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7101 of 48,823 files

1996 April 20

  • Text / Community drama
4 items in the archive
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AN OPEN LETTER ON DYNASTY'S LAME BEHAVIOUR --------------------------- C U T -------------------------------------------- Jow sehr offen, schaut euch mal den Kacke an und urteilt selbst ueber Zylon :) ---------------------------- C U T ------------------------------------------- TO ALL WHO ARE INTERESTED: We have enough. The members of Dynasty/Vortex/Blacklash and so on are leeching our release, rip them down and re-release them in the past about two days later. But in memory of the thousands of dupe releases in the German scene, we thought nothing about it. Only that we are just two days faster and this groups cannot get the releases as fast as we can... ---------------------------- C U T ------------------------------------------- First of all we have to declare that Dynasty has nothing to do with Backlash. It is just a project between DYTEC/EMPIRE OF DARKNESS/VORTEX and nothing more. Second I just wanna ask everybody in the scene "WHO THE FUCK IS ZYLON ?" Just releasing LAME FULL CD SHIT, PLAYABLE PREVIEWS AND PURE CRAP! Why you sucking gays re-released Fugger 2 totaly unplayable ripped and another title by backlash nearly weeks after the first "working" releases. You are pure lamers who wanna be a part of the scene ... nothing more. Try to make working releases and SPREAD them ... Then you can run to ya mommy and cry ... mal abegesehen davon das Wir nie releases von euch re-releasen muessen da wir (EOD) nicht mal 1. Mark f�r unsere Originale zahlen m�ssen. Wer Originale kaufen muss ist schon ein arg bescheuerter Kerl, gibt Geld aus damit andere ne Kopie davon haben k”nnen oder um bekannt zu werden ... ---------------------------- C U T ------------------------------------------- But now with our six disk release of DIE SIEDLER II we have enough! All Zylon releases are using from now on steganographic techniques to hide data in audio and video files. If steganographic is not applyable we will patch single chars (e.g. a comma will become a point, a capitalized letter will become non-capitalized and so on...) ---------------------------- C U T ------------------------------------------- Who the fuck wanna know what you do with ya crap releases ? Ja genau macht das damit jeder sehen kann das Ihr scheisse labert ! sowas gabs schon zu c64 Zeiten ein paar bytes zu aendern aber bei eurer Lameness werdet ihr wahrscheinlich genau die Bytes changen die das spiel dann zum absturz bringen ... ---------------------------- C U T ------------------------------------------- But the SIEDLER II story so far: Yesterday morning we got the final SIEDLER II sales release from one of our suppliers. (BTW: the real suppliers were never metioned in our .NFO 'cause they are working at game companies or big distributors... That's why Mainframe our Scythe is usualy listed as the supplier) ----------------------------- C U T ------------------------------------------ Toll, am Freitag konnte es jeder Lamer in JEDEM Laden kaufen ... wenn euer Supplier wirklich bei einer Companie oder Distributor arbeiten wuerde haettet ihr es schon am Donnerstag haben k”nnen nur so am Rande ... und wenn ihr nur 15 min dafuer gebraucht habt und ihr es dann gleich ueberall released habt frag ich mich wieso es erst mittags in der cs war wenn ihr es ja schon morgens bekommen habt ihr Lutscher ... ----------------------------- C U T ------------------------------------------ We packed the full CD (about 17 disk - don't remember exaclty), and just deleted the big intro thereafter. And voila the game runs perfeclty. Writing file_id.diz and zylon.nfo and pumped the game in our WHQ - let the journey begin. Six disk for a long awaited game in less that 15 minutes... We were satisfied. BUT... --------------------------- C U T -------------------------------------------- Nobody carez about your suppliers or their private problems ... And nobody reads your .NFOs ... Yep ... Siedler 2 Full - CD is 17 Disks ... of course you were satisfied, coz it was your first real RELEASE besides all this Full CD Crap ... hooray ... someone of the zylonlamers learned ripping jow und 15 min die paar sachen zu packen ist auch nicht gerade schnell und das intro habt ihr auch nur weggelassen weil siedler2.exe die cd checkt aber egal. nur das wir nicht irgend welche unwichtigen boards irgendwo in deutschland callen um zu gucken ob die ach so tollen Zylon das schon released haben ... --------------------------- C U T -------------------------------------------- But then Speedlock (Sysop of our WHQ) started uploading our six disk release to the Cryptic Slaughter. He did not complete the upload due to a lack of time. There was no Dynasty release of SIEDLER II online at this point. 10 Minutes later Maverick of Dynasty called Speedlock's board (The Lighthouse) and leeched the last disk. In the next hour Speedlock completed the upload of our release. And still no Dynasty release was there. -------------------------- C U T --------------------------------------------- Toll wir haben 3 HQs und in allen laesst sich ein release schlecht gleich- zeitig uppen Speedlock just uploaded the first disk of the zylon version to the CS!. Maverick saws this file and as an old Sielder-fan he wanted the rest as well. So he connected the Lighthouse to leech the rest for a fine Siedler-evening. While transferring the disk no. 6 (and only the 6th disk) he got a call from another Dynasty member that they have this release, too. So Maverick dropps the carrier on lighthouse during the xfer .. He made a connect to the other dynasty member to get the game for spreading and gaming ... So after copying the game to his "play-pc" and after checking he starts trading ... first he wanna upload the whole release to the his board the CS! ... upps ... Zylon version was complete now ...sux ... and woh .. DYNASTY Version was online too ... upload 10 mins after the zylon version. And allready spreaded in whole germany. On all major boards in germany the DYNASTY Version was first. And maverick isn't the supplier/ripper of this game. It was supplied by -SL/\SH-, a very fast supplier who worked for Energy before he changed to VORTEX and therefor DYNASTY. It is not enough to buy a game, package it and make a upload to an unknown wanna-be bbs in germany. And maybe one or two serious boards. If you wanna competete with the german scene you have to expand your courier network. Nobody can expect that a group checks all boards in germany if the game is out or not. DYNASTY checked the "leading" boards in whole germany and there was nothing to see from another version except those zylon version at cryptic Slaughter. But it was too late to stop the release. warum auch stoppen, ersten ist die Version laenger und 2. sieht man ja was so einige andere Gruppen releasen ... da verlass ich mich lieber auf MICH als auf andere ... ------------------------ C U T ---------------------------------------------- On the next day Speedlock called a board in Haburg and what came to his eyes: A Dynasty release of SIEDLER II (five disks). How lame. They leeched our full release (only the intro was ripped out in our release - not a single bit more) and ripped some more stuff and re-released DIE SIEDLER II. One disk smaller - just like their dicks. ------------------------- C U T --------------------------------------------- Bist du total bescheuert alter ?!? sadomaehrlich glaubst du die scheisse die du da oben schreibst wirklich !?? Du musst ja unter DROGEN oder noch schlimmerem stehen ?!? schl„fst du auf nem Supermannheft oder wie ?? hier neben mir liegt das original und da haetten wir es noetig euren KACK release zu rippen ?!? toll in 10min leechen packen und wieder uppen ?!? As I wrote above no dynasty member got your full release. only the disks 1&6 Nothing more. ------------------------- C U T --------------------------------------------- Boy, Dynasty are a really a poor bunch of lame jerks... I think mommy has to pay there phonebill and they cannot afford to buy a single game - don't thinking of suppliers. Maybe they have built an altar for Zylon by now... (Oh great masters thanks for letting us rip down your real c00l stuff.) Maybe we should get them some babes, so that they must not longer sit in front of their machine, with the hands on their dicks while getting pics from alt.binaires.pictures.erotica.amateur.female for their sexual needs. Okay - I'm stopping the polemic right here - You can think of the rest. They are not worthy... ------------------------- C U T --------------------------------------------- Alter jetzt langts aber, ich hab schon released gemacht da hast du dir noch an den Eiern gespielt und in die Hand gewixt , und wenn etwas LAME ist dann GELD f�r ORIGINALE zu bezahlen nur um sie zu releasen ... ein Altar sollen wir f�r euch bauen ?!? Alter DU hast dir hiermit ein Grab geschaufelt ... We will see who is worthy and who is not. Better sell all ya hardware and buy yourself a lolly. The only thing I hate is a kid who wanna compare it's shit with serious actions. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The same story happend a few times in the last months. We know that Vortex has leeched our releases and re-released some smaller ones. That's okay for us, because everyone can see that ZYLON was first as usual! And if a group does not have any suppliers it fine when they are only re-releasing smaller versions. But our stuff is always playable with full fun - A full entertaining release is more important than the smallest size. Our time is limited, we have to work and not a whole day time for releasing stuff. TO THE DYNASTY/VORTEX/BLACKSLASH AND SO: If you are leeching our releases and re-release a smaller version mention ZYLON in your NFO as a supplier and everything is fine for us. Don't try to get the credits - it's impossible. The scene knows were the stuff comes from. As mentioned in the beginning. We are now starting to use steganographic technquies for authenticy proof beginning with our next releases on Monday. So mention ZYLON as your Supplier and we will live in peace. There's no need for a war in our sight - there are a lot of release for all of us, but we are well prepared for a war... ------------------------- C U T --------------------------------------------- the scene doesn't even know zylon, speedlock or anyone else from your bunch . so who carez about your so called open-letter. jow und Krieg hast du dir soeben gemacht, vergiss es einfach mich zu dissen ich werd auf euch pissen Ihr seid einfach ZU LAME, es wird immer solche m”chtegern Elite leute geben die mit so ner Kacke versuchen sich ins Rampenlicht zu bewegen ... DO NOT REPLY BECAUSE: - Every reply is a confession of your guilty and lameness. - We do not care about your thoughts at all. - We will watch your releases and let the scene know when this happens again. - The scene knows where the stuff came from - all your statements are futile. ------------------------- C U T --------------------------------------------- It's boring when nobody reply to such crap! - Why the hell should I be guilty ? I have no panic to get lost in "scene" and loose any kind of competition and try to excuse my lameness with so kiddy letters. - It is fine that you don't care about my thoughts - but tell me WHO CAREZ ABOUT YOUR THOUGHTS - IF YOU ARE ABLE TO HAVE SOME - better watch Sendung mit der Maus and let your mommy know when your pampers is full - the so called scene knows the facts .. and that's enough. So there is no need for your rubbish flames, fakes and fertiles ... ja Du hast ja nur schiss das sich jemand die replys durch den Kopf gehen l„sst und sag, jow die haben recht, wer ist eigentlich Zylon ... Ich stell mir nur die berechtigte Frage wenn alle EOD, Dytec, Vortex Backlash releases von euch geklaut sind, wie haben wir das gemacht als es die ober geilen, coolen, elite ZYLON noch nicht gab ?!? haben wir da nur titel aus der Powerplay abgetippt und windows 3.1 released ?!? LAAAAAN, mach doch mal in irgend einem Board Z eod- und schau mal was du da siehts, Games ohne Ende die es NIE von euch Pissern gegeben hat. So kann jeder selbst sehen das Ihr kleine DUMMLABERPISSER seid ... soviel dazu ... No I don't sign this crap here .... I never released any kind of fucking lame text files but this time I had to ... It is unbelievable what some lame kiddies thought who they are. Dazu kann ich auch nur sagen - RECHT hast Du grosser Unbekannter ;) Sign. ein grosser unbekannter aus der scene der jetzt voller ehrfurcht und demut auf den Boden st�rzt und sich gen Zylon verneigt ... Mann ich dachte so ne Kacke gibts nur bei RTL Samstag Nacht ....
ZYLON.NFO 80x246 Font