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2004 September 19

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├œ├œ├œ ├œ├œ├›├›├›┬▓┬▓┬▓┬▓┬▓┬▓├œ├œ├œ├œ ├œ├œ├œ ├œ├›┬▓┬▓├Ÿ├Ÿ├Ÿ├œ ├œ├›├Ÿ├Ÿ├Ÿ ├Ÿ├Ÿ├Ÿ├Ÿ├Ÿ┬▓┬▓├›├œ├œ ├œ├Ÿ├Ÿ ├Ÿ├Ÿ├œ ├Ÿ ├œ ├Ÿ├›├›┬▓├œ ├Ÿ ├Ÿ├œ├œ ├Ÿ├Ÿ├Ÿ├œ├œ ├›├� ├ž├� sCr! ├Ÿ┬▓├Ÿ ├œ├›├œ ├Ÿ├Ÿ├Ÿ├›├œ├œ├œ├œ├œ├œ ├œ ├œ ├Ÿ├›├›├›├›├œ├œ├œ├œ├œ├œ ├Ÿ├›├›├œ ├œ├›├œ├œ├œ ├œ├›├›┬▓┬▓┬▓├œ ├œ├œ├›├Ÿ├Ÿ├Ÿ├Ÿ ├›┬▓├œ├œ├œ ├Ÿ├Ÿ├œ├œ├œ├œ ├Ÿ├Ÿ├œ├œ├œ ├Ÿ├Ÿ├Ÿ├Ÿ├›├œ├œ├œ├œ ├œ ├Ÿ├Ÿ├Ÿ├Ÿ├œ├œ├›├›├›├›├›┬▓┬▓┬▓┬▓├œ ├œ├œ├œ├›├Ÿ├Ÿ ├ž├›├›├›├›├›├›├›├œ├œ├œ├œ ├Ÿ├Ÿ├Ÿ├Ÿ├Ÿ├œ├œ├œ├œ├›├Ÿ├Ÿ├Ÿ ├œ├œ├œ├›├Ÿ ├Ÿ├Ÿ├Ÿ├Ÿ├›├œ├œ├œ├œ ├Ÿ├›├›├›├›├›┬▓┬▓├Ÿ ├Ÿ├Ÿ├œ├œ ├›├›├›├›┬▓┬▓ ├Ÿ├Ÿ├Ÿ├›├›┬▓├œ├œ├œ ├œ├œ├œ├œ├›├Ÿ├Ÿ├Ÿ├Ÿ├›├›┬▓┬▓ ├Ÿ├›┬▓├œ ├Ÿ├›├›├›├Ÿ├Ÿ├›├œ├œ ├Ÿ├›┬▓├œ├œ ├ž├›├›├›├Ÿ├Ÿ├Ÿ ├œ├œ├œ├œ├›├›├›┬▓┬▓├œ├›├›├›├›├Ÿ ├ž├›├›┬▓├�├œ├œ├›├›├›├›├›├›├œ├œ ├›├›┬▓├�├Ÿ├›├›├›├Ÿ├œ├œ ├›├›├›├›├›├œ├œ ├›├›┬▓┬▓┬▓ ├Ÿ ├œ├œ├›├›├›├›├Ÿ├Ÿ ├Ÿ├›├›├›┬▓┬▓├›├›┬▓┬▓ ├›├›┬▓┬▓├›├›┬▓├Ÿ ├Ÿ├›├›├›├›┬▓├� ├›├›├›├›┬▓┬▓ ├›├›├›┬▓┬▓├Ÿ├Ÿ├›├›├œ ├›├›├›┬▓┬▓ ├œ├›├›├›┬▓┬▓├Ÿ ├›├›├›┬▓┬▓├›├›┬▓┬▓ ├ž├›├›┬▓├›┬▓├� ├ž├›├›┬▓┬▓├�├ž├›├›├›┬▓┬▓├� ├›├›├›┬▓┬▓ ├Ÿ├›├›├›├›┬▓┬▓ ├›├›├›├›┬▓┬▓┬▓ ├›├›├›┬▓┬▓├›├Ÿ├›├›┬▓├œ ├›├›├›├›┬▓┬▓ ├›├›┬▓┬▓├Ÿ ├›├›├›┬▓┬▓┬▓ ├ž├›├›┬▓┬▓├� ├ž├›├›├›┬▓┬▓ ├Ÿ├›├›├›├›┬▓┬▓ ├Ÿ├Ÿ├Ÿ├Ÿ├Ÿ├Ÿ├Ÿ├Ÿ ├Ÿ├Ÿ├›├›┬▓┬▓├œ├œ├œ├œ├ž├›├›├›├Ÿ├›├›├œ├œ ├Ÿ┬▓┬▓┬▓├œ├œ├›├›├›┬▓┬▓├Ÿ ├œ├›├›┬▓┬▓├Ÿ ├œ├œ├Ÿ├›├›├›┬▓┬▓├œ ├Ÿ├Ÿ├›├›┬▓┬▓├œ├œ├œ├œ├Ÿ ├Ÿ├Ÿ├Ÿ├Ÿ├Ÿ ├›├›┬▓┬▓ ├Ÿ├Ÿ├›├›├›├›├›├›├›├›┬▓├Ÿ├Ÿ├Ÿ ├œ├œ├›┬▓├Ÿ├Ÿ ├Ÿ├Ÿ├›├›├Ÿ├Ÿ ├œ├Ÿ ├Ÿ├Ÿ├Ÿ├Ÿ ├œ├Ÿ├Ÿ├Ÿ├›├œ ├œ├œ├›├›├›├›┬▓┬▓├œ├œ ├›├›┬▓┬▓ ├œ ├Ÿ├Ÿ├Ÿ├›├›├œ├œ├œ├›├›├Ÿ├Ÿ ├Ÿ├œ ├œ├Ÿ ├Ÿ├œ ├› ├œ├œ├Ÿ├Ÿ ├ž├›├›├›├›├›├›┬▓┬▓├Ÿ├Ÿ├Ÿ├Ÿ├›├›├›├›├›├›├›├›├›├Ÿ ├œ├œ ├Ÿ├Ÿ├Ÿ├œ├œ├œ ├œ├œ├Ÿ ├ž├� ├ž├� ├Ÿ├Ÿ├œ├œ├œ├œ├œ├Ÿ├Ÿ├Ÿ ├Ÿ ├›├›├›├›┬▓┬▓ ├œ├Ÿ├Ÿ├Ÿ├œ├œ ├Ÿ├Ÿ├Ÿ├Ÿ ├Ÿ├Ÿ├œ ├Ÿ├Ÿ├Ÿ├Ÿ├Ÿ ├Ÿ├œ├œ ├œ├œ├Ÿ ├œ├œ ├›├›├›├›┬▓┬▓├ž├� ├Ÿ├Ÿ├œ├œ├œ ├›├Ÿ├Ÿ├œ├œ├œ├œ├Ÿ ├Ÿ├Ÿ├›├œ├œ ├Ÿ┬▓├›├›├›├›├›├œ├œ├œ├œ ├Ÿ├Ÿ├›├›├›├›├›├œ├œ├œ├Ÿ ├Ÿ├Ÿ├Ÿ├œ├œ├œ├œ├œ├Ÿ├Ÿ ├œ├œ ├Ÿ┬▓├œ ├Ÿ├Ÿ├›├›├œ ├Ÿ├Ÿ├Ÿ├Ÿ├Ÿ├›├œ├œ├œ├œ├œ ├œ├œ├œ├œ├œ├œ├›├›├›├Ÿ ├›├›├� ├œ├œ ├Ÿ├›├œ ├Ÿ├œ├œ ├Ÿ├Ÿ├Ÿ├Ÿ├Ÿ├Ÿ├Ÿ AGAiN is proud to present.. ├Ÿ├Ÿ├Ÿ├Ÿ├Ÿ ├œ├›├›├Ÿ ├Ÿ├œ├œ├›├›├Ÿ ├œ├›├›├� ├Ÿ┬▓├œ ├›├›├œ ├œ├›├Ÿ ├œ├›├Ÿ ├œ├œ ┬▓┬▓├›├›├›├œ ├ž├›├�├›├›├›├� SoftMaker PlanMaker v2004 R275 ├œ├›├› ├œ┬▓├Ÿ ├ž├›├›├œ ┬▓┬▓┬▓├›├›├›├›├œ├œ├œ┬▓├Ÿ├œ├›├›┬▓┬▓ ├ž├›├›├›├ž├›├� ├œ├›├›├›┬▓┬▓ ├Ÿ├›├›├›├›├›├›├œ├œ├œ├›├Ÿ ├›┬▓├Ÿ ┬▓┬▓├›├›├œ├Ÿ┬▓├œ├œ├œ├›├›├›├›┬▓┬▓┬▓ ├œ├œ├œ├Ÿ├Ÿ├›├›├›├›├Ÿ├Ÿ ├œ├Ÿ Cracker...: AGAiN tEAM! ├Ÿ┬▓├› ├Ÿ├›├œ├œ├œ├›├›├›├›├›├›├Ÿ ├›├›├› ├œ├œ├Ÿ Supplier..: AGAiN tEAM! ├Ÿ├œ ├Ÿ├Ÿ├›├›├›├›├Ÿ├Ÿ├œ├œ├œ ├›├›├›├œ ├œ├œ├›├›├Ÿ Packager..: AGAiN tEAM! ├Ÿ├œ├œ ├›├›├› ├Ÿ├›├›├›├Ÿ├›├›├›├Ÿ Tester....: AGAiN tEAM! ├Ÿ├›├›├œ├œ ├œ├›├›├› ├œ├›├›├Ÿ ├Ÿ├›├›├›├Ÿ├›├›├›├Ÿ ├›├›├›┬▓ Protection..: Serial ├Ÿ├›├›├œ ├Ÿ├›├›├œ Size........: 03 x 4.77mb ├œ├œ├Ÿ ┬▓├›├›├› ├Ÿ├Ÿ├Ÿ Date........: 19/09/2004 ├œ├›├› ├œ├›├›├Ÿ ├œ├œ├œ├Ÿ├Ÿ├Ÿ├Ÿ├Ÿ├Ÿ├Ÿ├œ├œ├œ├œ ┬▓├›├›├›├›├›├›├œ ├œ ├œ├Ÿ├Ÿ ├Ÿ├Ÿ├Ÿ├›├›├œ├œ├œ ├œ ├Ÿ├œ ├Ÿ┬▓┬▓├›├›├›├›├›├›├›├›├Ÿ ├œ├œ├œ├›├›├›├›├›├›├›├›├›├›├œ├œ ├Ÿ├›┬▓├œ├œ ├ž├›├œ ├Ÿ├Ÿ┬▓┬▓├›├›├Ÿ├Ÿ ├œ├œ├›├›├Ÿ├Ÿ├œ├›├›├Ÿ├Ÿ ├Ÿ├Ÿ├Ÿ├›├›├œ ├Ÿ├œ├Ÿ├›├Ÿ├œ├œ├œ ├œ├œ├Ÿ ├Ÿ├Ÿ├œ├œ ├œ├›├›├›├›├œ ├›├›├›├Ÿ ├ž├›├› ├Ÿ├›├œ├œ ├ž├� ├Ÿ├œ├œ├Ÿ├Ÿ├›┬▓┬▓├œ├œ├œ├œ├œ├œ├œ├œ├œ├›├›├Ÿ├Ÿ ├ž├� ├Ÿ├Ÿ├Ÿ├Ÿ├œ├œ├œ├œ ├Ÿ ├œ├œ├Ÿ├Ÿ├Ÿ├›├›├›├›├œ ├Ÿ├›├›├œ├œ ├œ ├œ├›├Ÿ ├Ÿ├Ÿ ├œ├œ├Ÿ ├›├Ÿ├Ÿ├›├œ├œ├Ÿ├Ÿ├Ÿ├Ÿ├Ÿ├Ÿ├Ÿ├Ÿ├Ÿ ├œ├Ÿ ├œ├œ├œ├Ÿ├Ÿ├Ÿ ├œ├›├› ├Ÿ├Ÿ├›├›├œ├œ ├Ÿ├Ÿ├›├›├›├›├œ├œ├œ├œ├œ├›├›├›├›├›├›├›├›├Ÿ├Ÿ ├œ├› ├Ÿ├Ÿ├›├œ├œ├œ ├œ├œ├œ├Ÿ├Ÿ ├œ├›├Ÿ ┬▓├›├›├œ ├œ├Ÿ ├Ÿ├Ÿ├Ÿ├›├œ├œ├œ├œ├›├›├›┬▓┬▓┬▓├Ÿ├Ÿ├Ÿ├Ÿ├Ÿ ├œ├œ├Ÿ├Ÿ ├Ÿ├Ÿ├œ├œ ├Ÿ├Ÿ├Ÿ├Ÿ├Ÿ├Ÿ├Ÿ ├Ÿ├›├œ ├Ÿ├Ÿ├›├›├›├›├œ├œ ├ž├›├œ├œ├œ├œ├Ÿ├Ÿ├Ÿ ├Ÿ├Ÿ├Ÿ├œ├œ├œ├œ ├œ├œ├Ÿ ├œ├Ÿ ├Ÿ├›├›├›┬▓├œ R e l e a s e I n f o ├Ÿ├Ÿ├Ÿ├Ÿ├Ÿ├Ÿ├œ├œ├œ├œ├œ├œ├œ├œ├œ├œ├Ÿ├Ÿ├Ÿ ├›┬▓ ├›├œ├›├›├›├›├Ÿ ├œ├œ├œ ├Ÿ├œ ├›┬▓ ├›├›├›├›├›├œ PlanMaker for Windows ┬– Calculate. Visualize. Present. ├Ÿ├›├› ├œ├›├› ├Ÿ├›├œ├œ ├Ÿ├Ÿ├œ├œ├›├›├Ÿ├Ÿ ├œ├œ├Ÿ├Ÿ├›├›├œ├œ Everybody has to calculate things every day: Check ├œ├›├Ÿ├Ÿ ├œ├›├› ├Ÿ├›├› credit card statements, prepare tax statements, do ├›┬▓ ├›├›├›├›├›├Ÿ ┬▓├›├›├œ ├œ├Ÿ budgeting or quarterly sales forecasts for the CEO, ├›┬▓ ├›├Ÿ├›├›├›├›├œ ├Ÿ├Ÿ├›├›├›├›├œ├œ create fancy financial models, compare mortgage offers ├Ÿ├œ ├œ├›├›├›┬▓├Ÿ ├œ├Ÿ ├Ÿ├›├›├›┬▓├œ for that great house you've set your sight on... ├œ├œ├›├›├›├›├Ÿ├Ÿ ├›┬▓ ├›├œ├›├›├›├›├Ÿ ┬▓├›├›├Ÿ ├Ÿ├œ ├›┬▓ ├›├›├›├›├›├œ PlanMaker 2004 for Windows, the efficient Microsoft ├Ÿ├›├› ├œ├›├› ├Ÿ├›├œ├œ Excel-compatible spreadsheet from SoftMaker, does all ├Ÿ├Ÿ├œ├œ├›├›├Ÿ├Ÿ ├œ├œ├Ÿ├Ÿ├›├›├œ├œ of the above with ease. But PlanMaker does not stop ├œ├›├Ÿ├Ÿ ├œ├›├› ├Ÿ├›├› there: It not only solves financial equations but also ├›┬▓ ├›├›├›├›├›├Ÿ ┬▓├›├›├œ ├œ├Ÿ excels at higher maths, has a comprehensive set of ├›┬▓ ├›├Ÿ├›├›├›├›├œ ├Ÿ├Ÿ├›├›├›├›├œ├œ statistics functions, works with complex numbers and ├Ÿ├œ ├œ├›├›├›┬▓├Ÿ ├œ├Ÿ ├Ÿ├›├›├›┬▓├œ has a complete set of array functions built-in. ├œ├œ├›├›├›├›├Ÿ├Ÿ ├›┬▓ ├›├œ├›├›├›├›├Ÿ ┬▓├›├›├Ÿ ├Ÿ├œ ├›┬▓ ├›├›├›├›├›├œ Calculate. ├Ÿ├›├› ├œ├›├› ├Ÿ├›├œ├œ ├Ÿ├Ÿ├œ├œ├›├›├Ÿ├Ÿ ├œ├œ├Ÿ├Ÿ├›├›├œ├œ More than 320 calculation functions are built-in and ├œ├›├Ÿ├Ÿ ├œ├›├› ├Ÿ├›├› cover the areas of date and time calculations, ├›┬▓ ├›├›├›├›├›├Ÿ ┬▓├›├›├œ ├œ├Ÿ mathematics, statistics, financial maths, numeric ├›┬▓ ├›├Ÿ├›├›├›├›├œ ├Ÿ├Ÿ├›├›├›├›├œ├œ conversions, and data analysis. ├Ÿ├œ ├œ├›├›├›┬▓├Ÿ ├œ├Ÿ ├Ÿ├›├›├›┬▓├œ ├œ├œ├›├›├›├›├Ÿ├Ÿ ├›┬▓ ├›├œ├›├›├›├›├Ÿ PlanMaker is not limited to two dimensions: Create up ┬▓├›├›├Ÿ ├Ÿ├œ ├›┬▓ ├›├›├›├›├›├œ to 256 sheets per file and do three-dimensional ├Ÿ├›├› ├œ├›├› ├Ÿ├›├œ├œ calculations. To let you easily reference cells in ├Ÿ├Ÿ├œ├œ├›├›├Ÿ├Ÿ ├œ├œ├Ÿ├Ÿ├›├›├œ├œ that vast amount of data, you can create named ranges ├œ├›├Ÿ├Ÿ ├œ├›├› ├Ÿ├›├› and access these ranges through their name. ├›┬▓ ├›├›├›├›├›├Ÿ ┬▓├›├›├œ ├œ├Ÿ ├›┬▓ ├›├Ÿ├›├›├›├›├œ ├Ÿ├Ÿ├›├›├›├›├œ├œ PlanMaker's goal seeker finds the source values you ├Ÿ├œ ├œ├›├›├›┬▓├Ÿ ├œ├Ÿ ├Ÿ├›├›├›┬▓├œ need for a given result through approximation. Syntax ├œ├œ├›├›├›├›├Ÿ├Ÿ ├›┬▓ ├›├œ├›├›├›├›├Ÿ highlighting helps you easily spot errors in your ┬▓├›├›├Ÿ ├Ÿ├œ ├›┬▓ ├›├›├›├›├›├œ worksheets: Numbers, formulas, and text are presented ├Ÿ├›├› ├œ├›├› ├Ÿ├›├œ├œ in different colors, and erroneous formulas are ├Ÿ├Ÿ├œ├œ├›├›├Ÿ├Ÿ ├œ├œ├Ÿ├Ÿ├›├›├œ├œ flagged in red. ├œ├›├Ÿ├Ÿ ├œ├›├› ├Ÿ├›├› ├›┬▓ ├›├›├›├›├›├Ÿ ┬▓├›├›├œ ├œ├Ÿ Present. ├›┬▓ ├›├Ÿ├›├›├›├›├œ ├Ÿ├Ÿ├›├›├›├›├œ├œ ├Ÿ├œ ├œ├›├›├›┬▓├Ÿ ├œ├Ÿ ├Ÿ├›├›├›┬▓├œ Creating intricate formulas is only one part of the ├œ├œ├›├›├›├›├Ÿ├Ÿ ├›┬▓ ├›├œ├›├›├›├›├Ÿ equation. If you want to persuade your audience, you ┬▓├›├›├Ÿ ├Ÿ├œ ├›┬▓ ├›├›├›├›├›├œ should make sure to create visually pleasing ├Ÿ├›├› ├œ├›├› ├Ÿ├›├œ├œ worksheets that help you state your point. ├Ÿ├Ÿ├œ├œ├›├›├Ÿ├Ÿ ├œ├œ├Ÿ├Ÿ├›├›├œ├œ ├œ├›├Ÿ├Ÿ ├œ├›├› ├Ÿ├›├› PlanMaker has comprehensive formatting features: Cells ├›┬▓ ├›├›├›├›├›├Ÿ ┬▓├›├›├œ ├œ├Ÿ can be shaded in many different styles, have any kind ├›┬▓ ├›├Ÿ├›├›├›├›├œ ├Ÿ├Ÿ├›├›├›├›├œ├œ of borders. Multiple cells can be merged horizontally ├Ÿ├œ ├œ├›├›├›┬▓├Ÿ ├œ├Ÿ ├Ÿ├›├›├›┬▓├œ and vertically, and the contents of cells are easily ├œ├œ├›├›├›├›├Ÿ├Ÿ ├›┬▓ ├›├œ├›├›├›├›├Ÿ rotated. Conditional formatting changes the layout of ┬▓├›├›├Ÿ ├Ÿ├œ ├›┬▓ ├›├›├›├›├›├œ cells depending on their contents, and the AutoFormat ├Ÿ├›├› ├œ├›├› ├Ÿ├›├œ├œ command creates attractive layouts for your worksheets ├Ÿ├Ÿ├œ├œ├›├›├Ÿ├Ÿ ├œ├œ├Ÿ├Ÿ├›├›├œ├œ at the press of a key. ├œ├›├Ÿ├Ÿ ├œ├›├› ├Ÿ├›├› ├›┬▓ ├›├›├›├›├›├Ÿ ┬▓├›├›├œ ├œ├Ÿ Repeating format styles can be saved as stylesheets ├›┬▓ ├›├Ÿ├›├›├›├›├œ ├Ÿ├Ÿ├›├›├›├›├œ├œ and later recalled through a simple menu choice. ├Ÿ├œ ├œ├›├›├›┬▓├Ÿ ├œ├Ÿ ├Ÿ├›├›├›┬▓├œ ├œ├œ├›├›├›├›├Ÿ├Ÿ ├›┬▓ ├›├œ├›├›├›├›├Ÿ PlanMaker 2004 supports drawing right on the ┬▓├›├›├Ÿ ├Ÿ├œ ├›┬▓ ├›├›├›├›├›├œ worksheet: A complete AutoShapes drawing module is ├Ÿ├›├› ├œ├›├› ├Ÿ├›├œ├œ built into PlanMaker, and our vast symbols library ├Ÿ├Ÿ├œ├œ├›├›├Ÿ├Ÿ ├œ├œ├Ÿ├Ÿ├›├›├œ├œ complements it. This means that you can not only ├œ├›├Ÿ├Ÿ ├œ├›├› ├Ÿ├›├› create simple geometric shapes, but also intricate ├›┬▓ ├›├›├›├›├›├Ÿ ┬▓├›├›├œ ├œ├Ÿ flowcharts and org charts ┬– sticky connectors included! ├›┬▓ ├›├Ÿ├›├›├›├›├œ ├Ÿ├Ÿ├›├›├›├›├œ├œ ├Ÿ├œ ├œ├›├›├›┬▓├Ÿ ├œ├Ÿ ├Ÿ├›├›├›┬▓├œ Freehand drawing is possible just as well: Create a ├œ├œ├›├›├›├›├Ÿ├Ÿ ├›┬▓ ├›├œ├›├›├›├›├Ÿ sketch and then edit the B├⌐zier points of your ┬▓├›├›├Ÿ ├Ÿ├œ ├›┬▓ ├›├›├›├›├›├œ scribble. Also, every one of these shapes (be they ├Ÿ├›├› ├œ├›├› ├Ÿ├›├œ├œ shapes, drawings, or even text art) can be filled with ├Ÿ├Ÿ├œ├œ├›├›├Ÿ├Ÿ ├œ├œ├Ÿ├Ÿ├›├›├œ├œ colors, linear and radial gradients, bitmap patterns ├œ├›├Ÿ├Ÿ ├œ├›├› ├Ÿ├›├› etc. ├›┬▓ ├›├›├›├›├›├Ÿ ┬▓├›├›├œ ├œ├Ÿ ├›┬▓ ├›├Ÿ├›├›├›├›├œ ├Ÿ├Ÿ├›├›├›├›├œ├œ Visualize. ├Ÿ├œ ├œ├›├›├›┬▓├Ÿ ├œ├Ÿ ├Ÿ├›├›├›┬▓├œ ├œ├œ├›├›├›├›├Ÿ├Ÿ ├›┬▓ ├›├œ├›├›├›├›├Ÿ Charting turns numbers into pictures. Great charting ┬▓├›├›├Ÿ ├Ÿ├œ ├›┬▓ ├›├›├›├›├›├œ convinces your audience. PlanMaker's charting engine ├Ÿ├›├› ├œ├›├› ├Ÿ├›├œ├œ helps you create great charts with ease. Choose from ├Ÿ├Ÿ├œ├œ├›├›├Ÿ├Ÿ ├œ├œ├Ÿ├Ÿ├›├›├œ├œ any of the 70 different types of 2D and 3D charts ├œ├›├Ÿ├Ÿ ├œ├›├› ├Ÿ├›├› PlanMaker supports ┬– in fact, any chart that can be ├›┬▓ ├›├›├›├›├›├Ÿ ┬▓├›├›├œ ├œ├Ÿ displayed by Microsoft Excel can also be created, ├›┬▓ ├›├Ÿ├›├›├›├›├œ ├Ÿ├Ÿ├›├›├›├›├œ├œ edited, and displayed by PlanMaker. ├Ÿ├œ ├œ├›├›├›┬▓├Ÿ ├œ├Ÿ ├Ÿ├›├›├›┬▓├œ ├œ├œ├›├›├›├›├Ÿ├Ÿ ├›┬▓ ├›├œ├›├›├›├›├Ÿ Even stock diagram types like bar or column charts can ┬▓├›├›├Ÿ ├Ÿ├œ ├›┬▓ ├›├›├›├›├›├œ be spiffed up with color gradients, freely rotated in ├Ÿ├›├› ├œ├›├› ├Ÿ├›├œ├œ three-dimensional space or adorned with background ├Ÿ├Ÿ├œ├œ├›├›├Ÿ├Ÿ ├œ├œ├Ÿ├Ÿ├›├›├œ├œ pictures or patterns. Pie charts support tearing out ├œ├›├Ÿ├Ÿ ├œ├›├› ├Ÿ├›├› slices and combining slices and creating sub-charts ├›┬▓ ├›├›├›├›├›├Ÿ ┬▓├›├›├œ ├œ├Ÿ from them. Surface, bubble, or pyramidal charts? ├›┬▓ ├›├Ÿ├›├›├›├›├œ ├Ÿ├Ÿ├›├›├›├›├œ├œ PlanMaker is up to the task! Trend lines? No problem ├Ÿ├œ ├œ├›├›├›┬▓├Ÿ ├œ├Ÿ ├Ÿ├›├›├›┬▓├œ for PlanMaker! ├œ├œ├›├›├›├›├Ÿ├Ÿ ├›┬▓ ├›├œ├›├›├›├›├Ÿ ┬▓├›├›├Ÿ ├Ÿ├œ ├›┬▓ ├›├›├›├›├›├œ Authentic Conversions of Microsoft Excel Files ├Ÿ├›├› ├œ├›├› ├Ÿ├›├œ├œ ├Ÿ├Ÿ├œ├œ├›├›├Ÿ├Ÿ ├œ├œ├Ÿ├Ÿ├›├›├œ├œ PlanMaker reads and writes Microsoft Excel files ├œ├›├Ÿ├Ÿ ├œ├›├› ├Ÿ├›├› (Excel 5.0, 95, 97, 2000, XP, Excel 2003, and Excel ├›┬▓ ├›├›├›├›├›├Ÿ ┬▓├›├›├œ ├œ├Ÿ for Apple Macintosh) with highest fidelity, ensuring ├›┬▓ ├›├Ÿ├›├›├›├›├œ ├Ÿ├Ÿ├›├›├›├›├œ├œ easy and safe file exchange with Microsoft Excel users. ├Ÿ├œ ├œ├›├›├›┬▓├Ÿ ├œ├Ÿ ├Ÿ├›├›├›┬▓├œ ├œ├œ├›├›├›├›├Ÿ├Ÿ ├›┬▓ ├›├œ├›├›├›├›├Ÿ ┬▓├›├›├Ÿ ├Ÿ├œ ├›┬▓ ├›├›├›├›├›├œ ├Ÿ├›├› ├œ├›├› ├Ÿ├›├›├œ├œ ├Ÿ├Ÿ├œ├œ├›├›├Ÿ├Ÿ ├Ÿ├œ├›├›├Ÿ├›├œ├œ├œ├œ ├œ├›├Ÿ├Ÿ ├Ÿ├Ÿ├Ÿ├œ├œ├œ├œ├Ÿ├Ÿ├Ÿ├Ÿ├Ÿ├Ÿ├Ÿ├Ÿ├œ├œ├œ├œ├œ├œ ├›┬▓ ├œ├œ├œ ├œ├Ÿ ├Ÿ├Ÿ├Ÿ├Ÿ├Ÿ├Ÿ├œ├œ├œ├œ├œ├œ ├Ÿ├Ÿ├Ÿ├Ÿ├Ÿ├œ├œ ├œ├œ├›├Ÿ├Ÿ├Ÿ├›├œ├œ ├œ├œ├œ ├›┬▓ ├Ÿ ├Ÿ├Ÿ├œ ├›┬▓ ├Ÿ├Ÿ├Ÿ├Ÿ├Ÿ├œ├œ ├Ÿ├œ ├›├›├›├›├›┬▓┬▓┬▓┬▓┬▓├› ├œ├›├›├Ÿ ├œ├›├Ÿ ├Ÿ├œ ├ž├� ├›┬▓ I n s t a l l I n f o ├› ├œ├Ÿ ├›├›├›├›├›├›├›┬▓┬▓┬▓├› ├›├›├› ├›├Ÿ├› ├œ├œ├Ÿ ├Ÿ├Ÿ├œ├œ├œ├œ├Ÿ ├Ÿ├›├œ├œ ├œ├œ├›├Ÿ├Ÿ ├Ÿ├Ÿ├›├›├›├›├›├Ÿ├Ÿ ├Ÿ├›├›├œ├œ ├œ├œ├Ÿ ├Ÿ├Ÿ├Ÿ├Ÿ ├œ├Ÿ ├œ├œ├Ÿ├Ÿ├›├›├œ├œ ├Ÿ├Ÿ├Ÿ├Ÿ ├›┬▓ ├›├›├›├›├›├Ÿ ├œ├›├› ├Ÿ├›├› Unzip, unrar and install the application. ├›┬▓ ├›├Ÿ├›├›├›├›├œ ┬▓├›├›├œ ├œ├Ÿ Use our keymaker to generate your personalized serial ├Ÿ├œ ├œ├›├›├›┬▓├Ÿ ├Ÿ├Ÿ├›├›├›├›├œ├œ which will be used during installation, then after it ├œ├œ├›├›├›├›├Ÿ├Ÿ ├œ├Ÿ ├Ÿ├›├›├›┬▓├œ is finished run the program and *if asked* use ┬▓├›├›├Ÿ ├Ÿ├œ ├›┬▓ ├›├œ├›├›├›├›├Ÿ generated activation code to make it fully enabled. ├Ÿ├›├› ├œ├›├› ├›┬▓ ├›├›├›├›├›├œ ├Ÿ├Ÿ├œ├œ├›├›├Ÿ├Ÿ ├Ÿ├›├œ├œ Enjoy. ├œ├›├Ÿ├Ÿ ├œ├œ├Ÿ├Ÿ├›├›├œ├œ ├›┬▓ ├›├›├›├›├›├Ÿ ├œ├›├› ├Ÿ├›├› ├›┬▓ ├›├Ÿ├›├›├›├›├œ ┬▓├›├›├œ ├œ├Ÿ ├Ÿ├œ ├œ├›├›├›┬▓├Ÿ ├Ÿ├Ÿ├›├›├›├›├œ├œ ├œ├œ├›├›├›├›├Ÿ├Ÿ ├œ├Ÿ ├Ÿ├›├›├›┬▓├œ ┬▓├›├›├Ÿ ├Ÿ├œ ├›┬▓ ├›├œ├›├›├›├›├Ÿ ├œ ├Ÿ├›├› ├œ├›├› ├›┬▓ ├›├›├›├›├›├œ ├›├œ├œ ├Ÿ├œ├œ├œ ├Ÿ├Ÿ├œ├œ├›├›├Ÿ├Ÿ ├Ÿ├›├œ├œ ├Ÿ├œ├œ ├œ├Ÿ ├Ÿ├Ÿ├œ ├Ÿ├œ├Ÿ├Ÿ├œ├œ ├œ├œ├›├›├œ├œ ├œ├œ ├œ├œ├œ├›├›┬▓┬▓┬▓┬▓├œ├œ├œ ├œ├›├Ÿ├Ÿ ├œ├œ├Ÿ├Ÿ├›├›├œ├œ ├Ÿ├Ÿ├Ÿ ├œ├Ÿ ├› ├Ÿ├Ÿ├œ ├Ÿ ├Ÿ├›├œ ├Ÿ┬▓┬▓├Ÿ ├Ÿ ├Ÿ├Ÿ├œ ├›┬▓ ├›├›├›├›├›├Ÿ ├œ├›├› ├Ÿ├›├› ├Ÿ├Ÿ├Ÿ├œ├œ├œ├œ├Ÿ ├ž├� ├›├› ├Ÿ├›┬▓ ├›├Ÿ├›├›├›├›├œ ┬▓├›├›├œ ├œ├Ÿ ├œ├œ├Ÿ ├œ├›├Ÿ - J o i n U s ! - ├Ÿ├œ ├œ├›├›├›┬▓├Ÿ ├Ÿ├Ÿ├›├›├›├›├œ├œ ├Ÿ├Ÿ├œ├œ├œ├œ├œ├›├Ÿ├Ÿ ├œ├œ├›├›├›├›├Ÿ├Ÿ ├œ├Ÿ ├Ÿ├›├›├›┬▓├œ ┬▓├›├›├Ÿ ├Ÿ├œ ├›┬▓ ├›├œ├›├›├›├›├Ÿ Here we are AGAiN! Our team is based on talented and ├Ÿ├›├› ├œ├›├› ├›┬▓ ├›├›├›├›├›├œ experienced people from different known groups which ├Ÿ├Ÿ├œ├œ├›├›├Ÿ├Ÿ ├Ÿ├›├œ├œ capabilities connected together can do something ├œ├›├Ÿ├Ÿ ├œ├œ├Ÿ├Ÿ├›├›├œ├œ outstanding. If you are interested in joining ├›┬▓ ├›├›├›├›├›├Ÿ ├œ├›├› ├Ÿ├›├› us and if you think we might need you then get in ├›┬▓ ├›├Ÿ├›├›├›├›├œ ┬▓├›├›├œ ├œ├Ÿ touch with us at: [email protected] ├Ÿ├œ ├œ├›├›├›┬▓├Ÿ ├Ÿ├Ÿ├›├›├›├›├œ├œ ├œ├œ├›├›├›├›├Ÿ├Ÿ ├œ├Ÿ ├Ÿ├›├›├›┬▓├œ Experienced crackers, coders, software/hardware ┬▓├›├›├Ÿ ├Ÿ├œ ├›┬▓ ├›├œ├›├›├›├›├Ÿ suppliers, shell owners, are currently the ones we are ├Ÿ├›├› ├œ├›├› ├›┬▓ ├›├›├›├›├›├œ mostly looking for. ├Ÿ├Ÿ├œ├œ├›├›├Ÿ├Ÿ ├Ÿ├›├œ├œ ├œ├œ├œ├œ├Ÿ ├œ├œ├œ├œ ├œ├›├Ÿ├Ÿ ├œ├œ├Ÿ├Ÿ├›├›├œ├œ ├œ├œ├œ├Ÿ├Ÿ├Ÿ├Ÿ├Ÿ├Ÿ├Ÿ├Ÿ├œ├œ ├œ├Ÿ├Ÿ ├œ├Ÿ ├Ÿ├œ ├Ÿ├Ÿ├œ ├œ├œ├Ÿ├Ÿ├Ÿ├Ÿ├Ÿ├Ÿ├Ÿ├Ÿ├œ├œ├œ ├›┬▓ ├›├›├›├›├›├Ÿ ├œ├›├› ├Ÿ├›├›├Ÿ├Ÿ├œ├œ├œ├œ├œ├œ├œ├œ ├Ÿ├œ├Ÿ ├Ÿ├œ ├œ├Ÿ ├Ÿ├œ├Ÿ ├œ├œ├œ├œ├œ├œ├œ├œ├Ÿ├Ÿ├›┬▓ ├›├Ÿ├›├›├›├›├œ ┬▓├›├›├œ ├œ├Ÿ├œ├Ÿ├Ÿ ├Ÿ├›├›├› ├œ├Ÿ ├Ÿ├›├œ├œ├œ├œ├œ├›├Ÿ ├Ÿ├œ ├›├›├›├Ÿ ├Ÿ├Ÿ├œ├Ÿ├œ ├œ├›├›├›┬▓├Ÿ ├Ÿ├Ÿ├›├›├›├›├œ├œ ├œ├›├›├œ├œ├œ├Ÿ├Ÿ ├Ÿ├Ÿ├Ÿ ├Ÿ├Ÿ├œ├œ├œ├›├›├œ ├œ├œ├›├›├›├›├Ÿ├Ÿ ├œ├Ÿ ├Ÿ├›├›├›┬▓├œ G r e e t i n g s ┬▓├›├›├Ÿ ├Ÿ├œ ├›┬▓ ├›├œ├›├›├›├›├Ÿ ├Ÿ├›├› ├œ├›├› ├›┬▓ ├›├›├›├›├›├œ ORiON - VRL - EAT - TSZ - SAC - LND - ROR - ECL - TDA ├Ÿ├Ÿ├œ├œ├›├›├Ÿ├Ÿ ├›┬▓ ├œ┬▓├›├Ÿ ├Ÿ├œ ├Ÿ├œ ├Ÿ├œ ├Ÿ├œ ┬▓┬▓├› ├Ÿ├œ├œ ├Ÿ├Ÿ├Ÿ├Ÿ├Ÿ├Ÿ├Ÿ├Ÿ├Ÿ├Ÿ├Ÿ├Ÿ├Ÿ├Ÿ├Ÿ├Ÿ├Ÿ├Ÿ├Ÿ├Ÿ├Ÿ├Ÿ├Ÿ├Ÿ├Ÿ ├›├›├Ÿ├Ÿ├Ÿ├Ÿ├Ÿ├Ÿ├Ÿ├Ÿ├Ÿ├Ÿ├Ÿ├Ÿ├Ÿ├Ÿ├Ÿ├Ÿ ├›├›├Ÿ├Ÿ├Ÿ├Ÿ├Ÿ├Ÿ├Ÿ├Ÿ├Ÿ├Ÿ ├›├Ÿ├Ÿ ┬▓├›├› ├Ÿ├Ÿ├Ÿ├›├›├› ├Ÿ├Ÿ├›├œ├œ├œ ├œ├Ÿ ├Ÿ├Ÿ├œ├œ ├œ├Ÿ ├Ÿ├œ├œ├œ ├œ├œ├Ÿ ├Ÿ├›├›├œ├œ├›├›├›├Ÿ ├Ÿ├Ÿ├Ÿ├›├›├œ├œ├œ├œ ├œ├œ├œ├œ├Ÿ├Ÿ ├Ÿ├Ÿ├Ÿ├Ÿ├œ├œ├œ├œ├œ├œ├Ÿ├Ÿ ├Ÿ├Ÿ├Ÿ├Ÿ├Ÿ ├Ÿ├Ÿ├Ÿ ├Ÿ├Ÿ├Ÿ├Ÿ├Ÿ├Ÿ├Ÿ├Ÿ├Ÿ├Ÿ ├œ ├œ├Ÿ├Ÿ├›├›├œ ├œ ├œ├œ├œ├œ├Ÿ├Ÿ ├›├›├› ├œ┬▓├œ ├œ├œ├›├›├›├›├Ÿ├Ÿ ├œ├›├›├Ÿ ├Ÿ├œ├›├›├›├›├œ├œ├œ├›┬▓┬▓┬▓├Ÿ ├œ├œ├œ├œ├œ├œ ├œ├œ├Ÿ├Ÿ ├œ├œ├œ├œ sCr/strick9! ├Ÿ├Ÿ├Ÿ ├Ÿ├Ÿ├Ÿ├›├›├›├›├›├›├œ├œ├œ ├œ├œ├œ├Ÿ├Ÿ├Ÿ├Ÿ ├œ├œ├›├Ÿ├Ÿ ├Ÿ├Ÿ├Ÿ├œ├œ ├œ├œ├›├›├›├›├œ ┬▓┬▓┬▓┬▓ ├Ÿ├Ÿ├›├›├›├œ ├œ├Ÿ├Ÿ ├œ├›├Ÿ├›├›├œ ├œ├›├›├œ├œ ├œ├Ÿ ├Ÿ├›├›├›├› ├Ÿ├›├›├› ├›├›├› ├ž├� ├Ÿ├œ ├œ├›├›├� ├›├›├� ├œ├œ├œ├œ├œ├œ├œ├œ ├ž├›├›├Ÿ├ž├›├› ├ž├� ├œ├›├Ÿ├Ÿ ├Ÿ├›├›├œ ├›├›├› ├Ÿ├œ ├œ├› ├›├› ├›├›├› ├œ├›├›├Ÿ├Ÿ ├ž├›├›├� ├ž├›├› ├›├›├� ├œ├›├œ├›├›├› ├Ÿ ├ž├›├›├œ ├Ÿ├Ÿ├ž├›├›├� ├Ÿ├›├›├›├Ÿ ├ž├›├� ├ž├›├›├œ├ž├›├›├› ├œ├›├›├› ├œ├›├›├� ├ž├›├› ├Ÿ ├ž├›├›├� ├›├›├›├›├œ ├›├›├› ├Ÿ├Ÿ├œ├œ ├Ÿ├œ├œ ├œ├›├›├œ├œ├Ÿ├Ÿ├›├›├� ├Ÿ├›├›├›├›├Ÿ├ž├›├›├� ├›├›├�├Ÿ├Ÿ├œ├›├›├›├œ ├›├›├› ├ž├›├›├�├Ÿ├›├› ├›├›├› ├›├›├›├œ ├Ÿ├›├›├œ├œ├œ├œ├›├›├Ÿ├Ÿ ├œ├›├›├›├œ ├œ├›├›├Ÿ ├ž├›├›├œ├œ├œ ├Ÿ├Ÿ├Ÿ├›├œ├œ├œ ├œ├œ├›├›├Ÿ ├Ÿ├›├œ├ž├›├›├� ├›├›├›├› ├Ÿ├Ÿ├Ÿ├Ÿ ├Ÿ├›├Ÿ├Ÿ├›├›├›├›├Ÿ├Ÿ ├œ├›├Ÿ ├Ÿ├›├œ ├œ├œ├œ├Ÿ├Ÿ├Ÿ├Ÿ ├Ÿ├›├›├›├›├� ├œ├œ├›├›├Ÿ├Ÿ ├Ÿ├œ├œ ├œ├œ├Ÿ├Ÿ ├œ├›├Ÿ ├›├›├›├œ ├œ┬▓├œ ├Ÿ├›├›├›├›├Ÿ├Ÿ├Ÿ Ascii Header ├Ÿ├Ÿ├Ÿ├Ÿ├Ÿ ├œ├Ÿ├Ÿ├Ÿ├Ÿ├Ÿ├›├œ├œ ├Ÿ├Ÿ├›├›├›├›├œ├›├œ├œ ├œ├œ├œ and layout by Scour/SAC 2003. ├Ÿ├›├›├œ ├Ÿ├Ÿ├Ÿ├›├›├›├›├›├›├œ├›├›├›├Ÿ Ascii footer by Scour and Strick9. ├œ ├œ├›├›├Ÿ ├Ÿ├Ÿ├Ÿ├Ÿ ├œ┬▓├œ ├Ÿ├Ÿ├›├›├œ ├Ÿ ├œ " OOPS WE DID IT AGAiN! " ├Ÿ├›├œ ├›├Ÿ ├Ÿ♪
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