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97 of 105 files international network of crackers text or ascii

1993 September

The truth about the demise of INC.
  • Text / Community drama
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For those of you who do not know what's been happening with INC this past week, here's a brief explanation. For the past few months, Cool Hand was planning on leaving INC to return to school. Before he left, he started using his INC power to increase his Nintendo collection. He made boards dist. sites for cartridges, and even made someone a member for Street Fighter II. By taking cartridges instead of donations, Joe did not have the cash to pay his main supplier, Ford Perfect. After giving all he had to the group, Ford left and joined Fairlight. The next day the Senior Members of INC ( Night Ranger UK, Gunslinger, Hannibal Lektor, Lestat, and Night Ranger USA ) got together and decided Cool Hand was severely hurting the group. Since Cool Hand had told everyone that he kicked Line Noise out earlier in the year, they had no place to turn. It was imperative Cool Hand be kicked out of the group. Gunslinger had the priveledge of telling Cool Hand this, which was captured on tape and played in this file. Cool Hand ran to Line Noise, who asked the INC members not to use the name INC if they were going to continue being a group. The next day two of the Sr. Members went back to Cool Hand, abandoning the rest of the Sr. Members. Two Members just quit the scene, and three members joined Fairlight. Two thirds of the members who ran INC were then gone, including their suppliers. After Line Noise made everything seem normal, he left the group once again leaving Cool Hand in charge. The problems of INC are obvious. They have absolutely no leadership. Captain Nintendo aka Cool Hand aka Gimme a Nintendo game and I'll make you a member, could care less about INC's financial status or the suppliers. INC has no money and no suppliers. Slowly but surely, various people affiliated with INC are realizing the group is going down and are leaving. September will be the month to tell whether INC will still be around or succumb to the might of Fairlight. If the whole pirate scene would have enough balls to stand up to Cool Hand and tell him to stop using people for personal gain, the scene would get back to the way it was, free competition between groups to see who could get the warez out first, not to see who can get the other group arrested. Which just so happens to be INC's last resort.
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