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1999 March 25

  • Text / Community drama
  • Eternal, Glen, writer credits
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Start of |Eternal| buffer: Thu Mar 25 00:09:35 1999 [23:19] <|Eternal|> you know if aod and risc merged we'd be the power of the scene ? <glen> aod is the power of the scene :D [23:19] <|Eternal|> 20 shell boxes, shitload of resources <glen> most of the time [23:19] <|Eternal|> we have the roots though <glen> you know morbid and gollie dont want that [23:20] <|Eternal|> they were risc before, they know we will never die [23:20] <|Eternal|> regardless of tops <glen> im sure risc will never die <glen> but i also dont see any death in any near future for aod [23:20] <|Eternal|> i can offer more than most likely anyone else in the scene [23:20] <|Eternal|> except chinablue [23:20] <|Eternal|> heh <glen> over 6 months old and you can count the number of people who have left on one hand [23:21] <|Eternal|> as morbid's time decreases in AOD so will the stats <glen> morbid doesnt run aod <glen> it runs on its own [23:22] <|Eternal|> morbid made AOD what it is [23:22] <|Eternal|> the idea of a group doesn't revolve around it running itself <glen> but AOD is fun... like in general.. <glen> i told the same thing to scan lastnight <glen> when i was in risc channel when i was with risc <glen> i was afraid to talk because i might piss off the wrong person <glen> no matter what i said [23:23] <|Eternal|> with risc it is about having fun and trading great <glen> aod is never a hard time [23:23] <|Eternal|> also having high character and morale [23:23] <|Eternal|> having that mature attitude [23:23] <|Eternal|> no bullshit <glen> aod tries to keep also a mature attitude and trading great <glen> and also fun [23:24] <|Eternal|> how can you be mature with people like thug ? <glen> thug is not anyone that the scene knows from aod <glen> most people dont even know who he is [23:24] <|Eternal|> thug is not a mature person <glen> he traded too long ago <glen> yea but he is *fun* [23:25] <|Eternal|> he is a kid who has low potential for the scene and for life [23:25] <|Eternal|> he also has some psychological problems <glen> i cant comment :D [23:25] <|Eternal|> he blames risc or someone in risc for his own faults [23:25] <|Eternal|> which i found extremely lame [23:25] <|Eternal|> i never wronged the guy nor anyone in risc [23:28] <|Eternal|> but whatever <glen> well i cant make excuses for someone [23:28] <|Eternal|> i don't have to deal with him, so it doesn't really matter <glen> why do you want to merge with a group that you feel is immature? [23:29] <|Eternal|> i don't feel the group is immature, i feel some of the members are <glen> so if there is a merge choice people will be kicked immediately ? [23:30] <|Eternal|> no, i'm willing to work with them [23:30] <|Eternal|> but i don't want shit, such as fighting and such [23:30] <|Eternal|> or people picking fights with others [23:30] <|Eternal|> in or out of risc [23:32] <|Eternal|> which i think is a reasonable request <glen> but a risc aod merge would never happen, im telling you my honest opinion [23:32] <|Eternal|> half your members came from risc [23:32] <|Eternal|> heh <glen> true <glen> risc and dev <glen> maybe that says something <glen> about risc and dev [23:34] <|Eternal|> what ? <glen> maybe about their experiance in those groups [23:35] <|Eternal|> dev have different goals and reach them differently, cough *bribe* cough [23:35] <|Eternal|> i wouldn't compare risc to dev <glen> dev bribes all traders <glen> to join [23:37] <|Eternal|> yep [23:37] <|Eternal|> it's sad [23:37] <|Eternal|> i'll never sink to their methods <glen> like giving personal turkamuk.fi boxes to their traders [23:37] <|Eternal|> i tell people straight out what i do and they can accept or deny [23:37] <|Eternal|> hehe yep [23:37] <|Eternal|> one day shells won't be so easily found [23:37] <|Eternal|> firewalls and shit [23:37] <|Eternal|> as traffic becomes more and more logged <glen> well what can you do? [23:37] <|Eternal|> what can i personally do ? <glen> you said you tell people straight out what you can do [23:38] <|Eternal|> yeah what they will get with joining risc [23:38] <|Eternal|> i don't give but one shell to each trader <glen> i know what you meant i meant what is it [23:38] <|Eternal|> and to be apart of the history of the scene, to share in the glory [23:39] <|Eternal|> and have a nice atmosphere where there is cool people and just relaxed [23:39] <|Eternal|> not like DMS heh [23:39] <|Eternal|> or dev's 21 hr / day traders <glen> i think dms is pretty cool <glen> they ask me to join a lot [23:40] <|Eternal|> dms asked one of my members to join as ftp coord and they'd give him a senior position, he told them to fuck off [23:40] <|Eternal|> what does that tell you about loyalty ? [23:41] <|Eternal|> loyalty/friendship etc. <glen> well who was it? <glen> a new member or an old [23:41] <|Eternal|> new person [23:41] <|Eternal|> recently joined in the last month <glen> i dont think dms would do that.. <glen> probably moz [23:41] <|Eternal|> heh, dms is hurting =) [23:41] <|Eternal|> they had to bring out their cripple mrpumpkin to trade [23:41] <|Eternal|> and motivate [23:42] <|Eternal|> i don't like dms or lester [23:42] <|Eternal|> their methods suck and i mean mgd, come on..guy is an egotistical maniac [23:42] <|Eternal|> he could give two shits about anyone but himself <glen> i guess [23:43] <|Eternal|> this was lester's 3rd chance ..again declining [23:43] <|Eternal|> dms will eventually die as did apoc/amn [23:44] <|Eternal|> you could probably say amnesia was the catalyst of the current scene [23:44] <|Eternal|> when risc dominated and there was only risc, there was morale, friendship, loyalty, fun, the scene actually meant something <glen> i wasnt around then [23:44] <|Eternal|> neither was i, but i heard it was a much diff place <glen> well i guess it is like that now <glen> with dev being old risc and aod being amn [23:45] <|Eternal|> people threatening to narc left and right ? <glen> no i meant the trading [23:45] <|Eternal|> no, lester sought out to destroy risc [23:45] <|Eternal|> and bring it down [23:45] <|Eternal|> never really worked heh [23:45] <|Eternal|> we get hit yes, but never die [23:45] <|Eternal|> never will die [23:46] <|Eternal|> instead his own hate consumes himself [23:46] <|Eternal|> each group he has started has failed <glen> well <glen> its not nessisarily his fault [23:46] <|Eternal|> and anything he ever went for he left eventually <glen> lester is a friend of mine <glen> and he is only 19yrs old .. he does have a life beyond what dms does <glen> he cannot control every member thru the internet [23:47] <|Eternal|> not totally, but he was the catalyst [23:47] <|Eternal|> i don't even think he realized what he did [23:47] <|Eternal|> ever [23:48] <|Eternal|> when amnesia was over with the scene changed radically [23:48] <|Eternal|> it opened up big time, and that brought on your lame asses, your narcing, the bullshit, etc. <glen> the scene changes everyday <glen> my lame ass ? [23:48] <|Eternal|> talk to bizzy, ddruid, brain, people of the old times [23:48] <|Eternal|> ask them what it was like back then [23:49] <|Eternal|> change was only for the better back then, not the shit that goes through the scene today <glen> there was narcing and plenty of bullshit then too <glen> just not everyone has a clear memory <glen> bcause it wsa the *glory* time <glen> 5 years from now people will look bak and say jeez 1999 ruled [23:49] <|Eternal|> this scene is headed for death soon anyhow <glen> i wish it was back then [23:50] <|Eternal|> don't expect it to be around in 5 years <glen> but i thought risc would never die [23:50] <|Eternal|> the scene will die <glen> then risc does too [23:50] <|Eternal|> the warez scene <glen> how can u have a warez group with no warez ? [23:51] <|Eternal|> risciso buddy =p [23:51] <|Eternal|> the ISO scene may be the way back to glory, it's totally different <glen> rip will never die <glen> if rip does iso will lose newcomers <glen> who wants to trade iso only [23:51] <|Eternal|> but we'll see what the future brings [23:51] <|Eternal|> the decline of this vast empire is gradual and will continue [23:51] <|Eternal|> so long as there are rivals <glen> it could be 10 hours between a relese <glen> and if you miss one you're fucked the whole week [23:52] <|Eternal|> heh [23:52] <|Eternal|> i will just sit back and watch everything decline <glen> and if there is no one to spread it <glen> where is the glory in evn releasing it [23:52] <|Eternal|> and when the time is right i'll put the nail in the coffin to change things <glen> rip scene will never die <glen> and trading [23:53] <|Eternal|> maybe not, but it's gonna continue to decline [23:53] <|Eternal|> and get worse and wosre [23:53] <|Eternal|> worse <glen> for every one person who uploads 1 file to 1 site <glen> there is 10 people that got beat <glen> and want to win the next time [23:53] <|Eternal|> you don't get it do you ? <glen> it will never end <glen> i think rivalry is what makes the scene [23:53] <|Eternal|> you are moving from the whole point of fun and friendship just by your statement <glen> not kills it <glen> if 1 group is constantly #1, for years [23:54] <|Eternal|> pick a path and choose it [23:54] <|Eternal|> #1, or do it for fun ? <glen> and years and years <glen> where is the fun [23:55] <|Eternal|> the fun is being apart of it <glen> rivalry makes the scene and in turn becomes fun [23:55] <|Eternal|> rising to that level <glen> exactly <glen> thats a rivarly [23:55] <|Eternal|> nah, you are missing the point <glen> not everyone is in the same group <glen> but everyone wantas to be #1 [23:55] <|Eternal|> do you know how large risc was ? [23:55] <|Eternal|> risc was the scene <glen> everyone is taking a different path to the same goal [23:55] <|Eternal|> back in the day <glen> yea no kidding [23:55] <|Eternal|> haha [23:55] <|Eternal|> there is no same goal <glen> and how fun was it for joe schmoe just new to the scene [23:55] <|Eternal|> otherwise it'd be one effort <glen> who couldnt get into risc if his mommy wrote him a letter of reccomendation [23:56] <|Eternal|> different motives and different goals [23:56] <|Eternal|> that is what the scene is make up of now [23:56] <|Eternal|> people who do it for self-interest and self-promotion <glen> hey dont get me wrong [23:56] <|Eternal|> most don't give a shit about their group as long as they have shells <glen> i like to have fun and it is my priority [23:56] <|Eternal|> ie kruzin, godbless, wishmastr <glen> but there is also something great about being #1 <glen> because you know when you're #1 there is a #2 and that #2 wants to be where you are <glen> and thats whats fun <glen> getting to #1 [23:57] <|Eternal|> #1 doesn't make a strong group [23:57] <|Eternal|> it's the ties in that group <glen> but a strong group makes #1 [23:57] <|Eternal|> DMS was not a strong group and they were #1 for awhile [23:57] <|Eternal|> now it's falling apart <glen> dms was a strong group or they wouldnt have been #1 <glen> the scene is like the nba [23:58] <|Eternal|> here <glen> freeagency larger contracts [23:58] <|Eternal|> look at the Bulls [23:58] <|Eternal|> 1 person leaves [23:58] <|Eternal|> the group is shit now <glen> yes <glen> but that doesnt mean they werent ONCE strong [23:58] <|Eternal|> that's not a strong group [23:58] <|Eternal|> the point is it is unstable [23:58] <|Eternal|> things will fall apart with no strong ties [23:59] <|Eternal|> and when it happens i'll be there waiting =) [23:59] <|Eternal|> with all 80 people in RiSC to back me up <glen> the bulls fell apart because they depended too much on key people <glen> no bench <glen> a group with depth will always be strong <glen> like aod is [23:59] <|Eternal|> these groups will fall apart eventually give it time =) <glen> dev is strong <glen> i cant say risc is strong <glen> you are explaining what i was about to say before <glen> about strong ties <glen> risc had/has some great traders [00:00] <|Eternal|> dev's internal structure is fucked <glen> but if they arent trading then that doesnt make them strong <glen> according tou <glen> same goes for dms <glen> hate him or love him mgd is in the top3 of alltime greatest traders [00:00] <|Eternal|> if i did the bribing that DEV did RiSC would takeover #1 <glen> i dont tthink risc has the resources that dev has now as far as shells [00:01] <|Eternal|> shells mean nothing [00:01] <|Eternal|> they come and go <glen> shells mean everything for a courier [00:01] <|Eternal|> lets see [00:01] <|Eternal|> i wonder what i could do to get you to join risc [00:01] <|Eternal|> hut.fi [00:01] <|Eternal|> unlimited iso/psx/vcd leech <glen> you couldnt unless i wanted to join [00:01] <|Eternal|> unlimited warez leech [00:01] <|Eternal|> i could just keep on going [00:02] <|Eternal|> hardware if i had to [00:02] <|Eternal|> haha [00:02] <|Eternal|> anyone can be bought =) <glen> so you're offering me hw ? [00:02] <|Eternal|> i could offer whatever i wanted [00:02] <|Eternal|> i have just about no limits now [00:02] <|Eternal|> you negros go around with your shells and your #1's [00:02] <|Eternal|> hehehe [00:02] <|Eternal|> i'll collect resources =) [00:02] <|Eternal|> and we'll see who wins in the end <glen> but who r u giving these resources to ? <glen> if nobody wants to join [00:03] <|Eternal|> they are accumulating <glen> but they are accumulating for nothing apprently <glen> cuz the scene is going to die soon [00:03] <|Eternal|> we will see [00:03] <|Eternal|> i plan on riving it later <glen> according to u [00:03] <|Eternal|> when the time is right <glen> fine so give me a p3-500, voodoo2-8mb vram, 128mb of ram, 16gb harddrive, and a cdr and 5 personal shells and ill join :(* cuz no1 else is gonna take up ur offers.. maybe people who are new to the scene and only know of old risc they heard about from their grandma [00:05] <|Eternal|> hjaha [00:05] <|Eternal|> whatever glen <glen> im not trying to diss [00:05] <|Eternal|> you have to see the big picture, which i'm not gonna paint for yo [00:06] <|Eternal|> maybe one day you can share the vision <glen> vision is risc i assume [00:06] <|Eternal|> more than risc <glen> i tried to be in risc if you recall <glen> i remember being conspired against by u and brain <glen> one afternoon <glen> that was a lot of months ago actually [00:07] <|Eternal|> yep <glen> so you agree with me <glen> that u and brain wanted to try andkick me out [00:07] <|Eternal|> i don't really try anything [00:08] <|Eternal|> i do or i don't do End of |Eternal| buffer Thu Mar 25 00:09:35 1999
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