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3 of 3 files solar designer

    Download HACKME.ZIP

    Size 3 kB

  • This download is an executable MS-DOS program that will not run on a modern computer. It needs a DOS emulator such as DOSBox-X, Staging; or a virtualized MS-DOS or FreeDOS system.
    Browsers may flag this download as unwanted or malicious. If unsure, scan it with VirusTotal.
  • Last modified Nov 5, 2017 10:20:25 PM
     MD5 checksum 8ed066e355392215b04aff3550d3da12
        Mime type Zip archive data

Emulating HACKME.COM in DOSee.

Use these tabs to make adjustments to the emulation

Sound Blaster audio settings, address/port 220 IRQ 7 DMA 1 Sound Blaster 16 DMA 5

If the emulation is taking too long to load, you can turn it off.

Reload DOSee to launch the DOS prompt

Applying changes will reload the page and reboot the emulator

Changes are not applied until the browser tab is reloaded

DOS programs need a keyboard for user input
Some common keys used in DOS programs

ENTER to select or continue
ESC to navigate back or exit
are often used to navigate menus

Emulation too slow?
Set the emulator to use maximum CPU speed

Experiencing graphic or animation glitches?
Set the emulator to use VGA only graphics configuration

Need to turn off the audio?
Disable sound card support

Have no audio?
  1. Try Gravis Ultrasound hardware
  2. The song or audio file maybe missing from the program

DOSee pronounced dos/see, is our emulator used to run MS-DOS based software in your web browser.

MS-DOS (Microsoft DOS) was the primary operating system used by PCs during the 1980s to the early 1990s and is the precursor to Microsoft Windows.

DOSee is a slimmed down, modified port of The Emularity.

The Emularity is a multi-platform JavaScript emulator that supports the running of software for legacy computer platforms in a web browser. It is the same platform that's running emulation on the Internet Archive.

EM-DOSBox is a discontinued, high-performance JavaScript port of DOSBox that is applied by The Emularity for its emulation of the MS-DOS platform.

DOSee uses BrowserFS ZipFS and ZipFS Extras to simulate zip file archives as hard disks within EM-DOSBox.

DOSBox is the most popular MS-DOS emulator in use today and is frequently used by commercial game publishers to run games from their back-catalogues on modern computers.

DOSee, built on The Emularity, EM-DOSBox and DOSBox. Capture screenshot and save function built on canvas-toBlob.js.

2 items in the archive
[+] Configuration Copy text
; do not modify source - made by solar designer in 1996, ; source traded by lord caligo/1997 .model tiny .code .startup .186 cld emCPU: mov si,emIP lodsw xchg ax,di mov di,[di] lodsw xchg ax,bx or di,[bx] lodsw xchg ax,di not ax mov emIP,si stosw jmp short emCPU em86_CALLER: pusha mov ax,em86_R2 mov word ptr emCPU,ax cli mov em86_SP,sp mov sp,offset em86_REGS popa mov sp,em86_SP sti push offset em86_RETURN push em86_R1 em86_RETN: retn em86_RETURN: cli mov em86_R1,sp mov sp,offset em86_REGS+18 pushf pusha mov sp,em86_R1 mov em86_SP,sp sti popa jmp short emCPU em86_JMP_CALLER: db 0EBh, offset em86_CALLER - 103h em86_ADD: add ax,cx sbb cx,cx retn even emIP dw emCode emSP dw emStack emConstFFFF dw 0FFFFh emNOR macro Src1, Src2, Dst dw offset Src1, offset Src2, offset Dst endm emNOT macro Src, Dst emNOR Src, Src, Dst endm emOR macro Src1, Src2, Dst emNOR Src1, Src2, emR1 emNOT emR1, Dst endm emAND macro Src1, Src2, Dst emNOT Src1, emR1 emNOT Src2, emR2 emNOR emR1, emR2, Dst endm emXOR macro Src1, Src2, Dst emOR Src1, Src2, emR3 emAND Src1, Src2, emR4 emNOT emR4, emR4 emAND emR3, emR4, Dst endm emCLR macro Dst emNOT Dst, emR1 emNOR emR1, Dst, Dst endm emMOV macro Src, Dst emOR Src, Src, Dst endm emJMPi macro Src emMOV Src, emIP endm emJMP macro Lbl local Src emJMPi Src Src dw offset Lbl endm emJMPsi macro Src1, Src2, Src3 emAND Src1, Src2, emR3 emNOT Src3, emR1 emNOR Src1, emR1, emR4 emOR emR3, emR4, emIP endm emJMPs macro Src, Lbl1, Lbl2 local Src1, Src2 emJMPsi Src, Src1, Src2 Src1 dw offset Lbl1 Src2 dw offset Lbl2 endm emMOVv_ALT macro Val, Dst local Src, Lbl emNOR Src, Src, Dst emJMP Lbl Src dw not Val Lbl: endm emMOVv macro Val, Dst local Src, Lbl emMOV Src, Dst emJMP Lbl Src dw Val Lbl: endm emMOVmv macro Mem, Dst local Mod1, Mod2 emMOV Mem, Mod1 emMOV Mem, Mod2 Mod1 = this word Mod2 = this word + 2 emMOV Dst, Dst endm emMOVvm macro Src, Mem local Mod emMOV Mem, Mod emMOV Src, Src Mod = this word - 2 endm emSTOP macro emMOV em86_RETN, emCPU endm em86_CALL macro Lbl emMOVv <offset Lbl>, em86_R1 emMOV emCPU, em86_R2 emMOV em86_JMP_CALLER, emCPU endm em86_INT macro Num local Lbl1, Lbl2 em86_CALL Lbl1 emJMP Lbl2 Lbl1: int Num retn Lbl2: endm emADD macro Src1, Src2, Dst emMOV Src1, em86_AX emMOV Src2, em86_CX em86_CALL em86_ADD emMOV em86_AX, Dst endm emADDv macro Val, Src, Dst local SrcVal, Lbl emADD SrcVal, Src, Dst emJMP Lbl SrcVal dw Val Lbl: endm emBIN macro Src, Dst emADD emConstFFFF, Src, emR1 emMOV em86_CX, Dst endm emJMPci macro Src1, Src2, Src3 emBIN Src1, emR5 emJMPsi emR5, Src2, Src3 endm emJMPc macro Src, Lbl1, Lbl2 local Src1, Src2 emJMPci Src, Src1, Src2 Src1 dw offset Lbl1 Src2 dw offset Lbl2 endm emPUSH macro Src emMOVvm Src, emSP emADDv 2, emSP, emSP endm emPUSHv macro Val local Src, Lbl emPUSH Src emJMP Lbl Src dw Val Lbl: endm emPOP macro Dst emADDv -2, emSP, emSP emMOVmv emSP, Dst endm emCALL macro Lbl local RetLbl emPUSHv <offset RetLbl> emJMP Lbl RetLbl: endm emRET macro emPOP emIP endm emByteMask: dw 0FFh emCode: emCALL emInputText emCALL emEncryptPwd emXOR emV_EncryptedPwd1, emVR4, emVR1 emJMPc emVR1, emWrongPwd, emExtraCheck emExtraCheck: emXOR emV_EncryptedPwd2, emVR5, emVR1 emJMPc emVR1, emWrongPwd, emCorrectPwd emWrongPwd: emMOVv <offset WrongPwdMsg>, emVR1 emJMP emPrintPwdMsg emCorrectPwd: emMOVv <offset CorrectPwdMsg>, emVR1 emPrintPwdMsg: emCALL emPrintText emCALL emPrintCRLF emSTOP emPrintText: emMOVv 0AAh, emVR4 emPrintNext: emMOVmv emVR1, emVR3 emXOR emVR4, emVR3, emVR2 emMOV emVR3, emVR4 emAND emByteMask, emVR2, emVR2 emJMPc emVR2, emDoPrint, emLeavePrint emDoPrint: emADDv 1, emVR1, emVR1 emCALL emPrintChar emJMP emPrintNext emLeavePrint: emRET emPrintChar: emMOV emVR2, em86_DX emMOVv 200h, em86_AX em86_INT 21h emRET emPrintCRLF: emMOVv 13, emVR2 emCALL emPrintChar emMOVv 10, emVR2 emCALL emPrintChar emRET emInputText: emMOVv <offset emV_Buffer>, em86_DX emMOVv 0A00h, em86_AX em86_INT 21h emRET emEncryptPwd: emMOVv <offset emV_Buffer + 2>, emVR1 emCLR emVR4 emEncryptNext: emMOVmv emVR1, emVR3 emAND emByteMask, emVR3, emVR2 emXOR emConst000D, emVR2, emVR2 emJMPc emVR2, emDoEncrypt, emLeaveEncrypt emDoEncrypt: emADDv 1, emVR1, emVR1 emMOV emVR4, emVR5 emXOR emVR3, emVR4, emVR4 emJMP emEncryptNext emLeaveEncrypt: emRET EncryptText macro Text local Val Val = 0AAh irpc Char, <&Text> Val = Val xor '&Char' db Val endm db Val endm Copyright: EncryptText <Emulated Solar CPU Copyright (c) 1996 by Solar Designer> EnterPwd: EncryptText <Enter password: > WrongPwdMsg: EncryptText <Incorrect password> CorrectPwdMsg: EncryptText <Thanks> emV_EncryptedPwd1 dw 7528h emV_EncryptedPwd2 dw 784Dh emConst000D dw 000Dh emV_Buffer db 16, 19 dup (?) even em86_R1 dw ? em86_R2 dw ? em86_REGS: em86_DI dw ? em86_SI dw ? em86_BP dw ? em86_SP dw ? em86_BX dw ? em86_DX dw ? em86_CX dw ? em86_AX dw ? em86_FLAGS dw ? emR1 dw ? emR2 dw ? emR3 dw ? emR4 dw ? emR5 dw ? emR6 dw ? emVR1 dw ? emVR2 dw ? emVR3 dw ? emVR4 dw ? emVR5 dw ? emVR6 dw ? emStack: end
HACKME.ASM 80x375 Font