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17889 of 48,965 files
  • Zip - Windows / NFO tool
2 items in the archive
  • IREC NFO v3.0.exe
  • IREC.nfo
[+] Configuration Copy text
IIIIIIIIIIRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE CCCCCCCCCCCCC I::::::::IR::::::::::::::::R E::::::::::::::::::::E CCC::::::::::::C I::::::::IR::::::RRRRRR:::::R E::::::::::::::::::::E CC:::::::::::::::C II::::::IIRR:::::R R:::::REE::::::EEEEEEEEE::::E C:::::CCCCCCCC::::C I::::I R::::R R:::::R E:::::E EEEEEEC:::::C CCCCCC I::::I R::::R R:::::R E:::::E C:::::C I::::I R::::RRRRRR:::::R E::::::EEEEEEEEEE C:::::C I::::I R:::::::::::::RR E:::::::::::::::E C:::::C I::::I R::::RRRRRR:::::R E:::::::::::::::E C:::::C I::::I R::::R R:::::R E::::::EEEEEEEEEE C:::::C I::::I R::::R R:::::R E:::::E C:::::C I::::I R::::R R:::::R E:::::E EEEEEEC:::::C CCCCCC II::::::IIRR:::::R R:::::REE::::::EEEEEEEE:::::E C:::::CCCCCCCC::::C I::::::::IR::::::R R:::::RE::::::::::::::::::::E CC:::::::::::::::C I::::::::IR::::::R R:::::RE::::::::::::::::::::E CCC::::::::::::C IIIIIIIIIIRRRRRRRR RRRRRRREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE CCCCCCCCCCCCC _______________________________________________ ___________/ \____________ ___________ -----------==RELEASE NOTES------------- ____________ \_______________________________________________/ _____________________________________________________ /_ _\ _________/ TEAM IREC PROUDLY PRESENTS \__________ █ █ █ TagExplorer v1.5.0.300 █ █ http://irec.0fees.net █ █ █ █ Coded by... [ Blue Indian] ▓ Release Type[ Patch █ █ Tested by.. [ Team IREC ] ▒ Release Date[ 25/06/2013 █ █ Packed by.. [ Team IREC ] ░ OS ....... [ Win All █ █ Supplied by [ Team IREC ] ░ Language . [ English █ █ Protection. [ None ] ░ Disks .... [ Single █ __█_____ ______█___ _\ INDIAN REVERSE ENGINEERING CLUB /_ \_____________________________________________________/ _______________________________________________ ___________/ \____________ ___________ About TagExplorer ____________ \_______________________________________________/ TagExplorer is an easy to use yet quite powerful application that was especially created to help you view and edit MP3 tags in all ID3 formats, namely ID3v1, ID3v1.1, ID3v2.2, ID3v2.3 and ID3v2.4. The program is able to create tags from scratch, edit existing ones or remove tag information altogether Additionally, TagExplorer is also able to write and read encoded text as well as read compressed frames. Web: http://www.grandersoft.com/ _______________________________________________ ___________/ \____________ ___________ How to use Release ? ____________ \_______________________________________________/ Patch - This is a little program that reverse the protection of the target software. Patches are often named: "crack.exe", "patch.exe", "softwarename_patch.exe" or "teamname.exe". The patch aims to the main *.EXE of the target software or to a *.DLL. You should know that the patch have to be applied to the exact software version it have been created for. The patch, generally will force you to apply it to the file it aims. Generally we have to copy the patch to the software's installation folder(where it is installed) then patch it. Keygen - A little program that generates valid serial numbers under your name. What to say more on keygens? Just download the same version it have been build for. Often they will work on other versions too if the software publisher have not changed the serial generating routine. Keygens are often named: "keygen.exe" or "softwarename_keygen.exe". Serial Inside The *.NFO - One or more serial keys inside *.NFO file. For more info on NFO files read below. Already Cracked File - A cracked file that you should replace with the original one inside target installation directory. After replacing, the software should be registered. This kind of crack is named: "softwarename.exe". Loader - This runs the target software as registered copy or stops the trial time. You should always put this file inside the target installation directory. This crack is often named: "loader.exe" or "softwarename_loader.exe". Registry Entry *.REG - Adds registration information to your windows registry and register automatically the target software. Double click on it and accept to add the info. After all the information, if you are not able to use release, then you are surely a dumb ass ;) Source : http://foff.astalavista.ms/how2usecracks.html _______________________________________________ ___________/ \____________ ___________ ---------------==NEWS==-------------- ____________ \_______________________________________________/ _____________________________________________________ /_ _\ _________/ TEAM IREC IS LOOKING FOR THE SKILLED ONES \_________ █ █ █ 1. Crackers who are able to make keygens and/or crack █ █ different applications (RSA, MD5, AES...) █ █ 2. Unpackers who are able to unpack different protections █ █ (Armadillo, ASProtect, Themida, EXECryptor and so on) █ █ 3. Coders who are able to code some usefull tools for the █ █ team (ASM, C/C++,Delphi or Python) █ █ 4. GFX-ers or SFX-ers who are able to make stunning graphics █ █ for the Team (i.e Dup or UPP Skins and Keygen Templates █ █ or Intros. █ █ █ █ IF YOU THINK THAT YOU HAVE ONE OF THESE SKILLS █ █ THEN YOU ARE WELCOMED TO THE FRIENDLY TEAM. █ █ BUT YOU HAVE TO SOLVE OUR OFFICIAL KEYGENME █ ___█_____ ______█___ _\ INDIAN REVERSE ENGINEERING CLUB /_ \_____________________________________________________/ We at IREC are friendly and opened to accept new commers and relese cracks to contribute to the scene. Of course we can not accept newbies, we are willing to have in our Team experienced crackers, coders,keygenners, Gfx-ers and Sfx-ers etc. Feel free to contact us in such case! _______________________________________________ ___________/ \_____________ ___________ ----------------CONTACTS----------------- _____________ \_______________________________________________/ _____________________________________________________ /_ _\ __________/ \__________ █ █ █ [ WWW ] ...................:[ http://www.irec.0fees.net ] █ _ █ [ Forum ] ............:[ http://www.teamirec.forumotions.in ] █ █ [ E-Maill .......................:[ [email protected] ] █ █ █ ____█_____ ______█___ _\ INDIAN REVERSE ENGINEERING CLUB /_ \_____________________________________________________/ _______________________________________________ ___________/ \_____________ ___________ ----------------GREETINGS---------------- _____________ \_______________________________________________/ _____________________________________________________ /_ _\ __________/ \__________ █ █ █ Greets fly out to: PDX, X-FORCE, CORE, ARTEAM, AT4RE, SND, CiM █ █ FFF, CIN1TEAM, CIB, LZ0,TRUE,BIDJAN,DEGRETI,RAiD, RED CREW, █ █ BLACK STORM, TMG, ZWT, iCWT, AORE, LNDL, UARE, WOODMAN, BM, █ █ LUC, REVENGE, iNFECTiON, TSRH, RESSURECTION, TLG, SSG, AHTEAM █ █ VIRILITY, CRACKZ, UAC,FOFF,PiZZA, DeVIANCE,FHCF, ECLiPSE, █ █ CiA,PC, iFLUENCE And all those who keep the scene alive. █ ____█_____ ______█___ _\ /_ \_____________________________________________________/ _______________________________________________ ___________/ \_____________ ___________ -------------TEAM CORE HEARTS------------- _____________ \_______________________________________________/ _____________________________________________________ /_ _\ __________/ INDIAN REVERSE ENGINEERING CLUB \__________ █ █ █ {Blue Indian.......................:{ Founder/Reverser/Coder} █ █ {CybotX............................:{ Founder/Reverser/Coder} █ █ {MikeX.....................................:{ Reverser/Coder} █ █ {K5h@tr!ya..................................{ Trial/Reverser} █ █ {Dreamer....................................{ Gfxer/Reverser} █ █ {XorRanger........................................{ Reverser} █ █ {DMichael.........................................{ Reverser} █ █ {nieo.............................................{ Reverser} █ █ {Empty for you:{ Trial/Reverser/Unpacker/Coder/SFX-er/GFX-er} █ ____█_____ ______█___ _\ INDIAN REVERSE ENGINEERING CLUB /_ \_____________________________________________________/ @@@ @@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@ @@@ @@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@ @@! @@! @@@ @@! @ !@@ @ !@! !@! @!@ !@! !@! !!@ @!@!!@! @!!!:! !@! !!! !!@!@! !!!!!: !!! !!: !!: :!! !!: :!! :!: :!: !:! :!: : :!: : :: :: ::: :: :::: ::: ::: : : : : : :: :: :: :: : [ NFO by Malaya2100 14/05/2011 ] Copyright 2008-2011 Indian Reverse Engineering Club - All Rights Reserved
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