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35704 of 48,823 files

1995 October 11

  • Text / Announcement
  • Sledge, writer credits
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Hum .. here a quick message for all of you who where calling HiT & RuN BBS in holland. The WHQ of Elite is down for good. Reason why this started was problems with the PC i was running it on, it seems to be fucked up somewhere.., anyway since i have little time for keeping the bbs in check , i decided to quit the whole thing. Never thought i would do a thing like this, after running this bbs for a non-stop period of over 5 years.. ELITE as a group isnt death.. the other members are re-grouping as we speak but it wont be directed by me no longer. 13 years of Piracy have come pretty much to an end now.. no more fame and glory.. oh well.. Quick message towards Aggession : HYPOCRITS ?? I think so, you knew somebody would crack your game sometime. We even waited for more then a month... I wonder if all the programs you used, to code and design this game, were originally purchased? And sources tell me several members have hacked several programs as well, so why try to blaim us for this ? Your financial messe is your end of the stick.. The software house has fucked you guyz over, not us ! Think about that for a change ! Dumb M.F'ers.. this kind of attitude suxx.. So bitch-slaps to all of ya..! Anyway bye bye to all who know me and who i had good time with at parties ! Or maybe see you on IRC #elite on Internet . L8er Sledge/Elite EX-Sysop of HiT & RuN BBS
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