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358 of 790 files computer tool

    Download MEMOCPU.ZIP

    Size 3 kB

  • This download is an executable MS-DOS program that will not run on a modern computer. It needs a DOS emulator such as DOSBox-X, Staging; or a virtualized MS-DOS or FreeDOS system.
    Browsers may flag this download as unwanted or malicious. If unsure, scan it with VirusTotal.
  • Last modified Nov 5, 2017 10:20:09 PM
     MD5 checksum c504a67f3d1238d288f0c0035196c3fc
        Mime type Zip archive data

1998 April 8

  • Zip - DOS / Computer tool
  • Anormal, program credits

Emulating MEMOCPU.COM in DOSee.

Use these tabs to make adjustments to the emulation

If the emulation is taking too long to load, you can turn it off.

Reload DOSee to autorun MEMOCPU.COM

Applying changes will reload the page and reboot the emulator

Changes are not applied until the browser tab is reloaded

DOS programs need a keyboard for user input
Some common keys used in DOS programs

ENTER to select or continue
ESC to navigate back or exit
are often used to navigate menus

Emulation too fast?
Set the emulator to use the 386 CPU configuration

Need to turn off the audio?
Disable sound card support

Have no audio?
  1. Try Gravis Ultrasound hardware
  2. The song or audio file maybe missing from the program

DOSee pronounced dos/see, is our emulator used to run MS-DOS based software in your web browser.

MS-DOS (Microsoft DOS) was the primary operating system used by PCs during the 1980s to the early 1990s and is the precursor to Microsoft Windows.

DOSee is a slimmed down, modified port of The Emularity.

The Emularity is a multi-platform JavaScript emulator that supports the running of software for legacy computer platforms in a web browser. It is the same platform that's running emulation on the Internet Archive.

EM-DOSBox is a discontinued, high-performance JavaScript port of DOSBox that is applied by The Emularity for its emulation of the MS-DOS platform.

DOSee uses BrowserFS ZipFS and ZipFS Extras to simulate zip file archives as hard disks within EM-DOSBox.

DOSBox is the most popular MS-DOS emulator in use today and is frequently used by commercial game publishers to run games from their back-catalogues on modern computers.

DOSee, built on The Emularity, EM-DOSBox and DOSBox. Capture screenshot and save function built on canvas-toBlob.js.

3 items in the archive
[+] Configuration Copy text
;------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; project name: memoCPU ; coder: anormal/kindergarten ; notes: just another CPU emulator designed with protection in mind ; ; ver: 0.001 : Mon 04-06-1998 : initial ; ver: 0.002 : Tue 04-07-1998 : +opcodes & macros ; ver: 0.003 : Wed 04-08-1998 : +emulated code ; +start debugging, tons (really) of fixes :) ; +and finished :) ; *1st working version ; time: 0.001 : 1:15 ; time: 0.002 : 0:50 ; time: 0.003 : 2:10 ; ; ;------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;------------------------------------------------------------------------- code segment org 100h assume cs:code,ds:code ; opcode macros _xor macro orig1,orig2,next_ip db 0,orig1,orig2,next_ip endm _add macro orig1,orig2,next_ip db 2,orig1,orig2,next_ip endm _inp macro dest,cnt,next_ip db 4,dest,cnt,next_ip endm _out macro orig1,next_ip db 6,orig1,0,next_ip endm _mov macro orig1,dest,next_ip db 8,orig1,dest,next_ip endm _stp macro dd 0000000ah endm _jnz macro orig1,ip1,ip2 db 0ch,orig1,ip1,ip2 endm ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------- start: .386 sub eax,eax sub cx,cx sub dx,dx mov si,offset memory mov di,si sub bx,bx nextCycle: mov eax,[si] ;get opcode from next_ip mov bl,al call [bx+offset opcodeTable] shr eax,8 ;the next_ip is in the 1st byte of eax mov si,ax ;si=next_ip add si,di ;+initial offset jmp nextCycle ;emulation procedures ---------------------------------------------------- ;0 xor orig1 ,dorig2 ,next_ip ;dorig2=@dorig2 xor @orig1 opXor: mov bl,ah ;get orig1 mov cl,[bx+di] ;get value of orig1 shr eax,16 mov bl,al ;get orig2 xorit: xor [bx+di],cl ;xor it ret ;2 add orig1 ,dorig2 ,next_ip ;dorig2=@dorig2 + @orig1 opAdd: ;let's do it automodifying the code of opXor mov byte ptr [xorit],bh ;bh is always 0, 0 is the opcode for add :) call opXor mov byte ptr [xorit],30h ;restore the value of the xor opcode = 30 ret ;4 inp dest,cnt,next_ip ;dest=cnt bytes @keyboard opInp: mov cl,ah ;get dest shr eax,16 mov bl,al push bx ;saves ptr to maxcnt mov al,[bx+di] ;get max counter mov maxcnt,al mov dx,offset maxcnt push ax mov ah,0ah int 21h pop ax mov bl,cl ;restore dest mov cl,cnt mov si,offset buffer copy: mov al,[si] mov [bx+di],al inc si inc bx dec cl jnz copy pop bx mov cl,cnt mov [bx+di],cl ;updates maxcnt ret ret ;6 out orig ,nil ,next_ip ;display=@orig1 opOut: mov bl,ah mov dl,[bx+di] mov ah,02 int 21h shr eax,16 ret ;8 mov orig ,dest ,next_ip ;dest=@[orig] - double indirection opMov: mov bl,ah ;get orig1 mov bl,[bx+di] ;get pointer to value of orig1 mov cl,[bx+di] ;get value of orig1 shr eax,16 mov bl,al ;get orig2 mov [bx+di],cl ;xor it ret ;a stp nil ,nil ,nil ;stop cpu opStp: pop ax ;pop the return address to the main loop ret ;c jnz orig1 ,next_ip1,next_ip2 ;if @orig1<>0 jmp to ip1 else to ip2 opJnz: mov bl,ah shr eax,16 cmp [bx+di],bh ;remember bh is always 0 je not0 mov ah,al ;change the nextip not0: ret opcodeTable dw offset opXor,offset opAdd,offset opInp,offset opOut dw offset opMov,offset opStp,offset opJnz ;begin of emulated code -------------------------------------------------- memory: buc1: _mov 141,142,4 ;getchar from string _xor 143,142,8 ;xorit with key _add 145,143,12 ;inc key1 _out 142 ,16 ;print _add 144,140,20 ;dec length _add 145,141,24 ;inc ptr _jnz 140,0,28 ;if length<>0 repeat _inp 162,146,32 ;get 8max bytes pass _mov 158,157,36 ;saves maxcnt buc2: _mov 148,142,40 ;getchar from pass _xor 142,149,44 ;xor var2 with var1 _add 144,146,48 ;dec length pass _add 145,148,52 ;inc ptr _jnz 146, 36,56 ;if length<>0 repeat _add 144,148,60 ;dec ptr _add 144,157,64 ;dec maxcnt2 _mov 148,142,68 ;get last char from pass _add 142,149,72 ;var2+=last char from pass _jnz 157, 56,76 _add 150,149,80 ;add -result to var2 _jnz 149, 96,84 yes: _mov 160,151,88 ;ptr to st2=ptr to st3 _mov 159,154,92 ;key3=key2 _mov 161,152,96 ;length bad=length ok no: _mov 151,142,100 ;getchar _xor 154,142,104 ;xorit with key _add 145,154,108 ;inc key3 _out 142 ,112 ;print _add 144,152,116 ;dec length _add 145,151,120 ;inc ptr _jnz 152,96 ,124 ;if length<>0 repeat _stp filler db 140-(offset filler - offset memory) dup (0) ; begins at 140 decimal dat db lst1 ;140=length of st1 db (offset st1-offset dat)+140 ;141=ptr to st1 db 00 ;142=var1 db 'r' ;143=key1 db 0ffh ;144=-1 db 1 ;145=1 mxc db 8 ;146=8 db 143 ;147=143 db 162 ;148=ptr to pass db 0 ;149=0 ;var2 db -0f0h ;150=-result db (offset st2-offset dat)+140 ;151=ptr to st2 db lst2 ;152=length of st2 db 'u' ;153=key2 db 'v' ;154=key3 db lst3 ;155=length of st3 db (offset st3-offset dat)+140 ;156=ptr to st3 db 00 ;157=maxcnt2 db (offset mxc-offset dat)+140 ;158=ptr to maxcnt db 153 ;159=ptr to key2 db 156 ;160=ptr to ptr to st2 db 155 ;161=ptr to length st3 pas db 19,87,83,71,15,23,84,27,89,58 ;162=pass (initializated with garbage) db 'apocalypse' ; rest of pass, hehehe st1 db 0ah xor 'r' ;st1 xor key1 db 0dh xor ('r'+01) db 'm' xor ('r'+02) db 'e' xor ('r'+03) db 'm' xor ('r'+04) db 'o' xor ('r'+05) db 'C' xor ('r'+06) db 'P' xor ('r'+07) db 'U' xor ('r'+08) db ' ' xor ('r'+09) db 'b' xor ('r'+10) db 'y' xor ('r'+11) db ' ' xor ('r'+12) db 'a' xor ('r'+13) db 'n' xor ('r'+14) db 'o' xor ('r'+15) db 'r' xor ('r'+16) db 'm' xor ('r'+17) db 'a' xor ('r'+18) db 'l' xor ('r'+19) db '/' xor ('r'+20) db 'k' xor ('r'+21) db 'i' xor ('r'+22) db 'n' xor ('r'+23) db 'd' xor ('r'+24) db 'e' xor ('r'+25) db 'r' xor ('r'+26) db 'g' xor ('r'+27) db 'a' xor ('r'+28) db 'r' xor ('r'+29) db 't' xor ('r'+30) db 'e' xor ('r'+31) db 'n' xor ('r'+32) db 0ah xor ('r'+33) db 0dh xor ('r'+34) db 'E' xor ('r'+35) db 'n' xor ('r'+36) db 't' xor ('r'+37) db 'e' xor ('r'+38) db 'r' xor ('r'+39) db ' ' xor ('r'+40) db 'p' xor ('r'+41) db 'a' xor ('r'+42) db 's' xor ('r'+43) db 's' xor ('r'+44) db 'w' xor ('r'+45) db 'o' xor ('r'+46) db 'r' xor ('r'+47) db 'd' xor ('r'+48) db ':' xor ('r'+49) db ' ' xor ('r'+50) lst1 = $-offset st1 st2 db 0ah xor 'v' ;1xx=st2 xor key3 db 0dh xor ('v'+01) db 'B' xor ('v'+02) db 'a' xor ('v'+03) db 'd' xor ('v'+04) db '!' xor ('v'+05) db '!' xor ('v'+06) lst2 = $-offset st2 st3 db 0ah xor ('u') ;1xx=st2 xor key2 db 0dh xor ('u'+01) db 'G' xor ('u'+02) db 'o' xor ('u'+03) db 'o' xor ('u'+04) db 'd' xor ('u'+05) db '!' xor ('u'+06) db '!' xor ('u'+07) lst3 = $-offset st3 ;end of emulated code ---------------------------------------------------- maxcnt db 12 ;more trash cnt db 82 ;more trash buffer db 'heavensfacility' ;more trash, hehehe, nice for lamers code ends end start
MEMOCPU.ASM 84x300 Font