu sets mode: +ooov _Alpha_ BiZzy _hawkeye Merc- *** kRaKhEd ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** [brain] (god@lis13_p2.telepac.pt) has joined #prestige *** Totl (á@rh223-215.reshall.ucsd.edu) has joined #prestige *** MysticOne ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** mOgens ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** Ionizer ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** holybeast ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** teacher_ ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** [prozac] ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** _CRAZY_ ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** irc2.uiuc.edu sets mode: +ovoo mOgens Ionizer [prozac] _CRAZY_ *** wind7duck ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** ddruid ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** DraPPer ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** [Healing] ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** MtC ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** _Zeta_ ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** VRumor ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** zorlac ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** Maverick- ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** nevermnd ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** Don_Juan ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** Dray ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** irc2.uiuc.edu sets mode: +oooo _Zeta_ zorlac Don_Juan Dray *** Confucius ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** immortal_ ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** Everclear ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** CATTINO ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** lghman ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** Grudge ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** irc2.uiuc.edu sets mode: +oooo Confucius Everclear CATTINO Grudge *** Skill ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** irc2.uiuc.edu sets mode: +o Skill *** |SoZe| was kicked by BiZzy (www.westwood.com go watch the countdown lamer! Should of Known That Word Is Bann) *** BiZzy sets mode: +i <BiZzy> nor nfo <_CRAZY_> so ?? <BiZzy> has a diz *** _Alpha_ sets mode: -i *** Don_Juan sets mode: +o Arch-Magi <BiZzy> but doesn't say how big *** magellan is on IRC (Cositeop Sentinal) <BiZzy> guess i'll have to d/l it ... *** Grudge has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc2.uiuc.edu) *** lghman has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc2.uiuc.edu) *** Everclear has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc2.uiuc.edu) *** immortal_ has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc2.uiuc.edu) *** Confucius has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc2.uiuc.edu) *** Dray has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc2.uiuc.edu) *** Maverick- has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc2.uiuc.edu) *** zorlac has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc2.uiuc.edu) *** VRumor has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc2.uiuc.edu) *** _Zeta_ has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc2.uiuc.edu) *** MtC has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc2.uiuc.edu) *** wind7duck has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc2.uiuc.edu) *** _CRAZY_ has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc2.uiuc.edu) *** teacher_ has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc2.uiuc.edu) *** holybeast has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc2.uiuc.edu) *** Ionizer has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc2.uiuc.edu) *** mOgens has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc2.uiuc.edu) *** kRaKhEd has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc2.uiuc.edu) *** Merc- has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc2.uiuc.edu) *** Razzilon has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc2.uiuc.edu) *** Rassilon has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc2.uiuc.edu) *** cH_ has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc2.uiuc.edu) *** DemaXXuS has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc2.uiuc.edu) *** SMasteR has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc2.uiuc.edu) *** REVOLT}[ has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc2.uiuc.edu) *** _Alpha_ has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc2.uiuc.edu) *** MAGi has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc2.uiuc.edu) *** cruger has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc2.uiuc.edu) *** pr0zac has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc2.uiuc.edu) *** Karrade has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc2.uiuc.edu) *** slamjudge has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc2.uiuc.edu) *** ZaZCaRDy has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc2.uiuc.edu) *** beelzebub has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc2.uiuc.edu) *** repoons has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc2.uiuc.edu) *** Omega_ has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc2.uiuc.edu) *** KoRnBoY has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc2.uiuc.edu) *** zSCoRPz has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc2.uiuc.edu) *** CrzyHorse has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc2.uiuc.edu) *** d_rebel has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc2.uiuc.edu) *** Bigman has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc2.uiuc.edu) *** Virgin has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc2.uiuc.edu) *** kali_ has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc2.uiuc.edu) *** zagri has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc2.uiuc.edu) *** Infra- has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc2.uiuc.edu) *** Code3 has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc2.uiuc.edu) *** Rigor has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc2.uiuc.edu) *** BlueAdepT has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc2.uiuc.edu) *** cybphreak has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc2.uiuc.edu) *** TheJester has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc2.uiuc.edu) *** Shadow_M has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc2.uiuc.edu) *** Shatter has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc2.uiuc.edu) *** bash_ has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc2.uiuc.edu) *** [DMA] has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc2.uiuc.edu) *** ThePep has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc2.uiuc.edu) *** _Master_ has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc2.uiuc.edu) *** lost_soul has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc2.uiuc.edu) *** ImPLoDe has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc2.uiuc.edu) *** Daman- has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc2.uiuc.edu) *** FallLine has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc2.uiuc.edu) *** _TuRiCaN_ has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc2.uiuc.edu) *** Mendoza has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc2.uiuc.edu) *** Jazz has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc2.uiuc.edu) *** g8keepR has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc2.uiuc.edu) *** SnP has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc2.uiuc.edu) *** coup has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc2.uiuc.edu) *** lNFlNlTY has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc2.uiuc.edu) *** Prophet_ has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc2.uiuc.edu) *** zhent has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc2.uiuc.edu) *** LifeForm has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc2.uiuc.edu) *** Shazam_ has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc2.uiuc.edu) *** nevermnd has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc2.uiuc.edu) *** ddruid has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc2.uiuc.edu) *** CATTINO has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc2.uiuc.edu) *** MysticOne has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc2.uiuc.edu) *** RIX has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc2.uiuc.edu) *** destructr has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc2.uiuc.edu) *** [Healing] has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc2.uiuc.edu) *** DraPPer has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc2.uiuc.edu) *** _kot_ has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc2.uiuc.edu) *** pancho has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc2.uiuc.edu) *** Don_Juan has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc2.uiuc.edu) *** East_1999 has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc2.uiuc.edu) *** toxic2 has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc2.uiuc.edu) *** Totl has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc2.uiuc.edu) *** [prozac] has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc2.uiuc.edu) *** [brain] has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc2.uiuc.edu) *** aDaNaC has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc2.uiuc.edu) *** SeCtOr1 has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc2.uiuc.edu) *** cooldude has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc2.uiuc.edu) *** spidy- has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc2.uiuc.edu) *** BiZzy has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc2.uiuc.edu) *** Skill has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc2.uiuc.edu) *** Tslayer has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc2.uiuc.edu) *** _hawkeye has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc2.uiuc.edu) *** _vidiot has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc2.uiuc.edu) *** Defcon420 has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc2.uiuc.edu) *** hermes2 has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc2.uiuc.edu) *** Cola2 has quit IRC (irc.voicenet.com irc2.uiuc.edu) *** Jazz ([email protected]) has joined #Prestige *** soc ([email protected]) has joined #Prestige *** MysticWar ([email protected]) has joined #Prestige *** Wolverin_ ([email protected]) has joined #Prestige *** |ZeBcO| (|zebco|@smaug-ts3-dyn-199.kingston.net) has joined #Prestige *** ^marduk ([email protected]) has joined #Prestige *** Halfback ([email protected]) has joined #Prestige *** zhent ([email protected]) has joined #Prestige *** Prophet_ ([email protected]) has joined #Prestige *** lNFlNlTY ([email protected]) has joined #Prestige *** coup ([email protected]) has joined #Prestige *** SnP ([email protected]) has joined #Prestige *** g8keepR ([email protected]) has joined #Prestige *** pancho ([email protected]) has joined #Prestige *** Mendoza ([email protected]) has joined #Prestige *** SeCtOr1 ([email protected]) has joined #Prestige *** _TuRiCaN_ ([email protected]) has joined #Prestige *** FallLine ([email protected]) has joined #Prestige *** hermes2 ([email protected]) has joined #Prestige *** Shazam_ ([email protected]) has joined #Prestige *** Daman- ([email protected]) has joined #Prestige *** ImPLoDe ([email protected]) has joined #Prestige *** lost_soul ([email protected]) has joined #Prestige *** _Master_ ([email protected]) has joined #Prestige *** ThePep ([email protected]) has joined #Prestige *** [DMA] ([email protected]) has joined #Prestige *** bash_ ([email protected]) has joined #Prestige *** Shatter ([email protected]) has joined #Prestige *** irc.cdc.net sets mode: +ovvo Jazz soc bash_ Shatter *** Shadow_M ([email protected]) has joined #Prestige *** cooldude ([email protected]) has joined #Prestige *** destructr ([email protected]) has joined #Prestige *** TheJester ([email protected]) has joined #Prestige *** cybphreak ([email protected]) has joined #Prestige *** BlueAdepT ([email protected]) has joined #Prestige *** Defcon420 ([email protected]) has joined #Prestige *** Rigor ([email protected]) has joined #Prestige *** Code3 ([email protected]) has joined #Prestige *** Infra- ([email protected]) has joined #Prestige *** zagri ([email protected]) has joined #Prestige *** East_1999 ([email protected]) has joined #Prestige *** kali_ ([email protected]) has joined #Prestige *** irc.cdc.net sets mode: +ovvo cybphreak BlueAdepT Code3 kali_ *** Virgin ([email protected]) has joined #Prestige *** Bigman ([email protected]) has joined #Prestige *** d_rebel ([email protected]) has joined #Prestige *** CrzyHorse ([email protected]) has joined #Prestige *** zSCoRPz ([email protected]) has joined #Prestige *** KoRnBoY ([email protected]) has joined #Prestige *** Cola2 ([email protected]) has joined #Prestige *** Omega_ ([email protected]) has joined #Prestige *** _kot_ ([email protected]) has joined #Prestige *** irc.cdc.net sets mode: +vo Bigman _kot_ *** repoons ([email protected]) has joined #Prestige *** beelzebub ([email protected]) has joined #Prestige *** Tslayer ([email protected]) has joined #Prestige *** ZaZCaRDy ([email protected]) has joined #Prestige *** slamjudge ([email protected]) has joined #Prestige *** Karrade ([email protected]) has joined #Prestige *** pr0zac ([email protected]) has joined #Prestige *** irc.cdc.net sets mode: +voov beelzebub slamjudge Karrade pr0zac *** cruger ([email protected]) has joined #Prestige *** MAGi ([email protected]) has joined #Prestige *** toxic2 ([email protected]) has joined #Prestige *** _Alpha_ ([email protected]) has joined #Prestige *** BiZzy ([email protected]) has joined #Prestige *** REVOLT}[ ([email protected]) has joined #Prestige *** LifeForm ([email protected]) has joined #Prestige *** SMasteR ([email protected]) has joined #Prestige *** DemaXXuS ([email protected]) has joined #Prestige *** cH_ ([email protected]) has joined #Prestige *** _hawkeye ([email protected]) has joined #Prestige *** irc.cdc.net sets mode: +oooo MAGi _Alpha_ BiZzy _hawkeye *** spidy- ([email protected]) has joined #Prestige *** RIX ([email protected]) has joined #Prestige *** Rassilon ([email protected]) has joined #Prestige *** Razzilon ([email protected]) has joined #Prestige *** Merc- ([email protected]) has joined #Prestige *** kRaKhEd ([email protected]) has joined #Prestige *** [brain] (god@lis13_p2.telepac.pt) has joined #Prestige *** Totl (á@rh223-215.reshall.ucsd.edu) has joined #Prestige *** MysticOne ([email protected]) has joined #Prestige *** mOgens ([email protected]) has joined #Prestige *** Ionizer ([email protected]) has joined #Prestige *** holybeast ([email protected]) has joined #Prestige *** teacher_ ([email protected]) has joined #Prestige *** [prozac] ([email protected]) has joined #Prestige *** irc.cdc.net sets mode: +vovo Merc- mOgens Ionizer [prozac] *** _CRAZY_ ([email protected]) has joined #Prestige *** wind7duck ([email protected]) has joined #Prestige *** ddruid ([email protected]) has joined #Prestige *** DraPPer ([email protected]) has joined #Prestige *** [Healing] ([email protected]) has joined #Prestige *** MtC ([email protected]) has joined #Prestige *** _Zeta_ ([email protected]) has joined #Prestige *** VRumor ([email protected]) has joined #Prestige *** zorlac ([email protected]) has joined #Prestige *** Maverick- ([email protected]) has joined #Prestige *** nevermnd ([email protected]) has joined #Prestige *** Don_Juan ([email protected]) has joined #Prestige *** irc.cdc.net sets mode: +oooo _CRAZY_ _Zeta_ zorlac Don_Juan *** Dray ([email protected]) has joined #Prestige *** Confucius ([email protected]) has joined #Prestige *** immortal_ ([email protected]) has joined #Prestige *** Everclear ([email protected]) has joined #Prestige *** irc.cdc.net sets mode: +ooo Dray Confucius Everclear *** CATTINO ([email protected]) has joined #Prestige *** lghman ([email protected]) has joined #Prestige *** Grudge ([email protected]) has joined #Prestige *** Skill ([email protected]) has joined #Prestige *** irc.cdc.net sets mode: +ooo CATTINO Grudge Skill <|ZeBcO|> Wolver allows you to not run subst :) <Wolverin_> thanx. <kali_> hmm *** Don_Juan sets mode: +o Arch-Magi *** cybphreak has quit IRC (Connection timed out) <Wolverin_> no if I could find the damn game :) *** MysticWar ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** cognizant ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** Swamper ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <KoRnBoY> i tried to apply to ya'll once b4 for art.... but, you said you didn't need an aritist... guess ya do now :) * beelzebub is gone, ... Saving Messages, Left at 22:44:41. *** lNFlNlTY has quit IRC (.x(!)x. x<acid!irc>x .x(!)x.) *** wing1 ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <Confucius> KoRnBoY umm no <Confucius> we really dont need an artist <Confucius> kali needs an artist <soc> wolverine!! <soc> whatup man? <coup> KRONBOY join my games group we ROCK <Wolverin_> not much..long time dude :) <soc> haven't seen you in ages <KoRnBoY> no? who does ya'll's art then? <Wolverin_> Remember PWA vs DOD.. :) <KoRnBoY> actually, thats what i was told..... *** _SuGaR_ ([email protected]) has joined #PRESTiGE <soc> hahaha...yah, DOD use to win all the time. => <KoRnBoY> but, why? every other group has an artist <coup> KORNBOY you a hick? <Wolverin_> PWA kicked your ars! :) *** _SuGaR_ ([email protected]) has left #PRESTiGE <soc> i remember DOD vs. PWA monopoly wars. heheheheeh <Wolverin_> if anyone in on #cd invite me <KoRnBoY> ummm.. <cognizant> what are PWA and DOD <KoRnBoY> not really, i do live in North Carolina though.... *** ilk ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <soc> eviltea, me and justifier use to take anyone from PWA. :) <KoRnBoY> :) <coup> PWA>>>>>>>>>.urin release <KoRnBoY> if ya wanna call that "down south" <coup> CD is still alive? *** cognizant is now known as aDaNaC <soc> if you dont know what PWA or DOD is, you don't belong in this channel. => <Wolverin_> coup: no <Wolverin_> I don't think <Wolverin_> soc: What ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT!? I whiped his teabag ass, and yours! *** NetFraCk ([email protected]) has joined #Prestige <_Zeta_> [NetFraCk] (PAKi PoWeR) [NetFraCk] : /=r/\C\</-\=\e/>/_@/\/e/- : [NetFraCk] (pAKi PoWeR) <Wolverin_> Orion, Me...Marlenus :) <_Alpha_> [NetFraCk] (PAKi PoWeR) [NetFraCk] : /=r/\C\</-\=\e/>/_@/\/e/- : [NetFraCk] (pAKi PoWeR) <soc> wolverin: no WAY...we were the monopoly GODS! *** SMasteR has quit IRC (Read error: 131 (Connection reset by peer)) *** _Zeta_ sets mode: +o NetFraCk <soc> hahah...oh yes, i forgot about marlens. => <Wolverin_> marl was fun *** kali_ has quit IRC (Ping timeout) <Wolverin_> Monopoly with Attitude..never mind pirates :) <soc> what ever happened to marlenus? *** BlueAdepT has quit IRC (Blah32!) <Wolverin_> He's around *** Son-Doobi ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** Son-Doobi has quit IRC (Leaving) *** Bigman has quit IRC (1..2..3..4.... irc is such a bore) <soc> hehe...tea wanted to play again a couple of weeks ago...but everyone deleted it already. :) <Wolverin_> Less into the scene now adays...knows alot about MS shit....always wondered about him :) j/k *** Ranma1|2 ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** Bigman ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** _Zeta_ sets mode: +v Bigman <_Zeta_> [Bigman] -|x|- AMNESiA/NEMESiS/AFFiNiTY/TSG! -|x|- <_Alpha_> [Bigman] -|x|- AMNESiA/NEMESiS/AFFiNiTY/TSG! -|x|- <Wolverin_> I have it on CD...bought it for $20 bux CDN :) *** Ranma1|2 ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** Son-Doobi ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <soc> hehehe...the only person i still talk to from PWA is snake every once in a while...dunno where everyone else went *** hawkeye_ ([email protected]) has joined #Prestige <_Zeta_> [hawkeye_] =[X]=RAPIER-SODOM-PRESTIGE=[X]= <_Alpha_> [hawkeye_] =[X]=RAPIER-SODOM-PRESTIGE=[X]= *** rodanl ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** rodanl ([email protected]) has left #prestige Session Close: Thu Nov 21 00:55:12 1996 Session Start: Mon Nov 25 06:18:44 1996 *** Now talking in #prestige <Reddog`> ..::[☻]::.. Shiffie ..::[☻]::.. <MiL0> What did Cyberphreak get busted for? *** ^marduk^ ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** Fate^qtX has quit IRC (Gotta go,my gf iz waitin'!) *** Pilgrim ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** tick_ ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <_Zeta_> smokin banana peels * mOgens is back - ☻I'm back!☻ <Pilgrim> weepee <bash> bahhahahha <bash> fear him *** Smaug ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** d9 ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <bash> he was busted for stealing a pack of twinky's <bash> and i aint kidding *** Wolfz ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** LeP ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** Retix ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** data_ ([email protected]) has joined #Prestige *** d9 ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** data_ ([email protected]) has left #Prestige <ZToys> whats a twinkie? <ZToys> :) *** Retix ([email protected]) has left #prestige <Pilgrim> hahahaha *** Highlndr ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** irc.frontiernet.net sets mode: +o Highlndr * MindBend is away ☻- Automatically set away. -☻ messages will be saved. <_Zeta_> look between your legs.... *** |zOrk| has quit IRC (Broken pipe) *** Shadow_M ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** in7ruder has quit IRC (Connection reset by peer) *** ARTIC_CAT ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <ARTIC_CAT> Deature.. * Razzilon is gone: .x( brb ... working on my BBS ... brb )x. pager [off] *** Coolio- ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** [vmp] has quit IRC (Leaving) <Pilgrim> haha <Coolio-> cybphreak was busted? <Coolio-> ahhh *** in7ruder ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <Coolio-> that is too bad *** Coolio- ([email protected]) has left #prestige <Alpine_> . <bash> dammit s1 change the fucking topic, rumers are not good <|Macman|> leet dudes dont surf net *** Hercules ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** ^Rodman has quit IRC (�[�ReV PoWeR PrO�]� ⌐1995-96 by RevHead) *** LeP ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** cybphreak has quit IRC (Read error: 232 (Connection reset by peer)) *** cybphreak ([email protected]) has joined #Prestige *** [zEPHYR] ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** N8ive ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** Inspektah ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** zer0cool ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** lemon_ ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** oDogg^17 ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <bash> mark <|Macman|> y0 lemon dewd :] <oDogg^17> whut happened <|Macman|> seen zanac *** Phyros ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** RaTT ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <bash> change the topic <RaTT> busted? *** zer0cool ([email protected]) has left #prestige <RaTT> how waz he busteed? *** BloodChld ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** _Zeta_ sets mode: +o |Macman| * ZanaC is on da channel <RaTT> hello? <Kurupty> /t The Ambiguously Gay Duo - Bash and Cybphreak <Kurupty> woops <Kurupty> no ops <RaTT> how waz Cyberphreak busted *** teacher_ ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <_Zeta_> |Macman|: zanac is on the channel right now. *** |Macman| changes topic to "The Ambiguously Gay Duo - Bash and Cybphreak" <RaTT> HOW WAZ CYBERPHREAK BUSTED? <Kurupty> thanks *** blckraven ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <_Zeta_> he carded too many twinkys *** _Wanderer ([email protected]) has left #prestige <RaTT> y0..... <teacher_> busted for what? <Pilgrim> hahahaha <Kurupty> he was caught running off with a box of twinkies <teacher_> fool *** bK ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** _Zeta_ changes topic to "Cyberphreak has quit the scene - he was busted" <RaTT> hehe <|Macman|> ph00l <oDogg^17> Gay Molestation? <|Macman|> odawg *** ennay ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <_Alpha_> [ennay] Dick Dietrick rules <_Zeta_> [ennay] Dick Dietrick rules *** ALlCE has quit IRC (Read error: 0 (Unknown error)) <ARTIC_CAT> NA! <ennay> Hey! *** _Zeta_ sets mode: +o ennay *** _TuRiCaN_ has quit IRC (Ping timeout) *** GenocideX ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** GenocideX ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** Inspektah has quit IRC (Killed (bazooka.rutgers.edu (*.stanford.edu <- irc-2.mit.edu[[email protected]]))) *** BrAb is now known as BwAb *** ^MaGNeT^ has quit IRC (�[�ReV PoWeR PrO�]� ⌐1995-96 by RevHead) <_Zeta_> . *** Wolfz ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** trc ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <_Alpha_> [trc] Prestige Member <_Zeta_> [trc] Prestige Member *** cybphreak has quit IRC (Read error: 131 (Connection reset by peer)) *** _Zeta_ sets mode: +o trc <trc> What's this about CyberpHreak? <lemon_> fuck cops!!! * Totl is gone: .x( hw and partying and stuff . )x. pager [off] <Kurupty> he got busted <trc> Huh? * lemon_ HATES COPS! *** trix has quit IRC (Leaving) <trc> Busted? For what? <|Macman|> heippa lemon <Dogf> no he didn't.. <|Macman|> miksi sΣ niin vihainen <lemon_> hheh <lemon_> mosh *** allanon_ ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <_Zeta_> [allanon_] The Shallow Grave [RiSC/SDM] <_Alpha_> [allanon_] The Shallow Grave [RiSC/SDM] * KoRn|AwaY is away �� gone to work... �� leave a MSG if you need me <lemon_> ΣrsyttΣΣ tommoset bustaukset *** leroy_ ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** BloodChld ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** sirpy has quit IRC (We Gotta Take The Power BACK!) <bash> it's a joke <bash> jazz is mean <|Macman|> tΣhΣ on huh vielΣ <|Macman|> huhu <bash> makes stuff up about poor marky mark <|Macman|> siis *** leroy_ ([email protected]) has left #prestige <MGD> no bash <lemon_> jaajaa...nohyvΣ <|Macman|> ok mΣ menen <MGD> he reallllly got busted <|Macman|> seen icemun <_Zeta_> |Macman|: I don't know who icemun is. *** _Zeta_ sets mode: +o allanon_ <lemon_> itekkin pitΣΣ olla vΣhΣ varovainen ..kun kirjottelen noita cdeitΣ...>: *** Azatlani ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** Pilgrim ([email protected]) has left #prestige <bash> DAVE shut THE FUCK UP * ellisdee is away: ☻email me at [email protected]☻ *** ZToys has quit IRC (Ping timeout) *** trc has quit IRC (Leaving) *** smackman ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** falcu ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <bash> you dont say shit like that in a room were god knows you got every and any kinds of ppl <|Macman|> ok... I can't find the third wheel in Tomb Raider * Alpine_ has returned. <|Macman|> Lost Valley or smth <|Macman|> am I dumb? *** _TuRiCaN_ ([email protected]) has joined #Prestige *** smackman has quit IRC (Wave - Phoenix with ▼Fluff Mods v1.8.5▼) *** falcu ([email protected]) has left #prestige <|Mac-DCC|> ☻**☻ 1 packs ☻**☻ ☻12☻ of ☻12☻ slots open. Record: ▼2kb▼/s <|Mac-DCC|> ☻#1☻ 5x [▼472k▼] [PSG] SkyNet fix [11/22] <|Mac-DCC|> ☻^-☻ To free #prestige from lamers... -=Macman=- <oDogg^17> PSG released ANOTHER NoN working Game? <oDogg^17> Geeze wtf is this * mOgens is gone - ☻mOgens has left the building.. *** ^SPiDER^ ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** Zion has quit IRC (Getting another Prestige release ready.... ) *** FLiPSiDE ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <FLiPSiDE> Cyberphreak got busted? how? <oDogg^17> You call ppl who spent hours downloading a game, then finding out It doesn't work Lamers? The lamers would be the egotistical Assholes who didn't bother to Check the game before releasing iT *** ARTIC_CAT ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** RaTT has quit IRC (Connection reset by peer) *** ennay has quit IRC (Leaving) *** marbz ([email protected]) has joined #Prestige <_Alpha_> [marbz] Team Empire! <Reddog`> ..::[☻]::.. marbz ..::[☻]::.. *** FuknGruvy ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <|Mac-DCC|> ☻**☻ 1 packs ☻**☻ ☻12☻ of ☻12☻ slots open. Record: ▼2kb▼/s <|Mac-DCC|> ☻#1☻ 5x [▼472k▼] [PSG] SkyNet fix [11/22] <|Mac-DCC|> ☻^-☻ To silence lamers on #prestige... -=Macman=- * Ionizer has returned. <Ionizer> hmmmm <|Macman|> that's why we need The Game Review (I saw you returning Ionizer :]) and TFW *** Inspektah ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** LoNe_Wlf ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <|Macman|> oDogg *** _Zeta_ sets mode: +v marbz <_Zeta_> [marbz] Team Empire! <Ionizer> hehe why do we need TGR? :) *** trix ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <|Macman|> quoting <|Macman|> <oDogg^17> You call ppl who spent hours downloading a game, then finding out It doesn't work Lamers? The lamers would be the egotistical Assholes who didn't bother to Check the game before releasing iT <MGD> we don't :) <MGD> yea trix is a butthole <oDogg^17> Yea? <trix> uh huh *** myndreadr ([email protected]) has left #prestige * dks is gone - ☻cumidinha! <|Macman|> that's why we do <trix> you just jealous of my l33t box =] <Ionizer> did someone say cybphreak got busted? <Ionizer> oh the topic did <FLiPSiDE> yes.. look at the topic. <Ionizer> damn that sucks, how did he get busted <FLiPSiDE> that's what i'm trying to find out... *** Rainbwman ([email protected]) has joined #prestige * Razzilon is gone: .x( brb ... working on my BBS ... brb )x. pager [off] *** ^coolio^ ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** Stikman ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** Infidel ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <Infidel> <!> Infidel <!> <_Zeta_> he carded too many twinkies! *** Dogf has quit IRC (returning to real life...) <oDogg^17> hahahaha *** allanon_ has quit IRC (Wave - Phoenix with ▼Fluff Mods v1.8.6▼) <Ionizer> shit, now i better find another site for backup leeching for when tgr comes back... damn im so outta things, what's like the top 5 sites? *** _Memnoch_ ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <oDogg^17> Arch-Vile better be careful then *** Skill changes topic to "Gullible bastards" <Ionizer> was that bs? *** [flib] ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** Infinite_ ([email protected]) has joined #Prestige <Rainbwman> how did he get busted? * Skill is away ☻- too lagged to think -☻ messages will be saved. *** Merc- ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <Merc-> WTF *** Merc- ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** Infidel ([email protected]) has left #prestige <FLiPSiDE> ionizer: bs=bull shit <Ionizer> flipside: i know what bs means man, i asked if it was *** Pinball ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** Pentti has quit IRC (Dead Socket) <FLiPSiDE> ionizer: oops.. sorry :) <|Macman|> flipside: do you know, I've noticed, that you have a tendency to put people down *** Mister44 has quit IRC (Operation timed out) <|Macman|> to think that everyone's lower than you *** Rainbwman ([email protected]) has left #prestige * Ionizer is away ☻- brb -☻ messages will be saved. <FLiPSiDE> macman: what are you talking about? i never chat on this channell.. i come to see the topic (ie releasese) i never chat.. <|Macman|> and... ummm.. shit I think I just ran out of my psychological crap :] hope you didnt take that too seriously *** bK has quit IRC (Ping timeout) <|Macman|> I'm just feeling like talking like a faggot <|Macman|> which I am not <FLiPSiDE> macman: i hope not :) <|Macman|> so dont worry *** |Macman| sets mode: +v FLiPSiDE *** Infidel ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <Infidel> <!> Infidel <!> *** Infidel ([email protected]) has left #prestige <FLiPSiDE> thank you.. *** Jazz- ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <_Zeta_> [Jazz-] [ EVERLAST - PRESTIGE - ] <|Macman|> I've checked my e-mail 5 times in 1 minute * BiZzy is gone - ☻bbl !!!!!!! *** _Zeta_ sets mode: +o Jazz- *** _Bone_ ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <FLiPSiDE> macman: what position do you hold in prestige? <_Alpha_> [Jazz-] [ EVERLAST - PRESTIGE - ] <|Macman|> why doesnt anyone send me mail :[ *** icemun ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <|Macman|> hey hey icemun dude :] <icemun> hey MAC... i ran out of space on that u/l,,, <|Macman|> just the l33t de\\'d I \\'uz l00kin f0r *** CrzyHorse has quit IRC (Read error: 0 (Error 0)) <_Bone_> Has anyone here beaten level 13 in tomb raider? *** Azatlani has quit IRC (Connection reset by peer) <icemun> Bone: yes i have <|Macman|> icemun: ah you ul-d eh *** Stikman has quit IRC (Ping timeout) <oDogg^17> ,__,.-'~`^`~'-.,__,,__,.-'~`^`~'-.,__,,__,.-'~`^`~'-.,__,,__,.-'~`^`~'- .,__,,__,.-'~`^`~'-.,__,,__,.-'~`^`~'-.,__,,__,.-'~`^`~'-.,__,,__,.-'~`^`~'-.,_ _,,__,.-'~`^`~'-.,__,,__,.-'~`^`~'-.,__,,__,.-'~`^`~'-.,__,,__,.-'~`^`~'-.,__, <oDogg^17> ,__,.-'~`^`~'-.,__,,__,.-'~`^`~'-.,__,,__,.-'~`^`~'-.,__,,__,.-'~`^`~'- .,__,,__,.-'~`^`~'-.,__,,__,.-'~`^`~'-.,__,,__,.-'~`^`~'-.,__,,__,.-'~`^`~'-.,_ _,,__,.-'~`^`~'-.,__, <oDogg^17> eh *** oDogg^17 ([email protected]) has left #prestige <Pinball> anybody know if there has been a release of Pro Pinball the Web? <|Macman|> fogot already :], yea I could see that <lemon_> waves! <|Macman|> yes there has pinball <icemun> Macman: i u/led 45 disks i think... and then ren out of space.. <FLiPSiDE> to all prestige memebers: why dont you make a smaller rip if Master of Orion 2? its a wicked game and Paradigm screwed it up.. <FLiPSiDE> to all prestige memebers: its 62 disks in all rite now.. <Pinball> Macman - you know the filename so I can ftpsearch it? <|Macman|> no not really *** speed_man ([email protected]) has joined #PRESTIGE <|Macman|> it's pretty old... * Totl is gone: .x( hw and partying and stuff . )x. pager [off] * dks is back - ☻yay *** jlennon- ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <_Zeta_> . <Pinball> yeah, it is, but I missed it, now I wanna play it *** jlennon- ([email protected]) has left #prestige <LoNe_Wlf> Pinball The Web is the best Pinball-game on PC!! :) <Ionizer> cybphreak was not busted der * Ionizer has returned. *** Infinite_ ([email protected]) has left #Prestige *** leer0y ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** Jag0 ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** Viva ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** Viva ([email protected]) has left #prestige <bash> <Jazz-> MGD STARTED IT <bash> <bash> no <bash> <Jazz-> AND i COPIED <bash> <Jazz-> MGD STARTED IT <bash> billy is a punk *** Swamper ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <Pinball> I been looking all my favorite sites, its just too old, nobody has it, guess I'll have to try to trade some punk for it *** bash was kicked by Jazz- (Fast-Kick-Ban) *** bash ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** Jazz- sets mode: +b *!*babash@*.superstore.com *** Jazz- sets mode: +v bash *** bash was kicked by _Zeta_ (banned) <Swamper> what u looking for pinball <|Macman|> pro pinball the web *** Alpine_ has quit IRC (Outta heah...) <Swamper> ah the epic release <Pinball> yep, thats the one, or hyper 3d pinball, but thats real old *** runbird ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** lNFlNlTY ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <Swamper> 3dhpb-01.zip 1474628 12-16-95 11:56 3D Hyper Pinball - [1/13] <Swamper> 3dhpb-02.zip 1457118 12-16-95 11:46 [2/13] <Swamper> 3dhpb-03.zip 1459286 12-16-95 12:04 [3/13] <Swamper> 3dhpb-04.zip 1443681 12-16-95 12:12 [4/13] <Juice> Swampy :) <Swamper> heh <Juice> keep those Epic releases :) *** ^SPiDER^ has quit IRC (Leaving) <Pinball> allright man, quit messin wit me, where can I get it? <Swamper> fear epic.. my last games group..i think that was our only release..laff <Juice> and that Hockey game * KoRn|AwaY is away �� gone to work... �� leave a MSG if you need me *** SteeLp ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** SteeLp ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** Shadow_M has quit IRC (Ping Timeout) <|Macman|> that hockey was pretty cool <Pinball> I got a rel of hyper 3d once, think it was hybrid, could not get it to work, tried for almost 20 mins. *** _leroy ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** man-kind ([email protected]) has joined #prestige * Razzilon is gone: .x( brb ... working on my BBS ... brb )x. pager [off] *** DarksidE_ ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** [flib] ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** _leroy ([email protected]) has left #prestige <aDaNaC> Does anyone here have Privateer 2? * Don_Juan is gone - ☻OFF DOIN SOMETIN ELSE.... [msg's saved] [no page] *** _Vivid_ ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** teacher_ has quit IRC (Ping timeout) * Ionizer is away ☻- godamnit -☻ messages will be saved. *** _Vivid_ ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** _TuRiCaN_ has quit IRC (.x(!)x. xx<acid!irc>xx .x(!)x.) *** cybphreak ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** Jazz- sets mode: +o cybphreak *** Eyezzz^ ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** MindBend ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** PaleDeth ([email protected]) has joined #Prestige *** WhiteKore (FDN@lis13_p11.telepac.pt) has joined #prestige *** yue ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <yue> anyone here playing skynet???? *** accura ([email protected]) has joined #prestige * Ionizer has returned. *** BootKnock ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <_Alpha_> [BootKnock] PRESTiGiOUSLY DRUNK and EVERLASTiNG! <_Zeta_> [BootKnock] PRESTiGiOUSLY DRUNK and EVERLASTiNG! *** DarksidE_ has quit IRC (Leaving) <Swamper> one of you invite me to #amnesia <Ionizer> umm <Ionizer> no <Ionizer> ;) <Locker> is there tfw-4? *** N8ive ([email protected]) has left #prestige * Ionizer is away ☻- Dinner. TGR Web Countdown <Coming Soon> -☻ messages will be saved. *** O_STONED ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <_Zeta_> . <cybphreak> who cares about tgr <cybphreak> tfw rocks you ionizer *** aDaNaC has quit IRC (I'll be back in a minute) <Archv-> tgr is SOO much better than tfw :P * marbz is away: phone call, pager(ON) '/CTCP marbz PAGE <message>' Email: ([email protected]) <|Macman|> tgr rules <|Macman|> tfw is nice.. but tgr rules <|Macman|> ionizer rules <|Macman|> tgr rules <Pinball> hey, I like tgr, when is it coming back? <|Macman|> u got taht? *** mOgens has quit IRC (Read error: 131 (Connection reset by peer)) <cybphreak> hah *** SteeLp ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <yue> anyone here playing skynet???? <cybphreak> ionizer can't come back now <ZanaC> mhm, I like tfw much more *** Kublai ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <cybphreak> his shitty 28.8 cannot download the games fast rnough * Totl is gone: .x( hw and partying and stuff . )x. pager [off] <SteeLp> ionizer is game reviewing on a 286 and bitch when the stuff dont work *** Jazz- is now known as Jazz <cybphreak> hah *** Kublai has quit IRC (╨δvαstαtε≥▒ v3.0 "96-97" ▀▓ Hα▒dεMα▒) *** accura ([email protected]) has left #prestige <cybphreak> he never gets shit to work <|Macman|> ionizer wasnt on 288 *** JoyKiller ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** thepunish ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** _Zeta_ sets mode: +v thepunish <|Macman|> path0s was AFAIK <SteeLp> is the new report out <cybphreak> will be soon *** pancho ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <cybphreak> give it about till 10PM *** yue ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** Endo ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** lNFlNlTY has quit IRC (.x(!)x. x<acid!irc>x .x(!)x.) <cybphreak> I have to fix my soundcard <Swamper> yeah cybphreak is having problems <Swamper> *cybphreak* What's an IRQ? can you help me please <DaNick> Hey nevermnd, Yo momma so fat she rolled over 4 quarters and it made a dollar! *** Tai_Pan has quit IRC (Connection reset by peer) <DaNick> Hey nevermnd, Yo momma so old she's in Jesus's yearbook! <thepunish> sexual frustration maybe :P *** blah22 ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <Swamper> laff <DaNick> Hey nevermnd, Yo momma so nasty that pours salt water down her pants to keep her crabs fresh. <cybphreak> no it actually hangs with no cards in <cybphreak> just that and the video card <soc> cybphrea <Kurupty> he can't resist his urges to jerk off listening to michael hackson *** xdc ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <_Alpha_> [xdc] =* DOD * PSG * AMN *= <cybphreak> it hangs during the PNP boot <_Zeta_> [xdc] =* DOD * PSG * AMN *= Session Close: Mon Nov 25 07:03:18 1996 Session Start: Sat Nov 30 18:36:28 1996 *** Now talking in #prestige <Reddog`> ..::[☻]::.. Shiffie ..::[☻]::.. *** _Crazy_ ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <_Alpha_> [_Crazy_] The Official Prestige Mascot - The Paki Froggie <_Zeta_> [_Crazy_] The Official Prestige Mascot - The Paki Froggie *** _Zeta_ sets mode: +o _Crazy_ *** [Maze] ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <[Maze]> =>[Maze]<= <LiangChai> .] * Hercules is away: ╖╖-╖░•sleeping........................Metal.Zombie.Risk.Footba ll.•░╖-╖╖ Since:•Thu Nov 28 19:33:20 1996•╖╖Rec:•ON•╖╖Pager:•OFF•╖╖ *** [Maze] ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** kurrupt ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** samhain ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <LiangChai> . *** filter ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** filter ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** MrMister ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <MrMister> !nfo *** MaDBoY ([email protected]) has left #prestige <MrMister> Send me the latest NFO for inclusion in AFT. *** Fusion_ has quit IRC (BBL,) *** MrMister ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** Wezz_2 ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** lemon_ ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** Morse has quit IRC (Leaving) <_Zeta_> . *** lemon_ has quit IRC (Leaving) *** _Crazy_ has quit IRC (brb) *** Fusion ([email protected]) has joined #prestige * Shatter is gone: .x( sleeping )x. pager [off] * beelzebub is gone, ... Saving Messages, Left at 1:00:30. *** Han_Solo has quit IRC (Speed Rider Has Left The World We Know As The INTERNET!) *** _Crazy_ ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <_Alpha_> [_Crazy_] The Official Prestige Mascot - The Paki Froggie *** _Alpha_ sets mode: +o _Crazy_ *** ipggi ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <_Zeta_> [_Crazy_] The Official Prestige Mascot - The Paki Froggie *** RioAndKen ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** lucifer has quit IRC (gone to trade bbl) *** kurrupt has quit IRC (Leaving) *** D_Minds ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** D_Minds ([email protected]) has left #prestige * Hercules is away: ╖╖-╖░•sleeping........................Metal.Zombie.Risk.Footba ll.•░╖-╖╖ Since:•Thu Nov 28 19:33:20 1996•╖╖Rec:•ON•╖╖Pager:•OFF•╖╖ *** _Abandon has quit IRC (Leaving) *** _Flame_ ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** Rocketeer ([email protected]) has joined #prestige * beelzebub is gone, ... Saving Messages, Left at 1:00:30. <_Zeta_> . * Shatter is gone: .x( sleeping )x. pager [off] * RioAndKen is away: (away since ▼1:07:24 PM▼) ☻Later ☻: ▼[REC: ☻ON☻] ▼: ♣/ctcp RioAndKen PAGE ▼▬<message> ▬▼to page ♣ *** aNAKIN ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** dhunter ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** Rocketeer has quit IRC (leaving, bb later..) *** Rocketeer ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** Flattie ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <Flattie> Anyone know where I can find Star Control 3? *** Vindi ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** [SpasM] has quit IRC (cya guyz.......) <Flattie> Hrm *** D_Minds ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** _deadly_ ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** D_Minds ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** invisible ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** _rasta_ ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** _shadow_ ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** Rocketeer has quit IRC (leaving) * Hercules is away: ╖╖-╖░•sleeping........................Metal.Zombie.Risk.Footba ll.•░╖-╖╖ Since:•Thu Nov 28 19:33:20 1996•╖╖Rec:•ON•╖╖Pager:•OFF•╖╖ *** POLARIS- ([email protected]) has joined #prestige * RioAndKen is away: (away since ▼1:07:24 PM▼) ☻Later ☻: ▼[REC: ☻ON☻] ▼: ♣/ctcp RioAndKen PAGE ▼▬<message> ▬▼to page ♣ *** Flattie has quit IRC (.oO If I didn't say bye.. I was hung up or am changing servers Oo.) <_Zeta_> . *** beelzebub has quit IRC (irc2.magic.ca irc.cadvision.ab.ca) *** lucifer ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** SenTenZeD ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** FuknGruvy has quit IRC (sleep calls..) *** ShadoWolf ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <ShadoWolf> You guys have a working crack for Duke 3d Plutonium Pack? *** LiangChai has quit IRC (K-lined) *** SenTenZeD ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** POLARIS- ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** Dray ([email protected]) has joined #Prestige *** irc2.uiuc.edu sets mode: +v Dray *** _CYBER_ ([email protected]) has left #prestige <ShadoWolf> You guys have a working crack for Duke 3d Plutonium Pack? *** _deadly_ ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** BrAb ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** _Zeta_ sets mode: +v BrAb *** Fusion has quit IRC (Leaving) <ShadoWolf> anyone have a plutonium pack fix? * Shatter is gone: .x( sleeping )x. pager [off] *** [guru] ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <ShadoWolf> You guys have a working crack for Duke 3d Plutonium Pack? * BrAb is away: Gone....bbl...leave a msg....e-mail:☻[email protected] *** firefist ([email protected]) has joined #prestige * firefist is back! <ShadoWolf> You guys have a working crack for Duke 3d Plutonium Pack? *** _Crazy_ sets mode: +m *** _Zeta_ sets mode: -m * _Crazy_ has returned... [☻atl☻] *** dhunter has quit IRC (Connection reset by peer) *** _shadow_ has quit IRC (Leaving) *** _Crazy_ sets mode: +b *!*hetto@*.polarnet.com *** ShadoWolf was kicked by _Crazy_ (%☻A☻%) (repeating suck) *** Fatal ([email protected]) has left #prestige * _rasta_ is away: ╖╖-╖░•zzzzz•░╖-╖╖ Since:•Sat Nov 30 11:20:51 1996•╖╖Rec:•ON•╖╖Pager:•OFF•╖╖ * RioAndKen is away: (away since ▼1:07:24 PM▼) ☻Later ☻: ▼[REC: ☻ON☻] ▼: ♣/ctcp RioAndKen PAGE ▼▬<message> ▬▼to page ♣ *** TooN ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** TooN ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** _Crazy_ sets mode: -b *!*hetto@*.polarnet.com *** [RYGAR] ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** mankind ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** Locker has quit IRC (Leaving) *** _Flame_ ([email protected]) has left #prestige <teacher_> tom <[RYGAR]> yeah *** lucifer has quit IRC (im gone back l8tr maybe) <[RYGAR]> brett <[RYGAR]> wussup *** N8ive ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** [guru] has quit IRC (Ping timeout) *** Arioch ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** Yarv ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** Arioch ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** _RarE_ ([email protected]) has joined #Prestige * Hercules is away: ╖╖-╖░•sleeping........................Metal.Zombie.Risk.Footba ll.•░╖-╖╖ Since:•Thu Nov 28 19:33:20 1996•╖╖Rec:•ON•╖╖Pager:•OFF•╖╖ *** ^zOmA^ ([email protected]) has joined #prestIge <_RarE_> how many disks is risk? <teacher_> 28 or 29 *** Sub4God ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <[RYGAR]> disk risk disk risk *** Twiztah ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <[RYGAR]> disk disk risk <_Zeta_> . <Twiztah> whats Risk about <[RYGAR]> what do u think <_RarE_> can some1 check it? <Twiztah> no fucking idea *** Sub4God has quit IRC (Leaving) <[RYGAR]> havent u heard about RISK before? where have u been living *** [mad-max] ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <Twiztah> rygar why the fuck do u got to ask stupid questions instead of answering the fucking question asshole *** [mad-max] ([email protected]) has left #prestige <_Crazy_> back! *** ShadoWolf ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <[RYGAR]> you must be the only 2 people in the world who never played or heard of RISK the board game. morons. go courier some more shit <Twiztah> rygar u got something against couriers? <[MASON]> Rygar: you ever been on C64? *** dumdi ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <[RYGAR]> yes *** _RarE_ ([email protected]) has left #Prestige <[MASON]> Dumdi!!!!!! <[RYGAR]> i am known as the king of the c64 <dumdi> hey mason :> <[MASON]> rygar/s451? <[RYGAR]> twiztah, no, but i got something against you dumbass <Twiztah> rygar eat your ego dipshit * RioAndKen is away: (away since ▼1:07:24 PM▼) ☻Later ☻: ▼[REC: ☻ON☻] ▼: ♣/ctcp RioAndKen PAGE ▼▬<message> ▬▼to page ♣ <[RYGAR]> thats me. *** Twiztah ([email protected]) has left #prestige <[MASON]> Wheeeeeee! good ole rygar!!!! <[RYGAR]> just det. <[RYGAR]> och du Σr? <[MASON]> well ... im mason - lives in dk so I cant swedish *** Crack- ([email protected]) has joined #prestige * Shatter is gone: .x( sleeping )x. pager [off] <[MASON]> mason/motiv8 (from c64) and some more groups (xray dom etc.) *** dumdi ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** Massive ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <[RYGAR]> kool *** Crack- ([email protected]) has left #prestige <[RYGAR]> there are lots of MASON... <Massive> Dudes whats up with the plutonium pack crack. If there a fix? <[MASON]> but im the real <[RYGAR]> massive, is the plutionium pack stand-alone, or do u need duke? <teacher_> need duke <Massive> you need duke <invisible> anybody play death rally? *** Massive is now known as Mendek <Mendek> oops. <N8ive> Yea! Did hard level at 57 races! <invisible> n8ive does it have sound or what? i cant get it to work :( *** ^zOmA^ ([email protected]) has left #prestIge <firefist> what's the problem? * samhain is away �� I am going to bed! snooze �� leave a MSG if you need me <invisible> i cant get sound or effects for death rally <N8ive> invisible: Some of my friends cant get it to work niether, dunno whats wrong!.. <invisible> strange... you got the sounds and stuff to work? <[RYGAR]> use set blaster shit before starting it <firefist> maybe there's a problem with the rip <N8ive> Yes! <[RYGAR]> there is no problems with it. <N8ive> No then i shouldn┤t have got it working! <invisible> rygar: i tried all that.. maybe its just my sound card :( *** PaleDeth ([email protected]) has joined #Prestige <N8ive> Invisible:What soundcard do you have? *** ipggi is now known as IPggi <invisible> n8ive: yamaha <firefist> what sound card do u got? * _rasta_ is away: ╖╖-╖░•zzzzz•░╖-╖╖ Since:•Sat Nov 30 11:20:51 1996•╖╖Rec:•ON•╖╖Pager:•OFF•╖╖ <invisible> if i use the set blaster stuff i get the game to work for a few seconds, then it crashes with a fatal windows error <N8ive> Try DOS! <firefist> i think that the problem is with the cd-rip *** Grudge-E has quit IRC (Read error: 0 (Error 0)) <invisible> okay, brb :) *** invisible ([email protected]) has left #prestige <[RYGAR]> how come i never had problems with it then *** J_Radics ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <N8ive> me neither! * marbz is away: Sleeping...sweet dreams - Marilyn Manson, pager(ON) '/CTCP marbz PAGE <message>' Email: ([email protected]) <firefist> maybe there's a problem just with yamaha *** marbz ([email protected]) has left #Prestige *** [lOCUTUs] ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <N8ive> I think Windows is the problem! * RioAndKen is away: (away since ▼1:07:24 PM▼) ☻Later ☻: ▼[REC: ☻ON☻] ▼: ♣/ctcp RioAndKen PAGE ▼▬<message> ▬▼to page ♣ <_Zeta_> . <firefist> have r tried to work it with windows? *** PaleDeth has quit IRC (Ping timeout) <[RYGAR]> if u run under windows u need to use a commandline like /w or something <firefist> . *** invisible ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <Mendek> the pluto pack is crashing for my friend. <invisible> still wont work <Mendek> Is this the same problem everyone else has. <invisible> i get a few seconds of intro music, and then it re-boots the comp. <firefist> mendek : my problem is that i need the original game <N8ive> How much mem u got? <Mendek> haha <Mendek> ok well thats a big problem. * Hercules is away: ╖╖-╖░•sleeping........................Metal.Zombie.Risk.Footba ll.•░╖-╖╖ Since:•Thu Nov 28 19:33:20 1996•╖╖Rec:•ON•╖╖Pager:•OFF•╖╖ <invisible> n8ive 32 meg <firefist> yup <invisible> i ran the shareware version fine, and the beta worked fine too, but i cant get this to work :( <firefist> nivisible: i don't think that the problem is with ur mem <Mendek> i'm in razor and theyhave some kind of fix. <Mendek> But you guys realesed it first no? <N8ive> No not if he has 32! <invisible> this sux <invisible> :) <firefist> :) <N8ive> Sorry for ya=)...coz its a damn good game! <invisible> whole scene sux now, every game requires a crack and fix, cuz the group was to caught up in releasing it first *** CyberPunk has quit IRC (Leaving) * Shatter is gone: .x( sleeping )x. pager [off] <Mendek> I still think quake is better <Mendek> but i have nvr played duek over the inet <Mendek> it might be cool <invisible> duke is cool, but quake rools ;) <ShadoWolf> duke is a poor mans quake :) <Mendek> try out <Mendek> capture 3.0 server <invisible> heheh <firefist> quake is the best *** TheFlash ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <invisible> bah.. i forgot to install 3.0.. do it later :) *** LifeForm ([email protected]) has joined #PRESTiGE *** [Faxe] ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <invisible> anybody wanna get a game of red alert or quake? * RioAndKen is away: (away since ▼1:07:24 PM▼) ☻Later ☻: ▼[REC: ☻ON☻] ▼: ♣/ctcp RioAndKen PAGE ▼▬<message> ▬▼to page ♣ *** LifeForm ([email protected]) has left #PRESTiGE <[RYGAR]> quake is #1. duke is #200 <Mendek> Duke is cool * firefist is leaving - i'll be back! <[RYGAR]> quake is #1. sweden is #2. america is #8. duke is #200 <Mendek> It don't beat quake but it's still cool. *** firefist ([email protected]) has left #prestige <[RYGAR]> if you disagree FUCK OFF <Mendek> it was out first rem. <invisible> hehehehe <Mendek> ha. <invisible> rygar from sweden? :) <[RYGAR]> yes <[RYGAR]> yes <N8ive> Svenne=) <[RYGAR]> who are u mr. irc op? *** Cola2 ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <invisible> heheheeh im a nobody ;) <Mendek> who are you rygar <invisible> rygar as in hoson&rygar? <[RYGAR]> thats for sure. <Mendek> get into razor if your someone. <[RYGAR]> blah. <invisible> hahaha whats for sure? that i am a nobody? <Mendek> yeah me too then <invisible> razor isnt all that anymore <[RYGAR]> watch out for the next hoson&rygar release: toonstruck 100%. 1/66 <invisible> hehehe <[RYGAR]> (if i can restore it from the dat hoson sent me) <Mendek> Yeah well i've been useing there shit for bloody years. <[RYGAR]> (looks like HP surestore & wangdat are not compatible with each other) <invisible> mendek: who? razor? <Mendek> I'm in awe when i'm in there. <Mendek> yeah. *** Disc ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <Mendek> They where on the amiga too. *** |zOrk| ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <TheFlash> anybody tried fps football 97 yet? * _rasta_ is away: ╖╖-╖░•zzzzz•░╖-╖╖ Since:•Sat Nov 30 11:20:51 1996•╖╖Rec:•ON•╖╖Pager:•OFF•╖╖ <invisible> mendek: sure they been around long time, but i gotta say they are really slipping nowadays, its a totally different group *** Disc ([email protected]) has left #prestige <Mendek> Yeah.. *** Fusion_ ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <invisible> rygar u have a surestore? <[RYGAR]> sometimes... <Mendek> They lost Akira <Mendek> or was the risc. * samhain is away �� I am going to bed! snooze �� leave a MSG if you need me <invisible> well.. akira went down, its not their fault ;) <Mendek> Akira=big amiga board <Mendek> In it's time. <invisible> rygar: you know any good win95 programs for burning cd's? <Mendek> i heard a few storys about that whole thing.. <[RYGAR]> akira went down cuz the fucking egyptian running it took up square-walking instead. and got lost in the pyramids. <invisible> mendek: i remember, i used to call there, ami/x ruled ;) <[RYGAR]> invisible: easy cd v2.0 is #1. <Mendek> hehe yeah. <invisible> hehehe <Mendek> ./X <invisible> rygar: how old is it? <[RYGAR]> easy cd 2.0? pwa released it like 1 month ago. <invisible> hmm, thanx :) <Mendek> Did akira get busted? <invisible> mendek: yup <Mendek> or was pharoa "spelling" just give it up <Mendek> TooN said there was more too it than that. <_Zeta_> . <Mendek> Toronto board too lame. <invisible> i think there was more to it, but he DID get busted <Mendek> Used to call there and TerrorDome Skidrod chq. * RioAndKen is ▼☻♣▬back!☻♣▬▼ <Mendek> Skidrow. <[RYGAR]> i hope everyone realises that the pharaoh guy really was an egyptian. <Mendek> haha <[RYGAR]> we used to prank-call his parents and they diD NOT EVEN SPEAK ENGLISH!! <TheFlash> can anybody tell me about fps football 97 <[RYGAR]> cant remember their last name but it was something like "BUDDHA" or something. <ShadoWolf> theflash: whatcha wanna know? <[RYGAR]> blue buddha? <invisible> shiat, what was his name? HUMZA~! <Mendek> Well for what he offered the scene he could have been any race and i would still tip my hat to him. *** _Kain_ ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <[RYGAR]> some weird fucked up name. i wish i could remember. <Mendek> Call it up. <invisible> humza <invisible> that was his name *** mrpain ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <invisible> he's cool, egyptian or not <Mendek> I heard 30k in eq got taken. *** RioAndKen ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** t-rex ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** mrpain has quit IRC (hmm..) * Hercules is away: ╖╖-╖░•sleeping........................Metal.Zombie.Risk.Footba ll.•░╖-╖╖ Since:•Thu Nov 28 19:33:20 1996•╖╖Rec:•ON•╖╖Pager:•OFF•╖╖ <t-rex> WHAT'S THE FILENAME FOR RISK? <invisible> mendek humza owned a computer company i think, so he had ALOT of stuff confiscated * Shatter is gone: .x( sleeping )x. pager [off] <[RYGAR]> we used to have this CONSOLE releasing group. and he was one of the "competitors" since he also lived in toronto or ontario or whatever. <Mendek> Yeah console was hot a few years ago. *** |zOrk| ([email protected]) has left #prestige <[RYGAR]> used to run this group called "LYNCH MOB" anyone heard about em? filenames: mob-****.lzh <Mendek> Hmm don't remeber the console groups. *** mrpain ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** TeaReX ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <Mendek> Hoson was also on the amiga too right? <Mendek> His name is up there in my books same with Gaston of fly. <Mendek> flt. *** _Kain_ has quit IRC (Leaving) <TeaReX> WHATS THE FILENAME FOR RISK? <ShadoWolf> probably something like rskpsg01.zip <Mendek> We used to run a fairlight distro on vancouver island here. <Mendek> Then ministry and classic. *** Outbreak- ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** t-rex has quit IRC (Ping timeout) <TeaReX> WHATS THE FILENAME FOR RISK? *** TeaReX is now known as T-ReX <Mendek> Great fun in those days all seems diffrent now. <invisible> too different :( <Mendek> maybe it's just those 40 disk games. <invisible> the games are WAY too big <invisible> i used to do this to get stuff for free, now i just download things to see if they are worth buying cuz everything is ripped to hell *** [\GoRo\] ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** GameZ ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** Outbreak- has quit IRC (Leaving) <Mendek> Yeah well cable modems will solve that *** |Conrail| ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <ShadoWolf> only 38 more to go..and i get FPS football :) *** GameZ ([email protected]) has left #prestige <Mendek> 1gig switches at the end of fibre trunks. *** Outbreak- ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <invisible> but i heard that cable modems are going to SEND at a rate of 9600 *** T-ReX has quit IRC (irc.ec-lille.fr *.ac.il) *** Purify_ has quit IRC (irc.ec-lille.fr *.ac.il) <Mendek> ack <Mendek> Hope not. *** dr_dizzy has quit IRC (Leaving) *** T-ReX ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** Purify_ ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <Mendek> In the early stages they where talking about useing cable to just d/l <invisible> so you can download at like incredible speed, but cant send crap! :) *** Purify_ has quit IRC (Leaving) <Mendek> You still had to dialup to a ip. <invisible> just get a t3 ;) <Mendek> Yeah duel t3. <Mendek> Should do. <invisible> hehehe *** Purify_ ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <Mendek> I get 256k direct next month *** [RYGAR] has quit IRC (Leaving) *** Tree_1 ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <invisible> really? how much are you paying for it? <Mendek> $650 a month. <Mendek> install of $1200 <invisible> dang.. thats crazy ;) *** |Conrail| is now known as Rofl <invisible> where do you live? <TheFlash> damn <Mendek> they give me a cisco router. <Mendek> haha *** Number8 ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <Mendek> it's going to make me money <_Zeta_> . <Mendek> if you can bealive that. <invisible> how much are you going to hve to pay for the service tho? <Mendek> haha. <Mendek> thats the service. *** Rofl is now known as |Conrail| <Mendek> direct from bctell <invisible> really? thats cool <Number8> hey,did someone installed plutonium pack??? it's not working,i need help! <Mendek> not isdn. <Mendek> real domain. *** Purify_ has quit IRC (Leaving) <Tree_1> did Prestige release Fps.football? today ? 11-30? *** _JAMMER_ ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <ShadoWolf> umm yes * _rasta_ is away: ╖╖-╖░•zzzzz•░╖-╖╖ Since:•Sat Nov 30 11:20:51 1996•╖╖Rec:•ON•╖╖Pager:•OFF•╖╖ <Number8> yes <Mendek> pluto pack don't work for everyone it seems. <ShadoWolf> *** TooN sets mode: +v ShadoWolf <ShadoWolf> oops <Number8> hey,did someone installed plutonium pack??? it's not working,i need help! <Tree_1> Shdwlf.. Thx & Number8 <TheFlash> pluto pack...does it work with the fix? *** _JAMMER_ ([email protected]) has left #prestige <Number8> no,the fix isn't working,at least for me... *** N8ive ([email protected]) has left #prestige <Number8> it's writing that it can't patch the file *** ofd_ ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <Mendek> Well did razor realese there own version. <ShadoWolf> shit..i didnt even get that..it would just lock my system <Number8> is it working for someone? <Number8> no,they released only a crack *** MenetZ ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <Mendek> hmm <Number8> and it's still not working <Number8> the crack doesn't work <Mendek> they did a crack from another groups realese? <Number8> yes <TheFlash> damn you mean even with the fix it doesn't work...another wasted dl <Number8> maybe it will work for you <Number8> for me it's not working <[\GoRo\]> think the fix has worked for some ppl <Number8> maybe i did somethign wrong <ShadoWolf> it didnt work for me..thats why i am here *** Purify_ ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <Number8> for who? *** _JAMMER_ ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <Number8> i need to talk with someone whom it's working for <[\GoRo\]> dunno, heard some ppl say they were playing it <Number8> don't you remember nameS? * samhain is away �� I am going to bed! snooze �� leave a MSG if you need me *** Wezz_2 has quit IRC (Leaving) <[\GoRo\]> nope <Number8> shit.. <ShadoWolf> well..aint knockin Razor..(hell..they cracked Red Alert)..they just need to re-release it <invisible> cracked red alert? <Number8> sure... <Mendek> Why was red alert hard? <TheFlash> looking for fps 0\97 <TheFlash> damn 97 *** savager ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <_Alpha_> [savager] DOD - DEVOTiON - PSG *** hot_tuna ([email protected]) has joined #prestige * Shatter is gone: .x( sleeping )x. pager [off] *** pancho ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <_Zeta_> [savager] DOD - DEVOTiON - PSG <ShadoWolf> if you read the .nfo file..you would know why *** RIX ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** pyx ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** Purify_ has quit IRC (Connection reset by peer) <Mendek> Nfo i don't read no stinking nfo's =) too much like a manual. * Hercules is away: ╖╖-╖░•sleeping........................Metal.Zombie.Risk.Footba ll.•░╖-╖╖ Since:•Thu Nov 28 19:33:20 1996•╖╖Rec:•ON•╖╖Pager:•OFF•╖╖ *** WK ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <invisible> hehehehe <ShadoWolf> westwood tried to make it "uncrackable" *** pancho has quit IRC (gone to game...) <Mendek> haha sure they did =) <ShadoWolf> needless to say..it worked on a lot of "lesser" groups <Number8> tried... *** Purify_ ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <Mendek> Cool they went beyond the cd check. <invisible> rzr had it way before everybody else too, so they had more time *** Kampfer ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** Kampfer ([email protected]) has left #prestige <Mendek> Who did the crack for rzr? <ShadoWolf> hahaha..this is from the FPS: FP '97 .nfo file... <ShadoWolf> * RIPPED : Some Stuff. <_JAMMER_> beowulf <Mendek> haha. <invisible> beowulf <invisible> :) *** MenetZ has quit IRC (Leaving) <Mendek> Yeah he's good. <invisible> rzr has good crackers <ShadoWolf> course..he also wrote this pluto pack fix.... (go figure) <Mendek> hehe <Number8> but it's not working <Mendek> Well it must have worked for him <Mendek> did you guys try to subst the dir <Mendek> how about on c: drive. *** Weazel ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <Number8> i tried *** holybeas_ ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <invisible> what cant you get to work? *** CATTINO sets mode: +o holybeas_ *** _Zeta_ sets mode: -o holybeas_ <Number8> the crack file is writing that it can't patch the file <holybeas_> I'm having problems with installing RISK <Mendek> What about the file_id in the first archive. <holybeas_> can someone help me <Mendek> Strange <hot_tuna> hey holybeast any PDM fixes today ? <Mendek> how about ems =) nvr know. <invisible> hmm *** [Faxe] has quit IRC (Leaving) <holybeas_> hot, for what? <Number8> pluto pack,for example *** S-QuiZ ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <holybeas_> hottuna, what game do you need fix for? *** pancho ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <[MASON]> hb: they have fucked up nearly all hasbro games so hy not this? * S-QuiZ need invite 2 razor plz? <Number8> pluto pack <holybeas_> mason, shit I need to get this working.. *** samhain has quit IRC (1996 -=Empire=- 1996) <hot_tuna> holy: doesnt matter <holybeas_> hottuna, doesnt matter???? *** pyx has quit IRC (brb) * S-QuiZ need invite 2 razor plz? <Mendek> he's not in razor <holybeas_> hottuna, are you drunk? <Number8> i know <Mendek> no one is alive. *** TheFoxy1 ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** ofd_ has quit IRC (Leaving) <Mendek> i'll past for you. <Mendek> paste. <[MASON]> hb: what is the problem? <_JAMMER_> hb: I mad myself a pmode trainer engine ;) *** MegabrAIN ([email protected]) has joined #Prestige *** SToNeR666 ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <holybeas_> hottuna, whats your point? you asked if there was any pdm fixes today, and I ask if your expecting any? <Number8> hey,did someone installed plutonium pack??? it's not working,i need help! <holybeas_> jammer, no shit? finally put the project on ground? thats cool, we have to discuss it :P *** filter ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** |_MJ_| ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <holybeas_> jammer, I was just talking to wolvering about this today <[MASON]> Jammer: nice *** filter ([email protected]) has left #prestige <_JAMMER_> hb: Yup.. we sure do! It was easy as hell when i got started... <holybeas_> mason, hmm, first uzipped, then unrar, then unzip with long file names, worked fine, then installed from substed drive, <_JAMMER_> wolverine?? * S-QuiZ need invite 2 razor plz? *** RA^Ghost ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <_JAMMER_> The wolverine that cracked Menzoberranzan? <[MASON]> hb: what happend then? *** S-QuiZ ([email protected]) has left #prestige <holybeas_> mason, I installed teh game first to the same directory, it started complaining about the files was already there, then I installed to a different directory, and substed, that didn't work coz the game needs files from original risk.zip to <_Zeta_> . <holybeas_> mason, be in the same dir of the game, so I moved all those files over, made sure it was pointing to the right dir in the win95 registry <holybeas_> hottuna, you still there? *** smackman ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <hot_tuna> holybeast: yup *** Outbreak- has quit IRC (Connection reset by peer) <[MASON]> hmmm wierd <holybeas_> I asked you like 3-4 questions *** savager ([email protected]) has left #prestige <_JAMMER_> tuna.. found any trainers yet? :) <holybeas_> mason, now it says it cant find file : *** Tree_1 has quit IRC (http://WWW.BLACKWOOD.COM or email [email protected] for Shell aCCounts at ) <hot_tuna> trainers? i waer a pair :) * _rasta_ is away: ╖╖-╖░•zzzzz•░╖-╖╖ Since:•Sat Nov 30 11:20:51 1996•╖╖Rec:•ON•╖╖Pager:•OFF•╖╖ <ShadoWolf> like i want to PAY for a shell account... :) <Mendek> pay *gasp* <_JAMMER_> hehe... *** TheFoxy1 has quit IRC (Leaving) <holybeas_> mason, it cant find E:\/bin/FastAl.bin. <holybeas_> kinda weird *** mankind has quit IRC () <[MASON]> does it have the file or did someone forget to run crack or crack it <holybeas_> there is no crackfile included <holybeas_> oh btw, I do see the risk/harsbro logo etc shining. <hot_tuna> holybeast: you gonner fix fifa so you can save games ? *** pyx ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <holybeas_> hottuna, you already can, there was a fix for it plus you could use subst *** pyx ([email protected]) has left #prestige <hot_tuna> sound card fix i saw but a save gaem fix too ? <holybeas_> yerp *** [lOCUTUs] has quit IRC (i'll be back latah ..) <hot_tuna> where> i never saw it ? or a classic pdm vapourware fix :) *** FenrisWf has quit IRC (Ping timeout) * Shatter is gone: .x( sleeping )x. pager [off] <[MASON]> it prolly need a crack ... wheres your cdrom drive at? <holybeas_> hottuna, you need to check your sites/boards more often <holybeas_> mason, there is none in this computer <holybeas_> but I subst.. that seems to work fine <hot_tuna> ok bbs syn city must be too lame then <holybeas_> it seems like the files are ripped out, I'm not sure <holybeas_> I'm gonna reinstall everything <holybeas_> I'll be back in 10mins.. *** Samplex ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <RIX> bye all *** RIX ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** Purify_ has quit IRC (Leaving) <[MASON]> hmmm - what drive do you install it n? <[MASON]> on *** Purify_ ([email protected]) has joined #prestige * Hercules is away: ╖╖-╖░•sleeping........................Metal.Zombie.Risk.Footba ll.•░╖-╖╖ Since:•Thu Nov 28 19:33:20 1996•╖╖Rec:•ON•╖╖Pager:•OFF•╖╖ *** arcturus ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** smackman has quit IRC (Wave - Phoenix with ▼Fluff Mods v1.8.5▼) *** [BugS] ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** arcturus ([email protected]) has left #prestige <invisible> anybody wanna play quake or red alert? *** CluTzy ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <TheFlash> i wanna play fps 97 *** [BugS] ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** ByronZED ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <invisible> :) *** pancho has quit IRC (gone to game...) *** MRMORRIS ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** ByronZED has quit IRC (,._.,-▼*▼~> WWR1996 <▼*▼-,._.,) *** MRMORRIS ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** Bz- ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <invisible> okay, well i guess nobody wanna play, laters all <Bz-> hello all <[MASON]> hb: did you install it on c? *** hot_tuna has quit IRC (Ping timeout) *** Number8 has quit IRC (Leaving) *** Bz- is now known as ByronZED <_Zeta_> . *** jLM ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <TheFlash> who do i have to kill to get fps 97 <ShadoWolf> yourself? *** [DoOm] ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <TheFlash> okay *** cAZcO ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** _db_ ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** chazer ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** T-ReX has quit IRC (Ping timeout) *** crs ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <crs> anyone in #pwa? *** JRadics ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** crs ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** J_Radics has quit IRC (Ping timeout) <chazer> any psg release sites up & tunning? <TheFlash> running <chazer> running ... <chazer> ;) <chazer> flash: you know? <TheFlash> nah <chazer> damn ... <cAZcO> fuck <TheFlash> shit <cAZcO> chazer: got any good sites? <chazer> yup .... <chazer> accounts ;) <cAZcO> cool <chazer> that's why I am here ... <chazer> need leech sites ... * _rasta_ is away: ╖╖-╖░•zzzzz•░╖-╖╖ Since:•Sat Nov 30 11:20:51 1996•╖╖Rec:•ON•╖╖Pager:•OFF•╖╖ *** jackcool ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <cAZcO> can i have one? :) *** Yarv has quit IRC (Ping timeout) <chazer> accounts ... <chazer> sorry .. <TheFlash> need site with fps <cAZcO> warez... sites <cAZcO> warez sites <cAZcO> warez sites *** [\GoRo\] is now known as GoRoz <chazer> no shit ... *** _Crazy_ sets mode: +b *!*sdf@*.modem.umu.se *** cAZcO was kicked by _Crazy_ (%☻A☻%) (ok enough) *** lolo_ ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <chazer> you guys like have a web up or something now? *** nos ([email protected]) has joined #PRESTIGE *** invisible has quit IRC (Connection reset by peer) *** chazer has quit IRC (l8tes ...) <RA^Ghost> anyone have disk 15 of RZR release of Red Alert handy? * nos ascii collection #3 out now! <ByronZED> I have disk 15, if you have all the others .. *** gRIMMY ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** arcturus ([email protected]) has joined #prestige * Shatter is gone: .x( sleeping )x. pager [off] *** Don_Juan ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <Reddog`> ..::[☻]::.. Don_Juan ..::[☻]::.. <_Zeta_> [Don_Juan] [T o W e R o F S o R c E r Y] PRESTiGE|EMPiRE <_Alpha_> [Don_Juan] [T o W e R o F S o R c E r Y] PRESTiGE|EMPiRE <RA^Ghost> no, I only want disk 15.... kinda like a mini rip thing <nos> arcturus > Σr du svensk ? *** JRadics is now known as J_Radics <arcturus> nos: ja, klahr.. ich bin schwedish.. <nos> heh . . <ByronZED> and I have disk 15, but I'm missing 27-34 <arcturus> nos: givetvis Σr jag svensk.. <RA^Ghost> sorry, they're not on my shell <TheFlash> help...need fps <gRIMMY> heya all .. *** _Alpha_ sets mode: +o Don_Juan <|Conrail|> nos du sprichst deutsch ja? *** gRIMMY has quit IRC (l8tes ...) *** PRMDCC96 ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** PRMDCC96 ([email protected]) has left #prestige <nos> nix. . spreche nicht deutsch <arcturus> conrail: ich spreche deutsch.. *** jLM ([email protected]) has left #prestige <nos> ich har iofs deutsch as val genimmt *** |_MJ_| has quit IRC (lagged) <|Conrail|> ahhh cool <|Conrail|> wohnst du in deutschland? oder *** Vindi has quit IRC (Read error: 232 (Connection reset by peer)) <Weazel> ich in der niederlande *** ByronZED has quit IRC (Dead Socket) <Samplex> weazel!!! *** Vindi ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <arcturus> conrail: nein, ich komme naturlich aus schweden.. *** Don_Juan sets mode: +m *** lolo_ has quit IRC (Leaving) *** Maestr0 ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** Don_Juan changes topic to "Can you speakieze da englishae?" *** Bz- ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** ShadoWolf has quit IRC (+--] {-=G=|-|=Θ=TT=⌡=v2╖5=-} By ShadoWolf [--+) *** hsab ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** Bz- is now known as ByronZED *** WK has quit IRC (Leaving) *** SToNeR666 ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** Maestr0 ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** ByronZED has quit IRC (Dead Socket) *** bash has quit IRC (Ping timeout) *** Don_Juan sets mode: -m <hsab> /msg hybreed !nfo <hsab> /msg hybreed !nfo <hsab> wow *** Bz- ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <arcturus> yes.. <nos> what's it called? <_Zeta_> . *** Samplex ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** Bz- has quit IRC (Dead Socket) *** ^wOof^ ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** Maverick- ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <_Zeta_> [Maverick-] .:PSG.DOD.RiSC:. <_Alpha_> [Maverick-] .:PSG.DOD.RiSC:. *** ByronZED ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** _Zeta_ sets mode: +o Maverick- *** Jestz ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** Smaug ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** Jestz has quit IRC (Wave - Phoenix with ▼Fluff Mods + WiZER WaR Mods▼) *** Wind_Duck has quit IRC (***Yeap Yeap Yeap***) *** Telnic ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** arcturus has quit IRC (Ping timeout) *** Fusion_ ([email protected]) has left #prestige * _rasta_ is away: ╖╖-╖░•zzzzz•░╖-╖╖ Since:•Sat Nov 30 11:20:51 1996•╖╖Rec:•ON•╖╖Pager:•OFF•╖╖ * Shatter is gone: .x( sleeping )x. pager [off] *** pancho ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** Magi has quit IRC (Ping timeout) *** _db_ has quit IRC (Error writing to Connection, Ping time out) * _JAMMER_ is away!  [EDGE]  enjoying life...  Messages will be logged.. *** Aranha ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** Aranha ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** Mendek has quit IRC (░--=\\MalicE//=--░ -- tδ├m- ▒H√gH-▒ |{ŒrMε† PsÑkl░▀∩╤ V∩pδ½-X) <holybeas_> anyone alive? <holybeas_> I need help with the RISK release, cant install it <holybeas_> cybphreak!? <_Zeta_> . * Hercules is away: ╖╖-╖░•sleeping........................Metal.Zombie.Risk.Footba ll.•░╖-╖╖ Since:•Thu Nov 28 19:33:20 1996•╖╖Rec:•ON•╖╖Pager:•OFF•╖╖ *** Telnic has quit IRC (Leaving) *** MindBndr ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** Morse ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** Pharcyde ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** Pharcyde ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** skipy ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** skipy ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** nos has quit IRC (Leaving) *** [blak] ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** Info-red has quit IRC (Connection reset by peer) *** [blak] ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** mankind ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** GoRoz is now known as [\GoRo\] *** Weazel ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** NCR ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** _db_ ([email protected]) has joined #prestige * Shatter is gone: .x( sleeping )x. pager [off] *** ByronZED ([email protected]) has left #prestige * _rasta_ is away: ╖╖-╖░•zzzzz•░╖-╖╖ Since:•Sat Nov 30 11:20:51 1996•╖╖Rec:•ON•╖╖Pager:•OFF•╖╖ *** [Andy] ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <[Andy]> dalla *** [Andy] ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** RA^Ghost has quit IRC (Leaving) *** pancho has quit IRC (gone to game...) *** _db_ ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** _mod_ ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** MindBndr has quit IRC (See ya, wouldn┤t wanna be you !) *** _mod_ ([email protected]) has left #prestige * ^wOof^ is gone☻:☻ .☻x☻☼▼(▼☼ eatin ☼▼)▼☼☻x☻. ☻:☻ (14:31:14 @ 11/30/96) ☻:☻ (▼log on▼) <jackcool> ahh not moderated anymore :) *** droopy_d ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** droopy_d ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** CluTzy ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** Fishman ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <_Zeta_> . *** Fishman has quit IRC (Wave - Phoenix with ▼Fluff Mods v1.8.5▼) * Hercules is away: ╖╖-╖░•sleeping........................Metal.Zombie.Risk.Footba ll.•░╖-╖╖ Since:•Thu Nov 28 19:33:20 1996•╖╖Rec:•ON•╖╖Pager:•OFF•╖╖ *** _KuRuPT_ ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** Locker ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** P-Chan ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <_KuRuPT_> who released larry 7 may I ask? <IPggi> no one <P-Chan> woa just saw the release for risk anyone have a site fer it? <_KuRuPT_> ? <_KuRuPT_> what do you mean no one.. *** sternone ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <_Zeta_> [sternone] Sysop of the tribe, PRESTIGE EHQ *** chazer ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** Ephesus ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <_KuRuPT_> no one has packaged it yet? <_Alpha_> [sternone] Sysop of the tribe, PRESTIGE EHQ <IPggi> kurupt: if you rip it you cant play it. <_KuRuPT_> shit.. *** _Alpha_ sets mode: +o sternone * sternone is back: .x( ho ho )x. <_KuRuPT_> |pggi someone must know a way? <Locker> ipggi: how mmuch cd's lsl7? <sternone> i need 256 hamburgers please and a big milkshake <rantnrave> Got Milk? *** jackcool ([email protected]) has left #prestige <IPggi> kurupt: it's not a matter a way. you rip out the speech and animation it's implayable because it's an adventure game. they require the speech and animation to tell the story. <Locker> all the quests cd-rips just SUCK!!!!!!!!!!!! <IPggi> kurupt: if you that desperate go and by the thing. <_KuRuPT_> |Pggi I guess so, it would really be usless unfortunetly ;).. ummm guess it's one of those ones we'll just have to copy *** Bz- ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** Bz- is now known as ByronZED <TheFlash> anybody have a site with fps football 97 on it? *** [Andy] ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** P-Chan ([email protected]) has left #prestige * Shatter is gone: .x( sleeping )x. pager [off] *** DEATURE ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** Pooxe ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** mOgens ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <_Alpha_> [mOgens] - = [ BEARNAISE 1996 ] = - <Pooxe> good work on pluto pack guys *** Fatal ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** HaMiSH^ ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <_Zeta_> [mOgens] - = [ BEARNAISE 1996 ] = - *** _Zeta_ sets mode: +o mOgens *** Han_Solo ([email protected]) has joined #Prestige <HaMiSH^> what is the risk release you guys just put out? like that old war game? <_Alpha_> [Han_Solo] -=+(PSG~MNM)+=- -=+(BBS~COURIER)+=- <_Zeta_> [Han_Solo] -=+(PSG~MNM)+=- -=+(BBS~COURIER)+=- * _rasta_ is away: ╖╖-╖░•zzzzz•░╖-╖╖ Since:•Sat Nov 30 11:20:51 1996•╖╖Rec:•ON•╖╖Pager:•OFF•╖╖ *** _Zeta_ sets mode: +o Han_Solo *** ]super^ ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** P-Chan ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** Nizda ([email protected]) has joined #prestige * [DoOm] is away [=D/╫\=] <_Zeta_> . *** sternone has quit IRC (Ping timeout) *** CATTINO has quit IRC (Ping timeout) *** mrpain has quit IRC (Ping timeout) *** mrpain ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** Hercules has quit IRC (Connection timed out) *** CATTINO ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** sternone ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <_Zeta_> [sternone] Sysop of the tribe, PRESTIGE EHQ <_Alpha_> [sternone] Sysop of the tribe, PRESTIGE EHQ *** EXoDuS ([email protected]) has joined #Prestige *** BoozE ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** Pooxe ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** BoozE ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** EXoDuS ([email protected]) has left #Prestige *** TheFlash has quit IRC (Leaving) *** EXoDuS ([email protected]) has joined #Prestige *** EXoDuS ([email protected]) has left #Prestige *** Cheta ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** Legion ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** _mod_ ([email protected]) has joined #prestige * ^wOof^ haz ☼☻x☻☼▼(▼☼ returned ☼▼)▼☼☻x☻. ☻:☻ ☻☼▼[J00 MuSS BoW DoWN, BiZZaTCH]☻☼▼ *** EXoDuS ([email protected]) has joined #Prestige *** Smaug has quit IRC (Ping timeout) *** _mod_ has quit IRC (Leaving) *** Legion ([email protected]) has left #prestige <Ephesus> How many disks is risk? <Vindi> 29 *** EXoDuS has quit IRC (Read error: 0 (Error 0)) <Fatal> risc *** [Vince] ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <HaMiSH^> what is Risk? Game? *** mOgens has quit IRC (Leaving) <Han_Solo> I HATE WINZIP <[Vince]> A game that doesn't work! *** leviathan ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <HaMiSH^> vince: it dont work? <Han_Solo> what kinda problems do you get vince? *** skipy ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** mOgens ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <_Zeta_> [mOgens] - = [ BEARNAISE 1996 ] = - <_Alpha_> [mOgens] - = [ BEARNAISE 1996 ] = - <[Vince]> Well... All kinds.. But I deleted it.. *** Speedball ([email protected]) has joined #prestige * Shatter is gone: .x( sleeping )x. pager [off] *** Speedball ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** _Enigma ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** LoNe_Wlf ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** _Enigma ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** _Alpha_ sets mode: +o mOgens *** [MASON] is now known as MasonGONE *** hsab has quit IRC (Excess Flood) *** hsab ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** Platform ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** leviathan ([email protected]) has left #prestige <HaMiSH^> has rzr actually released something that dont need a fix? ;> *** mol[ZzZz] has quit IRC (Yeowta here !) *** Locker is now known as LockeR <Han_Solo> yes.. <HaMiSH^> Metal.Marines.for.Win95-RAZORCD - anyone tried it out? <hsab> it is not razor <hsab> it is bladeruner <hsab> it was gona be put out by them <hsab> but they said no <Han_Solo> grabbing it right now dont know if it runnning.. <Han_Solo> they both released at the same time *** cH[RiGOR] ([email protected]) has joined #prestige * _rasta_ is away: ╖╖-╖░•zzzzz•░╖-╖╖ Since:•Sat Nov 30 11:20:51 1996•╖╖Rec:•ON•╖╖Pager:•OFF•╖╖ <Han_Solo> im grabbing the razor version.. *** Nizda ([email protected]) has left #prestige <HaMiSH^> are both 21 disk versions? <cH[RiGOR]> swampah! <Han_Solo> razor xx/21 *** [Andy] ([email protected]) has left #prestige <HaMiSH^> yeh, that is the 1 I got <cH[RiGOR]> what release? <_Zeta_> . <Han_Solo> metal marines <cH[RiGOR]> didnt razor release that 2 years ago? <cH[RiGOR]> 3 disks <Han_Solo> hehehehe Now this guy has a memory.. <Han_Solo> no that was the beta <cH[RiGOR]> haha * Han_Solo Shrugs his shoulders *** _Kain_ ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <cH[RiGOR]> haha <cH[RiGOR]> i still have it installed on my old 386 * Han_Solo throws a snake to chubbaca <cH[RiGOR]> i think *** firefist ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <cH[RiGOR]> hmm.. * Han_Solo throws a snack to chubbaca *** Fatal is now known as executiou <Han_Solo> this touch pad is kinda kewl.. *** Wind_Duck ([email protected]) has joined #PRESTIGE <cH[RiGOR]> ./join #rigor <Han_Solo> been messing with it all night.. *** executiou is now known as Fatal <cH[RiGOR]> =) * mOgens is gone - ☻mOgens has left the building.. <Han_Solo> rigor? <cH[RiGOR]> art group <cH[RiGOR]> blah.. i quit the scene some time ago.. *** sternone has quit IRC (.x(!)x. x<acid!irc>x .x(!)x.) <cH[RiGOR]> blah <cH[RiGOR]> this sucks <cH[RiGOR]> im gone *** cH[RiGOR] has quit IRC (Leaving) *** Infinite_ ([email protected]) has joined #Prestige *** Master_ has quit IRC (Connection timed out) *** LoNe_Wlf has quit IRC (Leaving) *** toxic2 ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** Kain ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** KiLLaS ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** engarious ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** JaMiLi ([email protected]) has joined #PRESTIGE *** ^wOof^ is now known as |wAlly| <|wAlly|> heeey JaMiLi !! sup ? *** Wind_Duck has quit IRC (Read error: 232 (Connection reset by peer)) *** DEATURE ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** hsab has quit IRC (- -) *** AJ ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <JaMiLi> woof woof? *** TiCK_ ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** Cheta ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** MaDBoY ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** TiCK_ ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** TiCK_ ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** MaDBoY ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** TiCK_ ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** HaMiSH^ ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** ByronZED has quit IRC (Ping timeout) *** bash ([email protected]) has joined #prestige * Shatter is gone: .x( sleeping )x. pager [off] *** AJ ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** Infinite_ ([email protected]) has left #Prestige *** Freakshow ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** [Vince] has quit IRC (Leaving) *** MeatCIgar ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <|wAlly|> JaMiLi : yeah.... *** _KuRuPT_ has quit IRC (Excess Flood) *** Infinite_ ([email protected]) has joined #Prestige <engarious> holy shit.. my fucking shell is dead *** _Kain_ has quit IRC (Connection timed out) <firefist> poor u <chazer> need a PSG site .... <chazer> web <_Zeta_> . <chazer> or whatever ;) *** J_Radics has quit IRC (Ping timeout) <Freakshow> what will b the next rlz? *** NCR has quit IRC (Duh...) *** |-WiLD2-| ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** DeCyPheR ([email protected]) has joined #Prestige <DeCyPheR> anybody here heard of IRN? *** |-WiLD2-| ([email protected]) has left #prestige <firefist> what is it? *** wing1 ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <DeCyPheR> a release group *** engarious ([email protected]) has left #prestige * _rasta_ is away: ╖╖-╖░•zzzzz•░╖-╖╖ Since:•Sat Nov 30 11:20:51 1996•╖╖Rec:•ON•╖╖Pager:•OFF•╖╖ *** wing1 ([email protected]) has left #prestige <Morse> decypher: what about it? <DeCyPheR> u know wut channel they in/| <DeCyPheR> ?? <Morse> nope <firefist> nope <DeCyPheR> shit *** ^Rage^ ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <DeCyPheR> man they r a fucked up group <^Rage^> can i have the + back again? <Morse> heh <DeCyPheR> they released Ms Publish 97, and no damn serial number with it *** Moose_ ([email protected]) has joined #Prestige <Morse> decyb: buhahah ;) <DeCyPheR> they don't even include their own nfo file <firefist> hah *** Kain has quit IRC (Connection timed out) <firefist> they don't seem serius <DeCyPheR> nope *** ANGSTRoM ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <DeCyPheR> thnx newayz *** Moose_ ([email protected]) has left #Prestige *** Darklord ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** DeCyPheR ([email protected]) has left #Prestige <firefist> no prblm *** darkside ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** _JAMMER_ has quit IRC (@) <Ephesus> Anybody know what Zombie Wars is? *** SteeLp ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <SteeLp> zombie wars <SteeLp> is about a group of people killing traders, a.k.a zombies <Ephesus> hehe *** tazman ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <_Alpha_> [tazman] Prestige Senior Peanut! *** _Alpha_ was kicked by BiZzy- (#Florida is where there at relaxing msg a op there they can help you -PSG Staff) *** _Alpha_ ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <Reddog`> ..::[☻]::.. _Alpha_ ..::[☻]::.. * Tai_Pan is back: .x( blah )x. *** _Zeta_ sets mode: +o darkside *** |wAlly| has quit IRC (Ping timeout) <_Zeta_> [tazman] Prestige Senior Peanut! <_Alpha_> .... *** _Zeta_ was kicked by BiZzy- (#Florida is where there at relaxing msg a op there they can help you -PSG Staff) <_Alpha_> .... *** _Zeta_ ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** Don_Juan sets mode: +o _Zeta_ *** _Zeta_ sets mode: +o tazman *** ^Beamer ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <_Alpha_> .... *** SpeedMstr has quit IRC (Leaving) *** ^Rage^ ([email protected]) has left #prestige <_Alpha_> .... <_Alpha_> .... <_Alpha_> .... *** tazman changes topic to "Want Warez cds?? WWW.HAMMERS.DEMON.CO.UK" *** Winchfr ([email protected]) has joined #prestige * bash is GONE - sleep - Logger Is On <_Alpha_> .... *** GameZ ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** Morse has quit IRC (Leaving) <_Alpha_> .... *** Freakshow is now known as Da_FReak *** _Zeta_ sets mode: +o Darklord <_Alpha_> .... *** piston ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** SteeLp ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** piston ([email protected]) has left #prestige <_Alpha_> .... <_Alpha_> .... *** Winchfr ([email protected]) has left #prestige <_Alpha_> .... *** Moozzze ([email protected]) has joined #Prestige *** Wind8Duck ([email protected]) has joined #PRESTIGE *** k0rn ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <_Alpha_> .... <firefist> .... <k0rn> anybody ere a cracker? * Shatter is gone: .x( sleeping )x. pager [off] *** ThePep has quit IRC (Leaving) <_Alpha_> .... *** k0rn ([email protected]) has left #prestige <_Alpha_> .... <_Alpha_> .... *** GameZ ([email protected]) has left #prestige <_Alpha_> .... *** drinsane ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** Han_Solo ([email protected]) has left #Prestige <_Alpha_> .... *** drinsane ([email protected]) has left #prestige <_Alpha_> .... <_Alpha_> .... *** tazman has quit IRC (Leaving) <_Alpha_> .... *** jestah ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <_Alpha_> .... <jestah> can sumbody do me a small favor? <firefist> what kind of favor? <jestah> dcc me disk 15 of tomb raider =] <jestah> its only 12k on the site i got it from <_Alpha_> .... <firefist> sorry - i don't have it :( <jestah> oh well *** Platform ([email protected]) has left #prestige <_Alpha_> .... <_Alpha_> .... *** Ephesus has quit IRC (Ping timeout) <_Alpha_> .... <_Zeta_> . *** jestah ([email protected]) has left #prestige <_Alpha_> .... <chazer> . *** J_Radics ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** tazman ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** FenrisWf ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <_Alpha_> [tazman] [*] PRESTiGE PEANUT IN THE HOUSE [*] <firefist> alpha : what r the points 4? <_Zeta_> [tazman] [*] PRESTiGE PEANUT IN THE HOUSE [*] <_Alpha_> .... <_Alpha_> .... *** ^Beamer ([email protected]) has left #prestige <_Alpha_> .... <_Alpha_> .... *** muja ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <ANGSTRoM> do any of u have disks 17,18,19 of DAYTONA USA-psg 1107??? I REALLY need them....if someone has them.....could u dcc 'em to me....:( pleez * _rasta_ is away: ╖╖-╖░•zzzzz•░╖-╖╖ Since:•Sat Nov 30 11:20:51 1996•╖╖Rec:•ON•╖╖Pager:•OFF•╖╖ *** Don_Juan sets mode: +o _Alpha_ *** muja ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** Amalia ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** tazman ([email protected]) has left #prestige <Amalia> fix for plutonium pack? <Amalia> ? *** Fatal has quit IRC (Ping timeout) *** LockeR has quit IRC (Ping timeout) *** smackman ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** skipy is now known as SirpSycho *** firefist has quit IRC (Ping timeout) *** J_Radics has quit IRC (Ping timeout) *** smackman has quit IRC (Wave - Phoenix with ▼Fluff Mods v1.8.5▼) *** ]super^ ([email protected]) has left #prestige <Amalia> ? *** savager ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <_Alpha_> [savager] DOD - DEVOTiON - PSG *** V-o-M-i-T ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <_Zeta_> [savager] DOD - DEVOTiON - PSG *** savager ([email protected]) has left #prestige * Shatter is gone: .x( sleeping )x. pager [off] *** [vmp] ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** [vmp] ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** V-o-M-i-T ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** Infinite_ ([email protected]) has left #Prestige <_Zeta_> . *** J_Radics ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** Don_Juan is now known as _Don_Juan *** DEf-ZEta ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** Ozone^CLS ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** SKRiPT ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** DEf-ZEta ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** ThePep ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** French ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** invisible ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** BuLLeT ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** Aut0psy ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <Aut0psy> How many disks is the release of RISK? *** darkside has quit IRC (Ping timeout) *** lost_soul ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <JaMiLi> not many <Aut0psy> is it 9? *** lost_soul ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** French ([email protected]) has left #prestige * _rasta_ is away: ╖╖-╖░•zzzzz•░╖-╖╖ Since:•Sat Nov 30 11:20:51 1996•╖╖Rec:•ON•╖╖Pager:•OFF•╖╖ <JaMiLi> lemme check *** KiLLaS ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** BuLLeT ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** invisible has quit IRC (irc2.tc.umn.edu irc.cdc.net) *** ThePep has quit IRC (irc2.tc.umn.edu irc.cdc.net) *** Aut0psy has quit IRC (irc2.tc.umn.edu irc.cdc.net) *** J_Radics has quit IRC (irc2.tc.umn.edu irc.cdc.net) *** Ozone^CLS has quit IRC (irc2.tc.umn.edu irc.cdc.net) *** Fusion ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** Amalia has quit IRC (irc2.tc.umn.edu irc.cdc.net) *** FenrisWf has quit IRC (irc2.tc.umn.edu irc.cdc.net) *** Wind8Duck has quit IRC (irc2.tc.umn.edu irc.cdc.net) *** Darklord has quit IRC (irc2.tc.umn.edu irc.cdc.net) *** ANGSTRoM has quit IRC (irc2.tc.umn.edu irc.cdc.net) *** MeatCIgar has quit IRC (irc2.tc.umn.edu irc.cdc.net) *** bash has quit IRC (irc2.tc.umn.edu irc.cdc.net) *** JaMiLi has quit IRC (irc2.tc.umn.edu irc.cdc.net) *** Da_FReak has quit IRC (irc2.tc.umn.edu irc.cdc.net) *** toxic2 has quit IRC (irc2.tc.umn.edu irc.cdc.net) *** SirpSycho has quit IRC (irc2.tc.umn.edu irc.cdc.net) *** mOgens has quit IRC (irc2.tc.umn.edu irc.cdc.net) *** CATTINO has quit IRC (irc2.tc.umn.edu irc.cdc.net) *** mrpain has quit IRC (irc2.tc.umn.edu irc.cdc.net) *** SKRiPT has quit IRC (irc2.tc.umn.edu irc.cdc.net) *** chazer has quit IRC (irc2.tc.umn.edu irc.cdc.net) *** mankind has quit IRC (irc2.tc.umn.edu irc.cdc.net) *** Maverick- has quit IRC (irc2.tc.umn.edu irc.cdc.net) *** Moozzze has quit IRC (irc2.tc.umn.edu irc.cdc.net) *** Vindi has quit IRC (irc2.tc.umn.edu irc.cdc.net) *** _Don_Juan has quit IRC (irc2.tc.umn.edu irc.cdc.net) *** [DoOm] has quit IRC (irc2.tc.umn.edu irc.cdc.net) *** Purify_ has quit IRC (irc2.tc.umn.edu irc.cdc.net) *** MegabrAIN has quit IRC (irc2.tc.umn.edu irc.cdc.net) *** |Conrail| has quit IRC (irc2.tc.umn.edu irc.cdc.net) *** Cola2 has quit IRC (irc2.tc.umn.edu irc.cdc.net) *** [\GoRo\] has quit IRC (irc2.tc.umn.edu irc.cdc.net) *** BrAb has quit IRC (irc2.tc.umn.edu irc.cdc.net) *** Dray has quit IRC (irc2.tc.umn.edu irc.cdc.net) *** IPggi has quit IRC (irc2.tc.umn.edu irc.cdc.net) *** _Crazy_ has quit IRC (irc2.tc.umn.edu irc.cdc.net) *** _rasta_ has quit IRC (irc2.tc.umn.edu irc.cdc.net) *** BiZzy- has quit IRC (irc2.tc.umn.edu irc.cdc.net) *** teacher_ has quit IRC (irc2.tc.umn.edu irc.cdc.net) *** immortal_ has quit IRC (irc2.tc.umn.edu irc.cdc.net) *** _neon_ has quit IRC (irc2.tc.umn.edu irc.cdc.net) *** Scuzi has quit IRC (irc2.tc.umn.edu irc.cdc.net) *** ZaZCaRDy has quit IRC (irc2.tc.umn.edu irc.cdc.net) *** Tai_Pan has quit IRC (irc2.tc.umn.edu irc.cdc.net) *** _Alpha_ has quit IRC (irc2.tc.umn.edu irc.cdc.net) *** _DESIGN_ has quit IRC (irc2.tc.umn.edu irc.cdc.net) *** para has quit IRC (irc2.tc.umn.edu irc.cdc.net) *** MasonGONE has quit IRC (irc2.tc.umn.edu irc.cdc.net) *** SpaceJeb has quit IRC (irc2.tc.umn.edu irc.cdc.net) *** P-Chan has quit IRC (irc2.tc.umn.edu irc.cdc.net) *** Wolvie has quit IRC (irc2.tc.umn.edu irc.cdc.net) *** TFW-DCC has quit IRC (irc2.tc.umn.edu irc.cdc.net) *** holybeas_ has quit IRC (irc2.tc.umn.edu irc.cdc.net) *** M-FixDCC has quit IRC (irc2.tc.umn.edu irc.cdc.net) *** Db`_zZz has quit IRC (irc2.tc.umn.edu irc.cdc.net) *** cybphreak has quit IRC (irc2.tc.umn.edu irc.cdc.net) *** Shatter has quit IRC (irc2.tc.umn.edu irc.cdc.net) *** _ph0rse_ has quit IRC (irc2.tc.umn.edu irc.cdc.net) *** Reddog` has quit IRC (irc2.tc.umn.edu irc.cdc.net) *** Ionizer has quit IRC (irc2.tc.umn.edu irc.cdc.net) *** Prophet_ has quit IRC (irc2.tc.umn.edu irc.cdc.net) *** d_rebaway has quit IRC (irc2.tc.umn.edu irc.cdc.net) *** rantnrave has quit IRC (irc2.tc.umn.edu irc.cdc.net) *** WildWendy has quit IRC (irc2.tc.umn.edu irc.cdc.net) *** Everclear has quit IRC (irc2.tc.umn.edu irc.cdc.net) *** SaberWolf has quit IRC (irc2.tc.umn.edu irc.cdc.net) *** Thrash- has quit IRC (irc2.tc.umn.edu irc.cdc.net) *** `Q-Ball has quit IRC (irc2.tc.umn.edu irc.cdc.net) *** the_limit has quit IRC (irc2.tc.umn.edu irc.cdc.net) *** Grudge has quit IRC (irc2.tc.umn.edu irc.cdc.net) *** Havok_ has quit IRC (irc2.tc.umn.edu irc.cdc.net) *** _Zeta_ has quit IRC (irc2.tc.umn.edu irc.cdc.net) *** Jecksom has quit IRC (irc2.tc.umn.edu irc.cdc.net) *** lghman has quit IRC (irc2.tc.umn.edu irc.cdc.net) *** _Apollo_ has quit IRC (irc2.tc.umn.edu irc.cdc.net) *** Dray ([email protected]) has joined #Prestige *** irc2.uiuc.edu sets mode: +v Dray *** immortal_ ([email protected]) has joined #Prestige *** rantnrave ([email protected]) has joined #Prestige *** Shatter ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** ANGSTRoM ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** splush ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** Jecksom ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** _DESIGN_ ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** Havok_ ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** SaberWolf ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** _Apollo_ ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** Afton ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** bash ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** invisible ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** para ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** BrAb ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** _Crazy_ ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** ircd.texas.net sets mode: +oovo Shatter para BrAb _Crazy_ *** Reddog` ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** P-Chan ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** [SpasM] ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** IPggi ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** SKRiPT ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** Amalia ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** FenrisWf ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** _Alpha_ ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** Darklord ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** Da_FReak ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** toxic2 ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** SirpSycho ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** [DoOm] ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** Purify_ ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** MegabrAIN ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** Cola2 ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** teacher_ ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** BiZzy- ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** ZaZCaRDy ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** Tai_Pan ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** Db`_zZz ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** M-FixDCC ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** ircd.texas.net sets mode: +oooo _Alpha_ Darklord BiZzy- M-FixDCC *** _ph0rse_ ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** Prophet_ ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** d_rebaway ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** WildWendy ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** Thrash- ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** the_limit ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** lghman ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** ircd.texas.net sets mode: +v the_limit *** BrAb is now known as BwAb <Reddog`> ..::[☻]::.. Shiffie ..::[☻]::.. *** splush ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** _Don_Juan ([email protected]) has joined #Prestige *** irc.ionet.net sets mode: +o _Don_Juan <_Alpha_> [_Don_Juan] [T o W e R o F S o R c E r Y] PRESTiGE|EMPiRE <Reddog`> ..::[☻]::.. _Don_Juan ..::[☻]::.. *** Hawk^FLT ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** Db`_zZz is now known as Db` *** Wind_Duck ([email protected]) has joined #PRESTIGE *** mOgens ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** Faceless ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** Maestr0 ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** J_Radics ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** Moozzze ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** MeatCIgar ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** chazer ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** Vindi ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** holybeas_ ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** _neon_ ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** SpaceJeb ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** Grudge ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** irc.gd.gu.se sets mode: +oo mOgens Grudge <_Alpha_> [mOgens] - = [ BEARNAISE 1996 ] = - *** boomerang ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** Maestr0 ([email protected]) has left #Prestige *** Casinoman ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** Hawk^FLT ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** _Zeta_ ([email protected]) has joined #Prestige *** LeRRch ([email protected]) has joined #Prestige *** CATTINO ([email protected]) has joined #Prestige *** mrpain ([email protected]) has joined #Prestige *** irc.voicenet.com sets mode: +o _Zeta_ <_Zeta_> [mOgens] - = [ BEARNAISE 1996 ] = - <_Zeta_> [_Don_Juan] [T o W e R o F S o R c E r Y] PRESTiGE|EMPiRE *** _Zeta_ sets mode: +v Swamper *** Afton is now known as |Conrail| <_Zeta_> [Swamper] /- Quakeinator Supreme | Old Warez Mastah -\ *** pancho ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <_Zeta_> [Shatter] -=] DOD*EVERLAST*PRESTIGE [=- <_Zeta_> [para] psg * dmt *** _Zeta_ sets mode: +v BwAb <_Zeta_> [_Crazy_] The Official Prestige Mascot - The Paki Froggie <_Zeta_> [BiZzy-] "The Feared" $$ RiSC $$ PREStIGE $$ <_Zeta_> [M-FixDCC] Grrrrrr... eetz ... from the place of no lamers! *** P-Chan ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** Link- ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** invisible has quit IRC (Heh.. The whole world can kiss my ass) *** Goyle ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** Goyle ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** droopy_d ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** [DoOm] has quit IRC ([=D/╫\=] \/ΦRº╬0▒ 0.5 [⌐-->ΦL╬TΦ Φ╨╬T╬0▒<--⌐] by [DoOm]) *** LeRRch has quit IRC (Killed (insanity (takeover bot))) *** droopy_d ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** J_Radics has quit IRC (Ping timeout) *** LeRRch ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** Db` has quit IRC (Ping timeout) *** Grifter ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** [Andy] ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** pancho has quit IRC (gone to game...) *** Grifter ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** boomerang has quit IRC (boomerang) *** Db` ([email protected]) has joined #Prestige *** Sidwidder ([email protected]) has joined #prestige * Shatter is gone: .x( sleeping )x. pager [off] *** [Andy] ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** ThePep ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <_Zeta_> . *** Sidwidder ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** BuLLeT ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** Francis1 ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** Francis1 ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** Da_FReak has quit IRC (10x _deadly_ it really means 2 me...ALEK) *** Maestr0 ([email protected]) has joined #Prestige *** |Ad0lf| ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** |Ad0lf| ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** BuLLeT ([email protected]) has left #prestige <Amalia> fix for tomb raider? *** Info-red ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** Swamper has quit IRC (Ping timeout) *** methOd_ ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** Maestr0 has quit IRC (irc.gd.gu.se irc.df.lth.se) *** MeatCIgar has quit IRC (irc.gd.gu.se irc.df.lth.se) *** mOgens has quit IRC (irc.gd.gu.se irc.df.lth.se) *** chazer has quit IRC (irc.gd.gu.se irc.df.lth.se) *** Moozzze has quit IRC (irc.gd.gu.se irc.df.lth.se) *** _neon_ has quit IRC (irc.gd.gu.se irc.df.lth.se) *** Faceless has quit IRC (Leaving) *** mOgens ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** Maestr0 ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** Moozzze ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** MeatCIgar ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** chazer ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** _neon_ ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** irc.df.lth.se sets mode: +o mOgens *** ANGSTRoM has quit IRC (::::::::::FiREWiRE COURiERS:::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :) <methOd_> someone fuckin help me here with the Duke Nukem Pletonium pack release... where the fuck do you un-rar it? what dir? <Info-red> method it will only work in the C drive. *** pancho ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <methOd_> Info-red←[36m,←[0m c: what dir? do I unpack it into? <Amalia> yeah but without the crack its no godd <methOd_> I got the crack... what fuckin dir do I un pack it to?! <Info-red> well it would make sense that install it into the Duke3d... obviously *** Maestr0 ([email protected]) has left #Prestige <Amalia> which crack, the raxor one does not work <Info-red> wherever the game is idiot... it's an addon remember? *** Francis1 ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** Wendigo ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** mok ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** Izanar ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <Francis1> you all still have that site open where i can grab fps 97? *** ddruid- ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** Grudge-E ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <methOd_> Info-red←[36m,←[0m where do I unpack it... like when it is in .RAR form... cause I try to unpack it into to a c:\temp dir... and it won't *** Moozzze is now known as Moose_ *** oldwolf ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <methOd_> Amalia←[36m,←[0m what is the other crack... send me it <Info-red> do you even have a c:\temp which exists? *** Moose_ ([email protected]) has left #Prestige <methOd_> Info-red←[36m,←[0m yea.. the rar files are in it... <Wendigo> does the plutonium pack have the new cut scenes, and if not, is there going to be an add-on released? *** SeCtOr1 ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** pancho has quit IRC (gone to game...) *** SeCtOr1 ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** Mampy ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <methOd_> Info-red←[36m,←[0m ??? so? *** _Zeta_ sets mode: +o Grudge-E <Info-red> methOd listen create a c:\test unzip the zipz there.... then create a temp and then rar x -v -y (filename.rar) c:\temp <Izanar> Is there a fix for Plutonium Pack? I downloaded the 19 disk version and it says "Place the DN3DPP in the cd drive"...help... *** mok is now known as mok_ *** mok_ is now known as mok *** Casinoman ([email protected]) has left #prestige <methOd_> it gives me a "Unknown Methd" error... when I type rar x info: it gives me a "Unknown Method" error <methOd_> Info-red←[36m,←[0m I type rar x -y -v dukeplut.rar c:\temp <mok> why am i not op'ed? *** cruger ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <cruger> hi.. anyone here? <cruger> that have played skynet <Info-red> hmmmm.. <mok> for the case you suffer from brain problems, I AM ONE OF THE PRESTIGE FOUNDERS. * Shatter is gone: .x( sleeping )x. pager [off] <cruger> hi mok <mok> werd cruger <Wendigo> i have played skynet, works fine <Info-red> method it should work... <cruger> wendigo complains about not enoughmem here <cruger> what kindof mem does it need? <methOd_> Info-red←[36m,←[0m it dosen't it won't unpack *** Mampy has quit IRC (Leaving) <Wendigo> more then you have then... <Wendigo> :) <cruger> wend i have 32 <cruger> how much did you have in your machine then? *** Leech ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <Wendigo> 32. works fine for me. <Izanar> Is there a fix for Plutonium Pack? I downloaded the 19 disk version and it says "Place the DN3DPP in the cd drive"...help... *** Wind_Duck has quit IRC (Read error: 131 (Connection reset by peer)) <cruger> wend what setting do you have in the mem page ofyou dos box underwin95 ? *** _neon_ has quit IRC (irc.gd.gu.se irc.df.lth.se) *** mOgens has quit IRC (irc.gd.gu.se irc.df.lth.se) *** chazer has quit IRC (irc.gd.gu.se irc.df.lth.se) *** MeatCIgar has quit IRC (irc.gd.gu.se irc.df.lth.se) *** drag ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** mOgens ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** MeatCIgar ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** chazer ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** _neon_ ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** irc.df.lth.se sets mode: +o mOgens *** usoldier_ ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <_Zeta_> . <methOd_> Someone help me with this DUke Nukem Pack... It won't unpack from RAR form! *** GameZ ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <cruger> method heheh *** GameZ ([email protected]) has left #prestige <methOd_> cruger←[36m,←[0m it wom't unrar ... wtf? <cruger> rar x -r -y -v filename.rar c:\whatever\ <Wendigo> who says I use 95? *** Strider ([email protected]) has joined #PRESTIGE *** hyprviper ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <cruger> wend you ran it under dos then? <cruger> or <Izanar> Is there a fix for Plutonium Pack? I downloaded the 19 disk version and it says "Place the DN3DPP in the cd drive"...help... <cruger> izanar yes there is a fix <Wendigo> i run all dos games under dos. <cruger> wendigo oki.. ill give it a try under dos then <Leech> i have the fix.... <Izanar> cruger: know where I can get it?? or what the file is called?? *** drag ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** holybeas_ ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** _Enigma ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <cruger> izanar dukefix.zip or something <cruger> dont havit here <Amalia> the fix form rzor does not work <cruger> mm anyway. have to leave <Izanar> thanks <cruger> amalia if it doeesnt then i have no clue <methOd_> cruger←[36m,←[0m still dosen't werk.. I get a "Unknown Method" error <Leech> i have the fix that working! *** _Enigma ([email protected]) has left #prestige <Leech> i played on it. <methOd_> cruger←[36m,←[0m what dir should I be extracting from? *** jestah ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <Izanar> leech: can I get it off ya?? <cruger> method havent tried it <Wendigo> does the plutonium pack have the new cut scenes, and if not, is there going to be an add-on released? <Amalia> leech do ya <methOd_> FUCK! <Amalia> what is the size of he crack? <Leech> yes... <methOd_> I cannot get this Duke Nukem Pack to extract?!?!?! <Leech> mmm lemme chk. <Izanar> method_: maybe got bad rar files?? *** ^CarNaGe ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <methOd_> Izanar←[36m,←[0m they are all fine... <Izanar> method: strange <methOd_> Izanar←[36m,←[0m what dir did you expand them from *** savager ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** savager ([email protected]) has left #prestige <methOd_> Izanar←[36m,←[0m the rar files <jestah> is there a fix for tomb raider? all it does is get to intro screen and it spins... nothing else happens <Izanar> c:\zips\games\dukeplut to c:\t * mok is away(tm) (probably nawt).. Be back in a few... <^CarNaGe> are there someone hat know the prices of the cd's on www.hammers.demon.co.uk??? *** FarT ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <Izanar> jestah: rip out your joystick <jestah> oh <jestah> ok <methOd_> DAMN! *** FarT has quit IRC (bbl) <Izanar> Anyone got the plutonium pak fix?? <Wendigo> guess no one knows about the cut scenes in the plutonium pack? *** methOd_ has quit IRC (Even good things pass away) <^CarNaGe> are there someone that can use shell accounts very good? i need an help with this... * IPggi is not available [PAGE:OFF] [LOG:ON] <jestah> can somebody send me rar.exe <jestah> or unrar.exe *** L_Falcon ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <jestah> thanks *** Infinite_ ([email protected]) has joined #Prestige *** Wendigo has quit IRC (Or did he?) *** L_Falcon ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** jestah has quit IRC (dankz foh da memoriez) *** Link- has quit IRC (Ping timeout) *** d_rebaway is now known as d_rebel *** _neon_ has quit IRC (irc.gd.gu.se irc.df.lth.se) *** mOgens has quit IRC (irc.gd.gu.se irc.df.lth.se) *** chazer has quit IRC (irc.gd.gu.se irc.df.lth.se) *** MeatCIgar has quit IRC (irc.gd.gu.se irc.df.lth.se) *** oldwolf has quit IRC (Leaving) * d_rebel has returned <Leech> some 1 here need the duke FIX? *** mOgens ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** MeatCIgar ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** chazer ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** _neon_ ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** irc.df.lth.se sets mode: +o mOgens * d_rebel has returned *** OSHO ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <Izanar> leecH: YES!!! <Leech> ok w8 i will send it 2 u.. *** Kb1Il6Xl8 ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** OSHO ([email protected]) has left #prestige <Amalia> yeah sute <Amalia> lecech <Leech> but send me some good ftp sitez adress!!!!!! *** Kb1Il6Xl8 ([email protected]) has left #prestige <Amalia> hey! <Amalia> presige should packed it a working crack in the first place *** _shadow_ ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** Infinite_ ([email protected]) has left #Prestige <Leech> amalia do u want the fix? *** Dr_Softwa ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** _shadow_ ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** DKNY ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <_Zeta_> . *** ^CarNaGe has quit IRC (Ping timeout) * Shatter is gone: .x( sleeping )x. pager [off] *** DKNY ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** Bill ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** HoTiCE_ ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** HoTiCE_ ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** Dr_Softwa ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** Francis1 has quit IRC (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer)) <Leech> some else need here the Duke3d pp FIX? *** Gloom ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** Zion ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** Gloom ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** SirpSycho has quit IRC (We Gotta Take The Power BACK!) *** Tai_Pan has quit IRC (Ping timeout) *** hyprviper ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** pancho_ ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** pancho_ has quit IRC (gone to game...) *** methOd_ ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** FarT ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** _neon_ has quit IRC (irc.gd.gu.se irc.df.lth.se) *** mOgens has quit IRC (irc.gd.gu.se irc.df.lth.se) *** chazer has quit IRC (irc.gd.gu.se irc.df.lth.se) *** MeatCIgar has quit IRC (irc.gd.gu.se irc.df.lth.se) *** usoldier_ ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** pancho_ ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <methOd_> I installed the Plutonium pack... but nothing has changed??? I installed it into my original Duke3d dir *** mOgens ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** _JAMMER_ ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** chazer ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** _neon_ ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** irc.df.lth.se sets mode: +o mOgens <methOd_> I need the crack to I guess *** darkside ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** aKiRa ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <FarT> method did you use the crack? *** Orbital- ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** [blak] ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <methOd_> the razor one is fucked... <methOd_> thats the one I had... *** aKiRa ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** Bill ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** [blak] ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** Izanar has quit IRC (Leaving) *** killa (^KiLLa^@p131.netquest.com) has joined #prestige *** UneEhTee has quit IRC (Leaving) *** MtL ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** FarT ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** MtL ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** ThePep has quit IRC (Leaving) *** Info-red has quit IRC (Leaving) *** Amalia has quit IRC (.:t╓R▒ fú╔ºh:. v1.4▓ by SLaG...) *** invisible ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** killa (^KiLLa^@p131.netquest.com) has left #prestige *** [USource] ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** invisible ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** mrpain has quit IRC (Ping timeout) <[USource]> good morning ppl :) *** LifeForm ([email protected]) has joined #PRESTiGE *** LifeForm ([email protected]) has left #PRESTiGE *** [USource] ([email protected]) has left #prestige <LeRRch> NE1 Got NetworkQ Rally ? *** methOd_ has quit IRC (Hey, why did I leave ?) *** wezz_3 ([email protected]) has joined #prestige * Shatter is gone: .x( sleeping )x. pager [off] *** wezz_3 ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** Ravan ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <_Zeta_> . *** Ravan ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** jestah ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** _neon_ has quit IRC (irc.gd.gu.se irc.df.lth.se) *** mOgens has quit IRC (irc.gd.gu.se irc.df.lth.se) *** chazer has quit IRC (irc.gd.gu.se irc.df.lth.se) *** _JAMMER_ has quit IRC (irc.gd.gu.se irc.df.lth.se) *** gremmie ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** mOgens ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** Chazer ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** _neon_ ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** irc.df.lth.se sets mode: +o mOgens <jestah> when i try unraring duke3d plutonium, it says unknown method *** CATTINO has quit IRC (Ping timeout) <jestah> what is a command line to unrar it right? *** Dr_Softwa ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <Dr_Softwa> can ne1 invie me to motiv8?? <Dr_Softwa> can ne1 invite me to motiv8?? *** pARAzEAl ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** gremmie ([email protected]) has left #prestige <darkside> you're using the wrong version of RAR <darkside> get 2.0 <jestah> where is it <Dr_Softwa> can ne1 invite me to motiv8?? <darkside> go find it yourself *** _JAMMER_ ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <jestah> ok *** ThePep ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <Dr_Softwa> can ne1 invite me to motiv8?? *** _Zeta_ sets mode: +o darkside <Dr_Softwa> can ne1 invite me to motiv8?? *** sternone ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** Dr_Softwa was kicked by darkside (☻piss off☻) <_Alpha_> [sternone] Sysop of the tribe, PRESTIGE EHQ <_Zeta_> [sternone] Sysop of the tribe, PRESTIGE EHQ *** jestah ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** |CyNIdE| ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** invisible ([email protected]) has joined #prestige * darkside is gone - ☻bbl * sternone is back: .x( uc2.unicall.be/alainq/pst.htm )x. *** CluTzy ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** Chameleon ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** |ZeBcO| (|zebco|@sentinel-119.kingston.net) has joined #prestige * WildWendy is back!! wo0h0o!! =☻X☻= <Leech> some1 need the duke FIX <Chameleon> is FPFPSG*.zip (Front Page Sports Football 97) released today a fake?? <pARAzEAl> leech: filename? *** pancho_ has quit IRC (gone to game...) *** d_rebel has quit IRC () <Leech> Dukefix.zip *** DeVaStAtE ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <Leech> it's working! <pARAzEAl> oki=) just wondering *** |CyNIdE| ([email protected]) has left #prestige <Leech> want it?! <pARAzEAl> nope have it..... *** Maverick- ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** Scuzi ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** Wolvie ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** Ionizer ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** irc.law.emory.edu sets mode: +ov Maverick- Ionizer <_Alpha_> [Maverick-] .:PSG.DOD.RiSC:. <_Alpha_> [Ionizer] [THE GAME REVIEWer] <_Zeta_> . <_Zeta_> [Maverick-] .:PSG.DOD.RiSC:. *** _Zeta_ sets mode: +v Ionizer <_Zeta_> [Ionizer] [THE GAME REVIEWer] *** invisible has quit IRC (Heh.. The whole world can kiss my ass) *** pARAzEAl ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** Confucius ([email protected]) has joined #PRESTiGE *** [brain] (god@lis4_p8.telepac.pt) has joined #prestige *** _Zeta_ sets mode: +o Confucius *** |ZeBcO| has quit IRC (Leaving) <Chameleon> is FPFPSG*.zip (Front Page Sports Football 97) released today a fake?? * Shatter is gone: .x( sleeping )x. pager [off] *** sadd ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** JaMiLi ([email protected]) has joined #PRESTIGE *** Chameleon was kicked by _Crazy_ (%☻A☻%) (repeating sux) *** Chameleon ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <Confucius> it was released last night... *** Infinite_ ([email protected]) has joined #Prestige *** Chazer has quit IRC (irc.df.lth.se irc.homelien.no) *** _neon_ has quit IRC (irc.df.lth.se irc.homelien.no) *** Bigman ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** _Zeta_ sets mode: +v Bigman <_Crazy_> ▼[▼☻Chameleon☻([email protected])▼]▼ If someone would answer my fucking question...I wouldn't have to repeat. I run one of the fastest boards areound, and want to get a fake killed b4 it is spread. <_Alpha_> [Bigman] -|x|- AMNESiA/NEMESiS/AFFiNiTY/TSG! -|x|- <_Zeta_> [Bigman] -|x|- AMNESiA/NEMESiS/AFFiNiTY/TSG! -|x|- *** Maverick- sets mode: +v Bigman *** Everclear ([email protected]) has joined #Prestige *** _rasta_ ([email protected]) has joined #Prestige *** irc.nol.net sets mode: +o Everclear <_Alpha_> [Everclear] EVERLAST - PRESTIGE - PWA <Chameleon> thanx confucius! :) *** MtL ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** SirpSycho ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <Confucius> EverClear! my paki pimp <_Zeta_> [Everclear] EVERLAST - PRESTIGE - PWA *** Infinite_ ([email protected]) has left #Prestige *** MtL ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** WooCare ([email protected]) has joined #Prestige *** Leech has quit IRC (Leaving) *** WooCare ([email protected]) has left #Prestige *** Chazer ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** _neon_ ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** _Flame_ ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** _Flame_ ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** [Primus] ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** racerX ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** Chazer ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** TiCK_ ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** Db` is now known as Db`buzy_ *** TiCK_ ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** Chameleon ([email protected]) has left #prestige <LeRRch> NE1 got MS Flight Sim 6.0 Disk 44 ? <LeRRch> filename acffs644.zip *** para has quit IRC (Leaving) <_Zeta_> . * Shatter is gone: .x( sleeping )x. pager [off] * Bigman is gone: .☻o☻(☻ bah ☻)☻o☻. left at -1:35pm *** racerX has quit IRC (Leaving) *** [brain] has quit IRC (irc.gd.gu.se irc.df.lth.se) *** mOgens has quit IRC (irc.gd.gu.se irc.df.lth.se) *** _neon_ has quit IRC (irc.gd.gu.se irc.homelien.no) *** shrine ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <shrine> could someone send me the .nfo from RISK? *** mOgens ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** [brain] (god@lis4_p8.telepac.pt) has joined #prestige *** irc.df.lth.se sets mode: +o mOgens *** Darklord has quit IRC (Ping timeout) *** Neurack ([email protected]) has joined #prestige * Strider is away: brb..., pager(ON) '/CTCP Strider PAGE <message>' Away Since: [11:33] *** Neurack has quit IRC (Leaving) *** _Pele ([email protected]) has joined #Prestige *** shrine ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** Fusion has quit IRC (Leaving) *** _neon_ ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** _Pele ([email protected]) has left #Prestige * _rasta_ is away: ╖╖-╖░•zzzzz•░╖-╖╖ Since:•Sat Nov 30 11:20:51 1996•╖╖Rec:•ON•╖╖Pager:•OFF•╖╖ *** _freddy_ ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** _freddy_ ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** BeaM ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** BeaM ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** Wind_Duck ([email protected]) has joined #PRESTIGE *** teacher_ has quit IRC (Ping timeout) * |Conrail| is a Mafia member, he is also Away - .x[ú╔δTº╟r∞Pt v2.5]x. .x[AutoAWAY]x. - Should be back soon - |Conrail| has been AFK for 10 minutes *** [Goat] ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** mok has quit IRC (Idle time limit exceeded) <|Conrail|> y0 <|Conrail|> does anyone have <|Conrail|> the new build editor? <|Conrail|> for plutonium pak?????? <|Conrail|> or was it not ripped? *** Wolvie has quit IRC (Read error: 232 (Connection reset by peer)) *** racerX ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** man-kind ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <BiZzy-> /dns <racerX> ArchEnemy @ davef.tiac.net did a "XDCC list" on you . . . protection engaged. <racerX> <F6> Ignore future CTCPs <F7> Ignore completely <F8> Ban <racerX> -ArchEnemy- DCC Chat ( <racerX> - <racerX> *** Removed *!*@* from ignore list <racerX> - <racerX> wtf is your problem? *** WoLFGaNg (WoLFGaNg@slip-018-1_0.antel.com.uy) has joined #prestige <racerX> i'm not a fucking offer bot *** racerX was kicked by _Alpha_ (flood) *** racerX ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** [Primus] has quit IRC (Connection reset by peer) *** racerX ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** Uniiiiity ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** Fusion_ ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** Fusion_ ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** _JAMMER_ has quit IRC (Dead socket) *** _VEk_ ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** IPggi has quit IRC (Ping timeout) *** _VEk_ ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** Uniiiiity has quit IRC (...) *** teacher_ ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** ThePep has quit IRC (Ping timeout) *** ZaZCaRDy has quit IRC (Ping timeout) <_Zeta_> . *** man-kind has quit IRC () * Shatter is gone: .x( sleeping )x. pager [off] * Bigman is gone: .☻o☻(☻ bah ☻)☻o☻. left at -1:39pm *** sternone has quit IRC (.x(!)x. x<acid!irc>x .x(!)x.) *** _Werner ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** FenrisWf has quit IRC (http://users.visi.net/~tfw/sun.htm) *** J_Radics ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** Dviolator ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** pAR ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** G-cHiLD ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** cqsys ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** [Goat] has quit IRC (Ping timeout) *** GrUnGeR ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <GrUnGeR> how is FPS97? *** racerX ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** racerX ([email protected]) has left #prestige <GrUnGeR> ive only played the first one Sierra made in 1990 *** DeVaStAtE is now known as dev[away] *** pancho ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** MindReadr ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** _Zeta_ sets mode: +o MindReadr *** _Werner has quit IRC (Ping timeout) *** ThePep ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** WoLFGaNg has quit IRC (Leaving) * _rasta_ is away: ╖╖-╖░•zzzzz•░╖-╖╖ Since:•Sat Nov 30 11:20:51 1996•╖╖Rec:•ON•╖╖Pager:•OFF•╖╖ *** _neon_ has quit IRC (irc.gd.gu.se irc.df.lth.se) *** mOgens has quit IRC (irc.gd.gu.se irc.df.lth.se) *** [brain] has quit IRC (irc.gd.gu.se irc.df.lth.se) *** mOgens ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** _neon_ ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** irc.df.lth.se sets mode: +o mOgens *** nos ([email protected]) has joined #PRESTIGE *** GrUnGeR ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** pAR has quit IRC (Leaving) *** Capone ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** [brain] (god@lis4_p8.telepac.pt) has joined #prestige <nos> mindreader <Capone> werd *** _Werner ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** def_fred ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** def_fred ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** nos has quit IRC (Leaving) *** Capone ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** dev[away] ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** pancho has quit IRC (gone to game...) *** _Kain_ ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <_Zeta_> . *** bababoey ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** _Kain_ has quit IRC (Leaving) *** MindReadr sets mode: +o bababoey * Shatter is gone: .x( sleeping )x. pager [off] * Bigman is gone: .☻o☻(☻ bah ☻)☻o☻. left at -1:39pm *** Hercules- ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** _diE_ ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** _MASTER_ ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** SirpSycho is now known as skipy *** Soccer-H ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** ZaZCaRDy ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** SKRiPT is now known as sKrIpT *** _Corps_ ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** _Corps_ ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** Dogfriend ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <_Alpha_> [Dogfriend] Hybrid's honorary Narrefisse <_Zeta_> [Dogfriend] Hybrid's honorary Narrefisse *** pARAzEAl ([email protected]) has joined #prestige * _rasta_ is away: ╖╖-╖░•zzzzz•░╖-╖╖ Since:•Sat Nov 30 11:20:51 1996•╖╖Rec:•ON•╖╖Pager:•OFF•╖╖ *** Soccer-H has quit IRC ([back to life]) *** Mav- ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <_Alpha_> [Mav-] .:PSG.DOD.RiSC:. <_Zeta_> [Mav-] .:PSG.DOD.RiSC:. *** _Zeta_ sets mode: +o Mav- *** Ranger- ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <_Alpha_> [Ranger-] To Infinity, and BEYOND! <_Zeta_> [Ranger-] To Infinity, and BEYOND! *** DJones ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** G-cHiLD has quit IRC (well, c u guys lata! ..) *** themech ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** pARAzEAl has quit IRC (Read error: 131 (Connection reset by peer)) *** SvS ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** _shadow_ ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** cqsys has quit IRC (Leaving) *** themech ([email protected]) has left #prestige <_Zeta_> . *** Floaty ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** Maverick- has quit IRC (Connection reset by peer) *** Rocketeer ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** satax ([email protected]) has joined #prestige * Shatter is gone: .x( sleeping )x. pager [off] *** Scavengr ([email protected]) has joined #prestige * Bigman is gone: .☻o☻(☻ bah ☻)☻o☻. left at -1:39pm *** _Zeta_ sets mode: +o satax *** Floaty ([email protected]) has left #prestige * Bigman has returned: .☻o☻(☻ back ☻)☻o☻. time is 12:28:01 *** _QuAD_ ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <_QuAD_> Is there a fix for the Tomb Raider Release? *** ZaZCaRDy has quit IRC (Ping timeout) *** Tai_Pan ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** _QuAD_ ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** Instig8r ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** SvS has quit IRC (Connection reset by peer) *** SfH ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** fugitiV ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** _vidiot ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** fugitiV ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** Wolverine ([email protected]) has joined #Prestige *** _shadow_ has quit IRC (irc.gd.gu.se irc.df.lth.se) *** [brain] has quit IRC (irc.gd.gu.se irc.df.lth.se) *** _neon_ has quit IRC (irc.gd.gu.se irc.df.lth.se) *** mOgens has quit IRC (irc.gd.gu.se irc.df.lth.se) *** Grudge-E has quit IRC (Read error: 0 (Error 0)) *** Instig8r has quit IRC (Leaving) *** mOgens ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** _shadow_ ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** [brain] (god@lis4_p8.telepac.pt) has joined #prestige *** _neon_ ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** irc.df.lth.se sets mode: +o mOgens *** Helta ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** Rocketeer has quit IRC (leaving) *** bloodline ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** Rocketeer ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** Grudge-E ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** PseudoNim ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** Spartacus ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** invisible ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** Ranger- has quit IRC (Ping timeout) *** _Zeta_ sets mode: +o Grudge-E *** _Alpha_ sets mode: +b *!*tORnfLESh@*.r2.garmhl.infoave.net *** Spartacus was kicked by _Alpha_ (requested) *** mOgens has quit IRC (Leaving) *** cqsys ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** invisible has quit IRC (Heh.. The whole world can kiss my ass) *** bababoey has quit IRC (Wave - Phoenix with ▼Fluff Mods v1.8.5▼) *** _Don_Juan sets mode: +v _vidiot *** _vidiot has quit IRC (Ping timeout) *** _rasta_ has quit IRC (Connection reset by peer) *** MindReadr has quit IRC (Ping timeout) *** SfH has quit IRC (Ping timeout) *** Everclear has quit IRC (Ping timeout) *** Everclear ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <_Alpha_> [Everclear] EVERLAST - PRESTIGE - PWA <_Zeta_> [Everclear] EVERLAST - PRESTIGE - PWA *** lolo_ ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** _vidiot ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** Vindi has quit IRC (Ping timeout) *** SvS ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** _Don_Juan sets mode: +v _vidiot *** scribe ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <scribe> i need the duke3d fix <scribe> someone *PLEASE* send <scribe> i did abunch of prestige VGA's the least you could do is send *** _DESIGN_ has quit IRC (BBL) *** Purgatori ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <scribe> grr!#$!34 <scribe> i hate this fuckign scene <Helta> for cod <_Zeta_> . *** Helta ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** JaMiLi has quit IRC (Connection timed out) *** Da_FReak ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** Purgatori ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** Muja ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** SvS has quit IRC (I'm Out'a This Joint !) * Shatter is gone: .x( sleeping )x. pager [off] *** Master_ ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** _Master ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** Master_ ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** _Master ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** Muja ([email protected]) has left #prestige * |Conrail| is AWAY (Since 12:34:34 Central) -=[Lunch niggah, [Mafia]]=- /CTCP |Conrail| PAGE <MSG> to page! Gone for 0 hours and 0 minutes *** |Conrail| is now known as |Con-Away *** speedking ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** _MASTER_ has quit IRC (EOF From client) *** J_Radics has quit IRC (Ping timeout) *** kitt ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** speedking is now known as crazydmnd *** GameZ ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <kitt> have ya'll released pelican hill? *** GameZ ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** Da_FReak has quit IRC (Excess Flood) *** crazydmnd ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** bloodline has quit IRC ([X-Script v3.5]) *** Chazer ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <Chazer> damn ... I NEED DISK ---> 15 of plutuniom pack ... <Chazer> *HUGHE* TRADE!!! *** [Drone] ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** lolo_ has quit IRC (Leaving) <Chazer> damn ... I NEED DISK ---> 15 of plutuniom pack ... * |Con-Away is AWAY (Since 12:34:34 Central) -=[Lunch niggah, [Mafia]]=- /CTCP |Con-Away PAGE <MSG> to page! Gone for 0 hours and 4 minutes *** in7ruder ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** [Drone] ([email protected]) has left #prestige <Chazer> damn ... I NEED DISK ---> 15 of plutuniom pack ... *** Ringworm ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <Chazer> *HUGHE* TRADE!!! *** O-S-A ([email protected]) has joined #PREStigE *** Outbreak- ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <Wolverine> anyone have Netmech/Mercnet cracked? *** hyprviper ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** CATTINO ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** Ringworm ([email protected]) has left #prestige * |Con-Away is BACK (Gone fer 0 hour(s) and 7 min(s) - [Mafia kicks j00 arsh Mafia]) <scribe> i need the duke3d fix <scribe> i did abunch of prestige VGA's the least you could do is send *** Outbreak- has quit IRC (Leaving) <_vidiot> lotsa lag this morning <scribe> someone *PLEASE* send *** |Con-Away is now known as |Conrail| <scribe> vid! *** O-S-A ([email protected]) has left #PREStigE *** ^CarNaGe ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** eterna| ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** eterna| ([email protected]) has left #prestige <_Zeta_> . *** _RarE_ ([email protected]) has joined #Prestige <^CarNaGe> rocketeer! *** _RarE_ ([email protected]) has left #Prestige *** Iron_Far ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** [Cotter] ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** in7ruder is now known as Ed_Powers *** wing1 ([email protected]) has joined #prestige * rantnrave *** _shadow_ ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** kitt ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** Number8 ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** sKrIpT has quit IRC (Leaving) *** Ventrue ([email protected]) has joined #prestige * Shatter is gone: .x( sleeping )x. pager [off] *** Demerzel ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** Ventrue ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** Ranger- ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** Wolverin_ ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <_Alpha_> [Ranger-] To Infinity, and BEYOND! *** FenrisWf ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** Wolverin_ ([email protected]) has left #prestige * CATTINO is away ☻- Automatically set away. -☻ messages will be saved. *** Dogfriend has quit IRC (returning to real life...) <Number8> please /query me i really need help with the plutonium pack! *** Wolfz ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** [brain] has quit IRC (it's time to kick ass and chew bubblegum!) *** Rocketeer ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** Everclear has quit IRC (irc.blackened.com irc.nol.net) *** _vidiot has quit IRC (irc.blackened.com irc.nol.net) <_Zeta_> [Ranger-] To Infinity, and BEYOND! *** hyprviper has quit IRC (Connection reset by peer) *** [DMA] ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <Number8> please /query me i really need help with the plutonium pack! *** LPR ([email protected]) has joined #PRESTIGE <Number8> please /query me i really need help with the plutonium pack! *** rantnrave has quit IRC (Connection reset by peer) *** MiKeE (MΩRτ|▒┼r▌@169-84-43.ipt.aol.com) has joined #prestige *** RanTNGoaT ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <CATTINO> . <MiKeE> i got a question bout a prog ya'll released *** para ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <_Zeta_> [para] psg * dmt <_Alpha_> [para] psg * dmt *** _Zeta_ sets mode: +o para *** Fender ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** skipy has quit IRC (We Gotta Take The Power BACK!) <scribe> GRR <scribe> i WANT THE FUXIN FIX <scribe> #@$@$ <Number8> THE PLUTONIUM PACK DON'T WORK!!! <MiKeE> Jet Fighter3 is fukt up <scribe> i did vga;s for your asses *** _MASTER_ ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <sadd> scribe i got it.. *** KCobra_ ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** DRAE ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <sadd> here *** KCobra_ ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** _vidiot ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** _Don_Juan sets mode: +v _vidiot *** MiKeE is now known as VodKaGuy *** Fender ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** scrpsubz ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <_vidiot> funk *** scrpsubz has quit IRC (mind over matter...) *** GameZ ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <_vidiot> walk away for a minute, my server splits *** GameZ ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** scrpsubz ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** ALlCE ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** ALlCE ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** DRAE ([email protected]) has left #prestige <Number8> please /query me i really need help with the plutonium pack! <Number8> please /query me i really need help with the plutonium pack! <Number8> please /query me i really need help with the plutonium pack! <Number8> please /query me i really need help with the plutonium pack! <Number8> please /query me i really need help with the plutonium pack! <Number8> please /query me i really need help with the plutonium pack! <Number8> please /query me i really need help with the plutonium pack! <scribe> GOD <Number8> please /query me i really need help with the plutonium pack! *** |FLy64| ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <scribe> BAN HIS ASS <Number8> please /query me i really need help with the plutonium pack! <Number8> please /query me i really need help with the plutonium pack! <Number8> please /query me i really need help with the plutonium pack! <Number8> please /query me i really need help with the plutonium pack! <Number8> please /query me i really need help with the plutonium pack! <scribe> LOSER <Number8> please /query me i really need help with the plutonium pack! <Number8> please /query me i really need help with the plutonium pack! <Number8> please /query me i really need help with the plutonium pack! <Number8> please /query me i really need help with the plutonium pack! <Number8> please /query me i really need help with the plutonium pack! <Confucius> I like him <Number8> please /query me i really need help with the plutonium pack! <LPR> can somebody plz BAN him! <Number8> please /query me i really need help with the plutonium pack! <Number8> please /query me i really need help with the plutonium pack! <|FLy64|> There a Front Page Football '97 Fix released as of yet? <Confucius> he addss some life to this channel <Number8> please /query me i really need help with the plutonium pack! <scribe> he is elite no? <VodKaGuy> dickhead <Number8> please /query me i really need help with the plutonium pack! <Number8> please /query me i really need help with the plutonium pack! <Number8> please /query me i really need help with the plutonium pack! <Number8> please /query me i really need help with the plutonium pack! <Number8> please /query me i really need help with the plutonium pack! *** Confucius sets mode: +b *!*number8@*.trendline.co.il <Number8> please /query me i really need help with the plutonium pack! *** Number8 was kicked by _Zeta_ (banned) <sadd> well that was laym <Confucius> EYE WIKE YEW! <VodKaGuy> any ya'll downloaded JF3? <|FLy64|> hehe <|FLy64|> yeah <VodKaGuy> one of the files fucked up *** wing1 has quit IRC (Ping timeout) *** Floaty ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <|FLy64|> There a Front Page Football '97 Fix released as of yet? *** Thrash- has quit IRC (Ping timeout) <|FLy64|> damn <|FLy64|> somoene has to know <VodKaGuy> haz anyone d/led Jet Fighter3? *** Wolfz ([email protected]) has left #prestige <_vidiot> has Nascar Racing 2 come out yet? <VodKaGuy> yep <PseudoNim> nope....still struggling with plutonium pack :) <VodKaGuy> its on lame AOL so its gotta be everywhere else <|FLy64|> What's that Vodka? *** mOgens ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <_Alpha_> [mOgens] - = [ BEARNAISE 1996 ] = - <_Zeta_> [mOgens] - = [ BEARNAISE 1996 ] = - <VodKaGuy> Nascar2 <_vidiot> hmm <VodKaGuy> i got a prob wit Jet Fighter3 *** RanTNGoaT is now known as rantnrave <[Cotter]> why hasn't larry 7 been ripped/released yet. tho it's a major *** _Alpha_ sets mode: +o mOgens *** JaMiLi ([email protected]) has joined #PRESTIGE *** manhuntah ([email protected]) has joined #PRESTIGE <|FLy64|> I just want this friggin Front Page Football '97 fix <VodKaGuy> anyone? <scrpsubz> is the Game RISK any good ? <VodKaGuy> doubt it *** Ranger- has quit IRC (I WILL PREVAIL! someday.) <_MASTER_> RISK THE GLOBAL DOMINATION <_vidiot> Risk? I remember that game *** ThePep has quit IRC (Jump or die!) <PseudoNim> scrp: come on, it's by hasbro :) <_vidiot> fun board game <manhuntah> "fun" <PseudoNim> vidiot: sure, and global wars was a ripoff off of it * scribe gone: patching duke3d (▼page▼:☻on☻) - bor☻G☻ *** J_Radics ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** CrzyHorse ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <scrpsubz> hehe <PseudoNim> prestige people: where'd u find it? in the "To Dump" section? :) *** Floaty ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** pARAzEAl ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <_Zeta_> . *** _diE_ ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** zorlac ([email protected]) has joined #Prestige <_Alpha_> [zorlac] Legends Never Die..... <_vidiot> I sold my N64 this morning.. woo. <scrpsubz> what about Front Page Football 97 (is it soccer or american football) ? <_Zeta_> [zorlac] Legends Never Die..... *** ThePep ([email protected]) has joined #prestige * manhuntah is gone (☻01:01PM☻): went out <scribe> hmm *** manhuntah ([email protected]) has left #PRESTIGE <VodKaGuy> dammio <_vidiot> sold it and all my games/accessories for $10 more than I paid for it :) <VodKaGuy> dammit <scribe> plutonium pack dont patch the EXE <|FLy64|> American Football <VodKaGuy> none of ya'll got Jet Fighter 3? <scribe> i think thats the problem <CATTINO> . <|FLy64|> hehe <|FLy64|> I know there is a CD-Check after the 1st quarter <|FLy64|> and I heard there was going to be a fix released for it *** Scavengr has quit IRC () <scribe> someone help me please <scribe> sheesh i remember when warez worked <scrpsubz> is there any new game worth downloading ? *** kali ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <_Alpha_> [kali] Beta 1911 Rulez Yew All <_Zeta_> [kali] Beta 1911 Rulez Yew All *** _Alpha_ sets mode: +o kali <scribe> heh.. the plutonum pack patch.exe only patches the .grp *** ^CarNaGe has quit IRC (Leaving) <scribe> is there something im doing wrong? <[DMA]> Anyone played Creatures ? * |Conrail| is quick away: bathroom *** J_Radics has quit IRC (Ping timeout) *** tery ([email protected]) has joined #prestige * Bigman is gone: .☻o☻(☻ insane to the membrain ☻)☻o☻. left at 1:11pm * Shatter is gone: .x( sleeping )x. pager [off] <[DMA]> Anyone played Creatures ? *** Ed_Powers is now known as in7ruder *** Karrade ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** Samuraion ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** _Zeta_ sets mode: +v Samuraion *** _Mangler ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** Karrade ([email protected]) has left #prestige <_Alpha_> [Samuraion] .x.Rapier.Sodom.Razor.x. <_Zeta_> [Samuraion] .x.Rapier.Sodom.Razor.x. *** Cowboy_X ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** VodKaGuy has quit IRC (Ping timeout) <Cowboy_X> did you guys release virtua squad? *** piston ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <Samuraion> <!> piston <!> *** piston ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** Juicer ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** _Jaguar_ ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** Samuraion ([email protected]) has left #prestige <Cowboy_X> can i get disks 1,4 and 9 of virtua squad from someone? *** pARAzEAl ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** tery ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** SenTenZeD ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** SenTenZeD ([email protected]) has left #prestige <[DMA]> Anyone played Creatures ? *** Cowboy_X ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** Crix_ ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** _ph0rse_ has quit IRC (mind over matter...) *** NeoNFroG ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** drft_beer ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** drft_beer ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** Iron_Far ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** Crix_ ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** NeoNFroG is now known as NeoNToaD *** FarT ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** FarT ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** in7ruder has quit IRC (Read error: 0 (Error 0)) *** [-BiG_W-] ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <[-BiG_W-]> Does Risk have a network option perchance? *** |FLy64| has quit IRC (I is what I is) *** [Cotter] has quit IRC (No reason, no doubt) <_Jaguar_> what is risk about? <[-BiG_W-]> its a conversion of a board game *** Hercules- ([email protected]) has left #prestige <CATTINO> . *** Tailgate ([email protected]) has joined #Prestige *** {Master1} ([email protected]) has joined #Prestige *** opT|k ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <_Zeta_> . *** racerX ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** ASMADi ([email protected]) has joined #PRESTIGE *** racerX ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** {Master1} has quit IRC (Connection reset by peer) *** Chazer has quit IRC (l8tes ...) *** LifeForm ([email protected]) has joined #PRESTiGE *** Fatal ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** LifeForm ([email protected]) has left #PRESTiGE *** FarT ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** TOutlaws ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** FarT ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** Tailgate has quit IRC (Ping timeout) * [-BiG_W-] is away <-▼V▼->☻ 5 Minute Autosetaway ☻<-▼V▼-> MSG's will be recorded. *** Pilgrim ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** JaMiLi^ ([email protected]) has joined #PRESTIGE *** French ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** Confucius changes topic to "Arch MSG me when your ass gets on-line gotta talk to you" *** twk_atx ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** Juicer has quit IRC (Leaving) *** Confucius changes topic to "Arch /MSG confucius when your ass gets on-line gotta talk to you" <Confucius> there 8) *** scribe has quit IRC (Read error: 232 (Connection reset by peer)) * Bigman is gone: .☻o☻(☻ insane to the membrain ☻)☻o☻. left at 1:13pm <[DMA]> Anyone played Creatures ? *** Pilgrim ([email protected]) has left #prestige * Shatter is gone: .x( sleeping )x. pager [off] *** kRaKhEd ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** |Conrail| has quit IRC ([Mafia] We g0nna r0ck j00 channel [Mafia]) *** MoOK ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <CATTINO> . *** MaDBoY ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <kRaKhEd> uhm *** dr_dizzy ([email protected]) has joined #prestige * kRaKhEd is gone - ☻warez... bb in a few -- email [email protected] *** dr_dizzy ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** skipy ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** MoOK has quit IRC (Leaving) *** skipy ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** Son-Doobi ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** Swamper ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** _Zeta_ sets mode: +v Swamper <_Alpha_> [Swamper] /- Quakeinator Supreme | Old Warez Mastah -\ <_Zeta_> [Swamper] /- Quakeinator Supreme | Old Warez Mastah -\ *** MasonGONE ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** _freddy ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** twk_atx has quit IRC (Leaving) * kRaKhEd is gone - ☻warez... bb in a few -- pager ON (/ctcp krakhed page <message> -- email [email protected] *** _freddy ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** CluTzy has quit IRC (Leaving) *** Confucius changes topic to "BAH" *** _Zeta_ sets mode: +o Son-Doobi * Bigman is gone: .☻o☻(☻ working ☻)☻o☻. left at 1:28pm *** MysticWar ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** kRaKhEd has quit IRC (mind over matter...) *** MysticWar ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** _Zeta_ sets mode: -b *!*tORnfLESh@*.r2.garmhl.infoave.net *** MaDBoY has quit IRC (Read error: 32 (Broken pipe)) *** Toasters ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** DraPPer ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** JaMiLi has quit IRC (Connection timed out) *** PseudoNim has quit IRC () *** cqsys has quit IRC (Ping timeout) *** zimpzon ([email protected]) has joined #Prestige <zimpzon> !app *** zimpzon was kicked by BiZzy- (goto #bearcave for App's and DCC offers) *** mrpain ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <NeoNToaD> hahha * [DMA] NEEDS CREATURES EGG DISK !!! *** Fatal ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** Wolfz ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** FarT ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <_Zeta_> . *** _TuRiCaN_ ([email protected]) has joined #Prestige *** French ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** Toasters ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** jlennon- ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <CATTINO> . *** lucifer ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** FarT ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** kRaKhEd ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** tery ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** mrpain ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** TheFoxy1 ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** Amalia ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** tery ([email protected]) has left #prestige <Amalia> Looking for crack to plutonium pack *** BootKnock ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <_Zeta_> [BootKnock] PRESTiGiOUSLY DRUNK and EVERLASTiNG! <_Alpha_> [BootKnock] PRESTiGiOUSLY DRUNK and EVERLASTiNG! *** _Zeta_ sets mode: +o BootKnock *** zorlac has quit IRC (irc.cdc.net irc.nol.net) *** kali has quit IRC (irc.cdc.net irc.nol.net) *** scrpsubz has quit IRC (irc.cdc.net irc.nol.net) *** _vidiot has quit IRC (irc.cdc.net irc.nol.net) * darkside is back - ☻oi *** DEATURE ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <kRaKhEd> bb in a few *** kRaKhEd has quit IRC (mind over matter...) *** [ALF] ([email protected]) has joined #prestige * Shatter is gone: .x( sleeping )x. pager [off] *** [-BiG_W-] ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** pARAzEAl ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** [ALF] has quit IRC (Leaving) *** Tai_Pan has quit IRC (Ping timeout) <Amalia> ? <Amalia> is ther enot a crack for it? *** _MASTER_ has quit IRC (Leaving) <Confucius> bbl *** Scavengr ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** _MASTER_ ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** Scavengr ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** Daner ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <Daner> how many disk is risk? *** LPR has quit IRC (Leaving) *** Daner ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** Pulvidon ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <Pulvidon> hahahahahah is that photo in rcn real? <Son-Doobi> um <Son-Doobi> fuck off <Pulvidon> heheh *** Jizz- ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <_Alpha_> [Jizz-] [ EVERLAST - PRESTIGE - ] *** piston ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** ChubDruid ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <_Zeta_> [Jizz-] [ EVERLAST - PRESTIGE - ] *** _Zeta_ sets mode: +o Jizz- * Bigman is gone: .☻o☻(☻ working ☻)☻o☻. left at 1:34pm *** kRaKhEd ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** piston ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** [DMA] has quit IRC (Ping timeout) *** \Void\ ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <CATTINO> . <\Void\> Does anyone where I can get DN3D Plutonium pack? *** Wolfz ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** Platform ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** MegabrAIN has quit IRC (Ping timeout) *** kRaKhEd has quit IRC (mind over matter...) *** _Enigma ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** ZaZCaRDy ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** _Enigma ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** Emitance ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** Lornicus ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <_Zeta_> . <Emitance> Was there a crack released for starcon3? <Emitance> cause it does not work *** kRaKhEd ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** raf ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** _vidiot ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** _Don_Juan sets mode: +v _vidiot *** pARAzEAl ([email protected]) has left #prestige <\Void\> Emitance: my friend got STARCON3 to work just fine.. <Emitance> how? * kRaKhEd is gone - ☻not here.. pager on (/ctcp krakhed page <message> ) -- email [email protected] *** raf ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** ThePep has quit IRC (Leaving) <Emitance> I unrar'd it and it cant find the VOC files <Lornicus> starcontrol 3 worked well <\Void\> Emitance: I don't think he used no crack. not that I am aware of at least.. <Emitance> My version did not have the nfo so i dont know if there is anything i have to do * darkside is gone - ☻meep meep <\Void\> Does anyone where I can get DN3D Plutonium pack? <Emitance> Lorn: you know what to do after it is uncompressed? *** infinite_ ([email protected]) has joined #Prestige *** infinite_ ([email protected]) has left #Prestige *** spamer ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <spamer> Who is in charge *** JaMiLi^ is now known as JaMiLi <Lornicus> hold one sec..Ill get you the nfo <Emitance> thanx *** ThePep ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <spamer> Im a member of a couring and suppling group <spamer> on dal net <spamer> and was wonderin *** TOutlaws has quit IRC (Connection reset by peer) <spamer> if u guys <spamer> need any more help <Pulvidon> haha dal suxs <Emitance> hehahahohahehaho dalnet haheha <spamer> I know <Pulvidon> then? *** Platform has quit IRC (Ping timeout) <spamer> Then what? * immortal_ is away: All messages will be logged... <Pulvidon> move or some thin <Lornicus> emitance: nfo says 'make sure to turn digital audio OFFf or you will get a .voc error' *** immortal_ has quit IRC (EOF From client) *** Jestz ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <Pulvidon> waht group you in? <spamer> Where new <spamer> DarkRiderz <Pulvidon> aol curry <\Void\> Does anyone know where I can get DN3D Plutonium pack? <Emitance> good thing you were here or thats a nights worth of leeching down the toilet :) <Lornicus> other than that, it looks like this one was actually cracked <Emitance> haha *** Purgatori ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** Son-Doobi ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** \Void\ ([email protected]) has left #prestige <spamer> So u guys need us <Pulvidon> why would they? <Emitance> HEy i want psg to merge with me <Lornicus> its a pretty good game, too complicated for an idiot like myself though <spamer> Or know of any other groups who do * Shatter is gone: .x( sleeping )x. pager [off] *** nos ([email protected]) has joined #PRESTIGE <Emitance> because uhhhhh DUUU im cool on dalnet <Pulvidon> yah lames on aol <Pulvidon> loa *** kRaKhEd has quit IRC (mind over matter...) <Pulvidon> i here day l33t * nos micro ascii pack out now! <Emitance> Ya join #warezpups on aol * darkside is back - ☻. <CATTINO> . <spamer> Is there a group called paridgym <spamer> Or something *** lghman has quit IRC (Dead socket) *** [DoOm] ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** FarT ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <Pulvidon> paradimg <Pulvidon> err <Lornicus> paradigm <FarT> Where culd i get a copy of disk 12 and 17 of Duke Nukem Plutoinum Pack? <spamer> We are just lookin <Pulvidon> i think so *** kRaKhEd ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <spamer> for a big group wo needs us <Pulvidon> dude no big group will want you <Emitance> your group could have anything they wanted why crappyass psg =) <Pulvidon> yer just lame <Emitance> spamer your a homo go eat your dads ass out <Pulvidon> icky icky <Emitance> Merge with me cause uhh i suck and have nothing to offer but a bunch of my lame homo aol friends will leech off your sites *** Faceless ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** spamer ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** cybphreak ([email protected]) has joined #Prestige *** Jizz- sets mode: +o cybphreak <Confucius> cyb sup * kRaKhEd is gone - ☻not here.. pager ON .. email [email protected] *** Acerbis ([email protected]) has joined #Prestige *** cybphreak sets mode: +o Wolverine *** Outbreak- ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** guru ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** Acerbis ([email protected]) has left #Prestige *** paranoid^ ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** Emitance has quit IRC (Leaving) *** |-|eron ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** |-|eron ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** guru has quit IRC (Hang looooose !) *** ASMADi ([email protected]) has left #PRESTIGE * Bigman is gone: .☻o☻(☻ working ☻)☻o☻. left at 1:34pm *** Platform ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** cybphreak is now known as TCLaW- *** nos has quit IRC (Leaving) *** BGI ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** mHz ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** mHz ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** Jestz has quit IRC (Dead socket) *** Db`buzy_ is now known as Db` *** BootKnock has quit IRC (.x<acid!irc>x. .x<acid!irc>x. .x<acid!irc>x. .x<acid!irc>x. callcall .x<acid!irc) *** _JOKER_ ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** FarT has quit IRC (dork) <_Zeta_> . *** _Werner has quit IRC (Leaving) *** TCLaW- is now known as cybphreak *** djax ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <CATTINO> . *** Pharcyde ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** ADMIRAL3 ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** Pharcyde ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** savager ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <ADMIRAL3> Hi guys what is a good prestige server??? Also do you allow LEACH? *** savager ([email protected]) has left #prestige <ADMIRAL3> I need AfterDark 4.0! *** darkside sets mode: +b *!*[email protected] *** ADMIRAL3 was kicked by darkside (Multi-channel bankick for ☻admiral3☻ - "If you run, you'll just die tired..." --) *** Coiner ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <Coiner> anyone wanna swap 0 day sitez ?? *** BGI has quit IRC (Leaving) <sadd> prestige server.. hehe.. *** Platform has quit IRC (Ping timeout) *** djax has quit IRC (Leaving) *** ^icetrain ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** FChopin ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** paranoid^ has quit IRC (Ping timeout) *** USTASA ([email protected]) has joined #prestige * Shatter is gone: .x( sleeping )x. pager [off] <USTASA> hey!!!! <USTASA> hey!!!! <USTASA> hey!!!! *** Grudge-E has quit IRC (Leaving) *** Arch-Magi ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <_Zeta_> [Arch-Magi] Hail Magi! All Bow DOWN! <USTASA> hey!!!! <_Alpha_> [Arch-Magi] Hail Magi! All Bow DOWN! *** _Zeta_ sets mode: +o Arch-Magi *** USTASA ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** FChopin is now known as Chopin *** Arch-Magi changes topic to "PRESTiGE: Religion of the Flesh................... ......" *** oCto ([email protected]) has joined #PRESTiGE *** Son-Doobi ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** _deadly_ ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** inflector ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** NeoNToaD is now known as Neonsoft *** inflector ([email protected]) has left #prestige <Chopin> Anyone have the latest TFW? <Faceless> is there a fix for AMOK released by Razor ?!? coz after mission 2 - phase 1 it drops to dos ! * [DoOm] is AWAY <DiNNER> *** [DoOm] has quit IRC ([=D/╫\=] \/ΦRº╬0▒ 0.5 [⌐-->ΦL╬TΦ Φ╨╬T╬0▒<--⌐] by [DoOm]) <Son-Doobi> faceless: whats this channel called * Bigman has returned: .☻o☻(☻ leaving ☻)☻o☻. time is 14:20:23 *** Bigman has quit IRC (.x(!)x. The Screwy Gecko! Fastest BBS in Canada! .x(!)x.) <CATTINO> . *** LockeR ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** LockeR is now known as Locker *** rodanl ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** rodanl ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** Phriend (lame,@ has joined #prestige <Confucius> Blizzards new game spacecraft looks kewl 8) *** p6 ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <Phriend> I need 5 disk to tomb raider addon(animation) anyone have it!?!? *** Karrade ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** Karrade ([email protected]) has left #prestige <_Zeta_> . *** MentaL ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** TZ ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** NeoNToaD ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** Neonsoft has quit IRC (Ping timeout) * darkside is gone - ☻meep meep *** NeoNToaD is now known as Neonsoft *** Neonsoft ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** ^icetrain has quit IRC (NO! Not that button... Stupid cat!) *** mESSIAH ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** MentaL ([email protected]) has left #prestige <_MASTER_> was star craft released? *** Faceless ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** mESSIAH ([email protected]) has left #prestige <TZ> If anyone needs the plutonium pack prestige fix i have msg me *** lucifer has quit IRC (im gone back l8tr maybe) *** BL|ZZaRD ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** _deadly_ ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** _ph0rse_ ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** Samuraion ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <_Alpha_> [Samuraion] .x.Rapier.Sodom.Razor.x. <_ph0rse_> hello folks *** LifeForm ([email protected]) has joined #PRESTiGE *** _Zeta_ sets mode: +v Samuraion <_Zeta_> [Samuraion] .x.Rapier.Sodom.Razor.x. *** LifeForm ([email protected]) has left #PRESTiGE <darkside> hi tony <darkside> :) *** Faceless ([email protected]) has joined #prestige Session Close: Sun Dec 01 03:20:35 1996 Session Start: Fri Sep 13 03:31:06 1996 *** Now talking in #prestige *** wiggs ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** Outbreak- ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** _Crazy_ ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <_Alpha_> [_Crazy_] The Official Prestige Mascot - The Paki Froggie <_Alpha_> . *** _Alpha_ sets mode: +o _Crazy_ *** [vmp] ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <CATTINO> . *** SpoweR ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** Bezzzerk has quit IRC (Leaving) <_Zeta_> [_Crazy_] The Official Prestige Mascot - The Paki Froggie *** bababoey ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <BiZzy> nevahmind is a little lamer <BiZzy> runs <BiZzy> just like another lamer i know *** Instig8r ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** cityhnter ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** Instig8r ([email protected]) has left #prestige * Ranger- is gone: .x( school )x. pager [off] *** Fenriswf has quit IRC (Connection reset by peer) <_Zeta_> . *** holyBeast ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** Fenriswf ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** holyBeast ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** [vmp] has quit IRC (leaving) *** |zOrk| ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** JaMiLi has quit IRC (http://www.clearlight.com/~agent/imm0rtal.html) *** |zOrk| ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** JaMiLi ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** X_Ant ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** savager ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <_Zeta_> [savager] PRESTiGE & DOD <Db`> ñ╕╕.╖''╖.╕╕╗savager½╕╕.╖''╖.╕╕ ñ <_Alpha_> [savager] PRESTiGE & DOD *** savager ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** X_Ant ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** yue ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** yue ([email protected]) has left #prestige * BlueAdepT has returned. <CATTINO> . *** [sA] ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** Rocketeer ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** [FBi] ([email protected]) has joined #PRESTIGE <SpoweR> .. Session Close: Fri Sep 13 03:46:23 1996 Session Start: Fri Dec 20 23:06:13 1996 *** Now talking in #prestige *** Falcon_ ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <TAO-> <!> Shiffie <!> *** JoneZin ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <JoneZin> yo <JoneZin> sup everyone` *** Falcon_ ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** Kublai ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** Shadow_M ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <JoneZin> Does anyone have SkyNet? *** JoneZin was kicked by [prozac] (Anyone have it? Nope) *** JoneZin ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** _TurMel_ ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** scrooge ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <JoneZin> Does anyone the patch for SkyNet? <scrooge> hey L( <scrooge> :) <_Zeta_> . <gUht> wassup scooge. just around for the xmas holidays *** pancho has quit IRC (Excess Flood) <scrooge> you? *** SuperLarG is now known as LarGo <scrooge> or me? <scrooge> :) <JoneZin> ª} <ByronZED> I smoke, I get high, and fly! <gUht> scrooge : you.. scrooge. seems fitting for xmas. =P *** [Healing] ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** pancho ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <_Alpha_> . <slamjudge> <☻>pancho<☻> <scrooge> yeah :) it's the perfect handle for this time of year :) <gUht> scrooge : whatcha been up to man? <scrooge> working.. *** Darkwave ([email protected]) has left #prestige <scrooge> I'm taking time off till sometime in january. <gUht> scrooge : pretty much retired from the scene? <scrooge> I just released sumthing 2 days ago :) <Archv-> what was it ? <scrooge> nah... I just like to take vacation from the scene every now and then. *** _Faceless changes topic to "" <gUht> scrooge : heheh. what & for who? <_TurMel_> . <scrooge> That Hypermatter beta.. *** brut9162 has quit IRC (Ping timeout) *** rodanl ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** sirpy has quit IRC (We Gotta Take The Power BACK!) *** rodanl ([email protected]) has left #prestige <scrooge> lnd.. <gUht> cool * [DoOm] is AWAY <Defcon420> scrooge owns you *** [DoOm] has quit IRC ([=D/╫\=] \/ΦRº╬0▒ 0.5 [⌐-->ΦL╬TΦ Φ╨╬T╬0▒<--⌐] by [DoOm]) <scrooge> hey defcon :) <Kublai> anyone else have trouble with the speech addon to NBA97? <Defcon420> wussup bro <Kublai> it gets raspy and then crashes *** nevermnd ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** [brain] sets mode: +o nevermnd <[brain]> [ nevermnd ] <_Alpha_> [nevermnd] PRESTiGE *** Outbreak ([email protected]) has joined #Prestige <_Zeta_> [nevermnd] PRESTiGE *** Outbreak ([email protected]) has left #Prestige *** kali_ ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <_Alpha_> [kali_] Blah <_Zeta_> [kali_] Blah *** _Alpha_ sets mode: +o kali_ *** kOUGER ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** LarGo ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** Khaos ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** kOUGER ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** [brEEd] ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <pancho> how do I list hidden files in unix? *** Khaos ([email protected]) has left #prestige * RemmY is gone: .x( working )x. pager [off] <Defcon420> pancho <Defcon420> ls -laF *** _kot_ ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** [logan] ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <nevermnd> ls -laugh *** SuShI-DcC ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** SuShI-DcC ([email protected]) has joined #prestige * ByronZED is away �� I'm out for now.. BBL / AFK... Green GiT [WEED] to da people! - Leave a MSG �� <pancho> jooj <ByronZED> I smoke, I get high, and fly! <pancho> hehe <pancho> thnx <Defcon420> never: no im sorry, your ☻wrong *** Orbiter ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** Orbiter has quit IRC (* TeAm AMNeSiA 1996 *) *** _Zeta_ sets mode: +o _kot_ *** Pixl_Drmr ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** [brEEd] has quit IRC (Ping timeout) *** Locker ([email protected]) has joined #prestige * _TurMel_ is gone: .☻x☼▼(☻ avin a beer! ☼▼)▼☻x☻. ☻:☻ ☻(☻rec▼&▼pager☻:☻on☻)☻ ☻:☻ ☻/☻ctcp ▼_TurMel_▼ ☻page☻ *** Orbiter ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** Pixl_Drmr ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** SuShI-DcC ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** _Faceless has quit IRC (I┤ll do it for money !) *** [DoOm] ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** Tai_Pan ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** MaDBoY ([email protected]) has joined #prestige * _TurMel_ is back: .☻x☼▼(☻ Brb,,So wot~z NEW? ☼▼)▼☻x☻. *** MaDBoY ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** Smaug ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <Smaug> !nfo *** gUmBaLL ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** slamjudge is now known as slamjudg *** gUmBaLL ([email protected]) has left #prestige <_Zeta_> . *** Dogf ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <_Alpha_> [Dogf] Hybrid's honorary Narrefisse <_Zeta_> [Dogf] Hybrid's honorary Narrefisse *** SvS ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <_Alpha_> . *** Tai_Pan has quit IRC ([ The Word of the Day is "Legs." So Lets Say We Goto My Place and Spread the Wo) *** muna has quit IRC (Ping timeout) *** [Gary] ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** [Gary] ([email protected]) has left #prestige <ByronZED> I smoke, I get high, and fly! <_TurMel_> . *** Rejector has quit IRC (Leaving) *** Ranger- has quit IRC (Dead socket) *** _XerXeS_ has quit IRC (Leaving) <sprnknwon> bye all! *** sprnknwon ([email protected]) has left #prestige <Kublai> if anyone has gotten the speech addon to NBA97 to work..msg me please * darkside is back - ☻bah <pancho> anyone sitting on the ip to ghetto or zions? <Archv-> yeah *** _Master_ ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <Archv-> i'm too lazy to get up and look at the piece of paper it's written on <pancho> cool <pancho> ;( *** darkside has quit IRC (Time wasted: ☻9 hours 5 minutes 47 seconds☻) *** PhonyEye^ ([email protected]) has joined #prestige * RemmY is gone: .x( working )x. pager [off] *** Kublai has quit IRC (╨δvαstαtε≥▒ v3.0 "96-97" ▀▓ Hα▒dεMα▒) *** Locker has quit IRC (Ping timeout) *** losty ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <BiZzy> any new good mp3's lately ? *** {Master1} ([email protected]) has joined #Prestige *** nevermnd sets mode: +v {Master1} <nevermnd> mastah ;) <losty> !up <losty> -up <{Master1}> Thank ya <{Master1}> hehe :) *** _Zeta_ sets mode: +o losty <nevermnd> umm see.. 500meg wont drop me off the #1 spot <kali_> hmm <kali_> fuck <{Master1}> hehe things change :) <kali_> it's nevermind <kali_> dammit *** losty sets mode: +v holyBeast * ByronZED is away �� I'm out for now.. BBL / AFK... Green GiT [WEED] to da people! - Leave a MSG �� <kali_> take a break fool *** darkside ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <ByronZED> I smoke, I get high, and fly! <kali_> hehe <nevermnd> kali: next week i damn right will.. <kali_> go trade to a little site or sumething <nevermnd> i trade to zillion little sites ;) <kali_> bah <kali_> leave E *** _Alpha_ sets mode: +o darkside <nevermnd> hahahah <kali_> im coming back next week *** TAO- has quit IRC (Leaving) <{Master1}> My shell was getting 3.2 k to e :( <nevermnd> naw <kali_> ph33r me <nevermnd> e is cool <nevermnd> oh i pheer you <kali_> i get 90 k to E <kali_> ack cough risc *** [MaNioC] ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <{Master1}> hehe I could upload faster with my isdn *** [MaNioC] ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** exar- ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <nevermnd> yes if it would be direct <exar-> could someone send me the trainer for tomb raider? <nevermnd> if through the same provider... prolly not ;) *** PhonyEye^ ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** Smaug has quit IRC (Ping timeout) <kali_> haha <kali_> try dling PPP from E <kali_> that shit is slow <{Master1}> with erols I get 500k+ to all U.S sites <{Master1}> All euro sites I get like 50-150 <{Master1}> E I kick it at 28.8 speed :) <kali_> i get 90 k to all the time <kali_> no mastte rwhen <kali_> even at nite when nobody is on <nevermnd> enigma is real slow sometime of the day <kali_> it's still 90k <{Master1}> kali where is yer shell at? <darkside> enigma is getting their US links upgraded, can't you people read? <nevermnd> as is the whole utwente domain *** SweetLeaf ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** Moc ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <SweetLeaf> can anyone help me <SweetLeaf> ?? <kali_> my shell was at Georgia Tech, where dymentia runs off, *** vanish ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <{Master1}> dks yeah I can read... <kali_> i had a friend who runs a box there <kali_> but the box went down *** exar- ([email protected]) has left #prestige <nevermnd> i can read too alex <kali_> so i havent' been trading <{Master1}> ahh <_Zeta_> . * Moc greetz Prestige... <darkside> gatech is pretty unstable... *** _rasta ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <kali_> not the shells <kali_> they are fast to E <nevermnd> i learned how to read already on 1st grade! <kali_> fast everywhere <kali_> almost <nevermnd> dymentia goes pretty fucking slow during PSG releases ;) <kali_> except SR, for some reason which it goes slow *** WiLD_ ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <{Master1}> I get the best rates to sr <WiLD_> anyone got any nba hangtime codes? <{Master1}> thats where I get 150k <SweetLeaf> does anybody have leecher proof fserv program????? <{Master1}> :) <SweetLeaf> does anybody have leecher proof fserv program????? <SweetLeaf> does anybody have leecher proof fserv program????? <LoNe_Wlf> hey...just wondering...the Diablo rel? what about it?? fake?= *** LoNe_Wlf was kicked by [prozac] (You'll get your damn Diablo when its OUT! ) <kali_> nah <kali_> not me <{Master1}> why are u asking that here? <nevermnd> swm has nice connections too <kali_> i lag on it *** darkside sets mode: +b *!SweetLeaf@*.ionline.net <Moc> is Diablo out yet!? *** SweetLeaf was kicked by darkside (fuck off) *** Moc was kicked by [prozac] (You'll get your damn Diablo when its OUT! ) <kali_> yep <_Alpha_> . <kali_> i love SWMP *** ThePep has quit IRC (BitchX - Main screen killed) <{Master1}> I get good speeds there too *** LoNe_Wlf ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <LoNe_Wlf> okok *** PITBULL ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <d_rebel> <^> VIP ----> PITBULL <---- VIP <^> *** Pseudo ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** PITBULL ([email protected]) has left #prestige <Pseudo> !seen kot <_Alpha_> Pseudo: _kot_ is kot, and _kot_ is on #prestige right now. <DReWiD> I havent seen •kot•, maybe •ennay• has? <_Zeta_> Pseudo: _kot_ is kot, and _kot_ is on #prestige right now! *** Pseudo ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** Neurack ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** Neurack ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** Butterbal ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** [rocket] has quit IRC (mind over matter...) *** vanish ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** _rasta is now known as _rasta_ *** Butterbal ([email protected]) has left #prestige <WiLD_> anyone got any nba hangtime codes? *** {Master1} is now known as MastAway *** kpyCnhoJ ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** roller- ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** roller- ([email protected]) has left #prestige <ByronZED> I smoke, I get high, and fly! *** WiLD_ ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** Shadow_M ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** Moc ([email protected]) has joined #Prestige * kali_ (☻bbl☻) [MsgLog(☻On☻)] Email([email protected]) *** SmashErX ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <Moc> yo...again...:) *** kpyCnhoJ ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** ennay has quit IRC (Leaving) * nevermnd has returned. *** ZiPPoGuY ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <Moc> where is Prestige's homepage? * RemmY is gone: .x( working )x. pager [off] <ZiPPoGuY> My friend told me you were all assholes *** NCR ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** ZiPPoGuY ([email protected]) has left #prestige <SOLiD_S> www.jet.laker.net/prestige/ ( <MOC> ) *** NCR ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** MilkMan ([email protected]) has left #prestige <Moc> thx..SOLiD_S *** JestAway is now known as JestahR * JestahR is back (0h\50m) : HARALDE gucken *** dmaster ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** _Alpha_ sets mode: +o dmaster *** ^SPiDER^ ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** SeCtOr1 has quit IRC (***7tH ºp|-|Ω½Θ v2.666***) * ByronZED is away �� I'm out for now.. BBL / AFK... Green GiT [WEED] to da people! - Leave a MSG �� <ByronZED> I smoke, I get high, and fly! *** shadfax ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <_Zeta_> . <_Alpha_> . <Moc> very slow website..hm *** ^SPiDER^ ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** PoS ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** Moc was kicked by nevermnd (complainomania) *** SmashErX ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** Coolio- ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** Speedo has quit IRC (Ping timeout) *** Locker ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <Coolio-> did you guys release a ra cheat? *** dmaster is now known as dm *** Coolio- ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** BeARDONG ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** MastAway is now known as {Master1} *** nevermnd sets mode: +o BeARDONG <Dogf> there is released a RA cheat yeah *** _Alpha_ sets mode: -o BeARDONG *** T-z has quit IRC (Leaving) *** dm ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** Moc ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** gUht has quit IRC (Latah Days. Peace Out.) *** BatchMan ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** Bigman- ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** _Alpha_ sets mode: +v Bigman- <_Alpha_> [Bigman-] -|x|- AMNESiA/NEMESiS/AFFiNiTY/TSG! -|x|- *** Maverick- sets mode: +v Bigman- <_Zeta_> [Bigman-] -|x|- AMNESiA/NEMESiS/AFFiNiTY/TSG! -|x|- <[DoOm]> whatis prestiges homepagE? www.budgetpaki.com / <[DoOm]> ? <ByronZED> I smoke, I get high, and fly! <BiZzy> anyone got a lagged server ? * ByronZED is �� BACK - Time to rock your arses �� *** _dynamite ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <SOLiD_S> www.jey.laker.net/prestige/ (doom) *** Zion ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <_Zeta_> [Zion] The Original Prestige Mongol! <_Alpha_> [Zion] The Original Prestige Mongol! * RemmY is gone: .x( working )x. pager [off] *** [fUSION] ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** [fUSION] ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** PhK ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** ThePep ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** FreeHand ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <Moc> hi ..im back!..:9 <Moc> ) * Defcon420 needs MFC42U.DLL *** [_LiFe_] ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** [_LiFe_] ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** Bigman- is now known as CornHolio <Moc> is this a joinable Group? *** ImPLoDe ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** Zion ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** T-z ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** FreeHand ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** ImPLoDe has quit IRC (Leaving) *** Thrash ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <_Zeta_> . *** PhK ([email protected]) has left #prestige * RemmY is back: .x( my work is done YAY!! )x. <_Alpha_> . *** d_rebel has quit IRC (i am sick, leave me alone :) bwhahaa) * pancho is gone ☻ brb ☻ *** _BrAb_ is now known as _BrAb_q03 *** muna ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <muna> ls *** scrooge has quit IRC (Connection reset by peer) *** drft_beer ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** _Zeta_ sets mode: +o muna <nevermnd> hey dick <drft_beer> anyone know if there is a crack for the 3dfx patch of tomb raider ? *** MadTurnip ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** `DARKNESS ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <Moc> HP doesnt work. *** TheRipper ([email protected]) has joined #prestige <drft_beer> anyone know if there is a crack for the 3dfx patch of tomb raider ? <TheRipper> do you guys run a 26 gig site? someone is trading it who doesn't appear to be in your group *** [Drone]` ([email protected]) has joined #PRestige *** Rexii ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** Ufonaut ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** JoneZin has quit IRC (Ping timeout) *** [Drone]` ([email protected]) has left #PRestige *** Rexii ([email protected]) has left #prestige <`DARKNESS> Hello <PoS> hey *** TheRipper ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** DAVnGOL has quit IRC (Ping timeout) *** drft_beer ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** [prozac] has quit IRC (Read error: 0 (Error 0)) *** PoS ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** PaleDeth has quit IRC (Leaving) *** Ghosty ([email protected]) has joined #prestige * [brain] is gone: .x( gone for a piss be back in a sec )x. pager [on] /ctcp [brain] page <Ghosty> I know it's old but does anyone remember how to make Daytona USA Full-Screen? I have black borders on the top and bottom of the screen! <Moc> l8rs *** DrInsanit ([email protected]) has joined #prestige *** _link_ ([email protected]) has joined #prestige * pancho is gone ☻ checking "bibeln" ☻ *** Ghosty ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** Moc ([email protected]) has left #prestige *** CornHolio is now known as Bigman <Ufonaut> anyone out there who can tell me how i can reach wolverine? *** Bigman has quit IRC (Killed (ircd.concentric.net (irc.cdc.net <- ircd2.netcom.com[]))) *** _BrAb_q03 is now known as _BrAb_ *** _BrAb_ has quit IRC (Killed (ircd.netcom.com (ircd2.netcom.com <- irc-2.netcom.com[]))) <DrInsanit> i'm in the hizzauss ..... <DrInsanit> wassup *** _TurMel_ has quit IRC (☻.☻x▼<☼☻acid▼!▼☼☻irc☼▼>▼x☻.☻ ☻▼getting da board ready for 97!☻▼ ☻.☻x▼<☼☻acid▼!▼☼) * pancho has returned *** Inferot ([email protected]) has joined #prestige * [brain] is back: .x( ahhhh shit nmd :D )x. *** BatchMan has quit IRC (Gotta run - QuakeWorld time!!!!!) *** Thrash has quit IRC (☻[Red Tide]☻ the tide is turning... ☻tw: 0h 11m☻) Session Close: Sat Dec 21 00:20:18 1996
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