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23 of 24 files united states courier report
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+- -------- $$$Sa,---------- ,"$$$Sa,---------- ,"$$$Sa,---------- ,"$$$Sa,- -+ : ,aS$$$; $$$$$$$, ,aS$$$; $$$$$$$, ,aS$$$; $$$$$$$, ,aS$$$; $$$$$$$, : . ,$$$$$$$; $$$$$$$$ ,$$$$$$$; $$$$$$$$ ,$$$$$$$; $$$$$$$$ ,$$$$$$$; $$$$$$$$ . $$$$$$$$; $$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$aaaaaaaa, $$$$$$$$; cccccc, $$$$$$$$aaaaaaaa, . $$$$$$$$; $$$$$$$$ ,aaaaaa; $$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$; $$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$; $$$$$$$$ . $$$$$$$$. $$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$. $$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$. $$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$. $$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$. $$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$. $$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$. $$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$. $$$$$$$$ aaggggggggaaggggggggaggggggggaagggggggg ggggggggaaggggggggaggggggggaaggggggggaa . $$$$$$$$ .$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$ .$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$ .$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$ .$$$$$$$$ . $$$$$$$$ ;$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$ ;$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$ ;$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$ ;$$$$$$$$ . $$$$$$$$ ;$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$ ;$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$ ;$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$ ;$$$$$$$$ . : $$$$$$$$ ;$$$$S▓' $$$$$$$$ ;$$$$S▓' $$$$$$$$ ;$$$$S▓' $$$$$$$$ ;$$$$S▓' : +- `▓S$$$$," ---------`▓S$$$$," ---------`▓S$$$$," ---------`▓S$$$$ " ------ -+ | | | =[USCR]= United States Courier Report =[USCR]= | | Week of Jan 23 - Jan 29 | +- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- -+ TABLE OF CONTENTS ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ USCR-45.TXT 1) News 2) Interviews 3) Quotes 4) Avalanche's Group Review 5) Weekly Top 50 US Couriers 6) Weekly Top 10 US Groups 7) Sites Used This Week 8) Editor's Notes CURYSTAT.ZIP 1) Weektop Stats Used 2) Full US Couriers Scores GRPSTAT.ZIP 1) Grouptop Stats Used 2) Full US Groups Scores How.To.Use.USCR-01.txt 1) How To Use USCR-01 Bot DISCLAIMER ~~~~~~~~~~ USCR's official auditors are the voters representing the groups. All weektop scores are presented to the reader of this emag, as proof of accuracy of the tally. NEWS ~~~~~~~~~ This section will cover Sites and Scene News so if you have anything interesting to spread please msg me prior to our issue releases. O_Matador leaves Motiv8..... Sad News :( Good Luck with any new undertakings. Fubar is on it's way back and I hear the link upgrade is guaranteed and being set up soon. RadioRTS after leaving RTS for a short while to visit Risc has gone back to RTS and from what I see he was warmly welcomed. COD and Lx2 were down this week. Each week I will speak to some top traders from different groups and get their ratings for sites ....Couriers know they work it !!!. HODD'S INTERVIEWS ~~~~~~~~~ This is a new section Hodd from PHX will be interviewing people about their contributions in the scene. Cracking groups come and go, but a group that seems to be here for the long haul is ORiON. Pumping out releases on almost a daily basis, I thought it would be cool to see how they operate. I spoke with Wallace and found out the details of how he operates such a consist process. (hodd) Let's start off by a brief pre-cursor to your ORiON days....how did you begin in this thing we call the scene? (Wallace`) Well, I didn't really start to get into the scene until around early 96. I entered it as a siteop at the time, and was really moving around in what i now know was very unknown groups. I guess the moment when I really was introduced to the scene as I know it today, was when a guy name MetallicX came to me and offered to get my site to be a top one it was called TE, and with that site i was introduced to many great groups at the time PDM, TRPS, etc.. From that point on, I still siteop US sites... currently ** and ***. While I was siteop, i started to get curious about how the groups got releases out and such and decided to pursue into that in TRPS. In that group (during its prime over year ago) i learned the inner workings of the scene and after that started to die down.. i decided I wanted to see the games and cracking part of the scene thats when I jumped into Class and ORiON. A fellow old member of TRPS named Capslock is definitely the guy the brought me into ORiON at the time he described it as a building time for the group. So that covers most of my history up till joining ORiON, most of details I have forgot :) (hodd) quite a story...heh...ORiON tends to release on an almost daily basis, how do you it? Maybe a better question is how do you keep up? :) (Wallace`) Well, i think the key to that is how organized and automated we have made everything in the group, along with the fact that there is never a shortage of brand new supplies. Most of time, its very fun for the crackers and others to hang out and chat.. along with getting work done so it makes it very easy for us to get releases out while relaxing and chatting. Btw, currently I and [B|aZe] lead ORiON, I feel it is important to mention him since he is also a very important part in running the group. (hodd) Would you say that other groups have this kind of relaxed attitude, or do you think the majority just tries to get the meggage? (Wallace`) Well, yeah I think there probably is. However, in all my years in the scene and experiences with groups as siteop.. I have noticed it to be pretty rare. (hodd) Most Utils/Cracking groups have a particular type of software they focus on. What's ORiON's mandate? (Wallace`) heh :) we have none, but we are cracking group. We don't want to limit ourselves to a certain field. Sure , it would be great to completely own one thing.. but i think that would take away from our crackers. It would probably get boring for them.. and they wouldn't see so many different kinds of protections to learn and get better from. (hodd) What role do you personally play in the group? Do you have a hands on approach? (Wallace`) Well, I am a leader in ORiON ([B|aZe] is the other one), and i most definitely have a hands on approach. If you come into the group, you'll see me working just as hard (if not more) than anyone. I'll be packing releases sometimes, duping our supplies, etc... Just because I am leader shouldn't mean i sit back and give orders. That is just stupid in my opinion. If one is capable of leading he should also show those he leads that he will work just as hard as them on the small (sometimes boring) stuff. (hodd) I'm sure alot of courier leaders would agree with you there....has ORiON ever had a merger with another group? (Wallace`) Well, a very long time ago. even before i entered ORiON there was a failed merger with a group called magnum. However, I am happy to say we have lately had a very successful one at the beginning of this month. All KAC members have merged into ORiON, and I must say it is great to have more talented crackers and people around to help. (hodd) What would you say is ORiON's greatest success? (Wallace`) Wow, hard question....I would have to say what I am most proud of is the success of our teamwork and the attitude we all have towards each other. It really makes the group fun to be in. However, I am also proud of the week we got 66 releases out. But I see that record falling soon since we have been getting 40+ a week in 2000 :) (hodd) the 66 week rocked :)....any release that you cracked that made you go "Hell Ya!"? (Wallace`) Well, first thing that comes to mind is the Secure CRT 3 release that one of our oldest cracker Da_DiABLO did. SCRT was eagerly awaited to get out of beta for that version since it took so long. So that felt pretty good. (hodd) yah for sure since 85% of traders need it :)...It seems these days that group hopping seems to be a norm, in the courier scene at least, does ORiON have this problem? (Wallace`) No, we are fortunate to not have this problem at all. Since I have been leader I think we have only had 1 person leave our group for another I believe most of this is due to the attitude of everyone in the group. Everyone has fun. However, we have had many of our crackers approached by other groups.. sometimes repeatedly. It is funny.. cause i have them keep lists of the groups and how many times they ask them, just so we can look back and laugh. (hodd) Does or has ORiON recruit using this method? (Wallace`) No, we never have. I believe anyone who has come to our group directly from another already knew someone in the group. So most of our new people, are either not in groups.. or joining cause they have a friend or know someone in ORiON that they have talked with. (hodd) With sooooo many cracking groups out there, is there competition for releases? and if so does arguments start? (Wallace`) Definitely! There are many cracking groups out their competing every day on releases. Unfortunately I have seen arguments come out of this competition before between groups. However, I am glad to say that ORiON does not engage in public slandering or arguments with other groups. We wont sink down to that immaturity and try to say bad things about others. (hodd) Ok enough about the scene....What does Wallace do when he's not leading in ORiON? (Wallace`) Well, when im not handling all the day to day stuff in ORiON, I just try to have fun and talk with everyone in various channels. But recently I been spending a lot of time on a little project that everyone will be seeing shortly :) I and TecH have been putting together what everyone will know as MCR. Monthly Cracking Report. Until now.. no one has consistently handled information about the cracking scene well. This Monthly report will contain every cracking group with more than 10 releases entire list for the month. And have ranking for most releases, most keygens, and most cracks. We are also going to have a little chat with a different cracker each month :) (hodd) not unless I get to them first :).....welp that wraps it up, thanks for your time and telling the readers a little bit about the scenes best kept secret :) (Wallace`) Sure thing. Greetz to everyone i know :) Well there you have it...let me know what you guys think of this. And if you think your story is worth telling, get in touch with me. QUOTES ~~~~~~ <kevboy> fuck i was so wasted <kevboy> i was thinking what if the cells in ya body were a scene <kevboy> like the warez scene <kevboy> like red, white and blue ones <kevboy> and nukes were viruses <kevboy> i tripped out <OnlyRed> ahahahahaha <ScOoBy|> theres a quote for NWR <ScOoBy|> <tHE_aZeL> wot does +n do for ya anyway? <DopeStar> ;] <ScOoBy|> serious quote it :) <xxxxxxxx> [xxx] New Release by lord of WLW : Find_dirname_from_token_three <xxxxxxxx> [xxx] New Release by lord of WLW : Not <xxxxxxxx> [xxx] New Release by lord of WLW : Found <xxxxxxxx> [xxx] New Release by lord of WLW : (line <xxxxxxxx> [xxx] New Release by lord of WLW : 83, <kevboy> Brii & Red: I am slipping my panties off.. mmm <kevboy> OMG I HAVE SAID TOO MUCH * kevboy runs towards the closet <kevboy> i wasnt ready!!!!! AVALANCHE'S GROUP REVIEW ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ WLW seems to be unstoppable, what is up with the US groups FIGHT THE DOMINANCE ;) AMN (Amnesia): IDLE Criminal (CRM): Off of top 10, don't know what is up with these gusy (1/10) Dark Side Couriers (DSC): On top 10! Is it true you guys got banned on some sites? Wierd. Dunno what you did. Shouts out to my main man Shamu for getting #33. (04/10) iNTENSiTY (iNT): IDLE (00/10) Moonshine (MSN): Back up to #5. As i have said b4 these guys have the potential to be in top 3. Need to start trading some more and they will be there cause they have the talent. Boring is back at #9, lets hope he doesn't get too big of a head. Good week overall for MSN (7/10) MOTiV8 (M8): Thank god, back on top 10. Infact even #7 Neo is trading good for them. (06/10) Phase (PHS): Slipped a bit this week, but still doing good. No couiers in top 10 again though :/ (05/10) Rise In Superior Couriering (RiSC): Seem to be focusing on euro! Still should be higher in the rankings but it seems they are slipping. Duff did good this week though. #3 :/ (06/10) Request to Send (RTS): WHOAAOAOOA! #2 this week, Dmon did good for them this week. How many groups has he been in? and Dvader!!!! 2 RTS in top 10. At the beginning of the week things might have been looking bad for them, but now all things are restored and are in a position to challenge WLW for #1. Great week for these guys. And K1ng didn't evey courry!!!! (10/10) Vice (Vice): #4 seem to be getting consistant. I like what i see from this group. Citizen is trading US and euro? He owns! Light is also pumping in some nice megs. (08/10) Volition (VLN): IDLE (NA/10) We Love Warez (WLW): #1 again! whats new? Punkster put up his regular #1 courier numbers and C4g3 got in on the act too placing #2!!!! Can we say Dominant? I don't see them slowing down anytime soon! (10/10) XCrypt (XC?): First time i am EVER reviewing this group, doing great work. I remember when i was in XCrypt running a lame WarFTPd site, damn they have come along way since then. Very Impressive guys. (09/10) This weeks nicest guy award goes to: Punkster This weeks Best courier award goes to: C4g3 This weeks most surprising group: XCrypt -Avalanche +- ------------------- ,"$Sa,-------- ,"$Sa,--------- ,"$$$$$$ ----- ,"$Sa,- -+ : ,aS$; ,aS$; $$$$$, ,aS$; $$$$$, ,aS$; $$$$$$ ,aS$; $$$$$, : . ,$$$$$aaaaaaaa ,$$$$$; $$$$$$ ,$$$$$; $$$$$$ ,$$$$$; $$$$$$ ,$$$$$; $$$$$$ . $$$$$$; $$$$$$; $$$$$$ $$$$$$; $$$$$$ $$$$$$ssssss, $$$$$$; $$$$$$ . $$$$$$. $$$$$$ $$$$$$. $$$$$$ $$$$$$.,$$S▓' ,ssss $$$$$$ $$$$$$, $$$$$$ . aaggggggggggggggaggggggaaggggggaggggggaa aaggggggaaggggggaggggggaaggggggaa . $$$$$$ .$$$$$$ $$$$$$ .$$$$$$ $$$$$$ $$$$$$ .$$$$$$ $$$$$$ .$$$$$$ . $$$$$$ ;$$$$$$ $$$$$$ ;$$$$$$ $$$$$$ $$$$$$ ;$$$$$$ $$$$$$ ;$$$$$$ . $$$$$$ ;$$$$$$ $$$$$$ ;$$$$$$ $$$$$$ $$$$$$ ;$$$$$$ $$$$$$ ;$$$$$$ . : $$$$$$ ;$$S▓' $$$$$$ ;$$S▓' $$$$$$ $$$$$$ ;$$S▓' $$$$$$ ;$$S▓' : +- `▓S$$," -------`▓S$$," -------`▓S$$ ----------`▓S$$," -------`▓S$$," ---- -+ | | | =[USCR]= Top 50 United States Couriers =[USCR]= | | | +- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- -+ 1 punkstar 156.5 WLW 26 valient 12 MSN 2 c4g3 127.5 WLW 27 ORiON 12 IND 3 dmon 55 RTS 28 dow 10.5 VLN 4 ls 43.5 AMN 29 the_dude 10 IND 5 Dufff 42 RiSC 30 djmp3 10 ViCE 6 lordburn 35 IND 31 aldog 9 RiSC 7 dvader 32 RTS 32 axion 9 MSN 8 citizen 31 ViCE 33 shamu 8 DSC 9 boring 30 MSN 34 kevboy 8 VLN 10 hapan 25 M8 35 radio 8 RTS 11 neo 22.5 M8 36 mrzed 7.5 WLW 12 Garoto 22.5 DEV 37 godbless 7.5 DEV 13 SJ 20 DEV 38 Misanthro 6 DSC 14 sauron 19.5 CRM 39 sforce 6 M8 15 light 19 ViCE 40 loop 6 PHS 16 worp 18 RiSC 41 poacher 6 IND 17 cedric 16 AOD 42 corbier 5 IND 18 primal 16 AMB 43 pure 5 IND 19 avalanch 14.5 RiSC 44 Indica 4.5 TFA 20 citizenc 14 IND 45 seizure 4 IND 21 sunscar 13.5 IND 46 rivendel 3 AMB 22 tazola 12.5 IND 47 drunkkid 3 AMN 23 whoppie 12.5 WLW 48 crippler 2.5 IND 24 skimp 12.5 ViCE 49 Eagle_Fire 1.5 IND 25 nzo 12.5 M8 50 dolt 1.5 PHX ****NOTE**** If your group is wrong type !uscrhelp in #USCR Weektop stats are collected from 12 US sites which have been chosen by the staff to "best represent" the US couriering scene. Depending on the placement on the weektop, the trader is allotted points. A #1 position gets 10 points multiplied by the site multiplier. A #10 position gets 1 point multiplied by the site multiplier. +- ------------------- ,"$Sa,-------- ,"$Sa,------------------------ ,"$Sa,- -+ : ,aS$; ,aS$; $$$$$, ,aS$; $$$$$, ,aS$; ,aS$; $$$$$, : $$$$$$; $$$$$$; $$$$$$ $$$$$$; $$$$$$ $$$$$$ $$$$$$; $$$$$$ . $$$$$$. $$$$$$ $$$$$$. $$$$$$ $$$$$$.,$$S▓' $$$$$$ $$$$$$, $$$$$$ . aaggggggggggggggaggggggaaggggggaggggggaa aagggggg ggggggaaggggggaa . $$$$$$ .$$$$$$ $$$$$$ .$$$$$$ $$$$$$ $$$$$$ $$$$$$ .$$$$$$ . $$$$$$ ;$$$$$$ $$$$$$ ;$$$$$$ $$$$$$ $$$$$$ $$$$$$ ;$$$$$$ . $$$$$$ ;$$$$$$ $$$$$$ ;$$$$$$ $$$$$$ $$$$$$ $$$$$$ ;$$$$$$ . : $$$$$$ ;$$S▓' $$$$$$ ;$$S▓' $$$$$$ $$$$$$ $$$$$$ ;$$S▓' : +- `▓S$$," -------`▓S$$," -------`▓S$$ ------------------`▓S$$ -`▓S$$," ---- -+ | | | =[USCR]= Top 10 United States Courier Groups =[USCR]= | | | +- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- -+ 1 WLW 167.5 2 RTS 122 3 RISC 109.5 4 VICE 80 5 MSN 62 6 PHS 54 7 M8 45 8 XCRYPT 37 9 AOD 31.5 10 DSC 29 SITE RANKINGS ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (2.5x) S** B**** C*** - R*** H*** - T** O**** S******* (2.0x> D**** B* Z*** - T** G****** - T** C*****X (1.5x) R**** F**** O**** - Q***C** - A*T**A (This Week's Sites Were Rated By) : United States Courier Report Staff with the assistance of RadioRTS, Duff, C4G3 , Kevboy Next weeks sites based on the vote are : ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ USCR STAFF EDITOR'S NOTES ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This will be an issue in the history books of USCR. As we approach our 1 year aniversary we've decided to change things around a 'lil. Prozax is off to pursue his own creation EUCR, so in his place, we bring the very talented Brianna. *Cheer*. As most of you know, Brianna is a very skilled candidate for the job and I wish you all enjoy her editorialship. I, myself, have been very idle as of late but will continue to show up on saturday nights to check you guys out :) I've had a lot of fun with the mag, Prozax has had a lot of fun with the mag, and now it's time to pass the torch. She's all yours bri. KerTo [USCR EdiTor] Well this is my first week so be gentle with me. I took this job on for a few reasons but I would say the main reason is because couriers really love to see how they ranked and I wanted to be part of that fair process. The mag is nearly the same this week but will undergo a few changes in coming weeks as I find my feet. Nothing drastic, this week I have included new section Hodd's Scene Interviews.. and welcome Wallace and Hodd as staff.. Brianna [USCR EdiToR] Everyone go check out #EUCR for my new mag! -ProzaX[EUCR Editor] USCR STAFF ~~~~~~~~~~ Founder : KerTo Editors : KerTo , O_Matador, Prozax, Brianna Staff : Avalanche, ChexZ, Deadeye, LS, Nzo, punx, XorbX , Hodd , Wallace Greets : OtherZeuS(You Rule), TecH, Deadeye for the graffix, Camp, Citizen, CubanPete, Gawajn, Gotan, [Shark], Vulcan, Whoopass. And other people that have good things to say about USCR, and help me out:) No GREETS: PEOPLE THAT BUG ME FOR ISSUE, you know who you are;) Huge Shout out to Mgoh for doing this great Ascii for us! Full Disclosure Policy ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ At USCR we have a policy to always give full disclosure. All releases and/or updates will be provided alongside with multipliers for sites and site stats that were used for the final compile. Site stats will ONLY be collected by USCR staff to ensure that nobody cheats. ________ _____________________ _____________ ___________ \_______\ ______ ________/_ _________/______ _\_ / / \________ \/ \ \/ _/ / _/ / \ / \ \ \ \_______/ \________ _//_____/ _//______/ _//____/ _\\ +- ------------ \______/---- \______/----- \______/--- \________/ ---------- -+ | [EOF] [USCR Artwork & Layout (c) MG 1999] | +- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- -+
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