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53 of 62 files the game review

1997 April 13

Im informing you that THE GAME REVIEW (TGR) will no longer be published.
  • Text / Magazine
  • Ionizer, writer credits
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Sunday, (4/13/97) With extreme sadness, I'm informing you that THE GAME REVIEW (TGR) will no longer be published. TGR <and we don't mean to brag, but...> was one of the scene's most popular and honestly, I think we were ONE of the most respected, if not the most respected magazines in the scene. We published 52 issues in over 1 and 1/3 years. To my knowledge, I know of no other review magazine that releases on such a basis that is able to claim this. TGR brought you the most honest, unbiased, truthful reviews that you could get. While we can't claim we were 100% accurate, we can claim that we gave it a lot of effort. I'm not going to get all mushy mush and say "oh the scene used to be this and that" because shit changes, and therefore things change, and so it's not going to be the way it used to and nothing ever is. So I'll spare you the boring shit. It was fun, made lots of "scene friends", learned a lot about computers and software, and well it sure as hell gave me something to do at 3am in the morning. But I've found other things to do with my life to the point where I can't do this and have a life. I'm not going to "disappear" from the scene, I'll still be around, but I won't be reviewing games. I'd like to sincerely thank pathos, who busted his ass and took so much shit from me. Some of you may not have liked his style b/c it was slightly different from me, but you have to appreciate his dedication to TGR. Thanks pathos. Thanks to the loyal readers, the new readers, and all those who helped me in obtaining the games. I love you all....no wait, I don't love you, hell I don't even know you, but, yeah, I really appreciated your comments and I enjoyed writing reviews for all of you. If you wish to contact me, I'll continue to be in irc as "Ionizer". I'd just like to also make sure it's understood that nothing will change my mind so please do not write me even if you have some kind of offer. It has nothing to do with my "internet capabilities" or anything of the sort. I would also like to make it clear that NO ONE, FOR ANY REASON, IS TO *EVER* TAKE ON THE RESPONSIBILITY OR IDEA OF `REVIVING' TGR. TGR IS RETIRED, THE NAME IS RETIRED, AND NO ONE IS TO START IT UP AGAIN. I encourage anyone who wishes to, to write another game review using your own style and techniques. Let TGR serve as a model only in it's honesty, reliability (sorta, we did our best), and it's integrity. Goodnight (or goodmorning or afternoon or what- ever the fuck it is when you are reading this), god bless (even though there is no god) and may the forks (and spoons) be with you. -Ionizer [THE GAME REVIEWer]
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