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25 of 36 files visions of reality

1994 August

  • ANSI artpack
  •   Demozoo

Emulating in DOSee.

Use these tabs to make adjustments to the emulation

Gravis Ultrasound (GUS) audio settings, port 240 IRQ 5 DMA 1

If the emulation is taking too long to load, you can turn it off.

Applying changes will reload the page and reboot the emulator

Changes are not applied until the browser tab is reloaded

DOS programs need a keyboard for user input
Some common keys used in DOS programs

ENTER to select or continue
ESC to navigate back or exit
are often used to navigate menus

Emulation too slow?
Set the emulator to use maximum CPU speed

Need to turn off the audio?
Disable sound card support

Have no audio?
  1. Try SoundBlaster 16 hardware
  2. The song or audio file maybe missing from the program
  3. Audio may not be supported
    Unlike other systems of the era, audio for DOS was unfortunately complicated for both programmers and end users alike. A lot of early scene software didn't bother including it. While those that did often didn't test it on all the hardware they supposedly supported.

DOSee pronounced dos/see, is our emulator used to run MS-DOS based software in your web browser.

MS-DOS (Microsoft DOS) was the primary operating system used by PCs during the 1980s to the early 1990s and is the precursor to Microsoft Windows.

DOSee is a slimmed down, modified port of The Emularity.

The Emularity is a multi-platform JavaScript emulator that supports the running of software for legacy computer platforms in a web browser. It is the same platform that's running emulation on the Internet Archive.

EM-DOSBox is a discontinued, high-performance JavaScript port of DOSBox that is applied by The Emularity for its emulation of the MS-DOS platform.

DOSee uses BrowserFS ZipFS and ZipFS Extras to simulate zip file archives as hard disks within EM-DOSBox.

DOSBox is the most popular MS-DOS emulator in use today and is frequently used by commercial game publishers to run games from their back-catalogues on modern computers.

DOSee, built on The Emularity, EM-DOSBox and DOSBox. Capture screenshot and save function built on canvas-toBlob.js.

42 items in the archive
  • ■ANSI■
  • ■VIEW■
  • ■LIT■
  • ■VGA■
  • ■INFO■
  • VOR-0894.MEM
  • VOR-0894.NFO
  • VOR-0894.STA
  • ■OTHER■
  • VAP13.EXE
[+] Configuration Copy text
←[?7h←[40m←[2J←[10C←[0;36m·■ Visions ←[1mof Reality Information Packe←[0;36mt←[10C·■ August ←[1mPack, Nineteen Nighty-Four←[8C←[30mHe←[0;36mre, once a←[1mgain, is the Visions of R eali←[0;36mty pack. T←[1;30mhe Visionsof Reality ←[0;36mpack is a ←[1mrepresentative of the artwor←[0;36mk that has ←[1;30mbeen madeas adverti←[0;36msements fo←[1mr boards by Vision of Realit←[0;36my members. ←[1;30mThe packhas been g←[0;36moing out m←[1monthly, ever since fall of '9←[0;36m3. The pac←[1;30mk is onlya represet←[0;36mative of t←[1mhe artwork t hat has been used ←[0;36mas adverti←[1;30msements,and all wo←[0;36mrk by arti←[1msts may or may not be include←[0;36md. Now, fo←[1;30mr a fewtidbits of ←[0;36mwhat has ←[1mgone on in the group recently←[0;36m:←[8C←[1;30m■ ←[0;36mLate last ←[1mmonth (that would be June), s←[0;36meveral memb←[1;30mers of theformer LIG←[0;36mHT came ov←[1mer to VOR. Tec hnically this ←[0;36mwas not a m←[1;30merge,although, ←[0;36maround 9 m←[1members have come over from th←[0;36me former LI←[1;30mGHT. Wedid merge ←[0;36mwith a gro←[1mup last mont h, but the detail←[0;36ms were very ←[1;30msketchyat the tim←[0;36me, for it ←[1mhappened at the very end of t←[0;36mhe month. ←[1;30mThis groupwas iLLEGA←[0;36mL F/X (iFX←[1m), a nother local group in our ←[0;36marea consi←[1;30msting ofvery good ←[0;36martists. ←[1mA rundown of who joined each ←[0;36mindivual se←[1;30mction, canbe found l←[0;36mater in th ←[1mis file. Raistlin Majere (no←[0;36m, not the i←[1;30mCE one, <g>)from the a←[0;36mrea code 6←[1m15 has also joined VOR. He w←[0;36mill be doin←[1;30mg VGA Artwork,RIP Artwor ←[0;36mk, and ANS←[1mI logos.←[8C←[30m■ ←[0;36mUnder the ←[1miFX merger, the member system ←[0;36mof VOR has ←[1;30mchanged.Shadowdanc←[0;36mer was to ←[1mrepresent iFX as a VOR leader ←[0;36mand I was ←[1;30mto be theother VOR ←[0;36mleader. A←[1mfter some thinking, it was de←[0;36mcided that ←[1;30mhaving two leaders wi←[0;36mth a senio←[1mr council under them of three ←[0;36mpeople wou←[1;30mld not work, due ←[0;36mto some se←[1mrious split decisions that co←[0;36muld occour ←[1;30mdue to a 1-1 disput←[0;36me between ←[1mthe two 'leaders'. The syste←[0;36mm was chang←[1;30med due to this, and ←[0;36mVOR has no←[1mw has no 'Leader', but instea←[0;36md, the coun←[1;30mcil was expanded t←[0;36mo include ←[1mmyself (Widow Maker), Shadowd←[0;36mancer, Holl←[1;30mow Point, and Venom. ←[0;36mThen we ←[1mgot to thinking again. A fou←[0;36mr member co←[1;30muncil that would vote ←[0;36mon all de←[1mcisions could still cause spl←[0;36mit decision←[1;30ms (2-2). The next s←[0;36mtep was to ←[1madd another member into the ←[0;36mcouncil. I←[1;30mt was unaminousl←[0;36my voted in ←[1mas the only 4-member council ←[0;36mvote of VO←[1;30mR to let Ace of Nor←[0;36mthwall, RA←[1mW Head (VOR Music), into the ←[0;36mcouncil to ←[1;30mrepresent the music. Specif←[0;36mics: ←[8C←[1;30m■ ←[0;36mAs you pro←[1mbably figured out before, pri←[0;36mor to the m←[1;30merge with iFX, and t←[0;36mhe additio←[1mn of members from the former ←[0;36mLIGHT, our ←[1;30mANSI section wa←[0;36ms quite we←[1mak. Hollow Point was our str←[0;36mongest arti←[1;30mst, and he would coug←[0;36mh out thre←[1me or four ansis to go into a ←[0;36mpack that w←[1;30mould appear to ←[0;36mboost the ←[1mANSI section, while Tommy Lee←[0;36m, Starbuck, ←[1;30mand the occasional ←[0;36mANSI by D←[1mark Wolf, Asterix, or other m←[0;36multi-talent←[1;30med people put in a f←[0;36mew ANSIs. ←[1mBefore, we could honestly no←[0;36mt AFFORD qu←[1;30mality control in ←[0;36mthe ANSI ←[1msection, and sometimes, an AN←[0;36mSI was put ←[1;30minto the pack that ←[0;36mwas not th←[1me greatest. Now, we have the ←[0;36maddition o←[1;30mf Lord Scarlet, S←[0;36milver Rat, ←[1mForego, Murcurochrome, Scyth←[0;36me, Thunderh←[1;30mawk, and Shattersta←[0;36mr, as well ←[1mas logos by Raistlin Majere. ←[0;36mThis shou←[1;30mld greatly help the s←[0;36mize of the ←[1mANSI section, and should all←[0;36mow us to ha←[1;30mve some quality co←[0;36mntrol on w←[1mhat goes into the pack. Welc←[0;36mome to all ←[1;30mof the new ANSI artis←[0;36mts. ←[8C←[1;30m■ ←[0;36mIn the VGA ←[1mdivision, a few members were ←[0;36madded to s←[1;30mection. The VGA se←[0;36mction, tho←[1mugh small, is probably still ←[0;36mour stronge←[1;30mst section. ←[0;36mIt had alr←[1meady included Venom, Dark Wol←[0;36mf, Muttonhe←[1;30mad, and myself, bu←[0;36mt now woul←[1md have Chaos, Fat Ass, Pluto, ←[0;36mShadowdanc←[1;30mer, Calypso, a←[0;36mnd Ackman ←[1madded to it. ←[8C←[30m■ ←[0;36mDue to the ←[1mmerge, a minor change was in←[0;36mflicted in ←[1;30mthe Coding Division. ←[0;36mSinister ←[1mOutlaw is now the Coding Head ←[0;36mof the Cod←[1;30ming section. ←[0;36mThe coding ←[1msection previously including ←[0;36monly Aster←[1;30mix and Lief O'Par←[0;36mdy as main ←[1mcoders (with additional help ←[0;36mfrom Dark ←[1;30mWolf) was expanded t←[0;36mo include ←[1mLord X, Warveth Windrose, Plu←[0;36mto, Thunder←[1;30mhawk, and Sinister O←[0;36mutlaw. In ←[1mCoding news, Illuminate, our ←[0;36mviewer, ha←[1;30ms been severly up←[0;36mdated to i←[1mnclude SVGA modes of viewing, ←[0;36mRIP suppor←[1;30mt, documentat←[0;36mion, and a ←[1mfew cosmetic changes. ←[8C←[30m■ ←[0;36mThe lit se←[1mction gained a few members as ←[0;36mwell. The ←[1;30mlit section, h←[0;36meaded by A←[1mrturius Pendragon, includes t←[0;36mhe old memb←[1;30mers (Apothecar←[0;36my, Felyne, ←[1mAlexa), as well as Murcuroch←[0;36mrome, Grey ←[1;30mMouser, and Ralgoth. ←[8C■ ←[0;36mWe are sta←[1mrting a RIP division. It is ←[0;36mheaded by R←[1;30maistlin Majere, an←[0;36md Shatters←[1mtar & Silverrat are experimen←[0;36mting with R←[1;30mIP. We would real←[0;36mly appreci←[1mate RIP artists if you wish t←[0;36mo apply. ←[8C←[1;30m■ ←[0;36mOur courie←[1mr section is VERY weak, and w←[0;36me are still ←[1;30mlooking for courie←[0;36mrs. We su←[1mpposedly have a group courier←[0;36ming for us, ←[1;30mbut we think they ←[0;36mare dead, ←[1mas they never contact us. :) ←[0;36mWe have t←[1;30mhree indivuals ←[0;36mcouriering ←[1mfor us, Sebastian, Entropy, ←[0;36mPericles. ←[1;30mDesolated Dream has ←[0;36malso decid←[1med to give us a hand with obt←[0;36maining cour←[1;30miers for VOR. Any ←[0;36mcouriers o←[1mut there reading this -- we n←[0;36meed you. :) ←[8C←[1;30m■ ←[0;36mAlright, h←[1mere's where I tell you where ←[0;36myou can con←[1;30mtact any of the mem←[0;36mbers. Any ←[1mmember can basically be foun←[0;36md at Semino←[1;30mle Winds, our WHQ. ←[0;36mThe number ←[1mfor that is (301) 236-9030, ←[0;36mand to get ←[1;30mon, enter 'VOR' as y←[0;36mour alias, ←[1mwith no password necessary. ←[0;36mMost membe←[1;30mrs can also be re←[0;36mached thro←[1mugh the internet at <alias>@a←[0;36mrcanum.clar←[1;30mk.net (i.e. dark←[0;36m.wolf@arca←[1mnum.clark.net, venom@arcanum.←[0;36mclark.net, ←[1;30mor arturius.p←[0;36mendragon@a←[1mrcanum.clark.net). The senio←[0;36mr members o←[1;30mf VOR can be reached ←[0;36mthrough t←[1mhe irc (nicks: venom, northwa←[0;36mll, etc etc←[1;30m) as well as some in←[0;36mdivual art←[1mists (nicks: lordScar, ralgot←[0;36mh, art_penn←[1;30my etc etc). You can fi←[0;36mnd them in ←[1mthe IRC in channels #vor, #a←[0;36mnsi, #acid, ←[1;30mor #ice (Oh yeah, ←[0;36min emergen←[1mcies, Hollow Point can be fou←[0;36mnd lurking ←[1;30maround in channel←[0;36ms #gaysex ←[1mand #youngboys). Any of the ←[0;36msenior memb←[1;30mers can be reached ←[0;36mat elipha←[[email protected] as well. We now ←[0;36mhave a Voic←[1;30me Mail Box, but we hav←[0;36me to set u←[1mp a message and make sure it ←[0;36mworks first←[1;30m. We'll get the nu←[0;36mmber to yo←[1mu A.S.A.P. Again, though, th←[0;36me quickest ←[1;30mway to←[0m←[?7h←[0;1;30mget the nu←[0;36mmber to yo←[1mu A.S.A.P. Again, though, th←[0;36me quickest ←[1;30mway to reach any ←[0;36mmember of ←[1mVOR would be by simply callin←[0;36mg the WHQ. ←[48C←[1m- ←[0;36mWidow Mak←[1;30mer [VOR] ←[0m→ →SAUCE00Information Packet VOR READ THE INI FILE 19940730� ☺☺P↓
VOR-0894.NFO 212x91 Font