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5 of 35 files independent bust or takedown

1993 December

  • Amiga Text / Bust or takedown
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______ ________ __ _______ _______ / ____/\ / ____ /\ / /\ / ___ /\ / ___ /\ YOU LEECHED THIS WAREZ / /\___\// /\__/ / // / / / /\_/ / // /\_/ / / / /_/_ / / / / / // / / / /_// / // /_// / / SOMEWHERE IN \__ /\ / / / / / // / / / ___ / // __/ / ____/ / // /_/_/ / // /_/_ / /\_/ / // /\ \_\/ /_____/ //_______/ //_____/\/_/ //_/ //_/ /\__/\ \_____\/ \_______\/ \_____\/\_\/ \_\/ \_\/ \_\/ ______ __ __ ______ _______ ______ ____________ / ____/\/ /\ / /\ / ____/\/__ __/\/ ____/\ / ___ ___ /\ / /\___\/ / / / / // /\___\/\_/ / _\/ / ___\// /\_/ /\_/ / / / /_/_ / /_/_/ / // /_/_ / / / / /_/_ / / // / // / / \__ /\ \__ __/ / \__ /\ / / / / ____/\ / / // / // / / ____/ / / / / __/____/ / / / / / / /___ \// / // / // / / /_____/ / /_/ / /_____/ / / / / /_____/\ /_/ //_/ //_/ / \_____\/ \_\/ \_____\/ \_\/ \_____\/ \_\/ \_\/ \_\/ ATTENTION! WARNING! Today as I sit in front of my IBM, I was called by a friend and told of the 3 busts that occurred throughout the United States. Firstly to those who are wondering I until recently ran a 3 node bbs located in Canada. Being a rather large board, supporting users and software from Amiga to PC and of course Console I guess Myself and the staff were not safe enough when we dealt with our users, or were we? Basically something big is going on my friends, Sega and Nintendo are planning on putting the freeze on our little fun. Starting perhaps here in Canada? where the laws differ from the United States. As it stands now you cannot be charged for running a Pirate BBS, however all your BBS related equipment can be taken without warning. I tell you this as I write it on my PC (i have no amiga), because I fear for my friends. There is something very big unlike anything I can explain going on. A local console copier store was busted several days ago.. that was just one step by the Police, Nintendo and Sega to start whatever they are planning. I am really sorry I could not tell anyone, but I was told on the phone to 1) take my BBS down right away or it would be taken down for me & 2) not to mention the threat to anyone. I of course along with some friends decided that this was a joke, being into the competitiveness of the scene I figured this was some ones way of trying to get me scared and trying to stop me and my friends from trying to put out some titles. 1 week later however, the joke became a Reality. After a few hours of close questioning and inspection, they took anything that was related to the BBS.. modems, my amiga, a few eprom boards of games that have not yet been released, all my software on disks, except a copy of SF2 (which I bought) , and a final eprom of NHL. However they did not take my copier backup units, this is where canadian law really helps the 'guilty' Anyhow I was really scared and couldn't tell anyone until now what has happened to me. Of course by grabbing my Amiga, they got my bbs intact, my phonebook with passwords and also information that was compiled by myself and the group I was associated with about other suppliers, including names, voice numbers and sources are now in their hands. All I can say is if you know who I am, and I have logged onto your bbs within the last week or so, more importantly if I have have downloaded or uploaded it might be too late for you. They are targeting it appears anything and anyone related to the console scene. The more boards they take down, the less spreading gets done. But they also have my complete user.data, which also includes full information on many users.. especially Canadians.. addresses, real names and also all available phone numbers. To these Canadian suppliers, sysops, and users I say good luck, I also say if you get a call, which I was lucky enough to get however too stupid enough to heed, then please take action. If you have for some reason received a great deal of new users, please screen them carefully. Some of you can figure out who this is, however my name is not contained in this warning for obvious reasons. I received a warning which I thought was a joke, it wasn't, but I can tell you that the next Canadian boards to go down will not be given the same chance, due to the recent American busts, I felt I owed it to some people out there who I lied to about the disappearance of my BBS. If you are a sysop with long distance callers such as I, further more if you have a PC section on your bbs.. watch out!, to go even further if you have console AND PC watch out! I thank God that all that has happened to me is a search and seize, no legal hassles however I lost a good 5 grand or so of computer equipment, being of legal age I consider myself lucky. But to my dear friend (you know who you are) I had to tell you and the rest of the Canadian and World scene what really happened. I owed it to you for everything you did to my BBS. I can also say that when they arrived they knew what was going on, they knew I could supply, they knew everything, which leads me to believe there is a mole somewhere in this country. Hearing the facts of the USA busts, I now know for a fact there must be someone working with Sega, Nintendo, someone that is high up to know the shit they asked me about. Peoples names, numbers, they knew about suppliers, sysops, freakers and hackers. Strangely enough I know no freakers or hackers that still remain in the scene today. They asked me if I was on boards from across Canada, from Ottawa (613) to Montreal (514) to Toronto (416/905) and to Vancouver (604). To make matters worse, they also grabbed some accounts of my cosysop who shall rename nameless at this time. Which means if you know who I am, you know who he is. I would advise you to make sure he is the real deal (also buddy change your passwords eh?). Anyhow they also asked me if I was on certain boards in the different area codes. From what I can gather they have all they need to take down several big boards, ranging from small one noders to big multinode HQs. I can tell you the lists in 514 & 416/905 are great. Don't think they do not know, even if you are 1 node and small, they may have you. They seem to however at this time are really interested in multi-node systems which advertise greatly, I would like to ramble off all the boards that they asked me about and the big console users that they wanted confirmation off. But I fear for their safety and do not want to make matters worse for them or myself. I just want to say that although I had many 'friends and enemies', I figure no one deserves to go down this way. But I want to warn a couple sysops out there, Because I know who is being watched, please DELETE my accounts. If you are multi-node, console and receive AT&T callers from overseas as well as US callers then watch out, they are watching you. I also know that because I did not make illegal phonecalls that had something to do with the warning. The next people will not be as lucky especially those who are making illegal phone calls I surmise. To summarize, take care and greetings to all my friends, especially my friends in the UK, Austrailia and the United States, TAKE CARE! note to And&Rip, I know how you guys feel, wish I could of helped, looks like you and I are both out of the scene, hopefully our respected groups will continue their competition. Who's next? Where does it stop? being asked about certain friends, and telling them I didnt know them and then being told information about them that was personal really shocked me. We are not dealing with some small time bust, they know where people pickup games from, they know where people work, where people go to school, etc.. be careful! That's it!, take care and please spread this, I forgot to mention when they were asking me questions they showed me computer printouts of various title screens of many boards that I called. That scared me, they know for sure what they are doing. One final note, to my partner in crime, take care sorry I had to hide this from you, but I had to, give me a call and we can talk. ... The Great Sock Supplier! T h e C a d e n c e __ __ ____ | . /\ \ __ __ _________ /\_\ . / \ \ . | -*- / \ \ /\ \ . /\ \\___ ___\ / / / _____ / /\ \ \_____ ½-=o=- |. / /\ \ \\ \ \ \ \ \__/\ \__// /_/_ / \\ \ \ \ \ _ \ . | . \/_/ \ \\ \ \ __\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \/\_\__/\ ___ \\ \ \ \ \ \\ \ . / /\ \_\\ \ \/\_\\ \_\ \ \ \ \ \/_/\_\ \ \\ \ \\ \ \ \_\ \\ \ . . \/_/ / / \ \/ / / \/_/_ \ \ \ \ \/ / /\ \ \\ \ \\ \/ / /\ \\ \ / / / \ / / /\_\ \ \_\ \ / / \ \_\\ \_\\ / /\ \_ÿ__\ * \/_/ . \/_/ \/_/ \/_/ \/_/ \/_/ \/_/ \/_/ \/____/ ~ LoWLiFe ~ D i s t r i b u t i o n ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ Super Nintendo / Sega Genesis / Handheld ù SysOp: IceMan & Teddy ³ ³ ù 1.2 Giga ù I.(.î. ,OOFN, UT, TML Net ù Co-SysOps : Lulucampher ù ³ ³ Node 1 - +49ù201ùELITE - USR DS ù Node 2 - +49ù201ùRINGDOWN USR DS ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ ·=============================================================· | aNd rEMEMBEr rEAL fRIENDSHIp rOOLz , bUSINESs sUXx | +-------------------------------------------------------------+ | ···················································· | | · scene suxx ! everbody is fucking everybody ! · | | · thats why it`s so hard to get on here. We are · | | · online about 3 years now and for the fact that · | | · we wanna stay online a few more don`t spread · | | · the numbers and don`t give away your password · | | · and respect the software companies. · | | · remember a game worth playing is a game worth · | | · buying · | | ···················································· | +-------------------------------------------------------------+ | aNd rEMEMBEr rEAL fRIENDSHIp rOOLz , bUSINESs sUXx | ·=============================================================·
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